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What is vitamin D? Fat-soluble vitamin

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2 What is vitamin D? Fat-soluble vitamin
Produced when the sun reacts with a substance in the skin A massive 90 % is made by the skin and only 10% comes from the foods we eat Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin It is produced when the sun reacts with a cholesterol like substance in the skin. The body produces the vitamin D and stores excess amounts in the body for later use. So, the vitamin D made in the summer months is stored during the winter when exposure to the sun is less. A staggering 90 per cent of our requirements of vitamin D is made when the sun reacts with a fatty substance in the skin. Vitamin D is also called the sunshine vitamin.

3 什么是维生素 D? 脂溶性维生素 在阳光与皮肤内高脂肪物质反应时产生 90%来自于皮肤,只有10%来自于我们所吃的食物中
因此,维生素D在夏季产生并且储存在体内为冬季缺少阳光暴晒时使用。我们所需要的维生素D有90%来自于阳光与皮肤内高脂肪物质的反应。 维生素D也被称为阳光维生素。 3

4 Benefits of Vitamin D Bone Health Immune Support
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin It is produced when the sun reacts with a cholesterol like substance in the skin. The body produces the vitamin D and stores excess amounts in the body for later use. So, the vitamin D made in the summer months is stored during the winter when exposure to the sun is less. A staggering 90 per cent of our requirements of vitamin D is made when the sun reacts with a fatty substance in the skin. Vitamin D is also called the sunshine vitamin.

5 维生素 D的益处 骨骼健康 免疫支持 维生素D是脂溶性维生素

6 Vitamin D and bone health
Healthy bones and teeth need vitamin D Vitamin D aids the absorption of calcium and other minerals Lack of vitamin D leads to rickets in children In adults, lack of vitamin D can lead to osteomalacia and osteoporosis Both bones and teeth need vitamin D and minerals like calcium to provide the complicated structure that gives them durability and strength. Without enough vitamin D, the bones don’t harden. In small children, this leads to the characteristic bowing of legs; the leg bones aren’t strong enough to carry the weight of the body and the condition is called rickets. Osteomalacia is soft bones in adults and osteoporosis is porous bones in adults. Osteoporosis increases the risk of falls and debilitating fractures. Soft and/or porous bones increases the risk of fractures and falls

7 维生素 D 与骨骼健康 健康的骨骼以及牙齿需要维生素 D 维生素D有助于钙以及矿物质的吸收 缺乏维生素D导致儿童佝偻病
软骨病是指成年人骨骼软弱,而骨质疏松是指成年人骨骼多孔。骨质疏松增加摔倒以及骨骼脆弱的风险。软弱的以及/或者多孔的骨骼将增加骨折以及摔倒的风险。 7

8 Vitamin D and the immune system
Low levels of vitamin D are linked with a wide range of health problems Adequate levels of vitamin D are needed for : general good health normal growth muscle function healthy immune system Health problems linked with low levels of vitamin D include polycystic ovary disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle weakness, memory loss and some cancers. In fact, while it is well known that too much sun exposure can trigger skin cancer, vitamin D and related compounds in skin may actually protect against damage from UV radiation because vitamin D compounds in skin reduce DNA damage after UV exposure. The more that we learn about vitamin D, the more important it appears to be in maintaining and achieving good health

9 维生素D以及免疫系统 缺乏维生素D与许多健康问题有关 以下需要充分水平的维生素D来维持: 一般身体健康 正常生长发育 肌肉功能
健康的免疫系统 缺乏维生素D与健康问题有关,包括早期卵巢疾病、多发性硬化症、类风湿性关节炎、肌肉无力、记忆丧失和某些癌症 。 事实上,虽然众所周知过多的阳光暴晒将导致皮肤癌,但是维生素D以及皮肤上的化合物实际上可以抵御紫外线辐射的伤害,因为皮肤中的维生素D化合物可以减少紫外线照射后对DNA的损坏 。 我们对维生素D了解的越多,它对我们维护以及达到健康的重要性就愈明显。 9

10 The Facts Can you really be low in Vitamin D? What are the statistics?
Are you getting enough Vitamin D? Now let’s look at some facts relating to Vitamin D…

11 事实 你真的可能缺乏维生素D吗? 事实统计数字是什么? 您获得了足够的维生素D吗? 现在让我们看一些关于维生素D的事实吧… 11

12 Can you really be low? Too much sun can cause skin cancer
Sun is also the main source of bone-building vitamin D High percentage of vitamin D deficiency in Australia and New Zealand With so much of sun in Australasia, can we really be low in Vitamin D? We already have the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, caused by overexposure to the harmful rays of the sun. Vitamin D is vital for the absorption of the mineral calcium which is a key component of the bones and teeth. The slip slap slop and cover up health messages have helped to ensure that people are much more careful when out and about in the sun. But And surprisingly, many of us have low blood levels of vitamin D. Getting enough vitamin D is important for many reasons.

