Escort and Guiding skills Yipsir (


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Presentation transcript:

Escort and Guiding skills Yipsir (

Briefing on gathering venue Airport

1. 報到 (9:15p.m.) - 交身份証、回鄉証,留下大型行李;由領隊待辦入境及行李寄 艙手續; - ( 指甲鉗、電鬚刨、眉鉗、剪刀等利器需放置在寄艙行李內 ) 2. 再集合 (10:30p.m.) - 取回証件、登機証;入閘,辦理出境手續、過航空安全檢查 3. 11:00p.m. 候機室 集合,準備登機 - 登機口號碼可在登機証或電子屏幕上找到 ( 航班: KA 760) 4. 抵埗 - 約 2:20p.m. 抵達昆明機楊航程約 2 小時 40 分鐘 5. 辦理入境手續 - 持回鄉証在入境櫃位辦理入境手續 6. 領回寄艙行李 - 如有寄艙行李,請到行李廻旋帶處取回行李,行李帶的編號可 在客運大樓的電子屏幕找到。 7. 集合 ( 昆明機場 ) - 領隊會站立於行李帶附近位置,團友取回行李後,一起通過海 關檢查 - 於出境大堂門口集合與當地導遊會合。 8. 登旅遊車 (35 座位 ) - 第 1 天自由入座 ( 司機及車門後第一行除外 ) - 第 4 天會重編座位,後排團友優先選擇 本團人數: 7 組別 共 21 人 ( ) + ( ) 領隊:葉錦熙 (135xxx 95921) 導遊:昆明 ─ 婷 ( xxx3) 大理 ─ 萍 (1xxx ) 麗江 ─ 林 (1398xxx8615)

General guiding techniques on the coach For tour escorts

Seat arrangement principles and skill 1. 「愈早報名,坐得愈前」 ( 客人名單上是按報團 日期順序排列的 ) 。 2. 老弱及有需要特別照顧者 ( 如 reconfirm 時道某客 人腿部扭傷或行動不便者 ) 編座前排。 3. 年青情侶 或年青人可安排在較後排位置,他們 通常會較易「話為」及喜歡坐於較後位置。 4. For security reason, do not assign seats of the first row on both sides and the middle seat of the last row. 5. Seat rotation: pros and cons?

旅遊車座位表 (A) ─ 國內標準 37 座位 第9行第9行 XX 第9行第9行 第8行第8行 走 第8行第8行 第7行第7行 第7行第7行 第6行第6行 第6行第6行 第5行第5行 廊 第5行第5行 第4行第4行 第4行第4行 第3行第3行 第3行第3行 第2行第2行 第2行第2行 第1行第1行 X Guide X X Leader X 第1行第1行 車門 司機

旅遊車座位表 ─ 香港直巴 ( 顯運 / 惠雍 ) 標準 47 座位 第 11 行 XX 第 12 行 第 10 行 第 11 行 第9行第9行 第 10 行 第8行第8行 走 第9行第9行 第7行第7行 第8行第8行 X 中間樓梯 X* 第7行第7行 第6行第6行 第6行第6行 第5行第5行 廊 第5行第5行 第4行第4行 第4行第4行 第3行第3行 第3行第3行 第2行第2行 第2行第2行 第1行第1行 X Leader X X Guide X 第1行第1行 司機 車門 * 顯運巴士的中間樓梯通常設於第 6 行後,而惠雍則設於第 5 行後

Microphone holding skill 1. 四指合上 2. 拇指向上 3. 咪身垂直 4. 咪頭離下巴最少一吋 5. 肌肉放鬆

Standing position and posture 1. In the middle of the Aisle 2. Well-anchored yourself by the backing board that folds out in the aisle. 3. Don’t rest your hand on the luggage rack inside the coach. 4. Don’t stand on both sides of the upper floor.

First-hand address skill ( 第一手咪技巧 ) 1. “Good morning” 2. “Can the last row hear me?” (sound testing skill, don’t blow or beat the mic) 3. Welcome 4. Self-introduction 5. Wish a happy journey 6. Brief / key points to note: “weather, meals and lodge, coach and caring on walking tour” ( 衣、食、住、行 )

Coach briefing 1. Weather: four days weather forecast, proper clothing 2. Meals: no. of meals, meal seating arrangement, table stands (display out if available) 3. Lodge: name of hotel, standard, selling point 4. Vehicle: coach no., display signs (front, sides and back) 5. Walking tour: guide in the front, leader at the back 6. Introduce and pass the mic. to the guide.

