Delivering New Zealand Livestock to the world


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Presentation transcript:

Delivering New Zealand Livestock to the world 新西兰巅峰农牧有限公司 Delivering New Zealand Livestock to the world 把新西兰的优种活畜输送到全世界

Launched in February 2017, PinnacleAg is a 100 per cent New Zealand owned company operating in the live export business across the North and South Islands. 新西兰巅峰农牧有限公司于2017年2月正式启动,业务遍及新西兰的南北两岛,是百分之百新西兰持股的活畜出口有限公司。

Providing end to end supply chain management, PinnacleAg are experts in the procurement of cattle, grazing and quarantine, live export processing, herd health and fulfilment of foreign buyer orders. 巅峰农牧作为活畜出口领域的专家,在牛群收购、放牧、隔离、活畜出口过程以及畜群 健康等方面都有着丰富的经验,能全程提供供应链一条龙服务以满足海外买家的需求。 PinnacleAg holds its own export licence and as per New Zealand government regulations, is certified by the Ministry of Primary Industries - MPI - and exports cattle for breeding purposes only. Cattle exported from New Zealand cannot be for supplied for slaughter. 巅峰农牧自身持有活畜出口许可,且根据新西兰政府规定通过了新西兰初级产业部MPI的 审核,仅以繁育为目的进行出口活畜。由新西兰出口的牛不得提供给屠宰场。 PinnacleAg guarantees the delivery of quality stock whilst keeping animal heath a priority. PinnacleAg can export cattle by sea or by air depending on client requirements. 巅峰农牧以保证动物健康为前提,确保活畜出口的品质。巅峰农牧可以让客户根据自己 的要求,协商选择牛畜经由海运或空运出口。

Who is PinnacleAg? 新西兰巅峰农牧有限公司的组成 Stu, Andy and Des are the three directors of PinnacleAg NZ, with over 100 years experience in the New Zealand Agri-industry between them… 司徒,安迪和戴斯作为新西兰巅峰农牧有限公司的三位董事合起来拥有一百多年以上在新西兰农牧业领域的丰富经验。

Who is PinnacleAg? 新西兰巅峰农牧人员介绍 Stu 司徒 Involved in the NZ agricultural sector for more than 36 years. 新西兰农牧行业超过36年工作经验 Built and managed Elders NZ (Elders) for over 21 years, working directly with 120 Livestock agents nationwide. 创立并管理新西兰艾狄士(艾狄士集团)超过21年, 与新西兰全国超过120 位活畜交易中介有着直接联系及紧密的合作 Successfully launched Elders Live Export internationally. 成功启动了艾狄士活畜国际出口业务 Integral in developing and growing Elders Primary Wool. 是艾狄士原色羊毛产业开发及发展必不可少的成员 Conceptualised and implemented the Just Shorn commercial wool brand in North America. 概念化创立并实现了Just Shorn商用羊毛品牌在北美的建立

Who is PinnacleAg? 新西兰巅峰农牧人员介绍 Andy 安迪 Extensive agricultural experience, ranging from dairy farming, freezer works, share-milking, to leasing a farm and working with Elders New Zealand.  广泛的农业经验,从经营奶牛牧场,屠宰冷库,股份式奶场到租赁牧场并与艾 狄士合作牧养奶牛 Voted Taranaki’s Share-milker of the Year. 经投票赢得塔拉纳基年度最佳乳牛放牧养殖大奖 Starting with Elders in the farm supplies business as a regional business manager and then North Island Farm Supplies Manager, Andy moved into farm consulting – working with farmers to achieve the best possible results, with a focus on animal grazing. 从为艾狄士提供农牧产品开始,安迪以艾狄士区域经理和北岛农场供应经理的 身份开始了与其的长期合作。安迪转型进入农场顾问工作,尤其专注于动物牧 养,以帮助农民获得最佳效果。

Who is PinnacleAg? 新西兰巅峰农牧人员介绍 Des 戴斯 Over 30 years in the New Zealand agri-industry. 超过30年新西兰农牧行业的丰富经验 Comprehensive understanding across the live export supply chain from cattle selection, processing and testing, quarantine, shipping logistics and current government legislation. 对整个活畜出口供应链,从牛的选择、检疫测试处理、隔离、物流运输、到政 府现行的政策法规,都有着全面深刻的了解 Former Wrightson’s Export Operations manager. 前怀特森公司出口执行经理 Former Manager Live Exports for Elder’s International. 前艾狄士国际活畜出口经理 Successfully delivered over 100,000 head to numerous countries around the world. 成功的向世界不同国家输送了超过100,000头活畜

