大连二中盛中华老师 高三英语词汇复习的课件


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Presentation transcript:

大连二中盛中华老师 高三英语词汇复习的课件

Revision of Vocabulary 大连二中 盛中华

序 英国著名的语言学家D.A Wilkins曾经说过“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有了词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。” Without grammar very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed .

四轮复习词汇 1. 教材词汇 2. 手册词汇 3. 试卷词汇 4. 笔记词汇

教材词汇 方法1 Old to New cry examine carefully thankful mainly thin,not fat sob study grateful ,appreciate largely / chiefly mostly slim wear make great efforts to do sth be dressed in struggle to do

教学生利用旧词学习生词,或以旧引新,或以新习旧。 许多单词彼此之间都有联系,有的拼法相似,有的意义相关,如近义词、反义词、上下义词、同音词等。学习时,可以训练学生互相联想,巩固记忆。例如:stand 可以表示“忍受”的意思,学生们还学过bear表示这个意思,然后用他们来引出一个新词――tolerate.,然后还可以联系其他学过的这个意思的词汇: put up with, live with。这样学生就可以在脑海里保存下5个表“忍受”的词汇了,旧词和新词一起记忆了。

方法 2 话题联想-同类词归纳 《必修5》Module 6 Animals in Danger conservation endangered reserve struggle survival survive wild wildlife protection World Wide Fund (WWF)

培养学生的语言运用能力。 用联想进行同类词归纳。在词汇教学中利用联想对同类词进行归纳,不仅有助于对新单词的理解,还可以举一反三,复习已学词汇,巩固记忆,同时增强学生学习的兴趣。同类词归纳有很多方法,如word network(单词网络类),word tree(单词树),word house(单词屋),word pyramid(词汇金字塔)等。例如《必修5》Module 6

手册词汇复习 以教材为载体,围绕话题进行的一轮词汇复习结束后,按词汇手册进行复习,有计划推进,查漏补缺并巩固一轮复习成果。 循序渐进在不同语境下交代不同词义 例词 deliver 《速记手册》投递(信件邮包) 《2010适应性训练(十一)》单选34 (P122) Professor Smith is to deliver an important speech at the meeting to be held tomorrow, but ___ he is absent? (发表演讲)

促进对词汇进一步理解 1. 使词汇意象化和具体化 要求任课教师熟悉学生,包括他们的性格特性及优缺点。所有例句的主题都应该围绕本班学生熟悉的学习生活来展开。具体恰当的例句可以激发学生的学习兴趣,收到事半功倍的效果。

例词 company 《速记手册》公司;伙伴陪伴 《2009大连市双基》完形40 …he doesn’t get much company (陪伴 un.) 拓展例句: Two’s company, three’s a crowd. (两人成伴, 三人不欢)

《2010适应性训练(十二)》完形42题 completely forgetting about my lovely son, the 42 little boy down the road who might be waiting for his daddy. A. careful B. faithful C. grateful D. peaceful

“I’m too poor to furnish my new house.” 造句可以有效地加强学生的写作能力。 2. 引导学生根据语境创作句子 讲解furnish时,可以这样创设 “I’m poor and I bought a house lately. Use “furnish” to make up your own sentence. 学生很容易产出这样的例子 “I’m too poor to furnish my new house.” 造句可以有效地加强学生的写作能力。 a well-furnished house (一模作文) a fully equipped apartment

《2010适应性训练(十二)》完形48题 I noticed my child, who was holding an umbrella in one hand, … and was 48 the biggest smile on his face. A. keeping B. carrying C. expressing D. wearing (穿/戴/蓄/留/搽/系/面带…表情)

3. 适当的翻译练习 在搜寻某一对应表达时,人们联想到的词语将远远超过所需要的”。也就是说,在翻译句子的过程中不仅这个词被激活了还有其它许多关联词的拼写、读音、意义和用法也会被激活.

A man is not finished when he is defeated; he is finished when he quits. 一个人被击倒, 那不叫失败; 他 (主动) 退出才叫失败. ( 对finish的翻译 )

“所有幸福的家庭,都大同小异, 但每个不幸的家庭,却自有其不幸处.” All happy families resemble one another ; Each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

The length of your education is less important than its breadth, and the length of your life is less important than its depth. 教育的广度比其长度更重要, 生命的意义比其长短更重要. ( 注意反译, 加强语气 ! )

试卷中的词汇 根据上下文猜词。鼓励学生通过语境,从上下文的联系来猜测词的意思,并教会学生阅读猜词的方法,如利用文章中的一些词或词组in other words, or, such as, that is 等,或一些符号如冒号、破折号、括号等来猜测词义。 The epidermis—the outer part of the skin—is covered with hair.


利用完形填空, 强化重点词汇记忆: Familiar stories can be told differently or extended in interesting and humorous ways. …At the request of the hare, a second race is arranged and this time, the hare runs without taking a rest and wins. The moral lesson is that fast and …Then it is the tortoise that challenges the hare to a third race along a different route in which there is a river just before the final destination . …The moral lesson is “First identify your strengths , and then change the playing field to suit them.” Both competitors know their own drawbacks and limitations very well; they jointly decide to have one last race— not to decide who the winner or loser is, but just for their own pleasure and satisfaction. The two cooperate as a team. Firstly, the hare carries …Then , the tortoise …swims to the opposite bank of the river. Lastly, the hare…. The most obvious one is the importance of teamwork . Another moral which also means a great deal is “competition against situations rather than against rivals(对手).”

引导学生欣赏词汇 阅读理解试题取材较广,表达地道, 其中不乏优美的词汇, 教师可以引导学生仔细品位用词的精确达意,提高学生的词语辨析能力和写作能力. 动词 There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. 若替换为: go , move, run , come ,它们只描述了物体位置的改变;而advance有一种”逼近”的意味,准确而传神!

引导学生进行词汇欣赏 词组: …you sit in a car that falls from a tall tower and you scream your way down to a safe landing. (一路尖叫…) 原有储备: fight one’s way feel one’s way crawl one’s way make / force one’s way 改变一个词, 就能形象地展现某个特定情景下的动作!

引导学生欣赏词汇 副词: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil’s second largest city, stretches itself lazily along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. “慵懒地”伸展在… (拟人的修辞,传神达意)

the name of a product that is made by a particular company 笔记词汇复习 brand n. the name of a product that is made by a particular company e.g. ‘Nescafé’ is a well-known brand of coffee. Use it What is your favorite brand of shampoo?

starve ① vt. not give or not be given sth. that is needed 使缺乏;使得不到 Translation People in this region are starved of drinking water. The plant was starved of light and died.

starve ② v. suffer or die because there is not enough food, or make sb. else do this(使)挨 饿;(使)饿死 Translation That winter many animals starved to death. I must eat more—I’m starving! Key 那年冬天很多动物饿死。 我得多吃点儿,我快饿死了!

swallow vt. ① cause or allow to go down the throat Translation 食物不经过适当的咀嚼是很难下咽的。 Key If you don’t chew your food properly, it’s difficult to swallow.

swallow vt. ② believe sth too easily Translation He swallowed her story whole. Key 他对她的故事深信不疑。

zone n. an area with a particular quality or use a war zone 战区 a no smoking/ smokeless zone 禁烟区 an earthquake zone 地震带 an economic development zone 经济开发区

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