13 你真的可能缺乏维生素D吗? 太多的阳光暴晒将导致皮肤癌 阳光也是骨架构建中维生素D的主要来源
由于过多的暴晒于有害的阳光紫外线下,我们已经是全世界中皮肤癌发病率最高的国家。 维生素D对矿物质钙的吸收至关重要,这是骨骼与牙齿的重要组成部分。 阳光浴之前穿上T恤,涂上防晒霜,带上帽子并且做好遮掩,类似的健康信息帮助确保人们外出在阳光下时,更小心谨慎。但是令人吃惊的是,我们许多人血液中维生素D水平低。获得足够的维生素D很重要,原因有很多。 13

14 % of people low in Vitamin D
估计… Rebecca Mason教授估计在大洋洲地区: 新西兰成年人营养调查 : 32% 的新西兰人口低于推荐的血液维生素D水平 % of people low in Vitamin D Males Females Summer-autumn 27% 40 % Winter-spring 35% 58% 来自悉尼大学的Rebecca Mason教授估计大约有三分之一的人口缺乏维生素D。“从一份大型的澳大利亚调查报告(AusDiab),超过40%的女性,27%的男性在夏秋季节维生素D水平低,这一数字女性在冬春季节上升到58%, 男性则上升到35%。”刚卸任的澳大利亚和新西兰骨骼与矿物质协会前主席 Rebecca Mason教授说。 成年人营养调查 2008/2009结果表明: 32% 的新西兰人口低于建议的血液维生素D水平

15 % of people low in Vitamin D
The estimates… Professor Rebecca Mason estimates that in Australasia: Adult Nutritional Survey in NZ : 32% of NZ population are below the recommended blood level of Vitamin D % of people low in Vitamin D Males Females Summer-autumn 27% 40 % Winter-spring 35% 58% Professor Rebecca Mason from the University of Sydney estimates that around a third of the population is deficient in vitamin D. ‘From a large Australian study (AusDiab), over 40 per cent of females have low levels in summer-autumn and 27 per cent of males and this figure rises to 58 per cent of females not having enough vitamin D in winter-spring and 35% males at that time,’ say Immediate Past-President of the Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society, Professor Rebecca Mason. Adult Nutrtional Survey 2008 / 2009 Results : 32% of New Zealand population are below the recommended blood level of vitamin D. 15

16 Are you getting enough D?
There are very few symptoms of D deficiency: General aches and pains Low resistance to infections including colds and flu Ask your doctor for a vitamin D test to find out Low vitamin D levels used to be a problem for people living in dark and/or wintery climates without much access to sunshine – particularly in the northern hemisphere. Yet low vitamin D levels are a proven problem here, even in the sun-drenched southern hemisphere. Generally there are few symptoms of deficiency except general aches, pains and tiredness. More extreme symptoms are only seen when the deficiency is severe; these include bone deformities and intense pain. If you are unsure and in doubt, it is ideal to take a vitamin D test.

17 您获得足够的维生素 D吗? 有许多维生素D缺乏症状: 一般的疼痛 对感冒以及流感抵御能力低 咨询您的医生进行检查

18 Who is most likely D deficient?
Higher targets for optimum health More people in higher risk groups: Don’t go out in the sun much Older people Naturally dark skin Covered up with clothing Clinically obese People working indoors Entertained indoors We use a target value for vitamin D based where most bone and muscle function is close to normal and this is higher than the figure we used to use. There are also more people in higher risk groups than before. For example, Our ageing population means that people don’t or can’t get out in the sunshine as much. Ageing also reduces the ability to effectively make and use vitamin D. There are more people with naturally dark skin and the pigment melanin block the absorption of the UVB that that is needed to make vitamin D. More people who cover up with clothing which provides a barrier to the sun More obese people – as many as 60 per cent of people are now classed as overweight in Australia and as well as having a whole host of health problems, it means that although the body may contain stores of vitamin D, the vitamin can’t be released for use – it gets stuck in fat. Long working hours indoors and more indoor screen time entertainment means that there is less opportunity to get out and about in the sun. People with osteoporosis and babies of mothers who are low in vitamin D especially if they are being breast-fed also fall into the high risk group for vitamin D deficiency.

