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Love and the Self Robert N. Bellah

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1 Love and the Self Robert N. Bellah
Group members: ①陈洋 ②耿香香 ③李永才 ④马亚红 ⑤钱银银 ⑥汪庆凤 ⑦郑小芳 ⑧ 张明明 ⑨ 庄丽 ⑩孙艳 、黄子燕 Presenter : 耿香香 Time: November 30, 2010

2 Content Ⅰ、作者简介 Ⅱ、背景知识 Ⅲ、文章内容概要 Ⅳ、东西方现代爱情观比较 Ⅴ、实践目的 Ⅵ 、翻译技巧解析:
①增词、选词、换序 ②修辞格:排比、比喻 Ⅶ、段落赏析、雅句品读

3 The Introduction of The Author Robert N. Bellah
Robert N. Bellah, professor of sociology and comparative studies at University of California in Berkeley. Masterpieces: Habits of the Heart(1986) The New Religious Consciousness

4 文章背景 本文选自罗伯特贝拉等人所著的《心灵的习性》一书,本书通过对美国社会的各层次、各领域、各人物和传统的考察,展示了美国人的生活观、爱情婚姻观、参与意识、公民生活、宗教活动等,揭示了贯穿其中的主旨,个人主义和公共责任。

5 Brief introduction of this article
The author, first shows us several surveys, which indicate that Americans believe in love as the basis for enduring relationships. However, it’s hard to find love that you can fully get yourself in. Many people, especially females, often lose themselves in their marriages. The author believes that losing a sense of who one is and wh at one wants can make one less attractive andless interesting, to be a person worth loving, one must assert one’s individuality.

6 东西方现代爱情观比较 东方女性:独立意识模糊,对男性的依赖心理依然不减。 西方女性:独立、自主、尊重、信任。

7 实践目的 探寻散文的翻译原则 准确再现散文之意 恰当保持散文之形 消除隔阂拉近距离

8 Translation skills ㈠增词
⒈ At the same time, it offers intimacy, mutuality and sharing. ①与此同时,爱情能让人拉近彼此距离、增进相互理解、学会共同分享。 ②与此同时,爱还给人带来亲密感、互动和分享。 原句中的“intimacy”, “mutuality ”, “sharing”为名词,在①句翻译中运用了增词的手法,将其翻译成动宾结构,②句为直接翻译,没有体现语言的优美。

9 ⒉Many speak of sharing—thoughts, feelings, tasks, values, or life goals—as the greatest virtue in a relationship. ①思想沟通、情感交流、责任分担、价值共享或是目标同往,这些都可看成是婚姻关系中的最重要的品质。 解析:原句中的共用一个动词,在①句的翻译中运用增词手法翻译成主谓结构,②句为直接翻译,各有特色。 ②很多人都提到了分享,分享不同的思想、情感、责任、个人价值以及人生理想,分享是一种美德。

10 ㈡选词 ⒈ “somewhere along the line,”he just assumed “that’s where our relationship was headed.” ①他确信,“在我们相伴的路上,婚姻就是爱情的最终归宿。” ②姻缘命中已注定,我们的爱只需坚定不移地走下去。 解析:原文中的“along the line”本意为“在某一环节上”,此处应结合原文译为“在爱情相伴的路上”,切合文意。②句中将该词融于文意,是另种风格的体现。

11 ⒉ I seemed to want to hang on to people too much
⒉ I seemed to want to hang on to people too much. It was almost as though I devoured them. ①我似乎过于把别人紧抓不放了。就好比将他们吞进肚里一样。 ②我似乎是太过于依附他人了,就恨不得将他们整个囊入怀中。 解析:原文中的“hang on to”以及“devoured”等词在①的译文中为直译。在②句中为意译,更为生动地展现了女主人翁对爱情强烈的占有欲。

12 ㈢换序 But giving up one’s self, a subtle shift in emphasis from “unselfishness”,may, in the contemporary middle class, as in Nan’s case, lead to losing precisely the self that was loved——and perhaps losing one’s husband.

