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重语篇 积词汇 提高语用能力 ——2017年温州市英语高考一模 阅读理解分析及复习策略 1. 一模解读 2. 分析反馈 3. 复习策略

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1 重语篇 积词汇 提高语用能力 ——2017年温州市英语高考一模 阅读理解分析及复习策略 1. 一模解读 2. 分析反馈 3. 复习策略
程鹰 温州市第二十二中学

2 1、选材内容广泛,贴近现实 2017年市一模解读 表1 2017年温州市“一模”英语卷阅读题材与新高考阅读题材的比较 篇目 年份 A B C
表 年温州市“一模”英语卷阅读题材与新高考阅读题材的比较 篇目 年份 A B C 文体 题材 市“一模” 记叙文 公交司机智抓绑匪 说明文 过敏及过敏的原因、检测与治疗 家人聚餐好处多 2017年6月 美国油画之父Benjamin的成长之路 美国青少年的睡眠习惯及存在的问题 新闻报道 意大利移民被要求参加语言测试 2016年10月 Kate雨夜勇救乘客性命 酒店推出环保低碳活动 远程办公

3 2、重语篇,重能力 2017年市一模解读 表2 2017年温州市“一模”阅读理解与新高考考点的对比
表 年温州市“一模”阅读理解与新高考考点的对比 考查要点 市“一模” 2017年6月高考 2016年10月高考 细节理解 4 5 推理判断 主旨要义 1 观点态度 2 在题型上,事实理解题占有最大比例,难度系数有明显的梯度;推理判断题与观点态度题作为考查学生思维能力的重要方式,对学生的信息获取和处理能力要求进一步提高;主旨要义是考查学生阅读能力的重要方式 ,仍是设题热点。 新高考背景下的英语阅读理解凸显学生英语思维能力与语用能力的重要性

4 1、阅读中的典型问题 2017年市一模问题反馈 表3 全市学生阅读理解正答率低的题目有 题号 21 25 26 28 29 30 正答率
表3 全市学生阅读理解正答率低的题目有 题号 21 25 26 28 29 30 正答率 53.46% 28.6% 51.91% 50.9% 46.47% 57.63%

5 问题1 思维能力急需提升 这次考试阅读理解B篇(28.6%)
2017年市一模问题反馈 difficult to do or deal with clever tricks of the trade 问题1 思维能力急需提升 这次考试阅读理解B篇(28.6%) 第25题: The testing process of an allergy is ________. tough B. flexible C. easy D. accurate 正答是A Testing for an allergy can be a tricky process, particularly if an allergic reaction could threaten the victim’s life. 

6 28. What is the writer’s attitude towards eating together as a family?
2017年市一模问题反馈 这次考试阅读理解C篇( 50.9%) 28. What is the writer’s attitude towards eating together as a family? A. Favorable. B. Disapproving. C. Reserved. D. Objective. …Yet, studies have shown time and again that eating together has multiple benefits for family members, especially children. …are at lower risk of developing poor eating habits, weight problems or alcohol dependencies. They tend to perform better academically than those who frequently eat alone.   . …Whatever drives this trend, it is a development that should be welcomed. …But it can lay the groundwork for a lot of things that point them in the right direction.

7 2017年市一模问题反馈 问题2 缺乏篇章意识 29. From the passage we learn our ancestors possibly _____. A. valued the education of children B. liked struggling with each other C. cared much about food nutrition D. appreciated the importance of food (阅读理解C篇46.47%) Food has become so easily and cheaply available that we no longer appreciate its significance. We have to rediscover its importance and its value. Sharing a meal with loved ones should be considered a special event, which can almost take on the form of a ceremony, as it was practiced by our ancestors for whom finding food was a constant struggle.

8 问题3:阅读障碍(长难句,一词多义,短语)
2017年市一模问题反馈 问题3:阅读障碍(长难句,一词多义,短语) Sharing a meal with loved ones should be considered a special event, which can almost take on the form of a ceremony, as it was practiced by our ancestors for whom finding food was a constant struggle. practice n. I am afraid the idea would never work in practice. Learning a language needs a lot of practice. Dr. Pat is no longer in practice here. The old practice still prevails in the countryside. vt. The young girl practices the violin every day. We should practice economy even if we are rich. He has practiced law in Taipei for 30 years. …

