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世界展望會 信件翻譯校正 指導老師 王慧娟 AFL4B 林琪雯 AFL4A 柯心汝

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Presentation on theme: "世界展望會 信件翻譯校正 指導老師 王慧娟 AFL4B 林琪雯 AFL4A 柯心汝"— Presentation transcript:

1 世界展望會 信件翻譯校正 指導老師 王慧娟 AFL4B 9422002 林琪雯 AFL4A 9422023 柯心汝
指導老師 王慧娟 AFL4B 林琪雯 AFL4A 柯心汝 AFL4B 王文臨 AFL4A 邱仁宏 AFL4A 賴翰宇 AFL4A 黃惠敏 CSIE4A 楊佳誠 2019/4/7

2 第一封 ROM 2019/4/7

3 I’m so sorry about all the natural disasters that burden the existence; you couldn’t celebrate in the right way “the mid-autumn festival” from Taiwan. 校正前- 我感到很抱歉關於那自然災害造成生活 上的負擔;在台灣的您也沒辦法馬上慶 祝中秋節。 2019/4/7

4 I’m so sorry about all the natural disasters that burden the existence; you couldn’t celebrate in the right way “the mid-autumn festival” from Taiwan. 校正後- 對於那些關於自然災害所造成生活上的負 擔我感到很難過;您無法慶祝台灣的中秋 節。 2019/4/7

5 Fortunately, in Romania the temperature is
temperate-continental. The geographic position in the interior of the Carpathian Mountain is not appropriate for these kinds of phenomena. My family is still lives in the same community- I can’t say the same think about me. I live more in the city I study and I wasn’t home for a wile, only a little bit in the winter holiday. 2019/4/7

6 My family is still lives in the same community- I can’t say the same
think about me. 校正前- 我的家人還是一樣住在同樣的社區裡 -我不能說我同樣也住在那裡。 2019/4/7

7 My family is still lives in the same community- I can’t say the same
think about me. 校正後- 我的家人仍住在同樣的社區裡,但 我已經不住在那裡了。 2019/4/7

8 I live more in the city I study and I
wasn’t home for a wile, only a little bit in the winter holiday. 校正前- 我住在城市裡靠近學校的地方而且 我很久沒回家了,只有在寒假的時 候才回家。 2019/4/7

9 I live more in the city I study and I wasn’t home for a wile, only a
little bit in the winter holiday. 校正後- 我到城市求學而且有好一陣子 沒回家了,只有在寒假才回家。 2019/4/7

10 My full program during the day: school- the Electronic and
Telecommunication Faculty, after my job doesn’t aloud me to visit my parents. I will try to be more and more persevering In order to find the “right road” in my life. 2019/4/7

11 My full program during the day: school- the Electronic and
Telecommunication. Faculty, after my job doesn’t aloud me to visit my parents. 校正前- 我學校一整天的課程有這二種:電子 學以及通訊學,所以我的工作沒有辦 法允許我回家看看我的父母。 2019/4/7

12 My full program during the day: school- the Electronic and
Telecommunication. Faculty, after my job doesn’t aloud me to visit my parents. 校正後- 我在學校的課程有電子學和通訊學 兩種,由於忙碌的課業致使我無法回家探望父母。 2019/4/7

13 Thank you so much for your support even
you are so far away from here. The family is the most important think for the people. For sure that will help him to love more and became more hopeful in his own existence. 校正前- 非常感謝您對我的資助即使您在那遙遠的那 方,對我們這些被資助的人來說家庭是最重 要的思想。確實這些幫助了他們有更多的愛 以及讓他們的生活變得更有希望。 2019/4/7

14 Thank you so much for your support even you are so far away from here.
The family is the most important think for the people. 校正後- 感謝您在遙遠的那方依舊不遺餘力地 資助我們。對我們而言,家人是最重 要的一件事。 2019/4/7

15 For sure that will help him to love more
and became more hopeful in his own existence. 校正前- 確實這些幫助了他們有更多的愛以 及讓他們的生活變得更有希望。 2019/4/7

16 校正後- 當然您這樣的付出讓我們瞭解到原 來生活中充滿著愛與希望。
For sure that will help him to love more and became more hopeful in his own existence. 校正後- 當然您這樣的付出讓我們瞭解到原 來生活中充滿著愛與希望。 2019/4/7

17 我親愛的阿姨,祝福您,及您所關心的人都健康以及快樂。從現在開始我祈禱以及希望那災難將遠離您。
Wish you, my dear aunt, health and happiness near to the people you care so much. I pray and I hope the disasters will avoid you from now on. Wish you health and happiness. Continue to value the life as it as!! With all my care, Obada Marius 校正前- 我親愛的阿姨,祝福您,及您所關心的人都健康以及快樂。從現在開始我祈禱以及希望那災難將遠離您。 希望您健康以及開心。繼續著像這樣子有價值的人生。 誠摰的 愛您的孩子 敬上 2019/4/7

