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名詞單複數 名詞單數變成複數的規則.

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Presentation on theme: "名詞單複數 名詞單數變成複數的規則."— Presentation transcript:

1 名詞單複數 名詞單數變成複數的規則

2 字尾加上 “s” 龍 dragon + s = dragons 地毯 carpet + s = carpets
杯子 cup + s = cups 舞者 dancer + s = dancers 蛋 egg + s = eggs 豹 leopard + s = leopards 學校 school + s = schools 商店 shop + s = shops 窗戶 window + s = windows

3 字尾有 e , 只要加上 s 蜜蜂 bee + s = bees 單車 bike + s = bikes
蛋糕 cake + s = cakes 遊戲 game + s = games 大門 gate + s = gates 玩笑 joke + s = jokes 風箏 kite + s = kites 盤子 plate + s = plates 鏟子 spade + s = spades 鯨魚 whale + s = whales

4 加上 es 成為複數的字 ~ch ~sh ~x ~z ~ s ~ss ~o

5 ch 結尾的字 拱門 arch + es = arches 長椅 bench + es = benches
枝幹 branch + es = branches 教練 coach + es = coaches 桃子 peach + es = peaches 素描 sketch + es = sketches 手錶 watch + es = watches 女巫 witch + es = witches

6 sh 結尾的字 刷子 brush + es = brushes 灌木叢 bush + es = bushes
盤子 dish + es = dishes 疹子 rash + es = rashes 願望 wish + es =wishes

7 x 或 z 結尾的字 狐狸 fox + es = foxes 盒子 box + es = boxes 傳真 fax + es =faxes
嗡嗡聲 buzz + es = buzzes 華爾滋 waltz + es = waltez 黃玉 topaz + es =topazes

8 s 或 ss 結尾的字 公車 bus + es = buses 馬戲團 circus + es = circuses
十字架 cross + es = crosses 洋裝 dress + es = dresses 玻璃杯 glass + es = glasses

9 o 結尾的字 火鶴 flamingo + es = flamingoes 澳洲野犬 dingo + es = dingoes
英雄 hero + es = heroes 馬鈴薯 potato + es = potatoes 蕃茄 tomato + es = tomatoes 火山 volcano + es = volcanoes

10 特殊結尾的字改成複數 ~ y ~ f ~fe

11 y 結尾的名詞 →子音加 y,去 y 改成 ies 嬰兒 baby i + es =babies
小仙子 fairy i + es = fairies 家庭 family i + es =families 圖書館 library i + es = libraries 故事 story i + es = stories 草莓 strawberry i + es = strawberries

12 y 結尾的名詞 →母音加 y,只要加上 s 即可 日子 day + s = days 驢子 donkey + s = donkeys
猴子 monkey + s = monkeys 跑道 runway + s = runways 托盤 tray + s = trays 推車 trolley + s = trolleys 火雞 turkey + s = turkeys 山谷 valley + s = valleys 道路 way + s = ways

13 f 結尾的字,先把 f 改成 v ,再加上 es 小牛 calf v + es = calves 精靈 elf v + es = elves
一條 loaf v + es = loaves 架子 shelf v + es = shelves 小偷 thief v + es = thieves 野狼 wolf v + es = wolves

14 fe結尾的字,先把 f 改成 v ,再加上 s life v + s = lives knife v + s = knives
wife v + s = wives

15 不規則變化→不加 s 或 es 老鼠 mouse ☞ mice 小孩 child ☞ children 腳 foot ☞ feet
男人 man ☞ men 女人 woman ☞ women 牙齒 tooth ☞ teeth

16 單複數同型的名詞 飛機 aircraft → aircraft 鹿 deer → deer 魚 fish → fish
綿羊 sheep → sheep 鯉魚 carp → carp 鱈魚 cod → cod 鮭魚 salmon → salmon 鱒魚 trout → trout 馴鹿 reindeer → reindeer

