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Presentation transcript:


Avril children Ruimonala Viney (Avril Ramona Lavigne) is a Canadian pop rock singer, songwriter and actor, and a "skateboard punk" famous, like to wear NIKE, Converse canvas shoes!

Full name: Avril Ramona Lavigne Place of Birth: Ontario, Canada, Napanee Town Birthday: September 27, 1984 Height: 5'1" (160.3 cm) Constellation: Libra Blood type: B type

Avril's fans are considered that she is - Signature: Avril on the Converse Canvas shoes very fond of, has been leading the trend, Rendering with canvas shoes from fever, is a model for imitation music lovers 艾薇儿的歌迷们认为她是--   标志性的:   Avril对匡威帆布鞋非常 喜爱,一直引领潮流,渲起帆 布鞋热潮,是音乐爱好者模仿 的典范.

Avril on the music, fashion, personality, and the definition of sexy has been Widely accepted and imitated by young people, and she is the leader. Avril对音乐、时尚、个性 以及性感的定义被年青人 所普遍接受和模仿,而她 则是领头人。

Avril is a rare set of singing, writing, performing was an Credible: Avril is a rare set of singing, writing, performing was an entertainer, she was passionate and dynamic and full of depth. 可信的:   Avril是难得一见的集演唱、 创作、表演于一身的艺人, 她富于激情活力而又充满深度。

Worldwide: Avril's appeal across age, gender, geographic and cultural boundaries. 世界性的:   Avril的吸引力 是跨越年龄、性别、 地域和文化界线的。

She is a woman leading the pop culture, an explosive full of soul, a true wild girl. She is the kind of about two years or so, it can cause people appreciative of the freak sound. She is the kind of nice sitting in the classroom can not, but full of confidence and determination, and a man went to New York and Los Angeles to hone creative skills of a small town girl. She is the kind of completely relying on their own strength, in order to succeed at all costs, forward-thinking rebellious youth.

一个爆发力十足的灵魂,一个 狂野不羁的女孩。她是那种大约 两岁左右,就能够以声音引起 人们激赏的怪胎。她是那种 没办法乖乖坐在课堂上,但是 她是一个引领流行文化的女子、 一个爆发力十足的灵魂,一个 狂野不羁的女孩。她是那种大约 两岁左右,就能够以声音引起 人们激赏的怪胎。她是那种 没办法乖乖坐在课堂上,但是 却充满了自信和决心,并且 一个人跑到纽约和洛杉矶去 磨练创作技巧的小镇女孩。 她是那种完全靠着自己的力量, 为了成功不计代价,思想前卫 的叛逆青年。

Avril is the right to wear watches. Avril is not good at singing, as well as artistic. Avril like stars and skeletons like those of her official website. Avril has asthma (asthma). Avril fear of flying. Avril does not like when the tide of "Gen Pichong," she wear her favorite clothes and accessories. Avril likes wearing black and white striped

Avril喜欢星星和骷髅 - 就像她的官方网站的那些. Avril有哮喘(asthma). Avril害怕乘飞机. Avril不喜欢当潮流的"跟屁虫", 她穿戴她喜欢的衣服和饰物. Avril喜欢穿著黑白条纹的短袜.

<<Let Go>> 2002-5-1  1. Losing Grip  2. Complicated  3. Sk8er Boy  4. I’m With You 5. Tomorrow 6. Anything But Ordinary 7. Things I’ll Never Say 8. Nobody’s Fool 9. Too Much To Ask 10. I Don’t Give 11. Get Over It 12. Let Go 13. Take Me Away

<<The Best Damn Thing>>2007-4-17   1. Girlfriend   2. I can do better   3. Runaway   4. The Best Damn Thing   5. When You Are Gone   6. Hot   7. Innocence   8. I Don’t Have To Try   9. One Of Those Girls   10. Contagious   11. Keep Holding On 12. I Will Be   13. Alone   14. Everything Back But You

9. Move Your Little Self On 10. You Never Satisfy Me 11. Alone <<All You Will Never Know>> 2008-11-11 1. Headset  2. Falling Into Histor 3. Tomorrow You Didn't  4. Things I'll Never Say  5. All You Will Never Know  6. Once And For Real  7. Make Up  8. Not The Only One 9. Move Your Little Self On 10. You Never Satisfy Me 11. Alone 12. I Always Get What I Want 13. The Scientist 14. Imagine 15. Knocking On Heaven's Door 16. Oh Holy Night

<<alice>> 2010-01-28

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