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The Midas Touch Lesson 8, Book 1.

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1 The Midas Touch Lesson 8, Book 1

2 The ancient Greeks warned us to be careful about
古代的 希臘人 警告 關係子句 複合關係代名詞 = things which what we wish for because it just might come true. 可能 成真 warn 某人 of 某事 對某人提出…的警告, 提醒 The radio was warning us of the typhoon. 廣播警告我們有颱風。 warn 某人 against 某事 對某人警告要提防(不可)… The teacher warned us against cheating on exams. 老師警告我們考試不可作弊。 warn (某人) that子句 (對某人)告誡… The teacher warned us that we should not cheat on exams. warn (某人) to do… 告誡(某人)去做… The teacher warned us to tell the truth. 老師告誡我們要說實話。

3 what might happen to a person
In order to 為了 To prove their point, they told a story about 證明 要點 名詞子句,做about的受詞 what might happen to a person 關係子句,修飾a person who becomes too greedy. line 14 貪心的 To thank Midas, In order to 為了 Dionysus promised to grant him one wish. 允諾 授與, 准予 (in order) to + V 為了…(表示目的,在此不定詞片語為副詞,修飾整句用) to + V.用來表示「目的」(在句子中做為副詞)時,不等於V-ing(分詞)。 在句子中做為副詞的V-ing(分詞),是「分詞構句」,含義為「當/假如/因為/雖然」 若to + V.在句子中當做名詞,才可以等於V-ing(動名詞), 例To do exercise is good. = Doing exercise is good 以下圈出正確者: ( To learn / Learning ) English well, he spends threes hours a day studying. ( To open / Opening ) to page 10, you can see a picture. ( To finish / Finishing ) the job as soon as possible, he had to work overtime. ( Not to know / Not knowing ) what to do, the girl burst into tears.

4 Instead of being angry, Midas treated him well. 反而不 對待
instead of + V-ing 不用…;反而不… 課本p.149 以下句子以instead of + V-ing合併 Luke did not cry. Luke wrote a song for his dog after it died. The basketball term did not practice. The team slept all afternoon. Harry did not bring a cake. He brought flowers. Sara did not memorize the words. She drew pictures of the words. The family did not turn on the air conditioner. The family used fans. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Instead of crying, Luke wrote a song for his dog after it died. Instead of practicing, the team slept all afternoon. Instead of bring a cake, he brought flowers. Instead of memorizing the words, she drew pictures of them. Instead of turning on the air conditioner, the family used fans.

5 instead (改用…取代;反而是…):是副詞/準連接詞,與完整句子連用。     可放句首(通常用逗號隔開),或放句尾(通常不用逗號)。
instead of (不用…;反而不…):是介係詞,後面要接V-ing或名詞。 他根本沒去上學,而是去網咖。  He didn’t go to school at all; ________, he went to the cyber coffee. = He didn’t go to school at all; he went to the cyber coffee ________ . = He went to the cyber coffee ________________ to school. = ________________ to school, he went to the cyber coffee. 他從不讀書,反而整天看電視。 He never studies. ______________________________ = ____________________, he watches TV all day. 我們學法文而非英文。We learn ________________________. 我們改學法文。 We learn _________________. 如果你不去,可以換我去嗎? 我們沒有咖啡了,你願意改(喝)茶嗎? 他買了藍色毛衣而不是紅色的。 Instead instead instead of going Instead of going Instead, he watches TV all day. Instead of studying French instead of English French instead If you don’t go, can I go instead? We don’t have coffee. Would you like to have tea instead? He bought the blue sweater instead of the red one.

6 So he asked for the power
關係代名詞that 因先行詞為everything, 不用which So he asked for the power 要求 關係子句修飾everything to change everything that he touched into gold. 成為 into 成為… 某人change A into B 某人把A改變成B A change into B A改變成為B He changed everything into gold. Everything changed into gold. 某人turn A into B 某人把A轉變成B A turn into B A轉變成為B A kiss turned the frog into a prince. The frog turned into a prince. 某人develop A into B 某人把A發展成B A develop into B A發展成為B 某人 translate / transform A into B 某人把A 翻譯 / 轉型 成B A translate / transform into B A 翻譯 / 轉型 成為B

7 Sighing softly at the foolishness of man,
分詞構句,原句為用after連接的副詞子句: After he sighed softly at the foolishness of man, Dionysus granted…. Sighing softly at the foolishness of man, 歎息 輕輕地 愚蠢 Dionysus granted Midas his wish. 授與, 准予 分詞結構 句型本p.49 分詞有現在分詞(V-ing)、過去分詞兩種,以下三種子句可改成分詞結構: 以and連接的對等子句或對等的動詞 She said goodbye and waved her hand. →She said goodbye, waving her hand. 她說再見,同時揮手 以because/so, after/before/when/while/as, although/but, if, as if, until等 連接的副詞子句 If you open to page 52, you will see a picture. → Opening to page 52, you will see a picture. 關係子句 Jim, who was lying in bed, looked very tired. → Jim, lying in bed, looked very tired.

