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Unit Seven There’s Only Luck.

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1 Unit Seven There’s Only Luck

2 annoy: vt. Make rather angry
I. New Words annoy: vt. Make rather angry 使恼怒,使烦恼 (1) annoy + 名词 + (with 名[by doing])

3 Your question annoys me. These flies keeps annoying me.
你的问题使我生气。 These flies keeps annoying me. 这些苍蝇惹得我心烦。 Don’t annoy your neighbors by singing loudly at night. 夜晚不要大声唱歌,以免打扰邻居。

4 (2) to be annoyed + at [by]
名(事、物)/ with 名(人)生……的气 I was annoyed at his impudence. 我气他的厚颜无耻。 She was annoyed with him because he was late. 因为他迟到她对他生气。

5 (3) annoying: adj. 使人烦恼的,恼人的,讨厌的

6 How long will the fine weather last?
2. last: vi. go on 继续,持续,持久 How long will the fine weather last? 这样的好天气会持续多久? This color will last. 这种颜色不易褪色。

7 He released the bird from its cage.
3. release: vt. set free 松开;释放 He released the bird from its cage. 他将那只鸟从笼中释放出来。 He was released from prison. 他被从监狱中释放出来。

8 to split the fire wood with an axe
4. split: vt. vi. (1)    divide into parts 劈开,切开 to split the fire wood with an axe 用斧头劈木柴 Split the pineapple before peeling it. 先把菠萝切开,然后削皮。

9 (2)cause to be broken into two or more parts.
被劈开,被切开 The wood splits easily. 这木头容易劈开。

10 (1) small, particular fact 细节 Please give me all the details.
5. detail: n. & vt. (1) small, particular fact 细节 Please give me all the details. 请让我知道所有的细节。 Could you explain in more detail? 你能说得更详细些吗?

11 In a special report the magazine details the fighting.
(2)describe fully 详细描写或说明 In a special report the magazine details the fighting. 那份杂志在一篇特别报道中详述了战斗情况。

12 6. rage: n. great anger He was in a great rage. He shouted with rage.
狂怒,大怒 He was in a great rage. 他非常愤怒。 He shouted with rage. 他愤怒地大叫。

13 (1) action done in answer Was there any response to the advertisement?
7. response: n. (1)    action done in answer 反应 ([to 名]对……的) Was there any response to the advertisement? 对那则广告有任何反应吗?

14 His appeal met with no response. (1)answer
他的呼吁没有得到任何回应。 (1)answer 回答,答复([to 名]对……的) (2)He makes no response to my letter. 他对我的信置之不答。

15 (3) response 的动词形式是respond He responded negatively to the question.
他对该问题作了否定的回答。 The government responded to pressure and dropped the proposal. 政府感到压力之后,撤消了那项提议。

16 8. security:(1) n. safety freedom from danger or fear
安全,平安 safeguard the security of one’s country 保卫国家的安全

17 feel secure about one’s future
We are all concerned for the security of the passengers on the aircraft. 我们都很担心飞机上旅客的安全。 (2) security 的形容词形式是secure feel secure about one’s future 对未来感到放心

18 The old couple lived a quiet, secure life.
老夫妇俩过着平静安定的生活。 9.contented: a. satisfied, happy 满足的  He is very contented with such a small income. 他对这样少的收入感到很满意。

19 with a contented smile 带着满意的微笑

20 10. cozy=cosy a. warm and comfortable
暖和舒适的  This jacket will keep you cozy. 这件外衣会把你裹得严实暖和。

21 (1) giving no cause for hope
  11. hopeless: a. (1)   giving no cause for hope 没有希望的  He is hopeless of success. 他没有成功的希望。

22 His health is hopeless of any improvement.
他的健康根本没有好转的希望。 (2)    very bad or unskilled 无能的 He is hopeless at German. 他的德语怎么也学不好。

23 12. intelligent: a. clever; rational
A dolphin is an intelligent animal. 海豚是有智力的动物。 The girl looked intelligent. 这女孩看起来聪明伶俐。

24 13. numb: a. having lost the power of feeling or moving
失去感觉的,麻木的 My fingers were numb with cold. 我的手指冻僵了。

25 My toes were too much numb to feel my own stamping.

26 14. specific: a. definite; not general
明确的;具体的 What are your specific aims? 你的明确的目标是什么?

27 We need to seek a solution to each specific problem.
我们需要寻找解决每一具体问题的方法。 The money is to be used for a specific problem. 这钱将有特殊的用途。

28 There will be stiffer penalties for drunken drivers.
15. stiff: a. sever 严厉的 There will be stiffer penalties for drunken drivers. 对酒后开车者将实行更严厉的处罚。

29 a vague outline / a vague answer 模糊的轮廓 / 含糊的回答
16. vague: a. not clear 模糊的 a vague outline / a vague answer 模糊的轮廓 / 含糊的回答

30 Without glasses, I can see only the vague outline of your face.
不戴眼镜的话,我只能看到你脸部模糊不清的轮廓。 I have only vague memories of my parents. 对我父母,我只有模糊的记忆。

31 go: (used as linking verb) become; get to be
II. Language Points go: (used as linking verb) become; get to be  变成(某种状态)

32 examples: The milk has gone sour. 我父亲的头发渐渐变成灰白。
My father’s hair is going gray. 我父亲的头发渐渐变成灰白。 The milk has gone sour. 牛奶已变酸了。

33 2. My mind went numb when I . . . : I lost all my senses or the power to think when I . . .

34 3. pull out: leave; move away(车、船等)驶出
The train pulled out of the station right on time. 列车准点从车站开出。 The boat is pulling out into midstream. 船正驶向中流。

35 4. This can’t be happening to me
4. This can’t be happening to me It’s impossible that this is happening to me. ( Or: I can’t believe this is happening to me. ) 这种事不可能落到我头上啊。

36 -------It can’t be true. She must be mistaken.
Negative deduction about a present event can be expressed by “can’t” or “couldn’t” with the present infinitive of the verb “be”. It can’t be true. She must be mistaken. 这不可能是真的.她一定错了。

37 5. I remember being vaguely annoyed when
5. I remember being vaguely annoyed when : I remember that I was slightly angry for no definite reason when . . .…… 我心里模模糊糊地感到了恼火。

38 6. the split second: the very brief moment of time

39 7. I didn’t crouch behind it but screamed instead
7. I didn’t crouch behind it but screamed instead Instead of crouching behind it ( the car), I screamed 我并没有在车后趴下,而是大声尖叫起来。

40 instead: as an alternative or substitute
代替地,作为代替 I don’t like beer; give me coke instead. 我不喜欢喝啤酒,给我可乐好了。

41 8. there was something absurdly melodramatic about screaming, “ Help, help!”: it seemed somewhat ridiculous and excessively dramatic in a stupid way to scream “Help, help!” 高声尖叫“救命,救命!” 未免有点过于夸张,显得荒唐可笑。

42 9. the houses were cold, closed, unfriendly: Here the “houses” are personified. What the author really means is that the people behind the doors were indifferent to what was happening outside and were reluctant to help. 那些房子却冷漠无情、门窗紧闭,一点也不友好.

43 (1) restore, reintroduce
10. bring back: (1) restore, reintroduce 恢复 The fresh air in the mountains would bring back her strength. 山里新鲜的空气将会恢复她的体力。 He is very much in favor of bring back capital punishment. 他十分赞同恢复死刑。

44 (2)cause to be remembered 回想起 The landscape brought back
my hometown which I had left five years before. 那风景使我回忆起别离5年的家乡。

45 11. clean up the country: put an end to crime and corruption

46 12. What good would guns have been to Jeremy and me
12. What good would guns have been to Jeremy and me? Even if Jeremy and I had had guns with us, they would not have done any good to us.

47 What good is money to a person when he is dying?
What good is ? / What’s the good of ? : What is the use of ? What good is money to a person when he is dying? 对一个垂死的人来说,钱还有什么用呢?

48 What is the good of explaining the matter to him if he turns a deaf ear to you?

49 13. turn out: appear; be present

50 The whole village turned out to welcome us.
全村的人都出来欢迎我们。 All the miners turned out on strike. 全体矿工都参加了罢工。

51 14. the police turned out in force: the police arrived on the scene in large numbers.

52 When it comes to meteorology, I’m just a layman.
15. come to: concern; become a matter about (usually used in the phrase “when it comes to”) When it comes to meteorology, I’m just a layman. 谈到气象学,我只是个门外汉。

53 Don’t talk around the question; come straight to the point.

54 16…. we were hopeless when it came to identification. ------
16….we were hopeless when it came to identification we were unable to provide any useful information when asked about how old the criminals might be, what they looked like, etc. 而在谈到歹徒的特征时,我们更是一筹莫展。

55 17. trail off: become increasingly weaker and fade away eventually
逐渐变弱 Her voice trailed off to a whisper. 她的声音越来越低,最后成了耳语。

56 When she saw that her pleas were disregarded, her voice trailed off in sobs.

57 18. no intelligent response to a gun: there is no clever reaction to a gun .

58 He finally ended up his speech. 最后他结束了自己的讲话。
19. end up: reach a final situation (by…ing); finish; come to an end 结束,告终 He finally ended up his speech. 最后他结束了自己的讲话。

59 每次她试着与其丈夫争辩,她最终哭得极其伤心。
Each time she tried to argue with her husband, she ended up crying her eyes out. 每次她试着与其丈夫争辩,她最终哭得极其伤心。

60 20. Security is an illusion; there is no safety in locks or in guns
20. Security is an illusion; there is no safety in locks or in guns No one is in fact secure; even if you have locks and guns, you are not safe from danger. 安全感是一种幻想;不管是铁锁,还是枪支,都不会带来安全。

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