晴 27/1 ( 五 ) 28/1 ( 六 ) 29/1 ( 日 ) 30/1 ( 一 ) 高 17 低 1 高 17 低 0 高 18 低 0 高 18 低 1 晴晴晴 當地天氣 – 範本

行程及膳宿安排 - 範本 日 期日 期行程 / 旅遊點 交通 住宿 搭乘出發時間到達時間 27 日香港 → 昆明港龍 KA760 11:45a.m.2:20p.m. 邦克大酒店 (5 星 ) 28 日昆明 → 麗江東方 MU5935 7:00a.m.7:45a.m. 官房大酒店 (5 星 ) 29 日麗江古城旅遊車 --- 官房大酒店 (5 星 ) 30 日麗江 → 大理旅遊車車程約三小時亞星大酒店 (4 星 ) 31 日大理 → 昆明東方 MU :00nn 12:40p. m. 海逸大酒店 (5 星 ) 1日1日昆明 → 香港港龍 KA761 3:15p.m.5:35p.m.---

What going to do next? 1. To check whether the following facilities are OK: –Air-conditioner ventilation outlet –Sun blinds –Seats –Seats’ handrails 2. To adhere signs on both sides and at the back window of the coach

Some other professional practical skills 1. Drop down every request or opinions onto a notebook in front of customers. 2. Report back to customers when your have followed up a request or complain. 3. Be proactive to give information and offer recommendations instead of doing so passively when being asked. 4. Be able to tell a few vivid stories, to play some games and to arrange programmes like watching videos during long coach journey.

Activity 3 Role play To be a tour guide

Part 1 – Comment on the tour guide’s performance (30 minutes) 1. Guiding on the Coach DSS S10 A3 demo 1) Guiding on the Coach DSS S10 A3 demo 1) 2. Guiding in Mai Po (DSS S10 A3 demo 2) Guiding in Mai Po (DSS S10 A3 demo 2) 3. Guiding on the Coach (DSS S10 A3 demo 3) Guiding on the Coach (DSS S10 A3 demo 3)

實踐練習 / 考試評分表

項目 / 總分得分評語分項總分 外表 (5) 服飾 210 整齊、清潔 3210 姿勢 (5) 站立 10 姿勢及手勢正確 210 與聽眾適當眼神接觸 210 態度 (10) 熱誠 3210 自信 210 專注 210 和藹可親 3210 運用擴音器技 巧 (15) 持擴音器手勢正確 210 正確使用擴音器 3210 講話節奏合適 講話音量合適 資料 (40) 選擇適當資料 連貫性表達資料 表達正確的資料 表達足夠的資料 語言能力 (20) 能掌握應考語言 能表達清晰、生動活潑 6420 措辭正確 整體表現 (5) 能提高聽眾注意力 210 能製造氣氣 10 應變能力 210

Part 2 – Practical tour guiding (30 minutes) Make use of the video showing the sceneries and the proposed tour commentaries (Attached word file); demonstrate how to be a professional tour guide. 1. Session 9 Peak Victoria (Walking tour) 2. Session 15 Repulse Bay (Walking tour) 3. Session 16 Repulse Bay > Stanley Market 4. Session 17 Stanley Market (Walking tour) 5. Session 24 Western Police station > Macau Ferry Terminal 6. Session 25 Macau Ferry Terminal > Star Ferry

Activity 4Role Play – Expecting the Unexpected Please group among yourselves (4-5 members a group), assign the roles, spend around 5-10 minutes to conduct the role play (of each scenario):

危機處理的八大原則 1. 客人安全 ( 遊冰湖 ) 2. 客人感受 / 利益 ( 客人店舖內盜竊 ) 3. 公司聲譽和利益 ( 貨不對版 ) 4. 賠償責任 ( 交通意外傷亡 ) 5. 合約精神 ( 灰色地帶,如大床事件 ) 6. 法律問題 ( 違禁品、走水貨 ) 7. 自身安全 ( 死亡個案 ) 8. 導遊操守 ( 額外金錢 → 額外服務? )

Scenario 1 You told your clients on the coach that buffet dinner will be arranged, as listed in the tour itinerary, and included in the tour cost. When you arrive the restaurant; however, the restaurant manager claimed the arrangement should be set menu… Roles: 1. Tourist guide (1) 2. Restaurant manager (1) 3. Demanding Tourist insists to have buffet dinner as promised (1) 4. Tourists (1-2)

Handling disarrangement of buffet 1. Settle the customers seats first 2. Talk to the seniors of the restaurant 3. If not successful, call back your Agency for assistance 4. If not successful, give compensation in the next meal.

Scenario 2 A tour member has epileptic seizure on the coach. He is recovered after taking a rest. On the next day, the same client has again the seizure at a sightseeing point. What would you do? Roles: 1. Tourist guide (1) 2. Tourist having epileptic seizure (1) 3. Tourists of the same group (2-3)

Handling epileptic seizure case 1. Stay calm 2. Call your Agency immediately for professional advise if you are not sure of how to handle whatever cases. 3. To find out the reasons for the seizure, if possible, for example, forgot to take pills as scheduled. 4. Encourage and escort to medical consultation, if necessary.

Scenario 3 A tourist Mr. Chan is always late throughout the trip. Many tour members expressed dissatisfaction to this Chronically Late member. What would you do? (The tour guide can have different responses and actions at different stage) Roles: 1. Tourist guide (1) 2. Chronically Late Tourist Mr. Chan (1) 3. Tourists of the same group (2-3)

Handling late-comer 1. The rule is expressed to the whole group in a humorous way 2. Appraise those being on time 3. Talk to the latecomer individually 4. Apologize to those being on time 5. Give them an ultimatum: Be on time or will leave, inform of the next stop 6. If someone who is chronically late: after waiting for some moments, get on the bus, have your on-time group members present, then leave…

The end