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1 节假日活动

2 课标解读 节假日活动是指春节、元旦、国庆节、植树节、教师节、重阳节、圣诞节、复活节、情人节、母亲节等各种中西方节假日的起源、发展、庆祝方式和假日活动安排,还有生日、周年纪念日、毕业典礼等各种庆祝活动,以及参加这些活动的经历和感受等。暑期、寒假等的活动、社会实践活动或者青年志愿者的活动安排及感受等等。

3 命题预测 命题人可能从下列方面出题: (1)直接给出某一个中西方节日的活动安排;
(2)假设考生参加了某个盛大节日或者某个活动,要求他对节日场面或活动情况进行描述; (3)某个节日或寒暑假要来了,准备举行一个活动,以通知的形式告诉大家,希望踊跃参加; (4)以图片的形式体现节日的盛况,要求考生进行描述; (5)节日去某地度假了,回来后写信表示感谢,其中以回忆的形式体现假日活动;

4 (6)节日物品,例如饺子的制作、红包等; (7)中西方节日的对比; (8)对节日的盛大状况的态度,觉得如此豪华,盛况空前,有没有必要性; (9)现在中国逐步开始流行过“洋”节,那么你认为西方节日会不会代替中国传统节日; (10)你的节假日如何安排,如何有意义地度过节假日。

5 第二项 写作语汇 lunar January 正月 一、常用单词 The Lantern Festival 1. 中国节日 元宵节
Spring Festival couplets 春联 New Year paintings 年画 fireworks 烟花 red packets 红包 一、常用单词 1. 中国节日 New Year’s Day 元旦 The Spring Festival 春节 New Year’s Eve 除夕 the beginning of New Year 正月初一 lunar calendar 农历

6 general house-cleaning
大扫除 the Dragon-Boat Festival 端午节 Double-Seventh Day 乞巧节(中国情人节) the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 the Moon Festival

7 Christmas mail 圣诞邮件 Christmas dance 圣诞舞会 Christmas shopping 圣诞采购 Easter 复活节 April Fools’ Day 愚人节 Thanksgiving 感恩节 Valentine’s Day 情人节 2.外国节日 Christmas 圣诞节 Christmas Eve 圣诞夜 Christmas carol 圣诞歌 Christmas present 圣诞礼物 Christmas tree 圣诞树 Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐 Father Christmas (英)圣诞老人

8 Mother’s Day 母亲节 Carnival 狂欢节 Earth Day 世界地球日 All Saints Day / Allhallows 万圣节 International Labor Day 五一国际劳动节

9 observance 3.庆典词 仪式 anniversary graduation ceremony 周年纪念(日) 毕业典礼 feast
a happy ending 大团圆结局 sweetheart 甜心 date 约会 bunch 花束 admirer 仰慕者 3.庆典词 anniversary 周年纪念(日) feast 盛宴 festival 节日 origin 起源 birth 出生 originator 创始人 celebration 庆祝会 romance 浪漫 promise / pledge/vow 誓言 firecrackers 鞭炮 candlelight dinner 蜡烛晚餐 get-together 聚会

10 二、参考短语 1.have the Spring Festival 过年 2.propose a toast 敬酒 3.celebrate Christmas 庆祝圣诞 4.Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐 at the first sight 一见钟情

11 三、参考语句 1.Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming
year!祝你新的一年幸福成功。 2.Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family! 事业成功,家庭美满! 3.Nowadays Chinese begin to follow some western festivals such as Christmas. 现在中国人过起了许多西方节日,如圣诞节。 4.Mother’s Day is a celebration in Honor of All Mothers.母亲节是一个向所有母亲表达敬意的节日。 5.Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year! 圣诞快乐,祝您新年快乐! 6.Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national holidays in the United States. 感恩节是美国国家假日中最地道、最美国式的节日。

12 必备词句 1.中国节日名称 (1)The Spring Festival春节 (2)The Dragon Boat Festival端午节
(3)The Mid-autumn Festival中秋节 (4)New Year’s Day元旦 (5)National Day国庆节 (6)International Labor Day五一劳动节 (7)Teachers’ Day教师节 (8)Children’s Day儿童节 (9)Women’s Day妇女节 (10)Tomb-sweeping Day清明节 (11)Double Ninth Festival重阳节 (12)Lantern Festival元宵节