19 谁最可能缺乏维生素D? 对最佳的健康有更高目标者 越来越多的人属于高风险人群: 不外出获得足够日晒的人 老年人 自然黝黑肌肤的人
外出时,严密防护的人 临床上肥胖的人 长期室内工作的人 在室内娱乐的人 现在我们所用的维生素D的正常范围数值是以功能正常的骨骼和肌肉中的维生素D含量为基准。因此,现在用的参考数值比以前要高 比起以前,现在有越来越多的人属于高风险人群。举例来说, 我国人口老龄化意味着人们没有或不能外出获得足够的日晒。老龄问题也降低有效地产生和利用维生素D的能力。 有更多的自然皮肤黝黑的人,黑色素阻挡吸收可以用来制造维生素D的紫外线。 越来越多的人穿上外套外出,为阳光照射提供了障碍。 更多肥胖的人 – 在澳大利亚多达60%的人现在属于超重人群,同时有一大堆的健康问题,这意味这尽管身体内储存了维生素D,但仍然无法释放被利用- 这是因为它被卡在脂肪中。 长时间的在室内工作并且更多的对着屏幕娱乐意味着更少机会外出而获得阳光。 骨质疏松症患者以及有些婴儿的母亲缺乏维生素D,特别是她们正在母乳喂养阶段,他们均属于缺乏维生素D的高危险人群。 19

20 How much Vitamin D do we need?
50 nmol/L 50 nanomoles per litre of plasma is recommended Note: Upper limit is 100 μg (micrograms) day (4000 IU/day) and adverse events can be seen above this level Boys and girls 1-18yrs 15 μg (micrograms) day (600) (IU/day) Adults (male and female) 19-70yrs 15 μg (micrograms) day(600) (IU/day) Adults (male and female) 71+yrs 20 μg (micrograms) day (800) (IU/day) The minimum acceptable vitamin D level is 50 nmol/L (this is what is recommended on the basis that at this level, bone and muscle function is close to normal and so is the handling of calcium by the body).Some groups recommend even higher levels, with some, though not conclusive evidence.’ The revised US Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) for vitamin D are based on the amounts of vitamin D needed to maintain serum levels >50 nmol/L of blood with minimal exposure to sunlight. These revised US Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) for vitamin D are based on the amounts of vitamin D needed to maintain serum levels >50 nmol/L of blood with minimal exposure to sunlight.

21 我们需要多少维生素D呢? 男孩和女孩 1-18岁 注意:上限是100微克(微克)天(4000 IU /天),超过这一水平将起到反作用
50纳摩尔每升血浆建议 注意:上限是100微克(微克)天(4000 IU /天),超过这一水平将起到反作用 男孩和女孩 1-18岁 建议15 μg (微克)/天(600 IU/天 ) 成人(男性和女性) 19-70岁 建议15 μg (微克)/天(600 IU /天) 成人(男性和女性)71岁以上 建议20 μg (微克)天(800 IU/天) 可接受的最低维生素D水平是50纳摩尔每升血浆(这样建议是基于在骨骼和肌肉以及人体处理钙的功能均接近正常这一水平上)。一些团体推荐甚至更高的水平,而有一些团体并没有确凿的证据。美国修订的每日维生素D水平建议值((RDA)是基于维生素D水平可以保持血清水平>50nmol/L的基础上, 同时尽可能不在阳光下曝晒。 美国修订的每日维生素D水平建议值((RDA)是基于维生素D水平可以保持血清水平>50nmol/L的基础上, 同时尽可能不在阳光下曝晒。 21

22 How do I get vitamin D? Safe Sun Food Supplements
With the lifestyles we lead it is important for us to be aware of ways in which we can ensure we get our share of Vitamin D. The sun is the primary source of vitamin D, so getting some safe sun is imperative. Getting all your vitamin D needs from foods is virtually impossible – a combination of safe sun and vitamin D-containing foods are a must. Supplements may also be needed. Let us delve a little more into each of these…

