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2 arrive at a belief or opinion by reasoning 得出结论
I. New Words: conclude: arrive at a belief or opinion by reasoning 得出结论 The jury concluded, from the evidence, that the accused man was not guilty. 陪审团依据证据得出结论,认定被告无罪。

3 2) come or bring to an end 结束
The Olympic Games is scheduled to conclude on August 23. 奥林匹克运动会计划在8月23日结束。 The professor concluded his lecture by summing up the main points he had mentioned. 教授通过总结他提到过的要点而结束了讲座。

4 The two countries concluded a peace treaty.
3) arrange; bring about 安排,使成立,订立 The two countries concluded a peace treaty. 这两个国家订立了和平条约。

5 Surgical masks and gloves prevent infection.
of, by or for surgery 外科的,手术的 surgical operations 外科手术 Surgical masks and gloves prevent infection. 外科口罩和手套可防止感染。

6 an emergency exit/bell/telephone /room/landing
紧急出口(太平门)/急救铃/急救电话/急诊室/紧急着陆 The President declared a state of emergency after the earthquake. 地震之后总统宣布处于紧急状态。

7 4. encounter: be faced with; meet unexpectedly 遭遇到;意外地遇见
He encountered many difficulties on his journey around the world. 他在绕地球旅行途中遇到许多困难。 On the train I encountered an old friend of mine . 在火车上我碰到了一位老朋友。

8 5. critical: 1) important at a time of danger and difficulty 紧要的,关键的
Heroes emerge at critical moments in history. 英雄总是在历史的紧要关头出现。 The patient is still in critical condition. 这个病人仍处在危重状态。

9 My boss is always critical of me.
2) fault-finding 挑剔的,爱挑毛病的 My boss is always critical of me. 我的老板总爱挑我的毛病。 She looks at everything with a critical eye. 她总是以挑剔的目光看待一切。

10 1) belonging to some person, thing or occasion 特定的,特殊的
6. particular: 1) belonging to some person, thing or occasion 特定的,特殊的 The bus driver is usually polite, but in this particular case he lost his temper. 这名公交车司机通常很有礼貌,但在这 种特殊情况下他发脾气了。

11 Particular attention was given to the girl.
2) special 特别的,值得注意的 Particular attention was given to the girl. 这个女孩受到了特别的注意。

12 Women are usually particular as to what they wear.
3) hard to satisfy 讲究的,难以取悦的,苛刻的 Women are usually particular as to what they wear. 通常女人们对穿什么很讲究。 It is said that British people are very particular about their food. 据说英国人对食物很挑剔。

13 1) instance of disease or injury 病例 Emergency cases must be
treated first. 必须首先处理急诊病例。 There have been several cases of flu in the past a month. 在上个月出现了几例流感病例。

14 2) actual state of affairs
实情,情况 That being the case, she has to cancel her appointment. 如果那是实情的话,她就不得不取消约会。

15 3) question to be decided in a law court 案例
The case is still under police investigation. 这个案例仍在警察的调查之中。 The jury will hear this case soon. 陪审团很快会听审这个案例。

16 1) happening all the time Headache is her constant complaint. 她经常抱怨头痛。
不断的 Headache is her constant complaint. 她经常抱怨头痛。 The rent is low because of the constant noise from the road. 房租低是因为来自公路的噪音不断。

17 Temperature is at a constant 26 degrees in this hotel.
2) remaining the same 始终如一的,不变的 Temperature is at a constant 26 degrees in this hotel. 这家旅馆的温度一直保持在26度。 I wonder if love is constant. 我怀疑爱是否是永恒不变的。

18 a constant friend /companion
3) faithful 忠实的 a constant friend /companion 一个忠实的朋友/伙伴

19 The dispute was resolved through mediation. 通过调解解决了争端。
9. resolve: vt. 1) solve 解决 The dispute was resolved through mediation. 通过调解解决了争端。 To the amazement of all, the little boy resolved the problem in five minutes. 令大家吃惊的是,这个小男孩在5分钟内 解决了这个问题。

20 2) decide 决定 The Party resolved to pay more attention to economic development. 该党决定更多地关注经济发展。

21 n. sth. that has been decided; decision make a resolve to do sth.
决定,决定的事 make a resolve to do sth. 决定做某事 Nothing could change his resolve. 什么都不能改变他的决定。

22 correct; based on good judgment 正确的,合理的 You can depend on her for a
10. sound: adj. correct; based on good judgment 正确的,合理的 You can depend on her for a sound judgment. 你可以依靠她做出正确的判断。 Is he sound on his business analysis? 他的商业分析合理吗?