17 不可數名詞 相似物件 baggage, clothing, food, fruit, garbage…… 液體
water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, blood…… 固體 ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, gold…… 氣體 air, smog…… 微粒 rice, chalk, corn, dirt, dust, flour, hair, salt… 抽象概念 beauty, wealth, advice, time, space, energy.. 語言 Chinese, English…… 學科 chemistry, history, engineering…… 娛樂 baseball, soccer, tennis, chess…… 活動 driving, studying, swimming…. (動名詞不可數) 自然現象 weather, heat, rain, snow, wind, light……

18 常用不可數名詞 advice mail bread pepper furniture money cheese rice help
music coffee salt homework peace food soup information traffic fruit sugar jewelry weather meat tea luck work milk water

19 句型 簡單句、否定句和疑問句

20 簡單陳述句→主詞 + 動詞 只需主詞和動詞即可成立,是最單純的句型。 He smiled. The shop opens at ten.
She was singing all day long. Our plane leaves at six thirty in the evening.

21 exercise 習慣 我每天的習慣 (a) eat breakfast 1. The alarm clock rings.
(b) shave / put on my make-up (c) take a shower / bath (d) get up (e) walk to the bathroom (f) look in the mirror (g) turn off the alarm clock (h) brush / comb my hair (i) brush my teeth (j) wash my face (k) stretch, yawn, and rub my eyes

22 主詞 + 動詞 + 受詞 除了需要主詞、動詞之外,還需要受詞才是完整的句子 受詞主要是名詞、代名詞 He plays baseball.
She ate an apple at three o’clock. She married Bob last month. We reached Taipei Station ten minutes ago.

23 Exercise→找出句子的主詞、動詞和受詞
Marie studies chemistry. 主詞( ) 動詞( ) 受詞 ( ) The children are playing in the park. Children like candy. The teacher is erasing the board with her hand. Mike lives in Africa.

24 否定句 BE 動詞的否定:直接在BE動詞後面加上NOT isn’t aren’t Tom is not a teacher.
Tom and Ann are not teachers. aren’t I am not a teacher.

25 Ann ___ a gardener. She ______________.
Ann Jim Mr. Black Mike Mr. Rice Sue Ann ___ a gardener. She ______________. Mike ___ a gardener. He ____ a artist. Jim ____ a bus driver. He _____________. Sue ____ a photographer. She _________. Mr. Rice ____ a police officer. He isn’t _____. Mr. Black isn’t ______. He ______________.

26 否定句 助動詞的否定:直接在助動詞後面加上NOT。 I study hard. I do not study hard.
He drives a car. He does not drive a car.

27 口語練習 Grass \ be blue. Grass isn’t blue. Dogs \ have tails.
A restaurant \ sell shoes. Animals \ wear clothes. Junk food \ be good for you. It \ rain a lot in this city. Doctor \ design building. The weather \ be very hot today.

28 疑問句 Yes/ No 問句:以下兩種問句,回答是都會用YES/NO來回答,故稱為YES/NO問句。會話時,句尾語調要上揚。
Be動詞/助動詞的疑問句:原來肯定句中有BE動詞或助動詞時,只需將BE動詞或助動詞移至句首即可。 肯定句:He is a football player. 疑問句:Is he a football player? 肯定句:He can swim. 疑問句:Can he swim?

29 Exercise→造問句 She doesn’t speak English. →Does she speak English?
He isn’t in class today. They don’t have dictionaries. I sit in the same seat every day. She studies hard. My sister talks on the phone every day. They aren’t from Japan.

30 WH問句 有些疑問句需要使用到下列疑問詞:who, what, which, when, where, why, how, whom, whose 疑問詞依其功能分為「疑問代名詞」包括:who, what, which, whom, whose和「疑問副詞」包括:when, where, why, how。 這一類的問句,句尾語調不用上揚。

31 疑問詞為主詞時 當疑問詞為主詞時,將疑問詞放在句首,其他字的順序則依照一般肯定句的排法。 A: Who broke the window?
B: Tom did.

32 疑問詞為受詞或補語 當疑問詞為受詞或補語時,則依照(疑問詞+BE動詞/助動詞+主詞+動詞)的順序即可。
A: What did you buy at that shop? B: I bought a sandwich.

