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1.Look at the pictures. Do you know what made these people famous?

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2 1.Look at the pictures. Do you know what made these people famous?

3 I.Zheng He( 鄭和 :1371 ~ 1435 )

4 James Cook was born on October 27, 1728 in Marton, (near modern Middlesborough), Yorkshire, Britain. He commanded three voyages of discovery for Great Britain, and sailed around the world twice. Captain Cook's voyages lead to the establishment of colonies throughout the Pacific by several European countries. He is considered one of the world's greatest explorers. II

5 1451Born in Genoa, the son of a wool merchant and weaver. 1476Swims ashore when his ship is sunk in a battle off Portugal. 1476Joins his brother Bartholomew, a cartographer, in Lisbon. 1477- 1482 Makes merchant voyages as far as Iceland and Guinea. 1484 Conceives of "The Enterprise of the Indies." Fails to convince King John of Portugal to back the plan. 1485Moves to Spain. 1492/1/2 Ferdinand & Isabela capture Granada, the last Moorish city in Spain. Christopher Columbus III

6 The discovery of New Zealand Abel Janszoon Tasman - Holland 1603 - 1659 The first European to discover New Zealand IV

7 Abel Tasman (IV)

8 2. How many continents are there in the world? What are they? There are seven continents in the world. They are Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, Antarctica

9 Pre-reading What do you know about the Silk Road? Silk from China found its way over land along the road to India, the Middle East and Rome, in exchange of spices and glass. Silk was also traded along the coasts of the Indian Ocean. They are both called the Silk Road.


11 Reading (words)

12 Para.1 1.Trade and have often formed the foundation for mankind ’ s greatest endeavor.endeavor 2 … the world map was a great puzzle … puzzle 3. Other European explores to search for sea routes to the distant, wealthy Asian lands.wealthy curiosity

13 1.endeavor (v.& n.) 设法,努力 =attempt/try He endeavoured to climb the mountain. He made an endeavour to climb the mountain.

14 2. puzzle (v.& n.) 使迷惑不解 The murder case puzzled the police. The police were puzzled by/about the murder case. His face wore a puzzled expression. 觉得困 惑的,迷惑的 The murder case was puzzling. 令人迷惑的 难以解释的东西,难题( n. ) The murder case was a puzzle to the police.

15 3. wealthy (adj.) He grew up in a wealthy family. He is a man of great wealth.= He is very wealthy.

16 Para.2 1.It is well known that Africa had contacts with India and the Red Sea …had contacts with 2.Silk from China found its way over land …found its way 3. … in exchange for spices and glass … in exchange for

17 1.have contact with 和 … 有联系 lose contact with I have no personal contact with him. 2. make/push/fight/feel/find one’s way 走 / 挤 / 冲 / 摸索 着走 3. in exchange for 作为交换,和 … 交换 I will give you my book in exchange for your magazine. I will exchange my book for your magazine. 以 … 换 …

18 Para. 3 What does “ they ” here mean? Things such as ivory, spices, rhinoceros horns, shells, animal skins and sugar.

19 Para.4 1. … Du Huan was taken prisoner by thewas taken prisoner Arabic army. 2 ….and after a long journey wandering through Arabic countries, …wandering

20 1.take sb. prisoner 俘虏,囚禁某人 be taken prisoner 被俘 He was taken prisoner by the enemy. 2. wander 漫游,游荡;离开正路,迷路乱走 蜿蜒曲折 He wandered in the park/street. The river wanders through some very beautiful countries. We wandered for miles and miles in the mist.( 薄雾 )

21 He wandered from the subject. 他说离了题。 My attention wandered. 我走神了 Translation

22 Para.6 Translation 1.awareness---aware He is not aware of the danger/his mistake. 2.The time is ripe for great social changes. 3.China is prospering with each passing day. 4.exist---existence No ghost exists in the world. When did the world come into existence?

