第十章 連接詞 連接單字、片語及子句 and可以 連接兩個單字,如 Tom and Jerry


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Presentation transcript:

第十章 連接詞 連接單字、片語及子句 and可以 連接兩個單字,如 Tom and Jerry 兩個片語,如 You can’t have your cake and eat it too. (魚與熊掌,不可兼得 ) 兩個子句,如 Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) © Yukon Chang 2005-2007 科技英文

§ 10.1 概論 連接詞有三種 對等連接詞連接文法上同級的結構 對等連接詞(coordinating conjunction) 相關連接詞(correlative conjunction) 附屬連接詞(subordinating conjunction) 對等連接詞連接文法上同級的結構 and, but, or, for, yet, nor, so Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration © Yukon Chang 2005-2007 科技英文

§ 10.1 概論 相關連接詞連接兩個對等的句子元素 both ... and either ... or neither ... nor not only ... but also © Yukon Chang 2005-2007 科技英文

§ 10.1 概論 附屬連接詞將一個附屬子句連接到一個獨立子句 after because in order that so that when(ever) although before now that that where(ever) as if even if once though whereas as long as even though rather than unless whether as though if since until while © Yukon Chang 2005-2007 科技英文

§ 10.2 AND的用法 連接兩或多個對等的單字、片語或子句 從意義、詞性、外型、發音等方面的對等來判斷 Each application is possible because of advances that have taken place in computer hardware and software Although we use a small business context to present these applications, they are equally useful, in various forms, for individuals and for multinational corporations © Yukon Chang 2005-2007 科技英文

§ 10.2 AND的用法 A, B, C, and D的句型時常出現 An electronic spreadsheet combines elements of a calculator, a word processor, a database manager, a graphing tool, a modeling and forecasting tool, and an accountant’s ledger A: a calculator B: a word processor C: a database manager D: a graphing tool E: a modeling and forecasting tool F: an accountant’s ledge © Yukon Chang 2005-2007 科技英文

§ 10.2 AND的用法 The IES promotes the engineering process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing, and applying knowledge about electro- and information technologies and sciences for the benefit of humanity and the profession. © Yukon Chang 2005-2007 科技英文

§ 10.3 複合主詞及複合動詞 複合主詞:多個連接詞連起來的字做主詞 複合動詞:多個連接詞連起來的字做動詞 John and Alice go to a movie 複合動詞:多個連接詞連起來的字做動詞 They sang and danced all night last night 每個動詞可能各自接了受詞補語等其他字 The dimensions of the grid are defined by the software package but are usually in the range of thousands of rows and a few hundred columns © Yukon Chang 2005-2007 科技英文

§ 10.4 連接副詞 連接前後兩個獨立子句以表達其中的關係 連接副詞的放置位置較有彈性 however moreover nevertheless consequently therefore 連接副詞的放置位置較有彈性 However, it is important to begin planning early It is important, however, to begin planning early © Yukon Chang 2005-2007 科技英文