9 1. 强调语篇意识,培养学生思维能力。 复习策略 1)课文重读, 引导学生关注语篇结构,学会以分析,推断与评价不同阅读文本。
以主题为线索,如人物篇B1U5 Nelson Mandela, B4U1 Women of Achievement, B4U2 Working the land, B4U3 A taste of English Humor, B5U1 Great Scientists 以体裁为线索, 如B3U2 Healthy Eating, B3U3 The Million Pound Bank Note, 以写作模式为线索, 如“General-Specific” B3U1Festivals around the World , B6U2 Arts “Problem- Solution” “Claim- Counter Claim”

10 复习策略 2)习题再练, 在语篇中欣赏语言/分析结构,提高思维的品质 When the phone finally rang, Joe leaped from the edge of his chair and grabbed for it. Joe was very nervous and anxious as he waited for an important phone. Unable to relax for a moment, he sat in the edge of his chair. When the phone rang, Joe reached for it 生动的描写VS. 直接的描写 The old man staggered(摇摇晃晃地走) along the sidewalk. He grabbed at the picket fence to keep from falling. His torn gray overcoat swayed (摇摆)open in the winter wind. 醉洒的老人VS. 贫病交加的老人

11 复习策略 3)活动精选 ,利用语篇训练学生思维的同时,寻找学习的乐趣 Four friends live in a small town. Their names are John, Miller, Smith and Carte. They all have different jobs. One is a policeman, one is a cook, one is a farmer, and one is a doctor. It’s Tuesday afternoon. John’s son breaks his leg and John takes him to the doctor. The doctor’s sister is Smith’s wife. The farmer isn’t married. He has a lot of hens. Miller often buys eggs from the farmer. The policeman sees Smith and Miller every day for they are neighbours. Now who is the policeman? Who is the cook? Who is the farmer? Who is the doctor? 我们曾做的:推理游戏 故事接龙 你说我猜

12 2. 注重词汇短语的积累,在语境中提高学生的语用能力。
复习策略 2. 注重词汇短语的积累,在语境中提高学生的语用能力。 1)准确理解派生词及合成词的能力 (常见前缀23个, 名词后缀13个, 动词5个,形容词17个) 2)结合上下文排除多义词的歧义的能力 我们在做的:Ss 复习《三维设计》(400个阅读高频词、80个熟词新义), Ts 编写单句小练习,帮助学生积累巩固 Since there is no time like the present,he thought it was time to present the present. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert. Suddenly,the boy grasped my hand. But I couldn’t grasp what he was trying to do. 3)结合语境理解两个或多个词间的同义、反义、上下义关系等的能力

13 复习策略 其他: 1. 课外阅读 2. 专题限时阅读 Thank you

14 “说”家族 P14, para1… “May I ask what you were doing in my restaurant the other day? …,” she ______. “Please excuse me,” he calmly ______, “I wanted to know why all my customers has gone last week. …?” Para2… “I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food,” she said, “…” Wang Peng was enjoying a second plate of dumplings so he _______. “Yes,” he _________, “and I would miss my dumplings and fatty pork. Don’t you get tired quickly?””Well, I do have to rest a lot,” ________ Yong Hui.

15 课文内容回顾:请找出课文中有关主要人物Henry的行为动作的句子
Did Henny plan to go to Britain? _________________________________________________________ About a month ago:_________________________________________ Towards nightfall: __________________________________________ The next morning: __________________________________________ On the ship: _______________________________________________ When the two brothers made a bet, they saw ________________________________________________________ “ As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.” “I was sailing out of the bay” “I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.” I’d just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship; “ I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which account for my appearance. I went to the American embassy to seek help.” A penniless young man wandering on the pavement.

16 可用于记叙文中行为动作描写的词汇梳理 可用于记叙文中心理情绪和神情描写的词汇梳理 以粗鲁的方式 衣衫褴褛 发自内心的感谢 抚养;培育 打赌 允许某人做 前进;往下说 盯着;凝视 发现 探索;寻找 冒险 尖叫 鞠躬 bring up make a bet permit sb to do go ahead stare at spot seek take a chance scream bow in a rude manner in rags Thank you from the bottom of my heart 写作高频词汇 偶然地 解释;说明原因 相反地 by accident account for on the contrary

17 这次阅读理解C篇 第30题:Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? A. Good Eating Habits Matter B. Family Dinners Benefit Kids C. Meals Take on New Meanings D. Old Customs Are Coming Back 文章的结构: 第一段: eating together has multiple benefits for family members, especially children. 第二段: children who eat more with their family are at lower risk of developing poor eating habits, weight problems or alcohol dependencies. 第三段: however, that the old customs are coming back. 第四段: Eating together as a family is not just about food and nutrition. It is about teaching them how to become members of their society and culture. 第五段: But it can lay the groundwork for a lot of things that point them in the right direction. Topic: ? Key words (总分结构)

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