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大学英语视听说 在线开放课程 College English Online VAO-Course.

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Presentation on theme: "大学英语视听说 在线开放课程 College English Online VAO-Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 大学英语视听说 在线开放课程 College English Online VAO-Course

2 问路与指路 Asking for and Giving Directions 主讲人: 朱旻

3 Objectives (学习目标) With the mini-lecture, you are able to: know useful expressions of asking for and giving directions give directions appropriately 了解问路与指路的常用表达 恰当地为他人指路

4 CONTENTS 01 02 03 04 Useful expressions of asking for directions
Useful expressions of giving directions 03 Summary and quiz 04 Challenge yourself

5 Asking for directions 问路

6 The Botanical Garden   植物园 The West Lake 西湖

7 Excuse me, where is the botanical garden?

8 Excuse me, could you tell me where the botanical garden is?
Could you tell me how to get to the botanical garden? Could you tell me the way to the botanical garden?

9 Asking about a specific place
询问具体地点 Excuse me, where is…? Could you tell me/Do you know how to get to…? Could you tell me/Do you know the way to…?

10 Is this the right road for…?
这是去……正确的路吗? Are we(Am I) on the right road for…? 我们(我)是在去……的路上吗?

11 Looking for a place in general(非具体位置)
Restroom (厕所) Drug store (药店) Railway station 2 3 4 5 1 6 Supermarket/Convenience store (便利店) Bus stop Subway station

12 Excuse me, where can I find the toilet?
Is there a supermarket nearby? Do you know the best way to the railway station from here?

13 Asking about a place in general
询问非具体地点 Excuse me, where can I find…? Excuse me, is there a/an…nearby? Do you know the best/easiest/quickest way to?

14 Giving directions 指路


16 Useful expressions 常用表达
Go along the road/street… 沿着这条路走…… Go straight down the road/street… 沿着这条路笔直走…… Walk one block on…street 沿着……路走一个街区 Turn left/right at the first/second…crossing 在第……个路口向……拐 Go pass the crossroads 穿过十字路口(交叉路口)

17 Prepositions of place 方位介词
(温度计) (唾液)

18 Prepositions of place 方位介词

19 Prepositions of place 方位介词

20 at/on the corner of (在……的角落) across from/opposite (在……的对面)



23 Go along the Second Avenue

24 Turn right at the first crossing

25 Go along the Forrest Street and you’ll see the Italian restaurant in front of you

26 Go along the Pine Street

27 Turn left at the second crossing

28 Go along the main street and you’ll find the Italian restaurant on your right.

29 Giving directions 指路 Go along/Go straight down this road/street
Step 1 Go along/Go straight down this road/street Step 2 Turn left/right at the…crossing/traffic lights Step 3 You’ll see/find…on your left/on your right/in front of you/at the end of the road…

30 Summary and Quiz

31 Summary 小结 Topic 4 1 3 2 Asking for and giving directions
Giving directions with examples 1 Useful expressions of asking for specific places 3 Prepositions of place 2 Useful expressions of asking for a place in general

32 Quiz Translate the following phrases and sentences

33 1. next to 2. between 3. across from 4. go along this road 5. turn right at the first crossing 1. 紧挨着 2. 在……之间 3. 在……对面 4. 沿着这条路走 5. 在第一个路口向右拐

34 Challenge yourself

35 Assignment Pair work: Make up dialogues about asking for and giving directions and practice the conversation with your partner. 请根据地图进行问路和指路的对话练习

36 Example A: I want to go to the theater, could you tell me how to get there from the hotel? B: Sure. Go along the Mason Street, turn left at the second crossing. Go along Albany Avenue and turn right at the third crossing. You’ll see the theater on your left.

37 Enjoy online VAO-Course!
Enjoy learning! Enjoy English!

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