13 2.西方节日名称 (1)Christmas day 圣诞节 (2)Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 (3)Valentine’s Day 情人节 (4)April Fool’s Day 愚人节 (5)Halloween Day 万圣节 (6)Easter Day 复活节 (7)Mothers’ Day 母亲节 (8)Fathers’ day 父亲节

14 3.相关句子 (1)National Day is coming. 国庆节快到了。 (2)National Day falls on Monday this year.今年国庆节是星期一。 (3)We celebrated the New Year with a dance party. 我们举行舞会来庆祝新年。

15 第三项 写作实践演练 一、基础写作专题演练 第1篇 最近,你的美国网友Jackson在邮件说他对中国的中秋节
非常感兴趣,他想了解中国这个传统节日。请根据下面的 提纲内容,写一篇英语短文,回复对方。 【写作内容】动人传说:天上有一条龙,要把月亮吞下去, 为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑。 庆祝时间:农历八月十五日,装扮成房子,灯笼挂在屋前。 庆祝方式:1.离家在外的人回来团圆。 2.点亮红色的圆灯笼,孩子们热闹非凡,玩玩具灯笼。 3.人们回顾过去憧憬未来,边吃月饼边赏月,似乎月亮 更圆、更亮、更美。 【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。

16 The Moon Festival is one of the most traditional
Chinese holidays with many beautiful tales about the festival, like a dragon in the sky that wanted to swallow up the moon, and in order to protect the moon, young children had to make huge noises to frighten the dragon away. Therefore, before the Mid-Autumn falls on August 15 of the lunar calendar, everyone in the family celebrates the festival, making their house cleaner and more beautiful and hanging lanterns in front of the house. People who work far away from their homes try to come back for the union, together with their family, light the red and round lanterns and children play with their own toy lanterns happily and excitedly.

17 When at night the moon hanging itself in the blue
sky appears fuller, brighter and more beautiful, people can enjoy the moon, and eat delicious moon-cakes, which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together.

18 第2篇 你是李华,5月11日是母亲节,你的美国朋友Jane问你 在这一天有何打算。请你根据如下提纲所示,给她写一
封回信,谈谈你为母亲要做的事情。 【写作内容】感 恩:感谢母亲的养育之恩; 做家务:打扫房间、洗衣服; 祝 福:写贺卡、送鲜花。 【写作要求】1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2.信的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入句数。 Dear Catharine, ___________________________________________ Have you got any other ideas? Look forward to your reply. Best wishes Yours truly Li Hua

19 Dear Jane, I’m very glad to hear from you. I’m pleased to tell you what I’d like to do for my mother on Mother’s Day. It’s time to say thanks to my dear mom who brings me up and is willing to do all she can for me. Firstly, I think I should help my mum do some housework, such as tidying the rooms or washing some clothes, for I am very thankful for all the work she has done for me. Secondly, I would like to send her some flowers as a gift, wishing her to be much younger and happier. Thirdly, I am going to write her a card to tell how much she means to me, and that I’ll try my best to live up to her expectations. Have you got any other ideas? Look forward to your reply. Best wishes Yours truly Li Hua

20 第三项 写作实践演练 一、基础写作专题演练 第1篇 最近,你的美国网友Jackson在邮件说他对中国的中秋节
非常感兴趣,他想了解中国这个传统节日。请根据下面的 提纲内容,写一篇英语短文,回复对方。 【写作内容】动人传说:天上有一条龙,要把月亮吞下去, 为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑。 庆祝时间:农历八月十五日,装扮成房子,灯笼挂在屋前。 庆祝方式:1.离家在外的人回来团圆。 2.点亮红色的圆灯笼,孩子们热闹非凡,玩玩具灯笼。 3.人们回顾过去憧憬未来,边吃月饼边赏月,似乎月亮 更圆、更亮、更美。 【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。

21 The Moon Festival, is one of the most traditional
Chinese holidays with many beautiful tales about the festival, like a dragon in the sky that wanted to swallow up the moon, and in order to protect the moon, young children had to make huge noises to frighten the dragon away. Therefore, before the Mid-Autumn falls on August 15 of the lunar calendar, everyone in the family celebrates the festival, making their house cleaner and more beautiful and hanging lanterns in front of the house. People who work far away from their homes try to come back for the union, together with their family, light the red and round lanterns and children play with their own toy lanterns happily and excitedly.

22 When at night the moon hanging itself in the blue
sky appears fuller, brighter and more beautiful, people can enjoy the moon, and eat delicious moon-cakes, which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together.

23 第2篇 你是李华,5月11日是母亲节,你的美国朋友Jane问你 在这一天有何打算。请你根据如下提纲所示,给她写一
封回信,谈谈你为母亲要做的事情。 【写作内容】感 恩:感谢母亲的养育之恩; 做家务:打扫房间、洗衣服; 祝 福:写贺卡、送鲜花。 【写作要求】1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容; 2.信的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入句数。 Dear Catharine, ___________________________________________ Have you got any other ideas? Look forward to your reply. Best wishes Yours truly Li Hua

24 Dear Jane, I’m very glad to hear from you. I’m pleased to tell you what I’d like to do for my mother on Mother’s Day. It’s time to say thanks to my dear mom who brings me up and is willing to do all she can for me. Firstly, I think I should help my mum do some housework, such as tidying the rooms or washing some clothes, for I am very thankful for all the work she has done for me. Secondly, I would like to send her some flowers as a gift, wishing her to be much younger and happier. Thirdly, I am going to write her a card to tell how much she means to me, and that I’ll try my best to live up to her expectations. Have you got any other ideas? Look forward to your reply. Best wishes Yours truly Li Hua

25 专题练析 基础写作:邀请美国朋友在春节期间来中国(据2009年山东卷改编)
假设你是李华,曾在美国学习半年,现已回国。你想联系你的美国老师Mr. Smith,但没有其联系方式。 [写作内容] 请根据以下要点给你的美国同学Tom 写一封信: 1.感谢Tom对你英语学习的帮助; 2.询问Mr. smith 的近况并索要其联系方式; 3.邀请Tom在春节期间来中国感受中国文化。

26 基础写作:给美国同学的一封信 Dear Tom, I am now back to China and sound. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation to you for your kind assistance in my English learning when I was in New York. Additionally, I have been missing our English professor, Mr. Smith. I desire to contact him for some suggestions on improving my listening ability. However, his address is not available, so would you mind delivering it to me via the online mailbox

27 I am more than delighted to invite you to join us to celebrate the Spring Festival-Chinese Lunar New Year so that I can repay your friendship. I assure you that the grand lantern festival parade will be bound to impress you and you would enjoy visiting here as I did at your home. With my best regards! Yours cordially, Li Hua

28 2.然后以大约120个词发表你的观点,包括如下要点: (1)你是否认为只有女孩才能向父母表达爱; (2)回忆今年的母亲节,你做了什么;
读写任务:母亲节我为母亲做了什么和打算做什么 [写作内容] 1.用大约30个词概括短文内容要点; 2.然后以大约120个词发表你的观点,包括如下要点: (1)你是否认为只有女孩才能向父母表达爱; (2)回忆今年的母亲节,你做了什么; (3)你今后应当如何做。

29 读写任务:母亲节我为母亲做了什么和打算做什么
Love our Mothers On Mother’s Day, the author found it hard to say “I love you” to his mother. However, thinking of the kindness of his mother, he was determined to give her an unexpected card with love.(34 words) What the writer did this time is very dutiful. In my opinion, boys can show their respect to their parents as well as girls. They both can express their appreciation to them, because, after all, each parent has paid out so much for their children’s growth.

30 To celebrate Mother’s Day this year, I bought a bunch of pretty flowers with a card on it, reading, “You are the best mom that a daughter has ever had. I love you, Mum!” From now on, to express my love to my mother, I am going to do more housework , cooking, washing, cleaning and shopping, which seems to be endless. By doing these, I will come to realize that, as a matter of fact, mum is very toilsome(辛苦的)all the time. (128 words)

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