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Contents Active Reading 1 6. Contents Active Reading 1 6.

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2 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Active Reading 1 6

3 Watch the movie clip and discuss the questions:
Warming Up Watch the movie clip and discuss the questions: What do you think of being a pilot in the air force? What do you think happens to Cougar in the film?

4 Text

5 Catch 22 Catch-22 is one of the most famous
Text Catch 22 Catch-22 is one of the most famous novels of the last century. It is set in an American military base on a small island in the Mediterranean during the Second World War. Although the story reveals some of the horrors of war through episodes of bloodshed and destruction, it is not a traditional war novel.

6 Text There are no heroes or heroic acts, and the enemy is not really the Germans (who do not appear in the story), but anyone who can get you killed – and that includes your own commander. Catch-22 is primarily a comic novel, whose main character, an airman called Yossarian, has only one aim – to survive the war and go back home. He thinks he can do this by pretending to be insane.

7 Text 1 It was a horrible joke, but Doc Daneeka didn't laugh until Yossarian came to him one mission later and pleaded again, without any real expectation of success, to be grounded. Doc Daneeka snickered once and was soon immersed in problems of his own, which included Chief White Halfoat, who had been challenging him all that morning to Indian wrestle, and Yossarian, who decided right then and there to go crazy. 2 "You're wasting your time," Doc Daneeka was forced to tell him. 3 "Can't you ground someone who's crazy?” 4 "Oh, sure. I have to. There's a rule saying I have to ground anyone who's crazy."

8 Text 5 "Then why don't you ground me? I'm crazy. Ask Clevinger.” 6 "Clevinger? Where is Clevinger? You find Clevinger and I'll ask him.” 7 "Then ask any of the others. They'll tell you how crazy I am.” 8 "They're crazy.” 9 “Then why don't you ground them?” 10 "Why don't they ask me to ground them?” 11 "Because they're crazy, that's why.” 12 "Of course they're crazy," Doc Daneeka replied. "I just told you they're crazy, didn't I? And you can't let crazy people decide whether you're crazy or not, can you? ’’

9 Text 13 Yossarian looked at him soberly and tried another approach. “Is Orr crazy?” 14 "He sure is," Doc Daneeka said. 15 "Can you ground him?” 16 "I sure can. But first he has to ask me to. That's part of the rule.” 17 "Then why doesn't he ask you to?” 18 "Because he's crazy," Doc Daneeka said. "He has to be crazy to keep flying combat missions after all the close calls he's had. Sure, I can ground Orr. But first he has to ask me to."

10 Text 19 "That's all he has to do to be grounded?” 20 "That's all. Let him ask me.” 21 "And then you can ground him?" Yossarian asked. 22 "No. Then I can't ground him.” 24 "You mean there's a catch?” 25 "Sure there's a catch," Doc Daneeka replied. "Catch-22. Anyone who wants to get out of combat duty isn't really crazy."

11 Text There was only one catch and that was catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.

12 Text 27 "That's some catch, that catch-22," he observed.
28 "It's the best there is," Doc Daneeka agreed.

13 Translation of the Text
第二十二条军规 《第二十二条军规》是上个世纪最著名的小说之一。故事发生在第二次世界大战期间地中海一座小岛上的美军基地里。虽然流血和破坏的场景揭示了一些战争的恐怖,但它并非传统意义上的战争小说。

14 Translation of the Text

15 Translation of the Text
那是个粗鲁的玩笑,可是达尼卡大夫并没有笑,直到约萨里安又执行了一次任务之后,再次来求他要求停飞——尽管这没有任何指望。达尼卡大夫窃笑了一下,很快又沉浸到他自己的麻烦中去了,这包括怀特·哈夫特指挥官那天早上一直在向他挑战,要和他比印度式摔跤,而约萨里安则恰恰彼时彼地决定要发疯。 2 “你这是在浪费时间,”达尼卡大夫不得不告诉他。 3 “你难道不能让疯子停飞吗?” 4 “哦,当然。我必须的。有一条军规说我必须让疯子停飞。”

16 Translation of the Text
5 “那你为什么不让我停飞?我疯了。问问克莱温格去。” 6 “克莱温格?克莱温格在哪?你把克莱温格找来我问他。” 7 “那就随便问谁吧。他们会告诉你我有多疯。” 8 “他们疯了。 ” 9 “那你为什么不让他们停飞?” 10 “他们为什么不要求我让他们停飞?” 11 “因为他们疯了,这就是为什么。” 12 “他们当然疯了,”达尼卡大夫回答。“我刚才告诉你他们疯了,不是吗?你不能让疯子来断定你是否疯了,对吧?”

