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7A Unit5 Let’s celebrate Reading (1).

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1 7A Unit5 Let’s celebrate Reading (1)

2 How many different festivals do you know in China or in the world?
Free talk How many different festivals do you know in China or in the world?

3 the Spring Festival

4 the Lantern Festival 元宵节

5 the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

6 April Fool’s Day愚人节 April 1

7 Children’s Day

8 the Mid-Autumn Festival
中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival

9 Halloween 3 1 9

10 Thanksgiving Day 感恩节

11 Christmas 圣诞节

12 How much do you know about Halloween?
What activities do people usually do on Halloween?


14 What activities do people usually do on Halloween?


16 dress up wear masks paint faces make pumpkin lanterns

17 Millie’s penfriend Wendy lives in the USA
Millie’s penfriend Wendy lives in the USA. Here’s a letter from her to Millie .Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions .

18 On the evening of October 31.
Fast-reading: When did Wendy write the letter ? What game do children play on Halloween? 3.When do they have a party? October 25. “Trick or treat”. On the evening of October 31.

19 Careful-reading: Read the passage again in groups and finish the following exercises together.


21 Activities: ________ up Wear ______or paint their _____
Skimming: learning about Halloween Halloween Date: 31 __________ Activities: ________ up Wear ______or paint their _____ Make _________________ Play ___________ Have a ________ in the evening Halloween October Dress masks faces pumpkin lanterns trick or treat party

22 Scanning 1:Read Para 1-2 , answer the questions .
1. What does Wendy thank Millie for? 2.How do children feel about this festival? 3. What activities do they do on the festival? She thanks Millie for telling her about the Mid-Autumn Festival . They have lots of fun on that day. They dress up, wear masks, paint their faces,make pumpkin lanterns, play “trick or treat” and have a party.

23 Para 2 when how who dress They_______ up. October 31st They
wear_________ or paint their______ how Para 2 masks faces. people in the USA who They make ___________ pumpkin lanterns.

24 Scanning 2:Read Para 3-4 , answer the questions .
4.What do people give children as a treat? 5. How do they play the game? 6. What do they enjoy at the Halloween party? They usually give the children candy as a treat. They knock on people’s doors and shout “trick or treat ”.…… They enjoy nice food and drinks.

25 Learn more about the game
We _____houses and ____________with people inside. We _________ their doors and ______ “trick or treat”. Usually they _____ us __________as________ .If they do not give us a treat, we ___________on them. shout visit a treat give knock on play a game play a trick some candy

26 b. They play “trick or treat”. c. Wendy likes Halloween best.
Main idea(要点) Paragraph Information ____ 4 a. They have a party. 3 ____ b. They play “trick or treat”. ____ 1 c. Wendy likes Halloween best. d. They dress up and wear masks. They paint faces. 2 ____

27 T F F F F T B2 True or False. 1. People in the USA celebrate
Halloween in October. 2. Halloween is not much fun for children. 3. People make lanterns out of oranges. 4. Children play ‘trick or treat’ with their parents on Halloween. 5. People have a party on the morning of 31 October. 6. People enjoy nice food and drinks on Halloween. T F F pumpkins F the people inside evening F T

28 People __________ Halloween on 31 October.
B3 Complete Wendy’s letter. People __________ Halloween on 31 October. Children dress up and ______ masks. Sometimes they ________ their faces. They ______ on people’s doors and _____ “trick or treat”. People often give the children some ________ as a treat. celebrate wear paint knock shout candy

29 Andy also wants to know something about Halloween
Andy also wants to know something about Halloween .He is asking Millie questions . Help Millie answer his questions . Andy: Millie, I have some questions. Do people in the USA celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival? Millie: No, they seldom celebrate it. They celebrate ____________. Andy: When do they celebrate it? Millie: They celebrate it on ____________. Andy: Do children have fun on that day? Halloween 31 October

30 lots of fun Millie: Sure. They have ___________. Andy: Do they play any games? Millie: Yes, they ______________________ and play “trick or treat” with the people _______. Andy: Do they have a party on that day? Millie: Sure. They always have a party in the evening. They enjoy nice ____________. Andy: Does Wendy think the day is interesting? Millie: Yes. She thinks it is really a ____________. knock on people’s doors inside food and drinks special day

31 Something about Halloween
Halloween is on ____________. People in the West ________ it. People celebrate Halloween in many ways. Children _____ up and wear masks at Halloween. Many children play a game called _____________. They knock on their neighbours’ doors and shout _____________. Their neighbours usually give them some October 31st celebrate dress ‘trick or treat’ ‘trick or treat’

32 lanterns candy as a ______. If the children do not get treat
any candy, they can play a _____ on the neighbour. Some people also make _______ out of big orange __________. They cut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth. They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth. treat trick lanterns pumpkins

33 Language points

34 … and I like Halloween best.
like…best 最喜欢…… best表示“最” e.g. Which colour do you like best? 你最喜欢哪种颜色?

35 2. We knock on their doors and shout “trick or treat”.
knock 可作不及物动词,意为“敲,击打”,表示“敲门”时,用knock加介词 on 或 at。 Please knock on the door before entering. 进来之前请先敲门。 Listen! There is someone knocking at the door. 听!有人在敲门。

36 3. as prep. ★as作介词,意为“作为,当作;像……”。例如: She works as a teacher at a middle school. 她在一所中学当老师。 As your friend, I should help you if you need. 作为你的朋友,我应该在你需要的时候帮助你。

37 4. If they do not give us a treat, we play a trick on them.
If you don’t work hard, you will fail in the exam.

38 trick or treat 不招待就搞恶作剧
是西方万圣节前夕儿童装鬼玩闹,挨家挨户要糖果时的用语。 play a trick on sb. 与某人做恶作剧

39 Homework 1. Look for more information about Halloween in the library or on the Internet. 2. Make a post card about Halloween. 3. Do the exercises on Page 60.

40 Thank you!

41 导学 Halloween背景介绍 每年的11月1日,是西方国家传统的万圣节。很多民族都在万圣节前夜(10月31日)有庆典聚会,最初叫法多样,渐渐约定俗称演变为 Halloween, 中文意译为“万圣节前夜” 传说古代凯尔特人相信10月31日是生死界限融化的时候,故人的亡魂会在这一天回到故居地在活人身上找寻生灵,借此再生,而活着的人则惧怕死魂来夺生,于是人们就在这一天熄掉炉火、烛光,让死魂无法找寻活人,又把自己打扮成妖魔鬼怪把死人的魂灵吓走。点亮南瓜灯引导鬼魂回家,并拿出食物招待他们,不招待就破坏家园。 随着时间的迁移,万圣节前夜变成的狂欢夜,是儿童们纵情玩乐的好时候。夜幕降临,孩子们便迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的服装,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提上“杰克灯”出去玩,万圣节前夜最流行的游戏是“不款待就捣乱”和“咬苹果”

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