18 Continue to value the life as it as!!
校正後- 繼續從事這些活動創造有意義的人生。 2019/4/7

19 分析技巧 更變 (句子的順序) 增字 (擴充) 我感到很抱歉關於那自然災害造成生活上的負擔 對於那些關於自然災害所造成生活上的負擔我感
到很難過 2019/4/7

20 分析技巧 反(反義正譯) 刪(刪字) 我不能說我同樣也住在那裡。 但我已經不住在那裡了。 我學校一整天的課程有這二種:電子學以及通訊學,
我在學校的課程有電子學和通訊學兩種, 2019/4/7

21 第二封 ROM 2019/4/7

22 Let me introduce myself. My name is Strainu
Constantin, teacher of the child Bodoga Adina Madalina, your sponsored child. I will try to present you the situation of the girl. Her parents divorced and the girl moved with her father in the big town. 讓我先自我介紹,我的名字叫Strainu Constantin。我是您所認養(sponsored)的小孩Bodoga AdinaMadalina的老師,我會試著讓您了解這個女孩現在狀況,在Adina的父母離婚後,她就一同與她的父親搬到我們這邊的大城市裡居住。 2019/4/7

23 Here she will continue the studies in a new high school. Her
mother got married once again and has one more child. During all the project, the girl Adina got only good results. She entered at the high-school with a big note. In the community she lived with her grandparents who took care of the girl all the time-that was possible thanks to your support. 校正前- 在這裡,Adina依然會於另一所新的高中繼續她的學業。她的母親改嫁了,並且多了一個小孩,在伊希省-兒童希望計畫中,在學業上Adina表現的相當傑出,並在學校裡的到了相當多的注意。Adina和她的祖母住在同一個社區裡,她的祖母一直在她身邊陪伴著她成長,她和她的祖母都相當感謝您的幫助。 2019/4/7

24 Here she will continue the studies in a new high- school.
校正後- Here she will continue the studies in a new high- school.  Adina將在這裡的一間新高中繼續學業。 She entered at the high-school with a high note. 在高中頗受青睞 In the community she lived with her grandparents  Adina和她的祖父母住在同一個社區裡 2019/4/7

25 She benefited of clothes, aliments, school and hygiene
supplies. Also, she received a lot of presents for Christmas, Easter and her birthday. World Vision helped her with special medical assistance, vitamins and other medicines; the school got new furniture, blackboard, etc. 校正前- 她得到了世望會提供的衣物、健康醫療、教育及衛生教育訓練。她收到了許多聖誕節,復活節和生日的禮物。世望會提供我衣物、健康醫療、教育及衛生教育訓練,而學校也有收到新的桌椅,黑板等等的一些器材。 2019/4/7

26 She benefited of clothes, aliments, school and
hygiene supplies. Also, she received a lot of presents for Christmas, Easter and her birthday. World Vision helped her with special medical assistance, vitamins and other medicines; the school got new furniture, blackboard, etc. 校正後- 她得到了世望會提供的衣物、健康醫療、教育及衛生教育訓練。她收到了許多聖誕節,復活節和生日的禮物。世望會提供她特別的醫療服務、維他命以及其他藥品 ,而學校也有收到新的桌椅,黑板等等的一些器材。 2019/4/7

27 這位女孩非常感謝您那仁慈的協助,她也希望您能擁有世界上最健康幸福快樂的生活。 誠摰的 社工員代筆 ROM-171825-2274
The girl is grateful for all your kindly support-she wish you to be healthy, happiness and all the best in the world. Sincerely, Strainu Constantin, Bodoga’s teacher from the community ROM 校正後- 這位女孩非常感謝您那仁慈的協助,她也希望您能擁有世界上最健康幸福快樂的生活。 誠摰的 社工員代筆 ROM 2019/4/7

28 分析技巧 簡略 (精簡) Adina依然會於另一所新的高中繼續她的學業。 Adina將在這裡的一間新高中繼續學業。
並在學校裡的到了相當多的注意。 在高中頗受青睞。 2019/4/7

29 第三封 ROM 2019/4/7

30 My name is Ilie Maria, the teacher of Arusandei Andrei
Paul. From the beginning of the letter I want you to know that I’m very grateful in the name of the child and the family for everything you’ve done for them. You offered your kindly support during all these years. 我是Arusandei Andrei Paul 的老師 Ilie Maria,在這封信的一開始我想要讓您知道,我非常的感激您對這孩子以及他的家庭所做的ㄧ切。在這些年來,您提供了您友善的資助。 2019/4/7

31 He benefited of better conditions of studying in his school:
new furniture, new blackboards, new school supplies and everything that needed for the education. He participated at the educative activities, seminaries and trips organized by World Vision organization. 校正前- 他在學校就讀時受到了許多好處:新的設備,新的黑板,新的學校提供了教育所需要的一切物品,他參與了由世界展望會所安排的教育訓練活動,如研討會以及旅遊等。 2019/4/7

32 He benefited of better conditions of studying in his school:
new furniture, new blackboards, new school supplies and everything that needed for the education. He participated at the educative activities, seminaries and trips organized by World Vision organization. 校正後- 新的設備,新的黑板,新的學校提供了教育所需要的一切物品,這樣良好學習環境讓他在學校就讀時受益良多。他參與了由世界展望會所安排的教育訓練活動,如研討會以及旅遊等。 2019/4/7