17 Translation of the Text
约萨里安冷静地看着他,换了一种方法说。“奥尔疯了吗?” 14 “他肯定疯了,”达尼卡大夫说。 15 “你能让他停飞吗?” 16 “我当然能。不过他得先请求我。这是军规的一部分。” 17 “那他为什么不请求你?” 18 “因为他疯了,” 达尼卡大夫说。“要在无数次死里逃生之后还坚持执行战斗飞行任务,他一定是疯了。当然,我能让奥尔停飞。不过他得先请求我。”

18 Translation of the Text
19 “他要想停飞就只需做这些吗?” “就这些。让他请求我吧。” “那你就可以让他停飞了?”约萨里安问。 “不。那我就不能让他停飞了。” “你是说有诡局?” 24 “当然有诡局,”达尼卡大夫回答。“第二十二条军规。任何想要逃避作战任务的人都不是真疯。”

19 Translation of the Text

20 Translation of Text 27 “第二十二条军规,可真是个诡局,”他说。
27 “第二十二条军规,可真是个诡局,”他说。 28 “它是所有军规中最好的一条,”达尼卡大夫表示同意。

21 military plead deeply reveal ground clause bloodshed snicker
Words & Phrases military plead deeply reveal ground clause bloodshed snicker respectful heroic immerse then and there commander wrestle primarily soberly comic combat airman specify insane immediate mission sane

22 White Halfoat 怀特·哈夫特(人名)
Words & Phrases Yossairan 约萨里安(人名) Daneeka 达尼卡(人名) White Halfoat 怀特·哈夫特(人名) Clevinger 克莱温特(人名) Orr 奥尔(人名)

23 Words & Phrases military a. relating to armies or armed forces and the way in which they are organized 军队的;军事的 e.g. 1. The national government is prepared to use military force to achieve its aims. 中央政府准备使用武力来达成目的。 2. The government has threatened to take military action if the rebels do not withdraw from the area. 政府威胁如果叛军不从该地区撤离,就将采取军事 措施。

24 Words & Phrases reveal vt. let sth. become known, for example a secret or information that was previously not known 揭示;揭露;透露 e.g. 1. He never revealed his identity. 他从未暴露过自己的身份。 2. He revealed that he and his children had received death threats. 他透露说他和孩子们受到了死亡恐吓。 3. The survey revealed that many consumers were aware of the risks involved. 调查显示许多消费者意识到有关的危险。

25 Words & Phrases bloodshed n. [U] a situation in which people are killed or injured, especially during fighting (尤指作战中的)杀戮;流血 e.g. 1. The battlefield was a scene of appalling bloodshed. 战场上一片恐怖的屠杀景象。 2. This election result could lead to further bloodshed. 这次选举结果有可能导致进一步的流血事件。

26 heroic a. 1) relating to a hero (关于)英雄的;
Words & Phrases heroic a. 1) relating to a hero (关于)英雄的; 2) very brave and deserving admiration 英勇的;勇敢地 e.g. 1. The writer portrayed him as a heroic figure. 作家把他描述为一个英雄人物。 2. She is known for heroic efforts to save her family. 人们都知道她为拯救全家所作的英勇行为。 Word family: hero / heroine n.

27 Words & Phrases commander n. [C] an officer who is in charge of a military group or operation 指挥官;司令官 e.g. All the commanders gathered at the headquarters. 所有的指挥官都集合在司令部。 Word family: command n.& v. e.g. 1. The ship is under the command of Captain Blake. 这艘船由布莱克船长指挥。 2. He commanded his men to retreat. 他命令自己的人撤退。

28 primarily ad. mainly 主要地
Words & Phrases primarily ad. mainly 主要地 e.g. 1. The advertisement is aimed primarily at children. 这则广告的对象主要是儿童。 2. around 80 per cent of personal computers are used primarily for word processing. 约80%的个人电脑主要用于文字处理。 Word family: primary a. e.g. The primary cause of Tom's failure is his laziness. 汤姆失败的根本原因是懒惰。