8 改成分詞結構要注意: 子句中的主詞與主要子句的主詞相同才可以改成如上的分詞結構。 錯誤句子:Driving along the road, a cat suddenly ran out of the bush. 正確句子:He driving along the road, a cat suddenly ran out of the bush (獨立分詞構句) 2. 子句若為主動語態,則用現在分詞;若是被動語態,則用過去分詞。 3. 子句為否定時,將Not 放在分詞結構之前; 子句為完成式時,以Having +過去分詞表示。 4. 連接詞and, but, because/so不必保留(因為句意很明顯), 但連接詞after/before/when/while/as, since, until, as if 則可以保留。 If you look up at the night sky, you can see twinkling stars. Because I didn’t know what to do, I called the police. After he had failed five times, he finally succeeded. Halloween, which falls on October 31, is a fun holiday. He had read the book for two hours, but he still couldn’t finish it. Because he was treated well, he was thankful. Looking up at the night sky, you can see twinkling stars. Not knowing what to do, I called the police. Having failed five times, he finally succeeded. Halloween, falling on October 31, is a fun holiday. Having read the book for two hours, he still couldn’t finish it. (Being) treated well, he was thankful.

9 Midas was so happy with his new-found power
故用過去分詞 如此 以致於 Midas was so happy with his new-found power 新發現的 對於…高興 that he ran into the garden and touched everything in sight. 視線範圍內 …so + adj./adv. + that + 子句 如此…以致於 句型本p.50 …so that + 子句 (=in order that)以便;為了 (=so)所以 她這麼可愛以致於我們都喜歡她。 我是這麼的累以致於在考試當中睡著了。 他跑得這麼快以致於我趕不上他。 他用功讀書為了得到好成績。 媽媽關掉電視以便我們能集中注意在功課上。 他說了一個好笑的笑話,所以大家都哄堂大笑。 She is so cute that we all like her. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the test. He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him. He studies hard so that he can get good grades. Mother turned off the TV so that we can concentrate on our homework. He told a funny joke, so (that) everybody burst into laughter.

10 All the gold in the world would be useless
與現在事實相反的假設語氣 用過去式 沒有用的 if he were going to die of starvation. 死於 餓死 假設語氣(說反話):與現在事實相反的假設用過去式 課本p.151 If +主詞+ were/V-ed , 主詞+ should/could/would/might + V 要是我在路上發現到錢,我會交給警察。(現在並沒有在路上發現到錢) If I ________ money on the street, I ________ turn it in to the police. 要是你看到房子著火了,你會怎麼辦?(現在並沒有房子著火) What _______ you do if you _______ a house on fire? 我可能會考慮去派對,要是你會去的話。(現在你並不打算去) I _______ think about going to the party if you _______ going. 要是有人給你一輛贓車,你會怎麼處理? If someone ________ you a stolen car, what _________ you do with it? 要是你有一百萬,你會買什麼?(現在並沒有一百萬) 我願我會飛。(事實是不會飛) found would would saw might were gave would If you had one million dollars, what would you buy? I wish I could fly.

11 At such a terrible thought,
At the terrible thought of dying from starvation, …想到死於飢餓... at the thought of…想到 At such a terrible thought, Midas broke down and began to cry. 崩潰 His daughter heard him crying and reached out her arms to hug him. 伸出 擁抱 關係子句,做at的受詞 Midas was full of grief at what he had done. 複合關係代名詞 =things which 對… 過去完成式 表示更早發生的動作 充滿 悲傷 He begged Dionysus to take away 所修飾的power是「被需要」 故用過去分詞 乞求 his now-unwanted power. 現在不被需要的

12 Everything changed back to the way
they way + 子句 (子句)…的樣子 …的樣子 Everything changed back to the way 回到 no longer = no more = never again = not…anymore = not…any longer it had been before 先前曾經是,存在 從前(adv.) 除去…以外 不再 except that Midas was no longer a greedy king. except that + 子句 除去(子句)…以外 句型本p.50 except + N (A except B 用於A和B為相同種類時) except for + N. (A except for B 用於二種為不同種類、或B為A的一部份時) 除了知道他是一個司機以外,我什麼都不知道。 I know nothing ___________ he is a driver. 這件洋裝很完美,除了太貴以外。 The dress is perfect ___________________________. 除了他以外,每個人都出去了。 我喜歡所有的水果,香蕉除外。 除了幾個錯誤以外,他的作文是好的。 His composition is good ____________ a few mistakes. 除了他的小眼睛以外,他看起來還不錯。 He looks nice ______________________. except that except that it is too expensive Everyone went out except him. I like all fruits except banans. except for except for his small eyes

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