《Horticulture Plant Protection》

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1 《Horticulture Plant Protection》
Liu Jiani

2 Review Identification and Diagnosis of Plant Diseases
Q1: what is plant pathogen? It include Fungus, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, parasitic seed plants. Q2: How to identification and diagnosis plant disease? (A) Field Diagnostics (B) The symptoms observed (C) Identification of the pathogen (D) Determine the disease pathogens: Koch‘s postulates

3 Identification and classification of insects
Chapter2 Identification and classification of insects 第一节 昆虫的形态识别 Section The form and structure of insect 第二节 昆虫的繁殖与发育 Section The Growth and Development of Insects 第三节 园艺昆虫分类 Section 3 Classification of hoticulture insect

4 Identification and classification of insects
Chapter2 Identification and classification of insects Master: Understand taxonomic status of insects Grasp the main features of insects Identify insects and other arthropods Identify the insect antennae, mouthparts, thoracic feet, wings, larvae and pupae type.

5 What is classification status of insect?
Section 1 The form and structure of insects What is classification status of insect? 动物界 (Animalia) 节肢动物门 (Arthopoda) 昆虫纲 (Insecta)

6 Characteristics of Arthropoda
Section 1 The form and structure of insects Characteristics of Arthropoda Symmetrical body With exoskeleton Body composed of a series of somites Circulatory system 循环系统 located on the back of the body Nervous system 神经系统 located in the ventral body

7 Arthropoda

8 The form and structure of insects
Section 1 The form and structure of insects 1. Characteristics of Insect The segments are grouped into 3 parts: head, thorax and abdomen The head bears the eyes (simple and compound), antennae, and mouth parts The thorax bears three pairs of thoracic legs , generally there are two pairs of wings Abdominal and more from 9 to 11 individual section, and the end of the genitalia

9 Section 1 The form and structure of insects 2. Insecta trait 1) Many species: 世界约100万种,中国约60-100万种,占动物界 2/3. 2) large numbers: 一个蚂蚁(ants)群体多达50多万个体,一棵 树上蚜虫(aphids) 多达10万头. 3) Broad distributions: insects occur almost everywhere in the world.

10 Section 1 The form and structure of insects Insects are a remarkable group of animals. They occur almost evrywhere and make up more than half of all the living things on this planet, they play a significant role in the word of nature and affect people directly or indirectly in many ways, and they exhibit some unusual physiological and structural peculiarities.



13 (一) structure of head The head is the center of feeding and feeling:
Section 1 The form and structure of insects (一) structure of head The head is the center of feeding and feeling: Mouth part A pair of antennae Compound eyes and simple eyes

14 1. structure of head Section 1 The form and structure of insects
Head: The head is the anterior capsule like body region that bears the eyes, antennae, and mouth parts. It is usually quite hard. The surface is divided by sutures into a number of areas, each with a name; the same names are used in different insect groups—where the areas can be homologized –but special terms are used in some groups.

15 1. structure of head Section 1 The form and structure of insects
Eyes: Insects generally have 2 kinds of eyes, simple and compound. For the majority there are 3 simple eyes (ocellus), located on the upper front part of the head. The compound eyes are situated on the head, each composed of many facets. In some insects they occupy most of the head and contain hundreds of facets. Eyes Compound eyes Ocellus 3 simple eyes, Can only distinguish light intensity and direction, can not distinguish between objects and colors. One pare,Is the main organ of vision.

16 Section 1 The form and structure of insects Compound eyes One pare,Is the main organ of vision.

17 第一节 昆虫的形态识别

18 Ocellus Section 1 The form and structure of insects
3 simple eyes, Can only distinguish light intensity and direction, can not distinguish between objects and colors.

19 1. structure of head Section 1 The form and structure of insects
The Antennae are usually located on the front of the head below the ocelli; they vary greatly in form and in the number of segments contained, and are often used to distinguish different insect groups. Various terms that describe the antennae are explained in the accounts of the groups in which antennal characters are used for identification.

20 The form and structure of insects
Section 1 The form and structure of insects Some types of insect antennae 大体上可归为如下12种主要类型。 包括刚毛状setaceous、丝状filiform-linear and slender、念珠状moniliform-like、锯齿状serrate-saw-like、栉齿状pectiniform-comb-like、plumose羽状、膝状geniculate-elbowed、具芒状aristate-with enlarged third segment bearing a bristle、环毛状whorled-bearing whorls of setae、棍棒状clavate-distinctly clubbed、锤状capitate和鳃叶状lammellate。

21 膝状触角 具芒状触角

22 鳃叶状触角 羽毛状触角 丝状触角 剑状触角 锯齿状触角

23 锤状触角 刚毛状触角 锯齿状触角 环毛状触角

24 第一节 昆虫的形态识别 锯齿状触角 念珠状触角

25 线状 念珠状 锤状 羽状 锯齿状 棒状 鳃叶状 刚毛状 膝状 具芒状

26 Section 1 The form and structure of insects Mouth parts : The mouth parts of an insect generally are located on the ventral or anterior part of the head, and vary difference in insect groups. The mouth part structures typically present are a labrum (upper lip), a pair of jawlike mandibles, a pair of jawlike maxillae, a labium (lower lip), and a tonguelike structure called the palp.

27 Section 1 The form and structure of insects Insect mouth parts: 咀嚼式口器Chewing mouthparts or biting mouthparts 嚼吸式口器Chewing – lapping mouthparts 虹吸式口器Siphoning mouthparts 舔吸式口器Sponging mouthparts 锉吸式口器Rasping-sucking mouthparts 刺吸式口器Piercing-sucking mouthparts

28 Section 1 The form and structure of insects Chewing mouthparts

29 缺刻 孔洞 潜叶 钻蛀

30 Piercing-sucking mouthparts
Section 1 The form and structure of insects Piercing-sucking mouthparts

31 刺吸式口器害虫危害状 卷缩 畸形 直接刺吸植物汁液 变色

32 (4)insect orientation Hypognathous 下口式 Prognathous 前口式
Section 1 The form and structure of insects (4)insect orientation Hypognathous 下口式 Prognathous 前口式 Opisthorhynchous 后口式

33 第一节 昆虫的形态识别 Thorax 昆虫身体的第二体段,由前胸、中胸和后胸组成:并各具一对足,分别称为前足、中足和后足。大多数在中胸及后胸各具一对翅,分别称为前翅和后翅。翅与足是运动器官,因而胸部是昆虫的运动中心。

34 第一节 昆虫的形态识别 蝗虫的前胸背板  角蝉的前胸背板

35 第一节 昆虫的形态识别 1.胸 足 构造:成虫的胸足一般分为6节,由基部向端部依次称为基节、转节、腿节、胫节、跗节和前跗节。各节间由膜相连接,是各节活动的部位  足的构造图解(仿彩万志)

36 图1: 足的构造图解(仿彩万志)

37 蜜蜂携粉足 蝗虫的跳跃足  螳螂的捕捉足  步甲的步行足  蝼蛄的开掘足

38 第一节 昆虫的形态识别 2. 翅 翅是昆虫的飞行器官,一般为膜质,近似于三角形,翅面上有纵脉、横脉和翅室。有3条边、3个角、3条褶,把翅面划分为4个区。 图1: 昆虫的翅褶模式图(仿Snodgrass)


40 鞘翅:翅质地坚硬如角质,如甲虫的前翅。 鳞翅 :翅质地为膜质,但翅上有许多鳞片,如蛾蝶类的翅。

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