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4 U n i t.

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1 4 U n i t

2 …,Amber was hurrying to catch the yellow school bus.  hurry vi. 趕緊,急忙
 Ruth hurried to pack her belongings and left.  此處的to catch 屬於不定詞(in order) to V,表示「為了…」

3 英文中的hurry + to V表示「急忙地去做某事」,而在口語使用上,則常出現hurry and V的說法,表示催促某人「快點作某事」,如:
 Hurry and turn on the heater! It’s so freezing here!

4 …she was to cross the road, … be to V 就要 、即將…
 My sister is to get married this winter.  …a sudden urge to have hamburger. 此處的不定詞片語to have a hamburger修飾名詞 urge。常緊接不定詞的名詞有ability、plan、 decision、attempt、demand、desire、offer、 determination等。如:  Peter’s ability to organize things makes him a perfect wedding planner.  Jack made no attempt to solve the problem.  It’s the manager’s decision to lower the price of our product.

5  occur vi. (occurred | occurred | occurring) 發生
 Something unbelievable just occurred—the patient who had been in a coma woke up and talked. occurrence n. [C] 發生的事  Road accidents are a common occurrence in the neighborhood. (司空見慣的事)  …in a really black mood. 情緒低落 black 當形容詞時,常指如「憤怒的」、 「不愉快的」、「令人絕望的」等負面情緒,如:  Nick gave me a black look and stopped talking to me. (憤怒的神色)

6  …several colors were used …so as to help…
此為so as to 之表目的用法,to 後面接原 形動詞。詳細用法請見本課句型解析1。 so… as to…表「如此…以致於…」,等同於 so… that + 子句的用法,如:  The singer’s voice was so beautiful as to silence/that it silenced all the audience.

7  . . . more than you can ever imagine.
 beyond your imagination. 當作不及物動詞時,有令人難以置信的意思。如:  “Rita had a fight with her boyfriend again.” “It’s not hard to imagine. After all, they argue with each other all the time.”  describe a sick person as being “a bit green.” 當形容一個人臉色蒼白、病厭厭的樣子時, 英文會用綠色來表示。有時候,也會使用顏 色的象徵意義來描述事物。比如形容沮喪的 人,你會說這個人feeling blue。顏色確實可 以為平凡的談話增添色彩。

8  . . . , to describe a depressed person, you say . . .
此為省略in order 之表目的to V 的句型。  Without a doubt, colors do spice up . . .  without a doubt 毫無疑問地 = undoubtedly = no doubt = without (any) doubt  助動詞do、does、did + 原形動詞為強調語氣用 法,於意義上等同於副詞really,如:  Zack did think joining a club was a good idea.  Zack really thought joining a club was a good idea.

9 . . . thought about why many school buses and
taxis are painted yellow, and stop signs red? why many school buses…stop sign red是由why 所引導的名詞子句,作為介系詞about的受詞。  paint + N + Adj We paint the school buses yellow . . . , and stop signs red 使用了寫作中的「省略」 技巧,還原成原句應為. . . , and stop signs are painted red。

10 英文句型中為了突顯焦點或避免重複用字,會使用省略(ellipsis)技巧。本課此句使用的是此文法中動詞的省略(verb phrase ellipsis)。常見的動詞省略如︰  Paul tried to finish the novel in three days, but he couldn’t. (於couldn’t之後省略finish the novel in three days)  Some went to the movie theater and some to the supermarket. (於第二個some後面省略went)  Reading makes a full man, meditation a profound man, discourse a clear man. (於meditation與discourse後省略makes)

11  Since the midterm is approaching, the
since conj. 由於… (= because = as)  Since the midterm is approaching, the library is full of students preparing for it.

12 . . . something which most people hardly notice
—the colors of a dining environment possibly decide how much you eat.  which most people hardly notice 為形容詞子 句,修飾前面的something。原句可還原為: How colors affect appetite may be something Most people hardly notice something.  當話題進行到一半,有重要的訊息得加進來時 (通常為補充說明),便可使用破折號,如:  I don’t like to go to the beach—I can’t swim and I don’t want to get a tan.  Fruits rich in vitamin C—including oranges, tangerines, and limes—are good for health.

13  Blue, …, is said to spoil people’s appetites . . .
 it is said that blue spoils people’s appetites … It is said/believed (+ that) S + V … 與S + be said/believed to … 的句型

14  or在此表示「要不然,否則」的意思。如:
 Come rain or shine, the mailman delivers mail every morning. (不論晴雨)  Be there or be square. (不見不散。)  Take it or leave it! (要就要,不要拉倒。)

15 Morning 為口語用法,等於Good morning。  Come to my place tonight.
此處的place表示「家」,等於house 或home, 是較口語的用法。  play with… 玩…  When I was a little girl, I used to play with dolls.  Wii是日本任天堂公司在2006年推出的電視遊 戲機,取名為Wii是因其發音同We,象徵該機 器老少咸宜、能讓大家樂在其中;兩個小寫的 i就像是設計獨特的控制器。

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