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Presentation on theme: "主谓一致:谓语动词与其主语在人称和数上要保持一致,称为主谓一致。"— Presentation transcript:

1 主谓一致:谓语动词与其主语在人称和数上要保持一致,称为主谓一致。
主要分成六大类: 1.谓语用单数形式 2.谓语用复数 3.根据具体情况考虑谓语的单复数 4.根据就近原则决定谓语的单复数形式 5.根据远邻原则决定谓语的单复数形式 6.定语从句中的主谓一致情况

2 ★⑤.当运算词作主语时 (一).谓语动词用单数形式的情况 ①.“more than one+单数名词”作主语时
More than one student was late for school this morning. ②.当表示数量的“one and a half+复数名词”作主语时 One and a half hours is enough. One and a half bananas is left on the table. ★③.“a/an+单数名词+or two”作主语时 A student or two has failed the exam. ④.“many a+单数名词”作主语时 Many a student takes a walk on campus after dinner. ★⑤.当运算词作主语时 Three times five is fifteen. Five minus four is one.

3 ⑥.当and并列的两个主语是指同一个人、同一事物
或同一概念时 The teacher and writer is my friend. My friend and lawyer has caught a bad cold. ⑦.当and并列的两个单数名词表示不可分的整体作主语时 Bread and butter is their daily food. (面包和黄油) 常见的有: a knife and fork(一副刀叉) / a cart and horse(一辆马车) / needle and thread (针线) / war and peace (战争与和平) / iron and steel (钢铁) / truth and honesty (真诚) / a watch and chain (一块带链的表)

4 ⑧.“动词-ing、动词不定式、主语从句”形式作主语时
Reading in the sun is bad for our eyes. To read English aloud every morning does you a lot of good. What he said is not true at all

5 ⑨.不定代词someone, somebody, something, everyone, everybody, everything, anyone, anybody, anything, no one, nobody, nothing 作主语时 Somebody is using the phone. Nothing is impossible. ⑩.当each, every, either, neither, another, the other, 作主语或修饰主语时 Neither of these words is correct. Each of us has a new bicycle. Each student has a book. 注意: We each have a new bike. (each作同位语) ⑾.当each…and each…, every…and every…, no…and no…, many a…and many a…作主语时 Each boy and each girl has got a seat. Every man and every woman is at work. No sound and no voice is heard for a long while. Many a boy and many a girl likes the film star.

6 ⑿.当表示时间/距离/度量衡等的名词或短语作主语时,常被看作一个整体
Twenty years is a long time. Ten miles isn’t a long distance. Five thousand dollars is more than he can afford. ⒀.“学科名/书刊名/戏剧名/报纸名/国家名/机构名等”作主语时 Politics is now taught in all schools. “The Arabian Nights” is an interesting story book. New York Times has a wide circulation. The united states is a capitalist country. The United Nations plays an important role in the international affairs .

7 ★⒁.名词所有格之后的名词被省略的情况一般指商店、公共建筑物、住宅等,作主语时,动词一般用单数。
The doctor’s is on this side of the street. My uncle’s is not far from here. 常见的有:the baker’s, the barber’s(商店) my aunt’s, the Johnson’s(住宅) St. Paul’s(公共建筑物)

8 (二).谓语动词用复数的情况 ★①.由and和both...and连接的并列主语 Both brother and sister are college students. Jim and Mary are interested in it. 除去3种情况: The teacher and writer is my friend. Bread and butter is their daily food. Each boy and each girl has got a seat. ★②.当“one or two+复数名词”作主语时 One or two students are planting trees. 注意区别:A student or two has failed the exam. ★③.当两个或两个以上动名词短语,不定式短语, 主语从句作主语时, 表示两个或两个以上的概念或意义时。 Swimming in summer and skating in winter are his greatest pleasure. What he says and what he does do not agree.

9 ④.有些形式为单数,意义为复数的名词作主语时
记住三个单词: people, police, cattle等 The police have caught the thief. Cattle feed mostly on grass. ★⑤.当由两部分构成的物体如shoes, trousers, gloves, glasses, scissors, slippers, socks, chopsticks等复数名词, 作主语时。 His trousers are of good quality. Your glasses are on your nose. 注意: 若这类名词与a pair of … 连用时, 谓语动词往往用单数。 This pair of shoes is made in Beijing. There is a pair of glasses on your bed.