23 我怎样获得维生素 D? 安全的阳光 食物 补充品 我们的生活方式对于我们获得维生素D的途径非常重要。阳光是维生素D的主要来源,因此获得一些安全的阳光至关重要。 完全从食物中获取您需要的维生素D几乎是不可能的, 因此,安全的日照和食用含维生素D的食物- 这样的组合是一个明智的选择。补充品同样也是需要的。 让我们对这些多一点深入的了解… 23

24 Vitamin D from Safe Sun Sun is our major natural source of vitamin D
Sun exposure of six to eight minutes in peak UV periods everyday should help to meet the average person’s requirements Professor Mason advises that the energetic UVB-rays that make vitamin D are around for most of the day in summer, but only around noon in winter, particularly in southern parts of Australia.’ ‘In winter, the sun exposure to arms or equivalent needs to be around noon and for from seven minutes (Cairns) to 30-40mins (Hobart) most days, hands, or equivalent area of skin exposed, spread over a week to maintain adequate vitamin D levels.’ Getting the vitamin D you need from the sun may also be tricky – in winter, you don’t make vitamin D early morning or late afternoon in winter. And in the summer, you risk too much exposure from damaging UVA rays. Australia currently advises 50 nmol/L of blood or higher to allow for a nmol/L decrease over winter, similar to official policy in the US, some groups in US are suggesting closer to 80 nmol/L is best to aim for. In summer, you risk too much UVA exposure for the amount of vitamin D you make and in winter, in most of Australia you won’t make any vitamin D early morning or late afternoon’ says the University of Sydney’s Professor Rebecca Mason For most people exposing the arms and hands or equivalent area of skin on either side of the peak UV periods (10am-3pm) for six to eight minutes on most days of the week should be enough for the body to produce the vitamin D it requires.

25 来自安全阳光的维生素D 阳光是我们维生素D的主要来源 每天在低紫外线照射期间暴晒于阳光底下6到8分钟,应该就可以帮助实现人体的平均需求
Mason教授提出夏季的大多日期中,充满活力的阳光紫外线都可以产生维生素D,但是在冬季,尤其是在澳大利亚的南部地区,只有大约在中午的时间, 阳光才能产生有用的维生素D。 “在冬季,胳膊或同等面积的皮肤在阳光下曝晒需要在中午前后,并且从7分钟(凯恩斯)持续到30-40分钟(侯巴特),在大部分的天数中,手或同等面积的皮肤暴露在阳光中的时间应延伸至一个多星期,来保持足够的维生素D水平。 ” 从阳光中获得维生素D可能很困难- 在冬季,你不会从清晨或者傍晚的阳光中获得维生素D。而在夏天,你将冒着过多暴晒于有害紫外线下的风险。 澳大利亚目前建议每升50纳摩尔血浆,或者允许提高每升10-20纳摩尔, 而在冬季减少,与美国的官方政策相似,在美国的一些团体正在建议提高最佳目标摄取量至每升80纳摩尔。 “在夏天,您冒着过多暴晒于阳光紫外线下的风险来获取维生素D,而在冬天,在澳大利亚的大部分地区,你不可能从清晨或傍晚时期获得维生素D” 悉尼大学Rebecca Mason教授说。 对于大多数将胳膊和手,或同等面积的皮肤在一周内的大部分天数内,于紫外线最强的时段(上午10点到下午3点)暴露6到8分钟的人来说,应该就可以获得人体所需的维生素D. 25

26 Vitamin D from Food Primarily from fortified foods including:
Oily fish (salmon, sardines and swordfish) Vitamin D fortified foods (breakfast cereals, milk, butter, eggs, meat, etc.) UV-exposed mushrooms You’ll find Vitamin D in foods such as oily fish (salmon, sardines and swordfish) and cod liver oil. Fortified foods also can contribute to your Vitamin D consumption, such as Vitamin D fortified breakfast cereals, eggs, butter, fortified milk and meat. UV-exposed mushrooms are also a good source of vitamin D. 