Who is PinnacleAg? 新西兰巅峰农牧人员介绍 Meet the team 其他主要工作人员包括: Stacey - Bachelor of Agriscience from Massey University. 梅西大学农业科学学士 - Former Farm Technician at Lochinver Station, based in the pre-export quarantine and heifer grazing facility. 前任Lochinver Station农场养殖技术指导,专职在出口前隔离场和小母牛牧养场工作。 - Experienced in feed budgeting, heifer weighing and tracking, NAIT and animal tracking software. 对喂养预算安排,小母牛增重测量和跟踪监测, NAIT及动物跟踪监测软件有着丰富的工作经验。

Who is PinnacleAg? 新西兰巅峰农牧人员介绍 Meet the team 其他主要工作人员包括: Lee-anne - Over 12 years in the livestock industry.  超过12年活畜行业工作经验 - Has been in the export business for six years. 6年出口业务工作经验 - Started with Elders Livestock in 2005。 从2005年开始为艾狄士活畜工作 - Moved into the Elders export division in 2011, and then to Elders International in 2014. 于2011年转入艾狄士出口部门工作,2014年转入艾狄士国际。 - Specialises in administration and IT work. 专职负责办公室文案和IT工作

Who is PinnacleAg? 新西兰巅峰农牧人员介绍 Meet the team 其他主要工作人员包括: Rhys - 10 years working in Export facilities and on farms in both New Zealand and Australia, 5 years working aboard livestock vessels to a number of countries.   在活畜出口设施单位和新西兰及澳洲农场合计10年,在活畜运输船工作五年押运活畜至多个国家 - 4 years as a ticketed LiveCorp Accredited Stockman. Completed Advanced Stockperson Masterclass programme. 担任了四年由LiveCorp认可的畜牧仓管主管,并完成高阶畜牧仓管精品班课程。 - Has completed 20 long haul voyages and 21 short haul voyages. 已完成长途远航托运20航次和短途托运21航次

New Zealand Agri-Industry 新西兰农牧业 New Zealand has historically been at the forefront of the agricultural sector… 一直以来,新西兰都坚持处于农牧业发展的前沿…… In developing and commercializing innovations in pastural farming, New Zealand leads the world in its highly efficient farming practices. The country’s reliable rainfall, high sunshine hours, quality soils and abundant natural resources create a strong base for agricultural production.  在草场牧养不断发展及把创新技术应用于商业化生产的进程中,新西兰一 直以其高效的牧养能力引领着世界农牧业的前行。这个国度稳定可靠的降 雨量,高光照时间,高质量土壤和丰富的自然资源为其农业生产提供了坚 实的基础。 The willingness to adopt innovation and new technologies makes New Zealand a leader in the agricultural sector. 对于创新技术和新科技的极高接受度使得新西兰成为了农牧行业的领导者。 The country has a focus on developing and commercializing environmentally friendly, sustainable and healthier farming practices. New Zealand serves as a successful example for other countries to follow. 新西兰高度重视发展环保、可持续性和健康的牧养方式以及牧场的商业化, 并为其他国家提供了值得效仿的典范。

New Zealand Agri-Industry 新西兰农牧业 Leading the way in biosecurity and animal welfare… 引领生物安全和动物健康标准…… New Zealand’s stringent food standards have led to a high- performing primary sector. The country has robust biosecurity measures, and has high levels of food traceability. The World Organization for Animal Health has recognized New Zealand as free of animal diseases.  新西兰严苛的食品标准造就了其强大的初级产业。这个国家有强健的 生物安全措施和高水平的食品源追踪体系。世界动物健康组织已经对 新西兰无多种重大动物疫病的环境进行过认可。 New Zealand has a high international reputation for animal welfare. Because so much of New Zealand's economy is dependent on animals, Codes of Welfare have been established to keep the standards consistently high. 新西兰的动物健康福利一直享誉全球。 因为新西兰的经济很大程度 上依靠农牧业,所以其动物安全健康准则的设立一直都必须保持对各 项指标准则的高标准严要求。 The Animal Protection Index ranked New Zealand first for animal welfare standards across the world. 新西兰动物保护指数位列全球动物健康福利第一名。

New Zealand Agri-Industry Livestock numbers活畜数量 新西兰农牧业 Livestock numbers活畜数量 New Zealand is the world’s 8th largest milk producer, with more than 6.5 million dairy cows producing over 18 billion litres of milk annually. 新西兰是世界第八大牛奶生产地,拥有超过650万头奶牛, 牛奶年产量超过180亿升。 In total there are over 3.7 million beef cattle and 27.3 million sheep farmed in New Zealand. 新西兰全国有370万头肉牛和2730万头奶牛。 Collectively there are approximately 66,000 commercial dairy goats milked in New Zealand. 新西兰总计有大约66,000头商业化牧养产奶的奶山羊。

