The 100 most influential people in the world

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Presentation on theme: "The 100 most influential people in the world"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 100 most influential people in the world
Time magazine in May, 2010 The 100 most influential people in the world Coco 蔡明芬

2 Chen Shu-chu The Pride of Taiwan
Selected one of the philanthropists by Forbes’ Asian magazine Who is she 台灣的女孩 台灣之光 陳樹菊 李安推薦 為他撰文 百大影響人物 2010年被獲選入時代雜誌 英雄人物 2010/4 和前美國總統柯林頓並列 富比世排行根據「亞洲富比世」雜誌所選出的亞太地區「慈善英雄」四十八人名單,曾獲本報獨家報導的台灣善心女菜販陳樹菊,與媒體大亨梅鐸的母親等人並列為亞太最慷慨的大善人2010/3 Listed one of Heroes in the top 100 of Time magazine

3 Outline Background & Stories Contribution Influences in Taiwan
Reflections Film Others… 簡介 故事 貢獻 在台灣的影響 省思 (問題)跟觀眾聯結 Films Other people

4 Background & Stories Born in Taitung , Southern Taiwan
A seller of vegetables in a stall in Taitung Country’s central market (nearly 50 years) 出生於南台灣台東 賣菜的小攤販 未婚 生活節儉 60歲 大家都好奇為啥他會想要終身有如此大的貢獻 是因為小時候家貧 13歲時他的媽媽生第7胎時因為難產沒錢看醫生而去世 弟弟又得肝病,家境清寒繳不出醫藥費,最後雙雙離開人世,她不得不輟學賣菜成了市場裡年紀最小的菜販 為了照顧家裡的弟弟妹妹 時間一晃就是半世紀,陳樹菊從菜販小妹變成菜販阿嬤,每天凌晨3點多到市場批貨,4點左右再將青菜載到市場,到晚上9點才休息,一年365天只有大年初一休息,賣菜時間這麼長,就是希望多存點錢。 Unmarried Simple, frugal, generous, satisfied

5 Contribution… Started to be a vegetables seller from 1963…
In NT $1 million for a child’s fund. In NT $4.5 million for her alma mater, 仁愛 elementary school to build a library. In NT$1 million for the local orphanage , where she also gives financial support about NT$ 36 thousand dollars to adopt three children. 貢獻 富比世雜誌和TIME在報導中提到,陳樹菊自一九六三年起在台東市中央市場賣菜,幾乎每天都工作。 59歲的他將近 has managed to donate nearly NT$10 million In NT $1 million for a child’s fund In NT $4.5 million for her 母校 仁愛elementary school to build a library (motivation:因為當時媽媽和弟弟生病住院時 校方有幫助他 雖然沒救回2條生命 但她依然感激在心) In NT$1 million for the local orphanage , where she also gives financial support about NT$ 36 thousand dollars to adopt three children. In the future, she will plan to donate nearly NT$10 million to establish a foundation in order to help the poor with education, food, and health care. (要讓雄人有錢上學 看病) Chen Shu-chu’ Thought… “ Money serves its purpose only when it is used for those who need it. ” “ As long as you want, everybody can help others.” “ There isn’t much to talk about, because I did not enter any competition, she says. “ I haven’t really made any huge donation.” 陳樹菊的感想 她被告知得獎時 仍在市場賣菜 助人大家都做得到 應該『積德不積財』 亞洲富比世雜誌的副主編柯比希說:「這些人未必是捐最多錢的人。相反地,我們的目標是凸顯形形色色的善心人士,有些人從去年起蟬聯得獎,但大多數都是值得肯定的新面孔。我們希望鼓勵更多人慷慨捐輸。」 2010年被獲選入時代雜誌 英雄人物 和前美國總統柯林頓並列 In the future, she will plan to donate nearly NT$10 million to establish a foundation in order to help the poor with education, food, and health care.

6 Influences in Taiwan A woman selling the Steamed sponge cake(發粿) in Taichung City makes the donation as triple as she did after the effect of Chen , Shu-chu. 台視新聞 2010/05/05 在台灣影響 九十四年五月間,陳樹菊捐助的仁愛國小圖書館落成,本報頭版獨家報導「失學菜販,捐四百五十萬蓋圖書館」,陳樹菊賣菜興學的故事傳誦全國,還被當年公務員普考引為作文題目。junior civil service exam (公務員普考) 愛心是有傳染力的!除了在台東菜飯陳樹菊熱心捐款助人的故事外,在台中也有一位熱心公益的阿媽,62歲的王麗珠女士,在市場賣發粿,每個月都捐一千塊錢認養貧童,而且一捐就是25年從不間斷,而「陳樹菊效應」也慢慢發酵,社福機構這陣子的小額捐款單日就比以往增加三倍! 新竹一名88歲獨居老榮民胡壽宏,居住的陋室,不到到10坪大的家裡,只擺著收音機跟簡單桌椅看完陳樹菊報導後,決定捐出省吃儉用存下的100萬元,要做為照顧榮民遺孤教育基金,胡壽宏說,把錢捐出去給用得到的人的那一刻,他突然覺得自己是全世界最快樂的人。a veteran serviceman 步履蹣跚,穿著儉樸的88歲老榮民胡壽宏,看完賣菜阿嬤陳樹菊報導,決定捐出平生積蓄100萬元,而感動老榮民的原因,是因為陳樹菊說要把錢留給有用的人。 A veteran serviceman(老榮民) in Hsinchu Country donated NT$ 1 million for education. 民視新聞 2010/05/07

7 Reflection How do you feel about her great contribution?
Do you think that helping others is difficult? Based on your current abilities, what contribution would you make to our society ? 省思 reflection 提三個問題 How do you feel about her great contribution? 聽完他的故事之後 有蛇ㄇ感想 欣賞他ㄉ行為 舉止 節儉知足 熱善好施 值得我們效法 2.Do you think that helping others is difficult? No 在看完上述ㄉ例子之後 要幫助別人 不難 重點是要有心意 態度 意念 不一定要等到有那ㄇ多錢 才要做善事 錢固然是最好用的 但關懷的心意讓人感到溫暖比錢更重要 Based on your current abilities, what contribution would you make to our society ? 幫助同學 周遭 我自己的例子 give examples 發票 當志工(樂山療養院 照顧殘障的小孩 自己的感想 很滿足 開心 有幫助到別人) 隨時隨地都可以做

8 film 影片

9 Other influential people in Top 100…
Bill Clinton Barack Obama Steve Jobs

10 J. T. Wang Robert Pattinson Jet Li Sandra Bullock

11 Lady Ga Ga Taylor Swift

12 Thank you for listening ~ ^_^~
The end~

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