27 来自食物的维生素D 主要来自于强化食品包括有: 维生素D强化食品 (谷物早餐, 牛奶, 黄油, 鸡蛋,肉等) 经过紫外线暴晒的蘑菇
油性鱼(三文鱼、沙丁鱼和剑鱼) 维生素D强化食品 (谷物早餐, 牛奶, 黄油, 鸡蛋,肉等) 经过紫外线暴晒的蘑菇 您将从像油性鱼(三文鱼,沙丁鱼以及剑鱼)以及鱼肝油这样的食物中找到维生素D 强化食品同样也可以为维生素D提供帮助,例如维生素D强化谷物早餐,鸡蛋,黄油,强化牛奶以及肉类 经过紫外线暴晒的蘑菇同样也是维生素D的很好来源 27

28 Vitamin D from Supplements
Helps bridge the nutritional gap Assumes prime importance for those at risk of deficiency Benefits those with sun-sensitive skin Support for the immunosuppressed Vitamin D supplements will help bridge the gap between your body’s optimal requirement and the amount you obtain from safe sun exposure and foods. ‘Vitamin D supplements are suitable for people who are advised not to go outside, people with sun-sensitive skin and people who are immunosuppressed,’ says Professor Mason.

29 来自补充品中的维生素D 帮助弥补营养缺陷 为维生素D缺乏风险承担最主要的重要作用 为那些有皮肤敏感的人提供益处 支持免疫力低下者
“维生素D补充品适合于那些被告知不能外出,皮肤对阳光敏感的人以及那些免疫力低下的人”,Mason 教授说。 29

30 Supplementing with USANA Nutritionals
USANA was one of the first global producers to act on emerging scientific evidence on vitamin D and raised the vitamin D Included in the EssentialsTM range USANA’s Vitamin D supplement for the vitamin D deficient While it is a very topical subject right now as more and more research reveals the wide-ranging functions of vitamin D, USANA was one of the first global producers to take note of the emerging scientific evidence and react to it.

31 补充USANA营养补充品 包括在基本营养素系列产品中 USANA维生素D补充品有利于维生素D缺乏症
现在越来越多的研究表明维生素D的广泛功能,并且成为现今热门话题,USANA 是全球第一个通过增加维生素D配方水平来响应维生素D新研究证据的制造商之一 。 31

32 USANA’s Essentials EssentialsTM - Mega Antioxidant – vitamin D increased from 150IU to 200IU per tablet BodyRoxTM – vitamin D increased from 133IU to 333IU per tablet (Essentials is USANA’s flagship product and the foundation for vitamin and mineral supplementation for every adult, everyday. USANA increased the quantity of vitamin D significantly on the basis of emerging scientific evidence on the increase in the incidence of deficiencies of this vital nutrient. BodyRox is USANA’s multivitamin and multimineral supplement for teenagers and Usanimals is USANA’s multivitamin and multimineral supplement for children) ‘Take them for about three months to raise vitamin D levels to a plateau. And for those who are more than mildly deficient in vitamin D, more than 1000IU a day might be required.’ In summer, you risk too much UVA exposure for the amount of vitamin D you make and in winter, in most of Australia you won’t make any vitamin D early morning or late afternoon’ ‘USANA was one of the first global manufacturers to respond to the emerging evidence on vitamin D by dramatically increasing the levels of D in its formulations. ’ This includes its multivitamin formulations for adults, teenagers, and young children. This is proof that USANA is led by science and not by market hype, he ends. Mega AntioxidantTM – vitamin D increased from 150IU to 200IU per tablet BodyRoxTM – vitamin D increased from 133IU to 333IU per tablet UsanimalsTM – vitamin D increased from 200IU to 400IU per tablet Note: anyone with a vitamin D deficiency should discuss intake levels with his or her physician. UsanimalsTM – vitamin D increased from 200IU to 400IU per tablet

33 USANA的基本营养素 基本营养素TM – 超级抗氧化剂 –维生素D的含量从每片150IU增加到200IU
(基本营养素是USANA的拳头产品,它为成年人每日的维生素和矿物质提供补充。 在以维生素D这种重要物质缺乏率上升的新研究证据为基础,USANA显著增加了维生素D的含量。青少年营养素是USANA为青少年准备的多种维生素和多种矿物质补充品,儿童基本营养素是为儿童准备的多种维生素和多种矿物质补充品) “服用三个月的补充品才能将维生素D提升到高峰水平” “而对于那些偏严重的维生素D缺乏症的人,每天摄取超过1000IU可能是需要的。” 在夏天,你将为了获得大量的维生素D而冒着暴晒于强烈紫外线中的风险,而冬季,在澳大利亚的大部分地区,您将不会在清晨或傍晚得到任何的维生素D”. “USANA 是全球第一个通过增加维生素D配方水平来响应维生素D新研究证据的制造商之一。这包括在其成年人,青少年和儿童多种维生素产品配方中’ ,他最后说明,‘这证明USANA一直都是引领科学,而非迎合市场的炒作” 超级抗氧化剂-维生素D的含量从每片150IU增加到200IU 青少年基本营养素 – 维生素D 的含量从每片133IU增加到333IU 儿童基本营养素-维生素D 的含量从每片200IU增加到400IU 请注意:任何缺乏维生素D的人都应与他或她的医生咨询摄入量。 儿童基本营养素TM –维生素D 的含量从每片200IU增加到400IU 33