33 exercise A: ____ is this? B: It’s hers.
A: ____ will speak first? B: Alice. A: ____ caused the loss(損失)? B: The typhoon did. A: ___ did he go to the concert? B: By taxi. A: ___ dish do you prefer, pork or beef? B: Pork, please.

34 用適當的疑問詞造疑問句 Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria at 11:30 every day.

35 用適當的疑問詞造疑問句 Peter works at the post office.
Ellen lives in a beautiful apartment. The English-Chinese dictionary is on Tom’s desk. The English-Chinese dictionary is on Tom’s desk

36 English Grammar

37 Unit 1 Understanding Sentence Basics
is not / very big / My family / .→My family is not very big. only four people / There are / . I / two parents / have / . John / my father’s name / is / . My mother’s name / is / Karina / . have / I / one brother / . His name / Andy / is / . very much / I / my family / love /.

38 answer My family is not very big. There are only four people.
I have two parents. John is my father’s name. My mother’s name is Karina. I have one brother. His name is Andy. I love my family very much.

39 Write about your family

40 Capital Letter Incorrect: the boxes on the table are heavy.
Incorrect: where do you live? Correct: Where do you live?

41 Capitalization Rules The first word in a sentence. The pronoun “I”
People’s title. Proper names ( specific people and places). Names of streets. Geographical locations. Languages and nationalities The title of paragraphs, essays, and books. Course names.

42 Do not capitalize…. prepositions (to, in, on, of….)
conjunctions (and, but) articles (a, an, the) EXCEPTION they are the first word of the title.

43 End a Sentence with a period (.) with a question mark (?)
with an exclamation point (!) Incorrect: Taiwan is a small country Correct: Taiwan is a small country. Incorrect: I don’t like coffee with sugar Correct: I don’t like coffee with sugar.

44 Unscrambling and Writing Sentences.
spaghetti / most kids / like enjoy / they / the taste of spaghetti the smell of spaghetti / they / love tomato sauce / on their spaghetti / some kids / put like / on their spaghetti / cheese / other kids

45 answer Most kids like spaghetti. They enjoy the taste of spaghetti.
They love the smell of spaghetti. Some kids put tomato sauce on their spaghetti. Other kids like cheese on their spaghetti.

46 Write Simple Sentences.

47 現在式的表達

48 What do you do every morning?
Make an order of your habits.

49 eat breakfast go to class put on my clothes drink a cup of coffee shave put on my make-up take a shower / bath get up pick up my books. walk to the bathroom watch TV turn off the alarm clock go to the kitchen brush / comb my hair say good-bye to my roommate brush my teeth do exercises wash my face stretch, yawn, and rub my eyes

50 The alarm clock rings. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9 10

51 頻率副詞:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely never

52 exercise

53 用always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never 描述自己的習慣
eat dinner at six o’clock write a letter eat dinner at eight o’clock read a newspaper watch TV study listen to music study English go to a movie drink milk go shopping go to bed at eleven o’clock go dancing go to bed after midnight go swimming go to bed early spend time with my friends dream talk on the phone dream in English

54 頻率副詞和BE動詞的連用

55 填入頻率副詞 always Ann is on time for class
seldom Tom is at the library in the evening. often Sue is late for class. rarely I eat breakfast. never Ron is happy. often I take the bus to school. never Ron smiles. usually The weather is hot in July. usually Bob is at home in the evening. never She drinks coffee. usually Bob stays at home in the evening. sometimes She drinks tea. seldom Tom studies at the library in the evening. always Ann comes to class on time.

56 Subject and Verb Subject Verb That little boy swims every day.
People in China speak Chinese. Seven is my lucky number. Verb

57 疑問句型 Yes/ No 問句 : 1. 回答是都會用YES/NO來回答,故稱為YES/NO問句 WH問句 : 1.需要使用到疑問詞
2. 會話時,句尾語調要上揚 3. Yes/ No 問句有兩種形式 a. Be動詞/助動詞的疑問句 b. 一般動詞的句子 WH問句 : 1.需要使用到疑問詞 2.句尾語調不用上揚

58 Be動詞/助動詞的疑問句 肯定句中有BE動詞或助動詞時,只需將BE動詞或助動詞移至句首即可 Examples:
肯定句:He is a football player.              疑問句:Is he a football player? 肯定句:He can swim.                            疑問句:Can he swim?