将新西兰最高品质的活畜出口向全世界的引领者 PinnacleAg Live Exports 新西兰巅峰活畜出口专家 Leaders in delivering the highest quality New Zealand livestock around the world 将新西兰最高品质的活畜出口向全世界的引领者 PinnacleAg’s live export business is based on well-established trade relationships spanning across each part of the supply chain. 新西兰巅峰与供应链中各环节、各部门单位有着长期的良好稳固的合作伙伴关系,这也是公司活畜出口业务建立发展的根基。 These relationships ensure there is transparency and accountability for animal welfare throughout the entire live export process. 这样良好的合作关系确保了整个活畜出口过程的透明化和问责制,以保障动物的健康福利。

Leaders in Live Exports 活畜出口的引领者 Experienced in Livestock Selection and Export 丰富的活畜筛选和出口经验 PinnacleAg’s live export business is based on well-established trade relationships spanning across each part of the supply chain – from the farm, regulatory authorities and offshore buyers. These relationships ensure there is transparency and accountability for animal welfare throughout the entire live export process. 巅峰公司的活畜出口业务依赖与供应链各环节部门良好的长期稳固的合作伙伴关系,包括从与牧场、政策制定机关单位到海外买家等。

Leaders in Live Exports 活畜出口的引领者 Superior livestock & genetics 卓越的活畜和基因组合 Pinnacle Livestock can offer access to genetics to provide purpose bred cattle for export. 巅峰活畜出口可以帮助客户获得专门为出口繁育种牛而特别筛选培育的基因。 The Livestock business will assist with the selection of prime cattle for export and works across New Zealand's North and South Islands to procure the highest quality cattle for export. 活畜业务不但协助客户挑选高质牛,并且为客户跨越新西兰南北两岛收集购买最高质量的出口牛。

Leaders in Live Exports 活畜出口的引领者 Guaranteed Healthy Stock 畜群健康保证 PinnacleAg will manage the quarantine of all stock and will meet the stock arrival at destination points globally. 巅峰农牧协调管理所有畜群的隔离过程,并亲自在全 球的目标口岸迎接畜群抵岸。 PinnacleAg can export cattle by sea or by air depending on client requirements. 巅峰农牧可根据客户要求通过海运或空运来出口奶牛。

Leaders in Live Exports 活畜出口的引领者 Air & Sea Transport空中及海洋运输 PinnacleAg guarantees the delivery of quality stock whilst keeping animal heath a priority. PinnacleAg is experienced in the exportation of livestock by both sea and air. 巅峰农牧以保障动物健康为前提,确保高品质活畜的输送。巅峰农牧对活畜的海运和空运都有着非常丰富的经验。

Leaders in Live Exports 活畜出口的引领者 Certified to Export执照出口 PinnacleAg holds its own export licence and as per New Zealand government regulations, is certified by the Ministry of Primary Industries - MPI - and exports cattle for breeding purposes only. Cattle exported from New Zealand cannot be for supplied for slaughter. 巅峰农牧自身持有活畜出口许可,且根据新西 兰政府规定通过了新西兰初级产业部MPI的审核, 仅以繁育为目的进行活畜出口。由新西兰出口 的牛不得提供给屠宰场。

Experts in Grazing 牧养专家 How well heifers are grown and their body condition at first calving has a big impact on their reproductive performance and milk production in their first season. 小母牛的生长及首次产仔时的身体状况对于她们日后第一季的繁育表现以 及牛奶产量有着至关重要的影响。 Pinnacle Grazing have years of experience in preparing the animals and ensuring they are in the best health for export. Pinnacle Grazing advises, monitors and manages herd grazing to ensure stock arrives in excellent condition. 巅峰公司的牧养专家有着多年的极其丰富的经验能为动物做好充分准备以 确保出口时达到最佳的健康水准。巅峰牧养推广、监控并积极管理畜群的 牧养来确保活畜能在抵达目的地时依然保持极佳的健康状况。

Experts in Grazing 牧养专家 Pinnacle Grazing will assist with feeding levels to ensure weight gain. 新西兰巅峰牧场将负责协助喂养以确保顺利增重。 All livestock are weighed monthly. 所有活畜每月称重 Monitored and recorded daily gain. 监控并记录每日增重 Documented weight gain since commencement of grazing contract. 从牧养合同执行开始全面进行增重记录

Experts in Grazing 牧养专家 Inclusions 服务包含 Drenched monthly with all drench supplied.  每月喂药服务及药物供应 Zinc supplied. 提供锌 In the event the livestock get dry and run out of feed, we assist with cropping, PKE or other supplements. 当活畜遇到干渴和食料短缺时,我们可以帮 助提供草料, PKE或其他补充物。

Experts in Grazing 牧养专家 Cost 费用 Billed monthly on weight gain achieved over the previous month. 按每月较前月实现增重计费 Monthly maintenance fee. 月管理维护费 All targets are doubled plus 10 per cent without a maximum weight ceiling. 所有目标都双倍完成且额外增加10%,增重上 不封顶 Get in Touch 联系我们  Talk through your grazing, livestock and export needs. 欢迎联系我们以进一步了解并满足您的牧养,活畜采购及出口需求。