闸口中学 廖丽丽. bike train train bus subway car plane.


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Presentation transcript:

闸口中学 廖丽丽


train train






Transportation (交通工具) busplaneship train carbike subway walk

Transportation (交通工具) bus plane train subway take the bus take the plane take the train Take the subway

Transportation (交通工具) ship car bike walk take the shiptake a car ride a bike

 “ take + the / a + 交通工具,表示乘坐、使 用 某种交通工具,如  take the bus  take the train  take the subway  take the plane  take a car  ride a bike  walk Language point

How do you get to school? I ______to school. take the subway take the bus

take the plane take a car take the train How do you get to Shanghai? I ______to Shanghai.

walk How do you get to school? I ______ to school. ride a bike

Liu Xiang takes the subway to work. Liu Xiang How does he get to work?

Yao Ming rides a bike to work. bike

Han Geng walks to work. walk Han Geng How does he get to work?

A: How do you get to school? walk ride a bike take the bus take a car take the subway take the train B: to school.

 1) how long 是对时间或长度的提问,表示 “ 多长时间,多久 ” 之意  A: How long does it take you to get to  school ?  B: It takes( 花费) …minutes.  2) how far 是提问两地之间的距离,表示 “ 有 多远 ”  A: How far is it from your home to school?  B: It’s about …kilometers( 公里 ).

Match the words with the pictures. 1a 1. take the train ___ 2. take the bus ___ 3. take the subway ___ 4. ride a bike ___ 5. walk ____ d e a b c

1.Bob 2. Mary 3. John 4. Paul 5. Yang Lan 6. Jim Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture. 1b

2a Listen and repeat. Then write the correct number next to the word. sixty-one ____ ninety-nine ___ seventy-two ___ one hundred and five ___ eighty-four ___ two hundred ___

2b Listen and complete the chart. How?How long? (minutes) How far? (kilometers) Tom Jane 2c Listen again. Check your answers in 2b hour 30 minutes 60 walk take the bus

Make a survey about three of your classmates. Find out how they get to school.Then give a report to the class. Make a survey:

Translate sentences  1 -- 我通常骑车去上学。  --I usually to school.  2 -- 汤姆坐火车去北京。  --Tom to Beijing.  3 -- 玛丽怎样去上学?  -- Mary get to school ? ride a bike takes the train How does

 4 -- 我的父亲步行上班。  -- My father to work 从他家到学校有多远 ?  -- is it from his home to  school ?  6 -- 你去学校要花多长时间?  -- does it take you to go to  school ? walks How far How long

Summary  1) “ take + the / a + 交通工具,表示乘坐、使 用某种交通工具,如  take the bus / train / subway / car  ride a / one’s bike  2)A: How do you get to…?  B: I take…  A: How does he / she get to…?  B: He / She takes…

 3) how long 是对时间或长度的提问,表示 “ 多长时间,多久 ” 之意  A: How long does it take you to get to  school ?  B: It takes( 花费) …minutes.  4) how far 是提问两地之间的距离,表示 “ 有 多远 ”  A: How far is it from your home to school?  B: It’s about …kilometers( 公里 ).

Homework  完成新课程学习与测评 P14 页第一、二题。