59 一般動詞的句子 在句首加入適合的助動詞,並將原來的動詞改成原形動詞 肯定句:She moved here yesterday.
疑問句:Did she move here yesterday? 肯定句:John lives in Taichung.                 疑問句:Does John live in Taichung

60 Yes/ No 問句的回答方式 Are you a student here? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Does she speak Japanese?                Yes, she does.          No, she doesn’t.

61 否定疑問句 Examples: Aren’t you afraid? (你不怕嗎?) Yes, I am.(會啊,我很怕)
*否定疑問句的回答邏輯和回答方式和肯定疑問句一樣* Examples: Aren’t you afraid? (你不怕嗎?) Yes, I am.(會啊,我很怕)                 No, I’m not.(不會,我不怕。)

62 Oral Practice 1. walk to school every day 2. watch TV every day
9. wear blue jeans every day 2. watch TV every day 10. have a car 3. eat breakfast every day 11. have a bicycle 4. speak English every day 12. like ice cream 5. come to class every day 13. like Taichung 6. get up at seven o’clock every day 14. live here 7. talk on the phone every day 15. live in an apartment 8. go to the bank every day 16. go shopping every day

63 WH問句: who, what, which, when, where, why, how, whom, whose
A: Who broke the window?                B: Tom did. A: What did you buy at that shop?              B: I bought a sandwich. A: What do we call this fish in English?               B: It’s tuna.

64 1. Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria at 11:30 every day.
Exercise用適當的疑問詞造疑問句 1. Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria at 11:30 every day. 8.Ellen lives in a beautiful apartment. 2. Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria at 11:30 every day 9.Ellen lives in a beautiful apartment. 3. Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria at 11:30 every day. 10.Ellen lives in a beautiful apartment. 4. Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria at 11:30 every day. 11.The English-Chinese dictionary is on Tom’s desk. 5.Jean eats lunch at the cafeteria at 11:30 every day. 12.The English-Chinese dictionary is on Tom’s desk. 6.Peter works at the post office. 13.The English-Chinese dictionary is on Tom’s desk 7.Peter works at the post office.

65 現在簡單式(Present Simple): 動詞型態視主詞而改變。
單數現在式規則動詞字尾變化 字尾變化 變化方式 Example 一般動詞 加s make: makes   look: looks 以s, x, sh, ch結束的動詞 加es pass: passes    fix: fixes     teach: teaches 「子音+Y」結束的動詞 去掉y加ies study: studies   cry: cries 子音+O go: goes

66 Exercise: Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1. Children likes candy. 6. Iron was heavier than wood. 2. Is your parents at home? 7. The moon moved around the earth. 3. Where are your school? 8. There have six members in my family. 4. My uncle is live in Taichung. 9. Here come Mary. 5. I am think he is a good man. 10. The car is belong to my father.

67 Exercise: 用提示的字完成下列各句(請注意動詞時式)
pay, always           Mary____ his bills on time. 5.every day, pray               Jack _____________. 2.enjoy                               Don_______ good food. 6. carry, never Carol _______________ her books to class. 3.worry,always                  Ann is a good student, but she ___ about her grades. 7.stay at home, sometimes, on Sundays           ____________________ 4. buy, seldom My mother ___________ new clothes. 8. study, every day, at the library                      ________________________

68 現在進行式(Progressive Present Tense)
現在式的BE動詞(is, are, am)+Ving 表示現在正在進行的動作: I am reading an English novel.                     Look! Two boys are fighting. He is writing a letter.                                   What are you doing? 表示未來的不久即將發生的動作 They are coming soon.                                     I am leaving.  He is arriving tonight.                                        The poor dog is dying.