33 並且,他收到了聖誕節禮物、生日禮物及六月一號的兒童節禮物。因為他持續在城市裡就讀,所以他再也無法參加資助關係的計畫。
Also, he received gifts for Christmas, his birthday, the 1th of June-The Children Day. Because he continues the studies in the city he can’t participate anymore for the activities of the sponsorship program. 並且,他收到了聖誕節禮物、生日禮物及六月一號的兒童節禮物。因為他持續在城市裡就讀,所以他再也無法參加資助關係的計畫。 2019/4/7

34 再次感謝您所做的一切 獻上我的尊敬與感恩之情 社工員代筆 ROM-171825-2337
Thank you once again for everything. With all my respect and gratitude, Ilie Maria, the community teacher of Arusandei Andrei Paul ROM 再次感謝您所做的一切 獻上我的尊敬與感恩之情 社工員代筆 ROM 2019/4/7

35 分析技巧 更變 (句子的順序) 增字 (擴充) 他在學校就讀時受到了許多好處:新的設備,新的黑板 、新的學校提供了教育所需要的一切物品,
新的設備,新的黑板,新的學校提供了教育所需要的一 切物品,這樣良好學習環境讓他在學校就讀時受益良多 2019/4/7

36 第四封 ROM 2019/4/7

37 I want to write you a last letter and mention to
you that always I was thinking about you and your doings. It’s has been a wile since I didn’t write to you. I think it is an appropriate moment to do that. 校正前- 我想要寫最後一封信給您,並且告訴您我總是 想到您和您所做的一切。我已經有一陣子沒 寫信給您了。我想現在正是一個適當的時機。 2019/4/7

38 I want to write you a last letter and mention
to you that always I was thinking about you and your doings. It’s has been a wile since I didn’t write to you. I think it is an appropriate moment to do that. 校正後- 我想要寫最後一封信給您,並且告訴您我總是想 到您和您所做的一切。我已經有一陣子沒寫信給 您了。我想現在正是時候,這是我寫給你的最後 一封信。 2019/4/7

39 I’ve been growing up in the last time. It’s a great
feeling when you start to feel that you can do things by yourself and take your personal decisions. I consider that I am sufficiently old as to manage myself and I can start to earn my existence. 校正前- 在我們上次見面後的這段時間我已經成長了,當您發現您可以自己做事情並掌握事情的決定權時,那種感覺真的棒呆了。我認為我已經夠成熟的可以管理我自己並且自己賺錢了。 2019/4/7

40 在我們上次見面後的這段時間我成長了不少。當我發現自己可以處理所有事情時,那種感覺真的很棒。我發現我已經到可以自食其力的年紀。
I’ve been growing up in the last time. It’s a great feeling when you start to feel that you can do things by yourself and take your personal decisions. I consider that I am sufficiently old as to manage myself and I can start to earn my existence. 校正後- 在我們上次見面後的這段時間我成長了不少。當我發現自己可以處理所有事情時,那種感覺真的很棒。我發現我已經到可以自食其力的年紀。 2019/4/7

41 My family is fine-my mother works harder
like always. Now I am a bigger person and I can help the family. In these circumstances, It will be better if you can help another child in need. 校正前- 我家現在還不錯,媽媽還是一樣地認真工作。現在我已經長大了,可以幫忙家裡的事。在這情況下,如果能夠再幫助其他需要幫助的小孩會更好。 2019/4/7

42 My family is fine-my mother works harder
like always. Now I am a bigger person and I can help the family. In these circumstances, it will be better if you can help another child in need. 校正後- 我家人現在都過得很好。媽媽還是一樣地認真工作。現在我已經長大了,可以幫忙家裡的事。在這情況下,如果能夠再幫助其他需要幫助的小孩會更好。 2019/4/7

43 Dear, sponsor I am really grateful for everything
you’ve done to me all this years. Through the World Vision help I received food, clothes, school and hygiene supplies. I benefited of gifts for Christmas, Easter and other special occasions. 親愛的資助人,很感謝您多年來為我所做的一 切。經由世界展望會的幫助,世望會提供我食 物,健康醫療、教育及衛生教育訓練。我也得到 了聖誕節復活跟其他特別節慶的禮物。 2019/4/7

44 Wish you all the happiness in the world and
good luck in your activities. With all my care, Zaharia Ciprian ROM 希望在全世界的您們都可以幸福並且祝福您們事事順心 帶著我滿心的關懷 愛您的孩子 敬上 ROM 2019/4/7

45 分析技巧 增字(擴充) 在我們上次見面後的這段時間我已經成長了, 在我們上次見面後的這段時間我成長了不少。 我家現在還不錯,
我家人現在都過得很好。 2019/4/7

46 普通語言:信息 →溝通、傳達內容 白話、明析化 ※直譯與意譯 2019/4/7

47 Thank you for your participation

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