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1 Language points

2 up eg. 1) This songs calls up my memories of my childhood.
1) 召唤,回忆;汇集 2)(给…)打电话 eg. 1) This songs calls up my memories of my childhood. 2) He called up all the information from the computer. 3) He was called up at the beginning of the war. 4) I`ll call you up this evening.

3 stand out 突出;引人注意;杰出 2.Poems by Du Fu, Li Bai and Wang Wei among
others stand out in the halls of glory. 杜甫、李白、王维以及其他诗人的诗词兀立在荣光宝殿之上。 stand out 突出;引人注意;杰出 eg. 1) David stands out as a computer designer. 2) The new road sign is easy to read; the words stand out well.

4 3. follow 遵循,听从 follow 注视,倾听,领会
eg. Why didn`t you follow the teacher`s advice? follow 注视,倾听,领会 eg. 1) He followed the ball over the fence. 2) They followed closely the development of the situation. 3) His lecture was difficult to follow.

5 must adv. 极,很,十分 4. Shakespeare is most famous for his plays.
萨士比亚主要因其戏剧闻名于世。 must adv. 极,很,十分 会见在极友好的气氛中进行。 in a most friendly atmosphere eg. 1) The meeting proceeded 2) We shall most certainly come.

6 5. belong to 属于,是…的成员之一 Eg. 1) Taiwan belongs to China.
此短语不可用进行时,也没有被动语态形式。 Eg. 1) Taiwan belongs to China. 2) I belong to the tennis club. 但常用belong to 的-ing 形式作定语。 Eg. China is a country which belongs to the third world. belonging to China is a country the third world.

7 6. Only published, his work became famous for the
absence of rhyme at the end of each line. 他的诗作一发表后,因为行尾不押韵而大获其名。 Only published 为Only his work was published 的省略形式。 在英语中,当状语从句中的主语与主句的主语一致并且从句的谓语是be done 或be doing 时,通常把从句的主语和助动词be 省略掉。 Eg.1) 如果受到表扬,他会一整天都高兴。 If (he is )praised, he will be happy the whole day. 2) 在等着火车启动时,我们兴奋不已。 While (we were) waiting for the train to start, we felt excited.

8 7.absence n. 不在,缺席,缺乏 absence of mind 心不在焉 in one`s absence
eg. 1) After an absence of seven years I went home. 2) I soon noticed his absence from school. 3) Absence of rain caused the plants to die. absence of mind 心不在焉 eg. His absence of mind during driving nearly caused an accident. in one`s absence 某人不在时,某人外出时,背地里 eg. He will be in charge of the company in my absence.

9 8.Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic poets.
这是一个倒装句,有时为了突出表语,句子可以倒装。 正常的语序为: The English Romantic poets are greatly loved in China. Eg. 1) Great have been the changes here since 1990. 2) Such as Albert Einstein, a simple man of great achievements.

10 1)lead to 通向,导致, to为介词 2) comparison “比较”,
9. The style and atmosphere in their poems has often led to comparisons with poets such as Du Fu and Li Bai. 他们的诗作的风格和气氛常常使人把他们与李白、杜甫相提并论。 1)lead to 通向,导致, to为介词 eg. 1) All roads lead to Rome. 2) His laziness led to his failure. 2) comparison “比较”, 构成短语 in comparison with “与…比较” eg. The tallest buildings in London are smaller in comparison with those in New York.

11 11. come into being 出现,形成,产生
10. light up 1) 照亮, 点亮 2)使容光焕发 eg. 1) The burning building lit up the whole street. 2) He struck a match and lit up a cigarette. 3) Her face lit up with pleasure. 11. come into being 出现,形成,产生 无被动语态结构 eg. 1) When did the universe first come into being? 2) Such a custom came into being long ago.

12 Correct sentences: 1.What has happened? You seem to be a little absence of minds recently. 2.I think this film is quite wonderful on a whole, but it`s a little dull in the end. 3. A number of cars suggests that a great many people are watching the wonderful programmes. 4. Because Michael came late for school, his teacher was very angry with him. mind at The to

13 5. Mary is so lovely a girl that everyone finds her easy to
get along. 6.It is known by us all that light travels faster that sound. 7. On the floor lying a man killed in the fire. 8. It`s not right for us that we give a child no matter what he or she wants. 9. Reading poetry in English also opens the door to find new ways of expressing yourself in Chinese. with to lay whatever finding

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