69 Exercise 1. I (go) _________________ to school.
2. You (study) ____________________English. 3. He (write) ___________________ something. 4. It (get) _____________________ warmer. 5. They (have) _______________breakfast. 6. Mary (speak) ________________ to the audience. 7. The little dog (run and play) _______________ happily in the park.

70 自然發音法 (字母拼讀法,直覺發音,看字讀音….)

71 什麼是”自然發音法”(phonics)? 自然發音法(phonics approach)是由字母的聲音(sounds)和字母(letters)之間的關係來幫助學習者看字讀字,聽音拼字的一種方式。

72 a e i o u [ e ] [ i ] [aI] [ o ] [ ju ] [ u ] [æ] [ a ] [ G ] [ 0 ]
字母 a e i o u [ e ] [ i ] [aI] [ o ] [ ju ] [ u ] [æ] [ a ] [ G ] [ 0 ] [ C ] [ ? ] [ K ]

73 發音規則 長短母音不是根據發音時間的長、短來決定 與發音的部位及方法有關 長音:嘴型左右拉寬 短音:嘴型上下拉大

74 短母音規則 ant belt wind clock truck cat deck stick shock hug tap yell
ㄧ個單字或音節中,只有一個母音字母 此母音字母位於字首或是兩個子音字母之間 口訣:單音節、短母音、字尾是子音 ant belt wind clock truck cat deck stick shock hug tap yell chick lock suck

75 長母音規則一 (有禮貌的母音) 含有兩個連續母音,通常第一個母音發長音(本音),第二個母音不發音 rain sea tie coal due
hay bee eight toad suit pail seal deer fruit

76 長母音規則二 (沉默的 e) 字尾是“e”,前僅有一音節,此音節母音發長音 bake ate bite hope rude cane
eagle pine robe flute mane we wine note cube

77 中性母音 about difficult hope rude cane eagle pine robe flute mane we wine
當 a, e, i, o, u,出現於非重音節,都會唸成中性母音 [D] 或是 [0] about difficult hope rude cane eagle pine robe flute mane we wine note cube

78 雙母音 oo[?] ou [A?] ow [A?] oi [C0] oy [C0] school cloud town coin toy
規則:兩母音相連,只發出一個音。 oo[?] ou [A?] ow [A?] oi [C0] oy [C0] school cloud town coin toy room house cow oil boy good out owl boil joy book mouse towel voice oyster

79 半母音 (千面女郎 y) yellow fly curly yawn dry any yes cry symbol
子音 y? 在字首時發音 [ j ] 母音 y ? 單字中無其他母音字母,此時可代替 i 的長音,讀成 [A0] 單字中有兩個或以上的音節, 此時 y 可變身唸成 [ 0 ]或 [ i ] yellow fly curly yawn dry any yes cry symbol

80 b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z 子音
二十六個字母中,除了母音字母,其餘的就叫做子音字母,它們是 b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z

81 a a小妹很沒有禮貌,看見人不但不打招呼,還很粗魯的說【æ 】 【æ 】 【æ 】 bag

82 b B小弟有兩片厚厚的嘴唇,看到人就喜歡親人家,所以他最常發出的聲音是【b】 【b】 【b】 bed

83 c C小弟喜歡在上課的時候偷偷嗑瓜子,所以他發出的聲音是【k】 【k】 【k】 cat

84 d 這個小朋友叫做阿德,他有一個好大好大的肚子,大肚德的聲音是 【d】 【d】 【d】 dad

85 e E小弟是個可愛的矮冬瓜,那你知道矮冬瓜的台語要怎麼說嗎? 矮仔冬瓜 【έ】 【έ】 【έ】 bed

86 長得很像刀子的f在切什麼東西呢?原來是一塊豆腐阿!
刀子切豆腐 【f】【f】 【f】 frog

87 g 老大哥g先生,帶個墨鏡真是酷! g g g 【g】 【g】 【g】

88 h H小弟喜歡喝可樂, 好喝的可樂 【h】 【h】 【h】 h h h 【h】 【h】 【h】

89 把數字1切成一半會變成怎麼樣呢?1切一半短的一 【Ⅰ】 【Ⅰ】 【Ⅰ】
i 把數字1切成一半會變成怎麼樣呢?1切一半短的一 【Ⅰ】 【Ⅰ】 【Ⅰ】

90 j j 的形狀好像巨人的腳, 巨人的腳【dI 】 【dI 】 【dI 】

91 k 老k最喜歡吃瓜子 老k嗑瓜子【k】 【k】 【k】

92 l 老太太,寫信很累 累累累【 l 】 【 l 】 【 l 】

93 麥當勞的薯條真好吃! m小弟忍不住說:嗯~真好吃!
好吃的薯條 【m】 【m】 【m】

94 n n小弟吃了太多薯條之後喊著肚子痛,於是趕快跑到廁所上大號 肚子痛痛【n】 【n】 【n】

95 o 這個o長的像芋頭,芋頭的台語怎麼說呢? o o o【כ】 【כ】 【כ】 o o o 【a】 【a】 【a】

96 p P先生最喜歡放屁了! 好臭的屁屁 【p】 【p】 【p】

97 q q先生是有錢的闊少爺,只要闊少爺出去,u小姐就喜歡黏著他 qu qu qu 【kw】 【kw】 【kw】

98 王媽媽的寶貝兒子遇到一隻兇猛的大狗,大狗看到他就吼出【r】的聲音,於是王媽媽叫著:兒阿!趕快回家吧!
兇猛的大狗 【r】 【r】 【r】 王媽媽叫兒子【r】 【r】 【r】

99 s 圖中的大蛇發出了可怕的聲音 可怕的大蛇 【s】 【s】 【s】

100 t 圖中的 t 像極了注音符號中的「ㄊ」 t t t 【t】【t】【t】

101 u u 小妹一天到晚肚子餓,又餓了‧ 肚子餓餓 [ K ] [ K ] [ K ]

102 v v 上牙齒愛咬下嘴唇 【v】 【v】 【v】

103 w w口吃的w先生每次說話都是「我….我……我…..」 口吃先生 【w】 【w】 【w】

104 x x沒水喝,好渴喔!渴死了! 沒水喝 【ks】 【ks】 【ks】

105 y Y小妹看見噁心的蟑螂就會大聲的說:「咦!好噁心喔!」 好噁心 【j】 【j】 【j】

106 z z糖罐上的蜜蜂都飛出來了 好多的蜜蜂 【z】 【z】 【z】

107 H先生的羅曼史 sh h先生和s小姐在公園散步,一路上一直喋喋不休,s小姐聽得不耐煩了,便對他說:噓~~~ sh sh sh sh

108 ch 後來愛說話h先生又約了凶悍的c小姐到公園,h先生一路上依然喋喋不休,c小姐一氣之下就對h先生說:『去去去!離我遠一點』 ch ch ch

109 th thH先生接下來又約了說話會大舌頭的t小姐,t小姐聽了h先生的長篇大論覺得很不耐煩,於是就對他吐舌頭,要他不要再喋喋不休了 th th th

110 ph 可憐的h先生並不氣餒,他又約了一個p小姐去散步,但因為p小姐一緊張就會放屁,因此忍不住偷偷放了一個屁,這回換h先生被嚇跑了! ph ph ph 【f】 【f】 【f】

111 wh 永不放棄的h先生這回認識了很強壯但有口吃的w小姐,喋喋不休的h先生讓w小姐氣炸了,她說:『我..我..我..再也受不了了!』h先生又再一次失敗。 wh wh wh 【hw】 【hw】 【hw】

112 gh 終於,h 先生碰到了溫柔,體貼又不愛說話的g小姐,兩個人順順利利的結婚了! gh gh gh 不發音

113 ng g小姐的腸胃不好又不喜歡吃青菜,所以每次上廁所的時候都會便秘,常在廁所發出用力的聲音 [H] [H] [H]

114 連續子音 p, t, k 出現在子音 s 的後面,需將無聲[p] [t] [k] 發音成有聲的子音 [b] [d] [E]
sp [sp] → [sb] spy [sba0] st [st] → [sd] star [sdAr] sk [sk] → [sE] sky [sEa0]

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