How Do We Get To Martin’s Department Store?

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1 How Do We Get To Martin’s Department Store?
Unit 6 How Do We Get To Martin’s Department Store?

2 單字複習 street department store 街道 百貨公司 police station turn 警察局 轉彎
街道 百貨公司 police station turn 警察局 轉彎 railway station right 火車站 向右地;右邊的;右邊 fast food restaurant stop 速食餐廳 停止;站牌 movie theater library 電影院 圖書館 shop corner 商店 轉角;角落 bookstore across from 書店 在…對面

3 一、指引方向、說明地點的位置 1. 方位的表示 講義p31
across from 「在…對面」 between 「在…之間」 next to 「在…旁邊」 A B A B A B

4 on the corner on the left / right
一、指引方向、說明地點的位置 1. 方位的表示 A B on the corner on the left / right 「在轉角」 「在左/右邊」

5 一、指引方向、說明地點的位置 1. 方位的表示 A在B的對面:A is across from B 在某人左邊:on one’s left
一、指引方向、說明地點的位置 1. 方位的表示 A在B的對面:A is across from B 在某人左邊:on one’s left 在某人右邊:on one’s right A在(B的)左邊:A is on the left (of B) 說明地點是在兩條路之間的轉角處時: on the corner of 甲 and 乙

6 2. 詢問到某處的路該怎麼走? 課本p67 How do I get to 地點 ? 某地 數字 甲地 乙地 甲地 乙地

7 2 1 3

8 from left across get to right on the corner of

9 5 6 7 4

10 How do I get to the flower market?
right How do get to I next go down to How do I get to two on left How do I get to the flower market?

11 練習 依提示完成對話 講義p32 1. A:我要如何到銀行? A: I ?
B:越過這條大路,然後左轉。直走過兩個街區。然後右轉。它就在右邊。在書店和麵包 店中間。 B: Go , and then two And It is It is and the bakery. How do get to the bank across this road turn left Go straight for blocks then turn right on the right between the bookstore

12 練習 依提示完成對話 2. A:而麵包店在第一路和公園街的轉角嗎? B:是的。 A: Is the bakery and ?
練習 依提示完成對話 2. A:而麵包店在第一路和公園街的轉角嗎? B:是的。 A: Is the bakery and ? B: Yes, it is. on the corner of First Road Park Street

13 實際練習 昱仁

14 How do I get to St. John's University?
Go straight for one block and turn left. It is on the left.

15 實際練習 翊芸

16 How do I get to Danshui MRT Station?
Turn right and go straight. You can see Zhongshan north road. (中山北路) Go down this road. It’s on the right. You can see Danshui MRT Station

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