我的心要称颂耶和华 因他的慈爱永远长存 Oh my heart sing praises to the Lord

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1 我的心要称颂耶和华 因他的慈爱永远长存 Oh my heart sing praises to the Lord
Verse 我的心要称颂耶和华 Wo de xin yao cheng song ye he hua Oh my heart sing praises to the Lord 因他的慈爱永远长存 Yin Ta de chi ai yong yuan chang chun For His mercies endure forever more 称颂耶和华 Cheng song ye he hua /8

2 He forgives all my transgressions
Verse 他救赎我的罪孽 Ta jiu shu wo de zui nie He forgives all my transgressions 赐我丰盛恩典 Ci wo feng sheng en dian With His amazing grace 称颂耶和华 Cheng song ye he hua /8

3 Holy Spirit move in my heart I will praise His almighty name
Verse 我要用圣灵的感动 Wo yao yong shen ling de gan dong Holy Spirit move in my heart 用心歌颂他至高的名 Yong xin gen song ta zhi gao de ming I will praise His almighty name 称颂耶和华 Cheng song ye he hua /8

4 May all man lift and exalt His Holy name
Verse 愿人人都尊他的名为圣 Yuan ren ren dou zhun ta de ming wei shen May all man lift and exalt His Holy name 称颂耶和华 Cheng song ye he hua /8

5 From the rising of the sun Till the setting of the same
Chorus 从日出之地 Cong ri chu zhi di From the rising of the sun 到日落之处 Dao li luo zhi chu Till the setting of the same 称颂耶和华 Cheng song ye he hua /8

6 He’s the lamp upon my path
Chorus 他是我的道路 Ta shi wo de dao lu He’s the Way for my feet 他是路上的明灯 Ta shi lu shang de ming deng He’s the lamp upon my path 称颂耶和华 Cheng song ye he hua /8

7 Lord my heart belongs to you
Chorus 无论何时何处 Wu lun he shi he chu No matter where or when 我的心全然归主 Wo de xin quan ran gui zhu Lord my heart belongs to you 称颂耶和华 Cheng song ye he hua /8

8 Cong gen gu zhi dao yong jiu
Chorus 耶和华的荣耀 Ye ge hua de rong yao The glory of the Lord 从亘古直到永久 Cong gen gu zhi dao yong jiu endures forever more 称颂耶和华 Cheng song ye he hua /8

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