29 Words & Phrases comic a. 1) funny 滑稽的;好笑的 e.g. The song provides some comic relief from the intensity of the scene. 这首歌给这个紧张的场面增添了轻松的气氛。 2) relating to comedy 喜剧的 e.g. 1. Shakespeare created many comic characters. 莎士比亚塑造了许多喜剧人物。 2. The ending of the play is comic. 此剧的结局是喜剧性的。 Word family: comedy n. Antonym: tragic

30 Words & Phrases airman n. [C] a man in a country’s air force, especially one of low rank in the US or UK air force (尤指美国或英国的)空军士兵 e.g. 1. He had proved himself a most daring airman. 他已证明自己是个极其勇敢的飞行员。 2. The airman boldly jumped from the plane with his parachute. 飞行员带着降落伞勇敢地跳下飞机。

31 Words & Phrases insane a. 1) suffering from very severe mental illness so that you cannot be considered legally responsible for your actions 精神错乱的;精神病的; 2) (infml.) very stupid or crazy, especially in a way that is likely to cause serious problems, harm, or injury (尤指可能造成严重问题和伤害而)疯狂的;愚蠢的 e.g. 1. Insane people are sometimes dangerous. 精神病人有时非常危险。 2. That’s an insane risk. 那是疯狂的冒险之举。 Antonym: sane a.

32 Words & Phrases mission n. 1) [C] a military operation, especially one by aircraft军事行动;(尤指)飞行任务; 2) [C] an important piece of work that a person or group of people has to do for a government or large organization, especially one that involves travel 使命;任务 e.g. 1. He was sent on over 200 missions before being killed in action. 阵亡之前他奉命执行过200多次军事任务。 2. Her mission was to improve staff morale. 她的任务是鼓舞员工的士气。

33 plead vi. ask for sth. in an urgent or emotional way 恳求;请求;央求
Words & Phrases plead vi. ask for sth. in an urgent or emotional way 恳求;请求;央求 e.g. 1. “Don’t go!” Robert pleaded. “别走!” 罗伯特央求道。 2. The organization pleaded for government help. 这间公司向政府请求援助。 3. Moira pleaded with him to stay. 莫伊拉请求他留下。 4. She pleaded with them not to gag the boy. 她恳求他们别塞住那个男孩的嘴。

34 Words & Phrases ground vt. stop a plane from leaving the ground, or stop people from flying somewhere 使停飞 e.g. 1. All planes are grounded until the fog clears. 所有的飞机都停飞了,直到雾散为止。 2. A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle. 因氢气泄漏,NASA被迫停飞这架航天飞机。 Sentence

35 Words & Phrases snicker vi. (AmE.) laugh quietly, especially at sth. that is rude or at sth. unpleasant that has happened to someone(美)暗笑;窃笑 e.g. 1. The other students snickered at Steve. 其他学生都偷偷地笑史蒂夫。 2. Smile, giggle, snicker, or chuckle! Smiling releases your tension and gives your mood a lift. 微笑、咯咯笑、偷笑,或者轻声笑吧!笑声可以释放你的紧张,提升你的情绪。

36 immerse vi. 1) put sth. in a liquid 浸;泡
Words & Phrases immerse vi. 1) put sth. in a liquid 浸;泡 e.g. Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling. 把你的脚泡在冰凉的水中消消肿。 2) involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest 沉浸于某事物;专心于某事物 e.g. 1. She was far too immersed in her studies. 她太专注于学习了。 3. He immersed himself in work so as to stop thinking about her. 他埋头于工作以便不再思念她。

37 wrestle n. [U] the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat 摔跤;角力
Words & Phrases wrestle n. [U] the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat 摔跤;角力 e.g. How come Arthur won the wrestle today? 奇怪,为什么今天亚瑟摔跤赢了呢? Sentence

38 soberly ad. in a grave manner 严肃地;认真地;审慎地
Words & Phrases soberly ad. in a grave manner 严肃地;认真地;审慎地 e.g. 1. He walked soberly toward the altar. 他神情严肃地走向祭坛。 2. We must soberly consider these questions now. 我们现在要认真地考虑这些问题。 3. She will soberly think about their relationship. 她会审慎地考虑他们的关系。 Word family: sober a.

39 combat 1) n. [U] fighting during a war 战斗
Words & Phrases combat 1) n. [U] fighting during a war 战斗 e.g. General Gierson was killed in combat. 吉尔森将军阵亡了。 2) v. take action to reduce, destroy, or prevent (sth. bad or undesirable) 与……战斗,与……斗争 e.g. The university has launched a research center to develop new ways of ___ bacteria which have become resistant to drug treatments. (CET ) A) regulating B) halting C) interrupting D) combating 这所大学创办了一个研究中心来开发新的方法,对抗已经产生了抗药性细菌。 D

40 specify vt. explain something in an exact and detailed way 详述;具体说明;指明
Words & Phrases specify vt. explain something in an exact and detailed way 详述;具体说明;指明 e.g. 1. He didn't specify the matters. 他并没有详细说明是什么事。 2. The details were specified on Page 35. 具体方法详见(说明书)第35页。 3.The fund was specified to maintain the ancient buildings. 该项基金被指定为专门从事维修古建筑而使用。

41 immediate a. existing now and needing urgent action 紧急的;紧迫的
Words & Phrases immediate  a. existing now and needing urgent action 紧急的;紧迫的 e.g. 1. Let’s try and solve the most immediate problem. 让我们尽力解决最迫切的问题吧。 2. There is an immediate danger of war. 战争迫在眉睫。 Word family: immediately ad.

42 Words & Phrases sane a. someone who is sane is able to think and speak in a reasonable way and to behave normally 神智正常的;心智健全的 e.g. 1. He seems perfectly sane to me. 在我看来他心智健全。 2. No sane person would want to kill a baby. 神智正常的人不会去杀一个婴儿。 Antonym: insane a.

43 deeply ad. very or very much 强烈地;深刻地;深入地
Words & Phrases deeply ad. very or very much 强烈地;深刻地;深入地 e.g. 1. Her lies hurt her father deeply. 她的谎言强烈地伤害了她的父亲。 2. Teachers are deeply divided on this issue. 老师们在这个问题上分歧很大。 Word family: deep a. deepen v. depth n.

44 Words & Phrases clause n. [C] (legal) a part of a legal document or law that officially states that sth. must be done(法律文件的)条款 e.g. 1. A confidentiality clause was added to the contract. 合同加了一条保密条款。 2. Do you have any comment on this clause? 对这一条款你有什么意见吗?

45 respectful a. feeling or showing respect表示尊敬的;恭敬的
Words & Phrases respectful a. feeling or showing respect表示尊敬的;恭敬的 e.g. 1. They listened in respectful silence. 他们一声不吭,都很恭敬地听着。 2. He was always respectful of my independence. 他一向尊重我的独立。 Cf: respectable a. 值得尊敬的 e.g. Who is the most respectable economist in China?   谁是中国最值得尊敬的经济学家? Sentence

46 Words & Phrases then and there: immediately at that moment and in that place 当时当地;当即;当场 e.g. 1. I loved you right then and there. 我就在彼时彼刻,爱上你了。 2. He gave a demonstration of the new technique then and there. 他当场表演了这种新的操作方法。

47 Language Points Catch-22 Catch-22 is a rule which says that anyone rational enough to want to be grounded cannot be insane and is therefore capable of returning to flight duty. A “catch-22” situation has become a general phrase to describe a difficult situation from which there is no escape because you need to do one thing before doing a second, and you cannot do the second thing before doing the first (“a double bind”–see Activity 9-3). 翻译: 第二十二条军规;左右为难;无法摆脱的困境

48 Language Points Catch-22是第二十二条军规的意思。“如果你能证明自己发疯,那就说明你没疯”。当代美语中,Catch-22已作为一个独立的单词,使用频率极高,用来形容任何自相矛盾、不合逻辑的规定或条件所造成的无法摆脱的困境、难以逾越的障碍,表示人们处于左右为难的境地,或者是一件事陷入了死循环,或者跌进逻辑陷阱,等等。 e.g. I can’t get a job because I haven’t got anywhere to live but I can’t afford a place to live until I get a job—it’s a catch-22 situation. 我没有住所就找不到工作,但是没有工作就没钱租房子,这真是左右为难。

49 Language Points a horrible joke horrible: (infml.) very bad or unpleasant; used to describe sth. that you do not like Now translate the following into Chinese: 1. horrible weather/children/shoes 2. The coffee tasted horrible. 3. I’ve got a horrible feeling she lied to us. 翻译: 粗鲁的笑话 糟糕的天气/不讨喜的孩子/不舒服的鞋子 咖啡难喝极了。 我感觉不好,她没跟我们说实话。

50 Language Points to be grounded not to be allowed to fly because you are sick or because you are being punished 停飞 翻译:

51 ... who had been challenging him all the morning to Indian wrestle ...
Language Points ... who had been challenging him all the morning to Indian wrestle ... Halfoat had been trying to invite him to have a wrestle match. 翻译: ……(哈夫特指挥官)那天早上一直在向他挑战,要和他比印度式摔跤。 challenge sb. to sth. 向……挑战;邀请(某人)比赛 e.g. After lunch Carey challenged me to a game of tennis. 午饭后凯里邀请我来场网球比赛。

52 Language Points Indian wrestle It is a form of wrestling in which two opponents, lying side by side on their backs and in opposite directions, lock near arms and raise and lock corresponding legs, with each attempting to force the other’s leg down until one opponent is unable to remain lying flat.

53 Language Points a close call A close call is a situation in which you only just manage to avoid an accident or serious event, such as a brush with death. 翻译: 侥幸的脱险 e.g. 1.That was a close call! We nearly hit that car.  真是好险啊,我们差点撞着那辆汽车。 2.Bob, that car nearly hit us! What a close call.  鲍勃,那辆车差一点就撞到我们了!真是千钧一发。

54 Language Points get out of something e.g. Running won't get you out of your punishment. 逃跑也不能使你逃避惩罚。 avoid doing something that you should do or said you would do 翻译: 逃避(某事)

55 There was only one catch and that was Catch 22 …
Language Points There was only one catch and that was Catch 22 … It was a difficult situation that you cannot solve because you need to do one thing in order to do a second thing, but you cannot do the second thing until you have done the first. 只有一个诡局,那就是第二十二条军规。 翻译:

56 … let out a respectful whistle.
Language Points … let out a respectful whistle. Yossarian makes a whistling noise by forcing air through his mouth to show that he is impressed by the catch: That’s some catch, (note the informal use of some) expresses an opinion about catch-22, that it is large or impressive. 翻译: (不由得)充满敬意地吹起了口哨。

57 Reading and understanding
Exercises Reading and understanding Dealing with unfamiliar words Reading and interpreting Developing critical thinking

58 √ √ Reading and understanding 3. Check (✓) the true statements.
Exercises Reading and understanding 3. Check (✓) the true statements. ☐ 1 Dr Daneeka agrees that Yossarian is crazy. ☐ 2 There is a rule that anyone who is crazy must be grounded. ☐ 3 Yossarian tells the doctor that other people will say he’s crazy. ☐ 4 Dr Daneeka decides to check if Yossarian is crazy by asking other people.

59 Exercises ☐ 5 Dr Daneeka has the power to ground people. ☐ 6 If people want to be grounded they must ask Dr Daneeka first. ☐ 7 Dr Daneeka thinks that anyone who wants to fly must be crazy.

60 Dealing with unfamiliar words
Exercises Dealing with unfamiliar words 4. Match the words in the box with their definitions. 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4. 6. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. 7. Answer the questions about the words and expressions.

61 bloodshed combat commander heroic military mission
Exercises 4. Match the words in the box with their definitions. 1 relating to armies or armed forces and the way they are organized 2 a situation in which people are killed or injured, especially during fighting 3 fighting during a war bloodshed combat commander heroic military mission (military) (bloodshed) (combat)

62 bloodshed combat commander
Exercises 4 a military operation, especially one by aircraft 5 very brave and deserving admiration 6 an officer who is in charge of a military group or operation bloodshed combat commander heroic military mission (mission) (heroic) (commander)

63 bloodshed combat commander
Exercises 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4. 1 The __________ in chief of an army is usually a country’s President or Prime Minister. 2 A ________ zone is an area where fighting is taking place. 3 Flying in enemy territory is an extremely dangerous ________. bloodshed combat commander heroic military mission commander combat mission

64 bloodshed combat commander
Exercises 4 Many people perform _______ acts in wartime, but they are often not recognized. 5 The US has a number of ________ bases throughout the world. 6 How often are diplomatic efforts able to prevent unnecessary __________? bloodshed combat commander heroic military mission heroic military bloodshed

65 clause comic immediate insane
Exercises 6. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. Although it takes place in Europe, Catch-22 is (1) mainly about war in general, and the effect it has on people. Many of the episodes (2) show what happens in wartime when rational people like Yossarian are faced with rules that seem (3) crazy. clause comic immediate insane primarily reveal specify Key: (1) primarily (2) reveal (3) insane

66 clause comic immediate insane
Exercises The best example is the rule known as “catch-22”; the (4) part of the rule which concerns Yossarian (5) states that it is normal for ordinary people (like himself) not to want to fly – and the (6) first effect of the rule is that he can’t be grounded. Yossarian admires the simplicity of the rule, and if it didn’t have such a negative effect on him, he would probably find it (7) funny. clause comic immediate insane primarily reveal specify Key: (4) clause (5) specifies (6) immediate (7) comic

67 7. Answer the questions about the words and expressions.
Exercises 7. Answer the questions about the words and expressions. 1 If Yossarian pleaded with the doctor, do you think he (a) asked him, or (b) told him? 2 When the doctor snickered, did he (a) laugh, or (b) cry? 3 Is Indian wrestle likely to be (a) a card game, or (b) a physical activity? 7. Answer the questions about the words and expressions. 1 If Yossarian pleaded with the doctor, do you think he (a) asked him, or (b) told him? 2 When the doctor snickered, did he (a) laugh, or (b) cry? 3 Is Indian wrestle likely to be (a) a card game, or (b) a physical activity?

68 Exercises 4 Did a mission which was a close call nearly end in (a) success, or (b) death? 5 When Yossarian was moved by the simplicity of catch-22, did he (a) go to the other side of the room, or (b) appreciate and admire it? 6 In the expression That’s some catch, does some mean (a) ordinary, or (b) extraordinary? 4 Did a mission which was a close call nearly end in (a) success, or (b) death? 5 When Yossarian was moved by the simplicity of catch-22, did he (a) go to the other side of the room, or (b) appreciate and admire it? 6 In the expression That’s some catch, does some mean (a) ordinary, or (b) extraordinary?

69 Reading and interpreting
Exercises Reading and interpreting 8. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. 1 Did Orr want to fly more missions? 2 Why / Why not? Probably not; if he did Yossarian wouldn’t want to use his name as an example. Because flying missions was known to be highly dangerous, no sane person would want to fly them.

70 Doctor Daneeka thinks that anyone who wants to
Exercises Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly them. 3 Was he crazy? 4 Was he insane? Doc Daneeka says that Orr is crazy. He thinks anyone who flies such combat missions is crazy. Doctor Daneeka thinks that anyone who wants to get out of the combat missions is sane because they show a rational concern for their own safety in dangerous cirmumstances.

71 Crazy people would want to fly such dangerous missions.
Exercises If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to… 5 What did crazy people want to do? 6 What did sane people not want to do ? Crazy people would want to fly such dangerous missions. Sane people would not want to fly the combat missions.

72 Exercises If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to… 7 What didn’t crazy people have to do? 8 What did sane people have to do? Crazy people didn’t have to fly the combat missions (because they were insane or sick). Sane people would have to fly the combat missions (because they were well enough to fly).

73 Exercises Now decide what Dr Daneeka is telling Yossarian. (a) You must be crazy to ask me to ground you. (b) Orr was a special case because it was difficult to understand if he was crazy or not. No, because asking the doctor to be grounded shows rational thinking and concern about one’s safety in highly dangerous circumstances, the person who asks cannot be crazy. No, Orr seems to be a typical case: He’s crazy to fly such dangerous combat missions and so are all the other airmen.

74 Exercises (c) Everyone has to keep flying here because no one can demonstrate they’re crazy. Yes, everyone is crazy to fly such dangerous combat missions but none of them can demonstrate it. If they can demonstrate that they are crazy, they can be grounded, but to demonstrate it they have to ask to be grounded, yet such a request shows rational thinking, so if they ask they can’t be crazy – which means they have to keep flying.

75 Developing critical thinking
Exercises Developing critical thinking 9. Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Why do you think most of the passage is in direct speech? 2 Do you find anything about the passage which is comic? By writing the conversation in direct speech the writer leads up to the main point more dramatically because we find out about catch-22 in the same way that Yossarian does, by talking to the doctor. Yes, the conversation goes round in circles with contradictions and paradoxes, which are funny, and that’s how a catch-22 is.

