Hong Kong Impression.

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Presentation on theme: "Hong Kong Impression."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hong Kong Impression

2 Welcome to Hong Kong

3 Charming night

4 Prosperous Hong Kong

5 一 Introduction Hong Kong, lies on the eastern side of the Pearl River Delta(珠三角), bordering Guangdong province in the north and facing the South China Sea in the east, west and south.

6 一 Introduction July 1st 1997 saw the return of Hong Kong to China, thereby ending 156 years of colonial rule. Hong Kong has three areas: Hong Kong Island(香港岛), Kowloon(九龙), and New Territories(新界). Hong Kong is shopping paradise, dietary world, leisure summer resort, and culture window.

7 二 Attractions 1 Victoria Harbour (维多利亚港) 2 Disneyland(迪斯尼)
3 Causeway Bay(铜锣湾) 4 Tsim Sha Tsui (TSTE) (尖沙咀) 5 The Peak(太平山) 6 Others

8 1 Victoria Harbour Victoria Harbour lies between the Kowloon Peninsula (九龙半岛) and the Hong Kong Island(香港岛). its natural depth and sheltered location induce(引诱) the British to occupy the island of Hong Kong during the First Opium War(鸦片战争), and subsequently establish the colony as a trading post(贸易站).The harbour is famous for its spectacular views. 维多利亚港(简称维港)是位于香港的香港岛和九龙半岛之间的海港。由于港阔水深,为天然良港,.早年,维多利亚港已被英国人看中有成为东亚地区的优良港口的潜力,不惜藉战争从满清政府手上夺得香港,发展其远东的海上贸易事业。香港的殖民地史随即展开。事实上,维多利亚港的确一直影响香港的历史和文化,亦主导香港的经济和旅游业发展,是香港成为国际大城市的关键之一。 opiem  




12 2 Disneyland Hong Kong Disneyland is located in Lantau Island, near Hong Kong International Airport. It opened on 10th September 2005, visitors who come to Hong Kong Disneyland will be temporarily away from the real world into the colorful fairy tale kingdom, feel mysterious fantasy land of the future of the calendar and excite dangerous world.

13 Disneyland has 4 parts :the United States small town Main Street(美国小镇大街), Adventure world(探险世界), fantasy world(幻想世界), and tomorrow’s world(明日世界).

14 There are our lovely Mickey Mouse and other cartoons

15 Disneyland 1 fantasy world(幻想世界) 2 tomorrow’s world(明日世界)
3 adventure world(探险世界) 1 2 3

16 3 Causeway Bay Many people compare causeway bay to shinjuku(新宿) in Japan. Because it is one of the most famous shopping centers in Hong Kong. Many white-collar workers and stars love a shopping spree here. If you want to know the fashion trends, do not miss Causeway Bay

17 Busy Causeway Bay

18 4 Tsim Sha Tsui (TSTE) TSTE is also a shopping center, Here you can buy lots of the best bargains. Many world-famous hotels locate here. what’s more, TSTE is also a cultural and arts center, museums such as Hong Kong science, history, space, art museums are all here.

19 View of TSTE

20 Hong Kong International Hotel
1 bedroom 2 swimming pool 3 guest room 1 2 3 This five-star hotel is so luxury, many movie stars such as 陈惠玲 hold their wedding ceremony here

21 Museums 1 Space museum 2 Hong Kong museum 3 Hong Kong history museum 1

22 5 The Peak The Peak is Hong Kong's number one tour destination. The Peak Tower is the city's most unusual building. It is at an elevation of 396 meters and offers a spectacular view of the Victoria Harbour and a bird's-eye view of Hong Kong. Visitors can take a stroll along one of the nature trails starting from The Peak Tower while enjoying a 360-degree view of Hong Kong.

23 Bird-eye view of The Peak

24 The Peak’s cable car (缆车)

25 6 Other scenes Ocean Park
have many sea animal things you will buy. There also have many fun games to play .

26 Tian Tan Buddha(天坛大佛) 宝莲禅寺前广场附近有一座庄严雄伟的佛像,为“天坛大佛”。大佛由200块青铜铸件组成,高26公尺,重达220公吨,是全球最大的户外青铜坐佛。天坛大佛现已成为香港著名的宗教建筑物

27 Tsing Ma Bridge(青马大桥) 连接青衣岛与马湾的青马大桥,是配合香港国际机场发展而兴建的世界级建筑。青马大桥不单是香港一个主要的建筑标志,更是现时全世界最长的行车、铁路两用吊桥。

28 三 Conclusion Hong Kong was voted the most attractive destination in China and the best for shopping, playing and dining. Anyone can find his place here. Are you ready to go? 香港实在有太多值得一去的理由:港岛夜景、血拼圣地、美食天堂、迪斯尼乐园……无论什么人都能在这里找到一片属于他的天地。给香港一次旅行明显是不够的,你最爱它哪里呢?

29 Thank you!!!

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