10 ⑥.当the+姓氏的复数表示一家人或两夫妇, 作主语时
The Smiths often play with their children in their spare time. ⑦.当the+形容词/过去分词/国籍形容词表示一类人 / 一国人, 作主语时 The rich are not always happier than the poor. The sick have been cured and the lost have been found. The Chinese are a great people. ★⑧.当群岛,山脉,瀑布等专有名词作主语时 如:the Alps, the Philippines, Niagara Falls等   Niagara Falls are a splendid scene.

11 (三).根据具体情况考虑谓语单复数的情况 ①.集体名词作主语时,如果指集体概念, 谓语动词用单数; 如果指具体成员,则谓语动词用复数。 常见的词有: class, family, team, government, audience, group, club, public, crew, crowd, couple, company, committee等 This class is made up of 51 students. This class are all girls. His family isn't very large. His family are music lovers. Our football team is playing well. Our football team are having baths. 补充: population一词的使用情况跟上述相似, 即: 通常情况下用单数, 但当被分数或百分数所修饰时,谓语动词用复数。 The population in China is very large. Eighty percent of the population in China are farmers.

12 ②.单复数同形的名词作主语时, 谓语动词应根据意义决定单复数。
常见的有: sheep, deer, fish, means, works(工厂)等 A sheep is over there. Some sheep are over there. Not every means is useful. Not all means are useful. ★③.两个形容词共同修饰一个单数名词,若两个形容词前只有一个冠词, 表示一个人或物, 作主语时, 谓语用单数;若两个形容词前都带有冠词,作主语时,谓语用复数。 The black and white cow is mine. The red and the white coat are mine.

13 ④.some+复数名词→谓语用复数 some+单数名词→谓语用单数 (意为:“某一”) Some student is waiting for you at the school gate. ★⑤.当all作主语指代人时,谓语动词用复数; 指代物时, 则用单数。 All are here except Tom. All that can be done has been done.

14 ★⑥.“A / this kind of+名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数。
“复数名词+ of this kind”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 注意: 与kind用法相似的还有: type, sort等 This kind of apples is very expensive. Apples of this kind are very expensive. ⑦.当分数,百分数, the majority of, the rest of, most of, all of, half of, part of, plenty of, a lot of, lots of, some of, none of +名词作主语时, 动词通常与of后面的名词保持一致。   Fifty percent of the students in our school are girls. Fifty percent of the work is done. Two thirds of the students in our class are boys. Three fourths of the surface of the earth is sea. ▲None of the students were / was there. ▲None of the money is left.

15 ⑧.当“the number of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数
当“a mumber of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数 The number of students present is not known. A number of books are lent out from the library. ★⑨. 务必背熟一下结构: a great deal of +不可数名词→谓语用单数 a large amount of +不可数名词→谓语用单数 a large quantity of+不可数/可数复数→谓语用单数 a great number of +可数复数→谓语用复数 large amounts of +不可数名词→谓语用复数 large quantities of+不可数/可数复数→谓语用复数

16 ⑩.what引导主语从句时, 谓语形式有时应取决于表语的单复数。
What I want is an English-Chinese Dictionary What I want are some useful reference books. ⑾.倒装句中的主谓一致:谓语的数应与后面主语的数保持一致。 Such is my hope for the future. Such are the final results. On the wall are some famous paintings. There comes the bus. Now comes your turn.

17 (四). 根据就近原则决定谓语的单复数 ①.there be, here be句型 常见的还有: there exist / stand / live等 There is an orange, two apples and some bananas on the plate. There stands a big tree and some bamboos. Here are some English books and a dictionary for you. ②.在由not only…but also…, not…but…, or, either…or…, neither…nor…连接主语的句子中 Either the teacher or the students are to blame. Not only the students but also their teacher doesn’t know about it. Not you but I am to answer for it.

18 (五). 根据远邻原则决定谓语的单复数 当主语后面跟有as well as, with, along with, together with, including, in addition to, besides, but, except, like, more than, no less than, rather than等连接的名词时 He as well as I wants to go boating The boy with his dog is here. The teacher together with some students is visiting the factory.    The teacher, including his students, is going to see Professor Smith. No one but your parents was there then.

19 (六).定语从句中的主谓一致情况 ①. 定语从句的谓语动词在人称和数方面必须和先行词保持一致。 I , who am your teacher, will try to teach you. The book that tells us about the earth is expensive. ②.在“one of +复数名词+who / that / which引导的定语从句”中, 从句谓语动词常用复数。 She is one of the engineers who are experts in German. 注意区别: He is one of the students who _____ passed the exam. He is the only one of the students who ______ passed the exam. 总结: 若one前有the only|the very等修饰语时, 从句谓语动词常用单数。 have has

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