76 Exercises 3 How would you define a “catch-22” situation (without referring to the example of the passage)? It seems to be a situation in which you cannot win no matter what you do: You want to take a particular course of action, but you can’t because you are supposed to do something else; but this something else is impossible, too, because you can’t take the first action, so in this way a catch-22 situation is circular. Some people call this “a double bind”. To be in a bind means you are in a difficult situation that you do not know how to get out of. If you are in a double bind, whatever you do will have negative results.

77 4 Can you think of any other “catch-22” situations?
Exercises 4 Can you think of any other “catch-22” situations? Without experience you can’t get a job and without a job you can’t get experience. This is a catch-22 situation. T may also find the following information useful: A shopping mall is losing some customers because the mall looks old (actually it is only nine years old). The owner of the mall knows that it needs renovation; without renovation the mall will not remain a competitive business compared with nearby shopping streets. So the owner wants to renovate it.

78 However, there are some catches ...
Exercises However, there are some catches ... • The owner can’t afford renovation because the mall is losing customers, but they need renovation to attract more customers (and thus pay for the renovation). • The local government will give a good subsidy to help pay for the renovation, but they have a regulation that a shopping mall must be at least ten years old before a subsidy can be given. This means the owner will have to wait for a year for the subsidy to pay for the renovation, but within a year they will lose even more customers (without the renovation) and will therefore lose money …

79 Exercises … which will mean that the subsidy will not be enough, because the owner won’t be able to afford his share of the renovation costs (which will be higher next year because of inflation). • The renovation plans include building a new food court, which will certainly attract many more customers; this will make the mall more successful and will help pay for the renovation. However, a food court needs a high ceiling and lots of light, and there are local regulations for food outlets which mean that the subsidy for the food court will be less, which means that the owner can’t afford the food court.

80 Extension Activities Compound dictation: Listen to the following passage three times and fill in the missing words and sentences.

81 Extension Activities After meeting Wednesday afternoon, Israeli cabinet ministers decided against a French proposal for a 48-hour __________ to allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza. Deputy Foreign Ministry spokesman Yariv Ovadia tells VOA, the ministers studied several ______ ________ and decided there was no one to talk to on the other side. "We haven't heard anything from Hamas," Ovadia said. "On the contrary, what we've heard from Hamas was that they're going to keep firing missiles on Israeli cities and trying to kill Israeli ________. Hamas started this atrocity and doesn't want to end it."

82 Extension Activities Israel has said it would allow a further ______ tons of food and medical supplies into Gaza. It has also given __________ for several dozen ill and wounded Gazans to seek medical treatment in Israel. _______________________________________________________, Israeli officials say they will press their offensive and they insist any cease-fire must ensure that militant rocket attacks against Israel stop.

83 Extension Activities Israeli ____________________________________ Gaza Wednesday, hitting Hamas government offices and underground tunnels on the Gaza-Egypt border. And, Israel continues to amass ground troops around Gaza ____________________________________________. But, despite massive damages and rising casualties, Hamas too is maintaining a tough line. Check here.

84 Extension Activities After meeting Wednesday afternoon, Israeli cabinet ministers decided against a French proposal for a 48-hour __________ to allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza. Deputy Foreign Ministry spokesman Yariv Ovadia tells VOA, the ministers studied several _______ ________and decided there was no one to talk to on the other side. "We haven't heard anything from Hamas," Ovadia said. "On the contrary, what we've heard from Hamas was that they're going to keep firing missiles on Israeli cities and trying to kill Israeli __________. Hamas started this atrocity and doesn't want to end it." cease-fire informal proposals civilians

85 But for now, despite growing international pressure for a cease-fire
Extension Activities Israel has said it would allow a further ______ tons of food and medical supplies into Gaza. It has also given ___________ for several dozen ill and wounded Gazans to seek medical treatment in Israel. ___________________________________________________________ , Israeli officials say they will press their offensive and they insist any cease-fire must ensure that militant rocket attacks against Israel stop. 2,000 authorization But for now, despite growing international pressure for a cease-fire

86 war planes carried out further bombing runs in
Extension Activities Israeli ______________________________________ Gaza Wednesday, hitting Hamas government offices and underground tunnels on the Gaza-Egypt border. And, Israel continues to amass ground troops around Gaza _______________________________________. But, despite massive damages and rising casualties, Hamas too is maintaining a tough line. war planes carried out further bombing runs in in preparation for a possible ground offensive

87 Thank you

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