口病實驗平時考試 (5) 姓名 學號 日期 組別.


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Presentation transcript:

口病實驗平時考試 (5) 姓名 學號 日期 組別

(3/6)-1. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示odontogenic myxoma之特徵

(3/6)-2. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示odontogenic myxoma為central (intraosseous)之組織學特徵

(3/6)-3. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示odontogenic fibroma之特徵

(3/6)-4. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示odontogenic fibroma為peripheral (extraosseous) 之組織學特徵

(3/6)-5. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示ameloblastic fibro-odontoma之特徵 (ameloblastic fibroma area--ameloblastic-like cells, stellate reticulum, fibrosis)

(3/6)-6. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示ameloblastic fibro-odontoma之特徵 (odontoma area--enamel matrix, ameloblasts, dentin/cementum, dental papilla)

(3/6)-7. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示enamel matrix remnant of odontoma

(3/6)-8. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示dentin area of odontoma

(3/6)-9. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示cementum and dental pulp area of odontoma

(3/6)-10. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示cementicle of cemento-ossifying fibroma

(3/6)-11. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示cemento-ossifying fibroma之特徵

(3/6)-12. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示reversal line, resting line of cementoblastoma

(3/6)-13. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示cementocyte, cementoblast of cementoblastoma

(3/6)-14. 口病網頁下載組織病理照片,標示 cementoclast of cementoblastoma

(3/6)-1. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis (口病網頁下載組織病理照片) A 28 years old female patient suffered from pain and gingival swelling for few months on tooth 46 area. She had been to our hospital for treatment, when the radiographic findings revealed a radiopaque lesion over tooth 46 area. For this reason, she was referred to our OS Dept. for further treatment. An excisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis.

(3/6)-2. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis (口病網頁下載組織病理照片) A 14 years old boy came to our Pediatric Dental Dept. for examination of delayed eruption of tooth 12. A periapical film of tooth 12 was taken, and it revealed a small radiopaque cluster of tooth-like structures inferior to the crown of impacted tooth 12. An enucleation was performed, and the specimen was sent to Oral Pathology Dept. for examination.

(3/6)-3. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis (口病網頁下載組織病理照片) A 24 years old male patient was referred from LDC to our OS Dept. for a radiolucent lesion over his right mandibular ramus and swelling of right lower cheek for one month. The radiologic findings revealed a well-defined multilocular radiolucent lesion with some trabeculation which resembles to tennis rackets. An incisional biopsy was performed for differential diagnosis.

(3/6)-4. Explain clinical & histopathological diagnosis (口病網頁下載組織病理照片) A 10 years old girl came to our OS Dept. with her mother for examination of painless swelling over her left cheek for 2 months & congenital missing of tooth 35, 36. Intraoral examination showed prominent gingiva swelling over tooth 36, 37 to the external oblique ridge. The panoramic radiography revealed a well-defined mixed radiolucent and radiopaque lesion which contained calcified material with the radiodensity close to tooth structure. The crown of unerupted tooth 36, 37 was also involved by this lesion. An incisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis.