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新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第三十七讲 继续教育学院

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1 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第三十七讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第三十七讲 授课教师:曹瑜

2 Study Focus 1. Try to understand our parents’ love.
2. Learn to use some words and expressions for describing people’s character. 3. Practice using the structure of “the only reason for…is that…”. 4. Learn to write Requests for Leave (请假条). 5. Read the story about a boy and his tree.

3 Preparation A. Discuss the following questions with your partners.
1. What is your father like? 2. How has he influenced your life? For More

4 Preparation B. Read the following sentences carefully and
work out the meaning of the underlined words and expressions. 1. Linda worked very hard and has therefore made tremendous progress in her studies. 2. He made up his mind to hang on to the job no matter how hard the situation was. For More

5 Preparation 3. He got the lowest score in his class on the final exam, which was a humbling experience for him. 4. He was beside himself when he learned that his computer had been stolen. 5. Teachers should never make their students feel stupid or ignorant. 6. Can you look me in the eye and tell me that you are not lying? End

6 Pre-reading Preparation: B (key)
tremendous :极大的, 巨大的 hang on to :紧紧握住,不放弃 humbling :令人羞辱的 be beside himself :发狂,疯癫 ignorant :无知的, 愚昧的 look somebody in the eye :正视某人

7 Bye for now!

8 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第三十八讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第三十八讲 授课教师:曹瑜

9 Text Study My Father By David Suzuki
Para. 1 In my last year of high school in London, Ont., some kids asked me to run for student-council president. I was a “brain” and, in the ’50s, being a brain was like having leprosy. I didn’t play basketball or football, and I wasn’t part of the in crowd. So I turned down the suggestion.

10 David Suzuki 大卫·铃木教授(1936—)是世界著名环境保护 学家,曾在英属哥伦比亚大学(University of
British Columbia)任教40年,获得多种奖项, 出版了30多部关于环保的著作。作者还曾多年主 持加拿大广播公司家喻户晓的科普节目《事物的 本性》(The Nature of Things )。

11 Translation 我的父亲 大卫·铃木 Para. 1 我在安大略省伦敦市读中学的最后一 年,一些同学建议我参加学生会主席的竞选。当
时我学习成绩很好,而在50 年代,成绩好的人就 像麻风病人一样不受欢迎。我既不打篮球也不踢 足球,和时髦毫不沾边。所以,我没采纳他们的 建议。

12 Para. 1 1. I was a “brain” and, in the'50s, being a brain was like having leprosy. I didn't play basketball or football, and I wasn't part of the in crowd. (Para. 1) 当时我学习成绩很好,而在50年代,成绩好的人 就像麻风病人一样不受欢迎。我既不打篮球也不踢 足球,和时髦毫不沾边。 1) a brain: 头脑聪明的人 For More

13 Para. 1 e.g. a. All the best scientific brains in the field are working on this project. 该领域所有的科技精英都在为这个项目工作。 b. She is one of the brains in our class. 她是我们班聪明的学生之一。 2) the ’50s: the 1950s,20世纪50年代 3) the in crowd: 时髦人群 in: adj. 时髦的,受欢迎的 For More

14 Para. 1 e.g. a. Purple is the in color this spring. 紫色是今年春天的流行色。
b. Fashions come and go quickly. Short skirts are in again. 时尚变化迅速。短裙又时髦起来了。 End

15 turn down 拒绝某人、建议或忠告 e.g. a. We politely turned down the invitation.
我们有礼貌地拒绝了邀请。 b. He turned down my offer of help. 他拒绝了我提供的帮助。 c. He asked her to marry him but she turned him down. 他向她求婚,但被她拒绝了。

16 Bye for now!

17 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第三十九讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第三十九讲 授课教师:曹瑜

18 Text Study did you say no?” him.
Para. 2 When I told my father, he asked, “Why did you say no?” Para “Well, there’s no way I could win,” I told him. Para. 4 My father looked at me. “If you’re going to go through life never wanting to lose, you’re never going to do anything,” he said. “There’s no shame in trying and losing, because there are always going to be people better than you.”

19 Translation Para. 2 我对父亲说了这事,他问我,“你为什么 不参加竞选?”
失败,那你永远也做不成任何事情。尝试并失败 了,并没有什么可耻的,因为世上总有比你优秀的 人。”

20 Para. 3 3. “Well, there's no way I could win,” I told him. (Para. 3)
“哎呀,我根本不可能获胜。”我对他说。 (there is) no way somebody could do something: 某人根本不可能做某事 e.g. a. “ Do you want to help?” “No way.” 你会提供帮助吗? 决不。 For More

21 Para. 3 b. There is no way we could afford that amount of money.
我们根本付不起那笔钱。 End

22 go through 经历,遭受 e.g. a. We went through hell while working on this project. 执行这一计划时我们经历了许多困难。 b. She has been going through a bad patch (暂 时的困难)recently. 她最近比较倒霉。

23 shame n. 羞耻, e.g. Her cheeks glowed with shame. 她面颊羞得发红。 n. 耻辱
His bad behavior brings shame on the whole school. 他的恶劣行为使整个学校蒙受耻辱。 For More

24 shame n. 羞愧可耻的人( 或事物) e.g. It's a shame you can't stay with us.
你不能留下来和我们在一起, 真是太遗憾了。 End

25 Bye for now!

26 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十讲 授课教师:曹瑜

27 Text Study Para So I decided to run. I recruited my cousins and sisters. We wrote slogans like “You’ll Rave About Dave” on every blackboard and drove around in my father’s Model A with a painted sign on top. On the last day before the election, the candidates gave speeches. I wasn’t nervous and delivered my speech with verve. On election day I got more votes than all the others combined.

28 Translation Para. 5 于是,我决定参加竞选。我请来了我的 姐姐、妹妹以及堂兄妹们帮忙。我们在每块黑板
上写上诸如 “你将为大卫欢呼” 之类的标语,并驾 着父亲的福特A 型车到处宣传,还在车顶上放了 一块绘制的标牌。竞选前一天,选手们发表演说。 我发表了热情洋溢的演讲,一点也没有紧张。正 式竞选那天,我得的票数比其他所有竞选对手得 票的总和还多。

29 Model A 福特A 型汽车,是福特汽车 公司于1903年生产的第一 款汽车。在作者上中学时 (20世纪50年代),这种
型号的汽车已属于便宜又过 时的产品。

30 recruit vt. 征募;招收 e.g. Were men for the Navy recruited from men on merchant ships? 海军的人员是从商船的水手中征募的吗? n. 新兵;新会员 e.g. New recruits to our table tennis club are always welcome. 我们的乒乓球俱乐部随时欢迎新成员的参加。

31 slogan n. 口号,标语 e.g. a. The crowd chanted slogans and waved banners.
人群有节奏地呼喊着口号并挥舞着旗帜。 b. Their slogan is "Time is money, efficiency is life."  他们的口号是“时间就是金钱,效率就是 生命”。

32 candidate n. 候选人;投考者 e.g. a. We are canvassing for the Republican candidate.  我们在为共和党候选人拉票助选。 b. We judge that he is the best candidate.  我们认为他是最佳人选。

33 deliver vt. 发表( 一篇演说等) e.g. Mr. Smith delivered the opening speech.
史密斯先生致开幕词。 vt. 递送 The telegram was delivered early this morning. 这份电报是今天清晨送到的。

34 verve n. (尤指在艺术或文学工作中的)热情,精力, 活力 e.g. Rosa wrote with great verve.

35 Bye for now!

36 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十一讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十一讲 授课教师:曹瑜

37 Text Study Para. 6 In high school, I found, you gain a little bit of knowledge and suddenly you think your parents don’t know a thing. One day, for example, my father told me something he had noticed as a boy. “I was watching wasps,” he said, “and they had tiny parasites that looked like lobsters on them.”

38 Translation Para. 6 我发现,在中学里,当你有了一点点知 识时,你会突然觉得父母亲一无所知。比如,有一
天,父亲告诉我他小时候的一个发现,他说,“我 在观察黄蜂的时候,看到它们身上有像龙虾一样的 小寄生虫。”

39 wasp n. 黄蜂 e.g. a. There's a wasps' nest in that old tree.
那棵老树上有一个黄蜂巢。 b. Wasp's sting is serious, as I know to my cost.  让黄蜂蜇了可不好受,我吃过这苦头。

40 parasite n. 寄生虫;食客 e.g. a. I don't want to be a parasite. I must earn my own way in life. 我不想做寄生虫, 我要自己养活自己。 b. The doctor examine the entrails of the patient for parasite.  医生检查病人的内脏看是否有寄生虫。

41 Bye for now!

42 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十二讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十二讲 授课教师:曹瑜

43 Text Study Para. 7 I said, “Oh yeah, that’s interesting.” But I was thinking: That’s stupid. What does he know? Para. 8 Years later, I took a course in ecology. Reading a book, I found there were parasites called pseudoscorpions that look like lobsters. My father was bang on. I realized he had been a tremendous observer of nature —far more acute than I. And I realized how ignorant I was.

44 Translation Para. 7 我嘴上说,“哦,是吗?真有趣。”但心里 却在嘀咕,“真蠢,他懂什么呀?”
一本书,了解到确实有一种叫拟蝎的寄生虫长得像 龙虾。 父亲完全正确。我这才意识到父亲一直是 一位优秀的自然界观察者——远比我观察敏锐。我 意识到了自己是多么的无知。

45 bang on (英式俚语)完全正确;非常好 e.g.
a. To our surprise, the boy’s answer is bang on. 令我们惊讶的是,那男孩的答案完全正确。 b. I had been to my hometown for holiday, and I think it was bang on. 我去家乡度过了假期,我认为过得好极了。

46 Para. 8 6. I realized he had been a tremendous observer of nature—far more acute than I. (Para. 8) 我这才意识到父亲一直是一位优秀的自然界观察 者——远比我观察敏锐。 此句完整的结构应为: I realized that my father had been a tremendous observer of nature. And he was far more acute than I was. For More

47 Para. 8 1) tremendous: adj. 在数量、范围或程度上非常大的;精彩的,奇妙的 e.g.
a. That is a tremendous task for a new graduate. 对一个刚毕业的人来说那是一项艰巨的任务。 b. We had a tremendous night at the theater last night. 我们昨天晚上在剧院度过了一个美妙的夜晚。 For More

48 Para. 8 2) far more...than: 比······得多,far是程度副词,用在形容词或副词的比较级前,表示程度高。
e.g. The film was far more interesting than we had imagined. 这部电影比我们想象的精彩得多。 End

49 observer n. 观测者;观察员; 遵守者 e.g.
a. The old man was sent along as an observer. 那个老人被派作观察员。 b. The passage of a celestial body across the observer's meridian. 凌日,一个天体经过观测者的最高点。

50 acute adj. 敏锐的;[ 医] 急性的 e.g. a. He is an acute observer. 他是个敏锐的观察家。
b. They think his mother's illness is acute rather than chronic. 他们认为他母亲的病是急性的, 不是慢性的。

51 ignorant adj. 无知的,没有学识的;不知道的 e.g.
a. Wise men become wiser as they grow older, ignorant men more ignorant. 智者临老更聪明;蠢人老去更昏庸。 b. Custom is the guide of the ignorant.  习俗是无知者的向导。

52 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十三讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十三讲 授课教师:曹瑜

53 Text Study 16 I went to Amherst College in Massachusetts.
Para. 9 But I still had more to learn from him. At 16 I went to Amherst College in Massachusetts. The tuition and cost of residence was double what my father earned in a year. The only reason I could go was that I had a scholarship. To keep it, I had to be in the top 20 percent of the class.

54 Translation Para. 9 但我该向他学的东西还有很多。16 岁 时,我去马萨诸塞州的阿默斯特学院上学。那个学
校的学费和住宿费用相当于父亲年收入的两倍。我 能就读该校,唯一的原因是我获得了奖学金。但只 有学习成绩保持在班级前百分之二十,我才能继续 享受奖学金。

55 scholarship n. 奖学金;学问,学识 e.g.
a. Jim will study hard to try for the scholarship. 吉姆将努力学习来争取获得这笔奖学金。 b. This is a book that displays the considerable scholarship of its author. 这是一本表现作者重大学术成就的书。

56 tuition n. 学费 e.g. Her yearly tuition is $2, 000. 他一年的学费是两千美元。
(某一学科的)教学 He received tuition in painting for one year. 他学了一年绘画。

57 Para. 9 8. The only reason I could go was that I had a scholarship. (Para. 9) 我能就读该校唯一的原因是我获得了奖学金。 1) the only that...: 做…唯一的理由是 e.g. The only reason she could be elected monitor of the class is that she is good at sports. 她能当选班长的唯一理由是她擅长体育运动。 2) go: vi. (to the college) 去(上大学) End

58 Text Study my girlfriend, telling me she had met another guy.
Para In my second year, I got a letter from my girlfriend, telling me she had met another guy. I was beside myself. I hitchhiked to Toronto and tried to win her back. But she was infatuated.

59 Translation Para. 10 大学二年级时,我收到女朋友的来信, 说她结识了另一个男孩。我气疯了,立即搭便车去

60 infatuated adj. 热恋的,痴情的 e.g.
a. He is infatuated with her, and doesn't see her faults. 他对她着了迷, 看不出她的缺点。 b. Jane is infatuated with Stephen but he doesn't care tuppence for her.  简迷恋斯蒂芬,可是他对她根本不在乎。

61 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十四讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十四讲 授课教师:曹瑜

62 Text Study Para Devastated, I limped back to college. By midterms my grades weren’t looking good. I called my father. “Dad, I might not be able to hang on to my scholarship.” Para My father said, “David, I’ll do everything I can to keep you in school. But you’ve got to be able to look me in the eye and say ‘I did my best.’” He knew I hadn’t.

63 Translation Para. 11 我备受打击,无精打采地回到了学校。 到期中考试时,我的成绩很糟。我给父亲打了电
话,对他说,“爸爸,我大概无法保住奖学金了。” Para. 12 父亲回答说,“大卫,我会竭尽全力让你 继续读书,但是你必须能看着我的眼睛并对我说‘我 已经尽力了。’” 他知道我并没有全力以赴。

64 midterm adj. 中间的,(学期)期中的 e.g.
There is going to be a midterm examination next week. 下周将进行期中考试。 n. 期中考试,midterms: 一系列的期中考试 The teacher praised us for having done quite well in the midterms. 老师表扬我们在期中考试中发挥出色。

65 devastate vt. 毁坏;压倒,击垮 e.g. a. A storm devastated the island.
一场暴风雨使这个岛遭到彻底破坏。 b. They intended to devastate the town at one stroke.  他们企图一举摧毁全城。

66 limp vi. 跛行,蹒跚 e.g. a. He walks with a limp. 他走路一瘸一拐的。
b. It would always limp. It would always be lame.  它永远都要一瘸一拐的走路,它是个瘸子。

67 Text Study cracked the books. My grades went up and I kept
Para It was humbling. I sat down and cracked the books. My grades went up and I kept the scholarship. I was the first Suzuki in the clan to graduate from university. (511 words)

68 Translation Para. 13 这件事真让人丢脸。我静下心来,拿 起书本开始用功。我的成绩终于上去了,保住了

69 crack vt. 打开;( 使) 破裂 e.g. But at last the shells cracked, one after another. 最后, 蛋壳一个接着一个地裂开了。 n. 裂缝;噼啪声 There's a crack in this cup. 这个杯子上有个裂缝。

70 Para. 13 14. I sat down and cracked the books. (Para. 13)
我坐下来,拿起书本开始用功。 crack a book: 翻阅书本, 钻研书本 常用短语: hit the books (美式口语)啃书本, 用功; dip into a book 浏览一本书, 随便翻阅 End

71 Bye for now!

72 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十五讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十五讲 授课教师:曹瑜

73 Fact Searching Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Then go back to the text for a check of your understanding. You should tell which line(s) of which paragraph support(s) you. Finally, work in pairs to correct those false statements. (P71) ( ) 1. He knew he could win the election easily from the very beginning. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ? ?____________ For More

74 Fact Searching ( ) 2. His father encouraged him to run for the election. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??____________ ( ) 3. The writer won the student-council president election in his last year of high school. ( ) 4. In high school, the writer thought his father was stupid and knew very little about nature. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??_____________ For More

75 Fact Searching ( ) 5. The father was rich enough to support the writer in college. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??____________ ( ) 6. Nothing happened to the relationship between the writer and his girlfriend during his college time. Line(s) _____ Para. _______. ??_____________ ( ) 7. On the phone, the father disagreed to support the writer through his college years. ( ) 8. The writer successfully finished his college study. End

76 Fact Searching (F) 1. He knew he could win the election easily from the very beginning. Line(s) 1 Para. 3 .At first, he thought he would not be able to win because he was a “brain”.

77 Fact Searching (T) 2. His father encouraged him to run for the election. Line(s) 1—3 Para. 4 .

78 Fact Searching (T) 3. The writer won the student-council president election in his last year of high school. Line(s) 4—5 Para. 5 .

79 Fact Searching (T) 4. In high school, the writer thought his father was stupid and knew very little about nature. Line(s) 1—2 Para. 7 .

80 Fact Searching (F) 5. The father was rich enough to support the writer in college. Line(s) 2—3 Para. 9 . The father could earn only half the amount needed for college. The writer had a scholarship.

81 Fact Searching (F) 6. Nothing happened to the relationship between the writer and his girlfriend during his college time. Line(s) 1—3 Para His girlfriend met another guy in his second year of college.

82 Fact Searching (F) 7. On the phone, the father disagreed to support the writer through his college years. Line(s) 1—2 Para. 12 .He agreed to support his son through his college years but David should try his best to keep his scholarship first.

83 Fact Searching (T) 8. The writer successfully finished his college study. Line(s) 1—3 Para. 13 .

84 Bye for now!

85 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十六讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十六讲 授课教师:曹瑜

86 Team work Discuss the following topics with your teammates. You may use the given topic-related words and expressions. 1. What kind of person is the author’s father? Please describe his character. You may use the words and expressions learned in the text or some of those given below. Word and Expressions

87 Team work optimistic 乐观的 courageous 有胆量的 intelligent 有才智的
confident 自信的 sincere 诚挚的 trustworthy 可信赖的 good-tempered 脾气好的 stubborn 顽固的 courageous 有胆量的 determined 坚决的 ambitious 有雄心的 reliable 可靠的 loyal 忠诚的 respectable 值得敬佩的 End

88 Information Organization
Complete the following outline for a better understanding of the text organization.(P72) My Father Main idea: I have learned from my father in several ways. Supporting points: 1. (Paras.1—5) There’s no shame in trying and losing. Example: Running for the student-council president in high school. For More

89 Information Organization
2. (Paras.6—8) We could learn more about the world or the nature through acute observation. Example: Watching wasps and noticing parasites that looked like lobsters. 3. (Paras.9—13) People should always try their best in the face of difficulties. Example: Keeping scholarship in college. End

90 Bye for now!

91 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十七讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十七讲 授课教师:曹瑜

92 Word Forms A. Form new words by combining each word in Column A with a proper one in Column B. Then give their Chinese meaning. (P74) 1—g hairbrush 发刷 2—a motorbike 摩托车 3—c skyscraper 摩天大厦 4—f bedroom 卧室 5—d keyboard 键盘 6—e notebook 笔记本 7—b toothpaste 牙膏

93 Word Forms B. Turn the following words into nouns that end with “–ship”, and then give their Chinese meaning. 一些名词加上后缀–ship,词性不变,表示具有某种性质,如身份、权利、能力或关 系等。(P74) Noun Noun + -ship Chinese friend friendship 友谊 relation relationship 关系 For More

94 Word Forms leader leadership 领导能力,领导阶层 fellow fellowship 伙伴关系;奖学金
statesman statesmanship 政治才能 citizen citizenship 公民身份, 公民职责和权力 End

95 Vocabulary in Context 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D
A. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. (P75) 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D

96 Vocabulary in Context 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C
B. Make sentences using the expressions given. (P75) 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C

97 Vocabulary in Context C. Complete the following sentences with the expressions given in the box. (P76) 1. When my sister heard that she had failed the exam again, she was beside herself. 2. I feel sorry that you have turned down the job offer again. 3. He was very shy and couldn’t look me in the eye during our talk. For More

98 Vocabulary in Context 4. The father told his son that people should be ready to go through many difficulties in their lives. End

99 Bye for now!

100 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十八讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十八讲 授课教师:曹瑜

101 Key Structures Rewrite the following sentences after their model. (P76) 1. The only reason I could buy a laptop is that I earned $600 from my summer part-time job. 2. The only reason the little orphan could have the operation is that he received some donations. 3. He was the first to come to class. 4. Columbus was the first European to go to North America. For More

102 Key Structures 5. There is no way I could finish the exercises in time. 6. There is no way I could start the machine by myself. 7. There is no shame in having an idea different from others’. 8. There is no shame in coming from a poor family. End

103 新发展英语(一) 授课教师:曹瑜 第四十九讲 继续教育学院
School of Continuing Education, Jilin University 新发展英语(一) 第四十九讲 授课教师:曹瑜

104 Translation A. Put the following into Chinese or vice Versa. (P77)
1. 时髦人群(阶层) 2. 选举日 3. 发表一篇演说 4. write a slogan 5. take a course 6. graduate from university

105 Translation B. Put the following sentences into English using the expressions or structures given in the brackets. (P78) 1. They recruited several new members to the club. 2. France won back Alsace and Lorraine after World War I. 3. He went to drama school on a scholarship. For More

106 Translation 4. For the whole afternoon my little brother hung on to me. 5. He will not be running for president in the next election. 6. His leg was severely injured but he still limped back to his camp. End

107 Writing Practice Section D Writing Practice
1. Write a request for sick leave according to the situation given below. (P81) 请假人: Carl Zhang 收条人:Tom Li(Carl Zhang的老板) 请假原因:Carl Zhang 患重感冒,想请一天病假(5月9日)去医院看病,并打算尽力 在10号完成工作。 请假日期:2006年5月8日 最后表示:赐复为盼,十分感谢。 For More

108 A Request for Sick Leave
Writing Practice A Request for Sick Leave May 8th, 2006 Dear Mr. Tom Li, I wonder if I could ask for a leave of absence for one day on May 9th. I have just come down with a bad cold, so I hope I can go to hospital tomorrow. I will try my best to finish my work on May 10th. Many thanks. I’m looking forward to your kind answer. Sincerely yours, Carl Zhang For More

109 Writing Practice Section D Writing Practice
2. Write a request for leave according to the situation given below.(P81) 请假人:王珏 收条人:史密斯教授 请假原因:由于哥哥移居加拿大,明天要去机场送行,所以不能去上史密斯教授的课, 特此请假一天。 请假日期:2006年4月25日 最后表示:望允准为感! For More

110 Writing Practice April 25, 2006 Dear Mr. Smith,
I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend your class tomorrow since my brother is moving to Canada and I have to see him off at the airport. I shall be very much obliged if you will grant me my application for one day’s leave. Yours respectfully, Wang Jue End

111 Bye for now!

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