23 Para. 8 renew renew an old friendship 重续旧日友谊 renew the argument 重新开始讨论 重新开始;继续 I renewed my spirits in the country air. 在乡村的空气中我恢复了精力

24 P14 Word study: discovery equip 3.inspect inspection 4.possess possession 5.ignore ignorance 6.existence exist 7.accurate accuracy

25 8.original origin 9.correct correction 10.evaluate evaluation 11.contribute contribution 12.competition compete 13.wealthy wealth 14.royal royalty

26 Integrating skills 1.suggest vt. 1. 建议, 提议 [+v-ing][+(that 虚拟 )][+wh-] I suggest our going to the park on Sunday. 我建议我们星期天去公园。 The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day. 牙医建议她改天再来。 2. 暗示 ; 启发 [+(that 陈述 )] Her expression suggested pleasure./that she was pleased. 她面露喜色。 3. 使人想起, 使人联想到 [(+to)] That cloud suggests a boat to me. 那朵云使我联想到船。

27 2.accomplish vt. 1). 完成, 实现, 达到 They didn't accomplish the purpose desired. 他们没有达到预期的目的。 They have accomplished their mission successfully. 他们成功地完成了任务。 2). 走完, 度过 She has accomplished 90 years of her life. 她已达九十五高龄。 The journey was accomplished in five weeks. 花了五个礼拜走完全部旅程。

28 3.Apart from the cost, it will take a lot of time.=Besides Apart from you, I had no one to talk to. 4.refer to 1). 查阅,参阅 A person refers to a dictionary to find the meaning of the words. 2). 指 …… 而言,指的是 I knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy. 3). 把 …… 称作 (as) Don ’ t refer to your sister as a silly cow!

29 refer…to 1). 指导;让 …… 找 Our teacher refers us to many good books. If he needs any further information, refer him to me. 2). 归功于;归咎于 He referred his success to the good teaching he’s had. 5. run out of/run out vi. I have run out of my money. My money has run out.

30 6.arise (arose, arisen) vi. 1). 升起, 上升 A heavy mist arose from the lake. 湖面起了浓雾。 2). 产生, 出现, 形成 [(+from/out of)] Unexpected difficulties arose in the course of their experiment. 在他们进行实验的过程中, 出现了意想不到的困难。 Between the copartners serious disagreements arose. 合伙人之间产生了严重分歧。

31 7.praise n. 1). 赞扬, 称赞 [U] I'm sure I don't deserve so much praise. 我肯定自己不值得这么多赞扬。 2). 赞美的话, 赞词 [P][(+of)] The praises of his friends made the boy feel very proud 3). 【宗】 ( 对神的 ) 赞美, 崇拜 [U] Let us give praise to God. 让我们赞美神吧。 vt. 1). 赞美, 表扬 ; 歌颂 [(+for)] The publishers praised his novel pretty highly. 出版商们对他的小说评价甚高。 The mayor praised the boy for his courage. 市长赞扬这个男孩很勇敢。

32 8.volunteer n.[C] 1). 自愿参加者, 志愿者 [(+for)][(+to-v)] The volunteers for community service are doing a good job. 社区服务的志愿者做得很出色。 2). 志愿兵, 义勇兵 Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side. 许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。

33 vt. 1). 自愿 ( 做 )[(+to-v)] They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady. 他们主动提出替老太太修缮房子。 2). 自愿提供, 自愿给予 She volunteered the information. 她自动提供了这一消息。 vi. 1). 自愿 ; 自愿服务 [(+for)] He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job. 他 自愿做这苦差使。 2). 自愿当兵 [(+for)] When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps. 战争爆发时, 他自愿参加了海军陆战队。

34 9.evidence n. 1). 证据 ; 证词 ; 证人 ; 物证 [U] [(+of/for)] [+that] [+to-v] He was punished for giving false evidence. 他因作伪证而受到惩罚。 The evidence is very shaky. 这证据相当靠不住。 2). 迹象 [U][C][(+of)][+(that)] There are evidences that somebody has been living here. 有迹象显示有人一直住在这里。

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