23 2) healthy; in good condition 健康的 Her heart is as sound as a drum.
她的心脏像鼓一样很健康。 I doubt if he is sound in his mind. 我怀疑他是否精神正常。

24 The applicant feels confident that he will be accepted.
这位申请者很自信他能够被接受。 During the interview, the coach said he was confident of his team’s winning the game. 在采访期间,这位教练说他确信他的队能 赢得这场比赛。

25 1) manage; deal with 处理,管理 A manager must know how to handle his men.
12. handle: vt. 1) manage; deal with 处理,管理 A manager must know how to handle his men. 经理必须知道如何管理他的手下。 This book handles the problem of inflation. 这本书是关于通货膨胀问题的。

26 Glass—handle with care.
2) touch; take up 触,摸 Glass—handle with care. 玻璃—小心轻放。 The stamp collector washed his hand before handling stamps. 这位集邮者在触摸邮票前都要洗手。

27 3) operate; direct; train Napoleon is very good at handling troops.
操纵,统帅,训练 Napoleon is very good at handling troops. 拿破仑非常擅长统帅军队。 This car handles well. 这车开起来真灵便。

28 After two months’ training, the worker now handles the
machine with ease. 经过两个月的训练,这名工人现在能 很轻松地操纵这台机器。

29 the handlebar of a bicycle a door handle 门把手
n. part of a tool, door, drawer, etc. 柄,把手,拉手 the handle of a cup 茶杯的柄 the handlebar of a bicycle 自行车的车把 a door handle 门把手

30 13. anticipate: see beforehand 预期,期望
I anticipate having an enjoyable working relationship with you all. 我期望与你们大家建立愉快的工作关系。 Analysts are anticipating a bull market. 分析家们正在期待着一个牛市。

31 14. inevitably: unavoidably 不可避免地 Death comes inevitably.
死亡是不可避免的。 The train was inevitably delayed by the accident. 火车不可避免地受到这事故的耽误。

32 vt. cause to work, control 开动,操纵,操作 operate a machine/a factory
开机器/管理工厂 vi. perform a surgical operation 做手术

33 Have you ever been operated on? 你动过手术吗? I’ll have to have my stomach

34 His sole wish is to live an undisturbed life.
16. sole: one and only 唯一的 His sole wish is to live an undisturbed life. 他唯一的愿望就是过不受打扰的生活。 Drunken driving was the sole cause of the accident. 醉酒驾驶是这次事故的唯一原因。

35 1) being responsible 责任,负责 He refuses all responsibilities for
17. responsibility: 1) being responsible 责任,负责 He refuses all responsibilities for the accident. 他拒绝为这次事故负全部责任。 A terrorist group claimed res- ponsibility for the suicide bomb. 一个恐怖组织宣称对这次自杀性爆炸负责。

36 Every one of us should meet our parent-supporting responsibilities.
2) duty 职责,义务 Every one of us should meet our parent-supporting responsibilities. 我们每个人都应该尽到赡养父母的责任。 It is my responsibility to lock the door. 锁门是我的职责。

37 18. avoid: escape; keep or get away from 避免 avoid doing sth. 避免做某事

38 Nurses spoke in a low voice to avoid wakening the patient.
护士们小声说话以免吵醒病人。 The children were told to avoid speaking to strangers in the street. 孩子们被告知在大街上不要同陌生人讲话。

39 20. conceited: full of pride in one’s powers, abilities, etc. 自负的
The conceited actor behaved as if he were the greatest man in the world. 这个自负的演员表现得就好象他是世界 上最伟大的人。

40 vt. annoy; trouble 烦扰,麻烦
21. bother: vt. annoy; trouble 烦扰,麻烦 I am sorry for bothering you with so many questions. 很抱歉那这么多问题来打扰您。 Don’t bother your father about it now; he’s very tired. 现在别那这个去打扰你父亲, 他很累了。

41 I don’t see any reason for bothering with such a petty matter.
vi. 担忧,不安 I don’t see any reason for bothering with such a petty matter. 我看没有理由为这样的小事担忧。

