Unit title: 中国的节日 Chinese festivals Area of interaction focus

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1 Unit title: 中国的节日 Chinese festivals Area of interaction focus
Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Travel Seasons, directions, sightseeing and festivals. Exploring Chinese festivals and traditional culture activities. Have a knowledge of Chinese festivals and culture and sightseeing. Be interested in Chinese traditional and modern culture. MYP unit question What is your travel plan? What do people do on Spring Festival?

2 Chapter 5 Please organise the characters in the right order to construct a sentence. 1、游览 想 去 我 北京 2、早上 动物园 十点 开门 半 3、冷 很 买 所以 我 今天 因为 了 一件 大衣 4、去 兵马俑 很多 过 人 5、吗 有 中国 你们 茶 6、人 得 写 汉字 这个 不好 写

3 鞭炮 好吃 累 饿 渴 筷子 明信片 除了 因为 熊猫 红包 节日 茶 南 方向 面对 长城 非常 吃饭 关门 Chapter 5
Please point the word you heard as quickly as you can. 鞭炮 好吃 累 饿 渴 筷子 明信片 除了 因为 熊猫 红包 节日 茶 南 方向 面对 长城 非常 吃饭 关门

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