海豹寄給人類的一封信 自動播放.

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Presentation on theme: "海豹寄給人類的一封信 自動播放."— Presentation transcript:

1 海豹寄給人類的一封信 自動播放

2 拜托啦!请读一下我给你们的一封信!

3 Noorway and Canada have a new kind of tourisme. Killing baby seals
Noorway and Canada have a new kind of tourisme. Killing baby seals! They call it ‘hunting’ and i‘ts a sport. 挪威和加拿大有一種新的旅遊方式:獵殺小海豹! 他們把這個叫做「’狩獵」, 而且是運動的一種。

4 You want to call this sport ?? 你會把這個叫做運動嗎?



7 Is he a sportsman? 他看起像「運動家」 嗎?

8 Why? 為什麼要這樣做呢?

9 You're our only hope !!! 你是我們唯一的希望!!!

10 Please let it stop. This barbarisme shouldn't be possible in our society  拜託讓這種事停止吧! 我們的社會中, 不該存在這種原始的行為。

11 Don't turn your back on us, we are so defenceless, we have no guns, please help us..!!! 不要扭過頭不顧我們, 我們很無助, 我們沒有槍, 拜託救救我們吧!!!

12 know these images seem painfull for you, but we feel the pain
know these images seem painfull for you, but we feel the pain...!! We are being slaughtered by ruthless people and it‘s going on RIGHT NOW...!!! 我知道這些圖片看起來不好受, 可是對我們來說是切身之痛!! 我們 正在被殘忍的人們大屠殺 !

13 What gives him the right to kill us
What gives him the right to kill us. Who is he to decide about life and death 他有什麼權利謀殺我們 ? 他有什麼權利來決定我們的生死。

14 What kind of sport is this..?? I didn't harm anyone..!! 這是什麼運動啊 ?? 我又沒有害到任何人 !!

15 was just swimming around doing nothing, now I'm dead

16 Please help me and my friends...!! ! 請救救我和我的孩子吧!!!

17 You can‘t just ignore these images
You can‘t just ignore these images..?? Keep silent and doing nothing makes you guilty...!! 你不能不在乎這些圖片   !! 如果你保持沉默 , 什麼事也不做 , 那你就和那些人一樣有錯!

18 Please help us...!! 拜託救救我們啦!

19 Please don‘t leave us alone...!! 拜託,不要置我們於不顧!

STOP THE KILLING OF SEALS 停止謀殺海豹! You can make a statement by forwarding this mail to as many people as you can. 你可以藉著轉寄這封信給很多人來表達你的立場 Bring these murderers to the attention of world leaders. 讓這個世界上的領導人注意到這些謀殺行為。 Thank you...!!! 谢谢你!!!

21 THE END 音乐:恋人的眼泪 glm制作-225

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