42 Did you have much bother finding the house?
n. worry, trouble 麻烦,不便 Did you have much bother finding the house? 你找到这所房子费劲吗? I am sorry to have put you to all this bother. 真抱歉给你添了这么多的麻烦。

43 making: the process of being made or coming into being
II. Language points: 1. The Making of a Surgeon: How a surgeon comes into being. (or The way to a successful career as a surgeon.) making: the process of being made or coming into being 形成,发展

44 The novel The Making of a Hero attracted a large reading public in the 1950s.
在二十世纪五十年代“英雄之路”这本小说吸引了大批的读者。 The making of the English language is an interesting subject. 英语语言的形成是一个很有趣的题目。

45 This semester is drawing to a close. The year soon drew to its close.
2. draw to a close: come to an end 结束 This semester is drawing to a close. 这学期即将结束。 The year soon drew to its close. 那一年很快就结束了。

46 3. treat, cure: To treat someone medically is to accept him as a patient, to diagnose his illness and to help relieve it. To cure someone is to bring him back to health, stressing the positive result of medical treatment.

47 Which doctors are treating her for her illness?
Examples: Which doctors are treating her for her illness? 哪些医生在为她治病? The bone fracture in the driver’s left leg was being carefully treated. 那位司机的左腿骨折正得到细心的治疗。

48 This medicine should cure you of your cold.
这些药应该能治好你的感冒。 Doctors and scientists may discover soon how to cure cancer. 医生和科学家们会很快发现如何治愈癌症。

49 Take my father for example; he is an excellent teacher.
4. take … for example: 以…为例子 Take my father for example; he is an excellent teacher. 以我父亲为例子,他是名优秀教师。

50 5. have trouble doing sth.: have difficulty doing sth. 有困难/麻烦做某事
The boy had a lot of trouble getting up early in winter. 在冬天早起对这个男孩来说十分困难。 Such a girl as she has no trouble making friends with people. 像她这样的女孩与人交友毫无困难。

51 accept (sth. unpleasant)
6. live with: accept (sth. unpleasant) 接受,容忍 You must live with the fact that you are no longer as healthy as you were. 你必须接受这个事实,你不再像以前那样健康了。

52 Most of us don’t like the new regulations, but we have to learn to live with them.

53 7. dwell on: think about; speak or write a lot about 细想,详述
The speaker dwelt on that point for more than an hour. 那个讲演者详述这个观点长达一个多小时。 Let bygones be bygones. Don’t dwell so much on the past. 过去的就让它过去吧,不要沉溺在过去。

54 be certain to; be sure to 一定
8. be bound to: be certain to; be sure to 一定 You are bound to succeed if you keep on trying. 如果你不断努力,你一定会成功。 It’s bound to rain. Look! The clouds are gathering quickly. 肯定要下雨。看!乌云正在迅速地积聚。

55 9. butterflies in one’s stomach:
a feeling of fear or anxiety 心慌,紧张 When the young man walked into the office to see headmaster, he had butterflies in his stomach. 当这个年轻人走进办公室见校长时,他感到很紧张。

56 10. in advance: ahead of time; beforehand 事先,预先
The rent must be paid in advance. 租金须预先支付。 It is impossible to know in advance what will happen. 预知未来发生的事是不可能的。

57 11. sweat: v. (the body) give off moisture through the skin;
perspire 出汗 He sweated heavily during the marathon race. 在马拉松比赛中他出了大量的汗。 Let’s eat out. I don’t want to sweat over the stove. 我们出去吃吧。我不想在炉子旁边冒汗。

58 The sweat broke out on his forehead.
n. perspiration 汗,出汗 The sweat broke out on his forehead. 他额头冒出了汗。 It is said that a good sweat will cure a cold. 据说好好发一身汗就能治好感冒。

59 neglect; do nothing about We should not sit on those who need help.
忽视,搁置 We should not sit on those who need help. 对那些需要帮助的人我们不应该视而不见。

60 I sent in my application in time, but the secretary sat on it for a month.

61 13. chances are/were (that): it is/was likely (that) 有可能
Chances are that he has already heard the news. 他可能已经听说了这消息。 Chances are that we will win the game. 我们可能会赢得这场比赛。

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