13 解析:原文中多插入语,为体现插入语的翻译手法,在翻译中应注意插入成分的顺序、程度等环节,使翻译更加通畅。
① 在楠的那个时期的中产阶级中,以她为例,把“舍弃自我”误解为“无私奉献”,导致的结果就是——丧失那个原本被爱的自我,甚至是深爱的丈夫。 ② 但在楠的那个时期的中产阶级中,像她这样,舍弃自我——这种被其曲解为“无私奉献” 的观念,可能会使那个曾经被爱的自我——甚至是深爱的丈夫,不复存在。

14 ①爱情是美好的,它让人焕然一新, 让人如沐春风, 让人感受到家的温暖。 ②爱情因之不断成长,因之温暖彼 此,因之关照你我,而无比美好。
㈣排比 1、A love relationship is good because it works, because it “feels right”, because it is where one feels most at home. ①爱情是美好的,它让人焕然一新, 让人如沐春风, 让人感受到家的温暖。 ②爱情因之不断成长,因之温暖彼 此,因之关照你我,而无比美好。 ③爱情的美妙在于它真实,戚戚于心,并让人有如家般的温暖。 解析:原文中连用三个排比句式,逐层递进,在译文①②得到了展现。

15 ⒉The ironic consequence of passively adapting to others’ needs is that one becomes less valuable, less interesting, less desirable. ①一味的去迎合他人的需求,那后果就是:一个人变得越来越没有价值,越来越没有魅力,越来越没有追求。 ②讽刺的是,一味的顺从别人只会让自己愈加卑微,愈加乏味,愈加心如死水。 解析:这里的在运用了排比的修辞手法, 生动形象。

16 It just felt right, and it was like being caught in the flow.
㈤比喻 It just felt right, and it was like being caught in the flow. ①爱就是这种感觉,仿佛一叶扁舟在碧波中顺风飘荡。 ②爱让人感觉舒适,像是在随波徜徉。 ③爱是那样正中心怀,让人犹如随波徜徉一般妙不可言。 解析:此处的“caught in the flow”运用了比喻,形象的展现了男主人翁在爱情的世界里自由徜徉的美妙。

17 并非每对夫妻都能邂逅Fred和Marge所传达出的那种确定无疑的爱情。
Paragraph appreciation Not every couple finds the easy certainty of love Fred and Marge convey. 并非每对夫妻都能邂逅Fred和Marge所传达出的那种确定无疑的爱情。 But most couples want a similar combination of spontaneity and solidity, Freedom and 然而绝大多数的夫妻都渴望这样一种爱情的结合——偶然而恒久,独立 intimacy. Many speak of sharing----thoughts, feelings, tasks, values or life goals----as 且亲密。思想沟通、情感交流、责任分担、价值共享或是目标同往, the greatest virtue in a relationship. Nan, a divorced secretary in her mid-forties, describes 这些都被看成是婚姻关系中的最重要的品质。 Nan是个文秘,四十多岁 how, after being alone for many years, she fell deeply in love. “I think it was the sharing, 时就离婚了,在经历了多年的单身生活后,她终于又坠入了爱河。 “我 the real sharing of feelings. I don’t think I’ve ever done that with-another man.” 认为这是一种美好的共享,美好感情的共享。换了其他人都不行。 Nan knew that she loved Bill because “I let all my barriers down. Nan知道她是爱bill 的,在他面前她能卸下所有的包袱。

18 I really was able to be with him----very, very comfortable
I really was able to be with him----very, very comfortable. I could be as gross as I wanted “和他在一起时我能全身心的放松,我想怎野蛮,怎么搞怪,怎么无理取 or I could be as funny as I wanted, as silly as I wanted. I didn’t worry about, or have 闹都行。 不用小心翼翼的,根本不 worry----or didn’t anyway----about what his reaction was going to be. I was just me. I 需要担心他的反应。 我就是我,我 was free to be me.” The national sharing of one’ real self is, then , the essence of love. 可以随心所欲做自己。能彼此展示真实的自我,这,就是爱的真谛。

19 Beautiful sentences To be a person worth loving, one must assert one’s individuality. 唯有保持独立的自我,你才能成为一个值得他人去爱的人。

20 Yet when things go well, love seems so natural and it hardly requires explanation.
而当一切水到渠成时, 爱情便自然地到来, 毋庸置疑。

21 就如他所说的,那种感觉妙不可 言,但却真真切切。 Fred就是我的真命天子,一直都是。
It was, like he said, very unspoken, but absolutely that’s exactly how we felt. Fred was always my guy. He was just mine. 就如他所说的,那种感觉妙不可 言,但却真真切切。 Fred就是我的真命天子,一直都是。

22 Believe in self. Believe in love.

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