34 For the vitamin D deficient
USANA’s Vitamin D – also known as the Sunshine Vitamin – is USANA’s product of the month, and is for the vitamin D deficient. For the vitamin D deficient

35 USANA’s Vitamin D – also known as the Sunshine Vitamin – is USANA’s product of the month, and is for the vitamin D deficient. USANA的维生素D- 也被称为是阳光维生素- 是USANA的本月推荐产品,并且有利于维生素D缺乏症 有利于维生素D缺乏症 35

36 Each tablet contains 1000 IU/25 mcg of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
USANA’s Vitamin D Each tablet contains 1000 IU/25 mcg of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) Benefits of USANA’s Vitamin D include: Helps to maintain healthy bones Supports efficient calcium absorption Necessary for normal bone mineralisation Important for the maintenance of muscle strength Supports robust and normal healthy immune function

37 USANA 的维生素D 每片含1000IU/25微克维生素D3 (胆钙醇) USANA维生素D的益处: 有益骨骼健康 有效支持钙的吸收
骨骼正常矿化的必需营养 维持肌肉强度的重要营养 支持强健的免疫功能 37

38 USANA’s Vitamin D Professor Mason commented on USANA’s vitamin D preparation saying ‘Vitamin D3 supplements as cholecalciferol provide the same form of vitamin D as we make in the skin and supplements are a reasonable way to improve vitamin D status if more sun exposure is not practical (if you do too much indoors, if you have dark skin, if it is culturally inappropriate and for older people who don’t want to go out or can’t do so)! USANA Vitamin D; each tablet contains vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 1000 IU/25 micrograms.

39 建议服用: 每日一片,并与食物共同服用.维生素补充品不应替代平衡的饮食。按指示服用. 并总是阅读标签
USANA的维生素D Mason教授对USANA的维生素D评价说 “像胆钙醇这样的维生素D3补充品提供同我们皮肤中产生的同样形式的维生素D,摄入补充品是改进维生素D水平的比较合理的方式,如果更多的阳光暴晒不可行的话(如果你太长时间在室内,如果你肤色黝黑,如果因为文化上无法融入而不愿外出,如果是老年人不愿外出或不能外出)” USANA维生素D每片含1000IU/25微克维生素D3(胆钙醇) 建议服用: 每日一片,并与食物共同服用.维生素补充品不应替代平衡的饮食。按指示服用. 并总是阅读标签

40 What’s next? Ask for a vitamin D test to check your vitamin D levels
If you are deficient or borderline low, act on a good regime of safe sun exposure, fortified food and supplementation Ask for a vitamin D test. Although vitamin D levels can be checked with a blood test, deficiency is not something that’s on every GPs radar so ask for a test and check out your vitamin D levels. If you are deficient or borderline, act on a good regime of safe sun exposure, fortified food and supplementation

41 下一步应该怎样做? 进行一次维生素D检测,来获得你的维生素D水平
进行一次维生素D检测。尽管可以通过血检来检测维生素D的水平,但是不足之处是不是每一个检测仪在您要求做的检测中都可以检查出您的维生素D水平 如果您缺乏或者接近于缺乏维生素D,行动起来制定良好计划,获得安全的日晒,食用强化食品并且摄取补充剂。 41

42 For more information The vitamin D deficiency Guide: of Medicine of the National Academies (US): Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D Cancer Council: SunSmart/VitaminD.htm Sun Smart app for iPhones and iPad: References available on request

43 更多信息 维生素D缺乏症指南 of Medicine of the National Academies (US): Dietary 钙质和维他命d癌症委员会参考摄入量: SunSmart/VitaminD.htm iPhones and iPad 日光智能应用程序 可根据要求提供参考文件 43

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