應用聯合分析法探討婦女對子宮頸癌篩檢方案之偏 好 子宮頸癌是國人常見之婦女癌症,民國 95 年的發生率為台灣婦女癌症之第二 位,死亡率為第六位。許多研究證實子宮頸癌篩檢為預防子宮頸癌最有效之 方法,我國婦女的子宮頸癌篩檢率低是導致子宮頸癌發生率及死亡率偏高的 重要原因,顯示如何提升篩檢率為一重要議題。因此本研究擬瞭解婦女受檢 之偏好,以提供符合婦女偏好的篩檢方案,期望能據以減少我國婦女子宮頸 癌之罹患率。 本研究使用問卷調查方式,立意抽樣 212 位台北市某區域醫院的婦產科門診候 診之 30 歲至 55 歲婦女。統計分析使用聯合分析法與群集分析,探討不同健康 生活型態與不同族群的婦女對子宮頸癌篩檢方案屬性之重視程度與偏好結構, 包括準確度、價格、篩檢執行者、篩檢地點與篩檢頻率等六個屬性。 研究結果顯示,多數受訪婦女最重視的屬性為準確度、價格與篩檢地點,最 偏好準確度高、低價格與在醫療院所做篩檢的篩檢方案,在篩檢地點部分, 皆顯著不偏好在家裡與篩檢巡迴車或篩檢站做篩檢。而在三種不同健康生活 型態的婦女中,其偏好結構相同,皆不偏好在家裡做篩檢與偏好準確度高、 低價格之方案。由於近七成的受訪者為居住於都會區之婦女,醫療資源取得 便利,可能是導致不偏好自行在家裡做子宮頸癌篩檢的原因之一。研究結果 可做為篩檢政策推廣與宣導之參考依據。
Estimating Women''s Preferences for Cervical Cancer Screening Programs via Conjoint Analysis Cervical cancer is the most common and the second incidence rate of women’s cancer. Comparing to other women’s cancers, the mortality of cervical cancer is in the sixth position in However, cervical cancer is a kind of cancers which can be avoided to death. Many previous studies have showed that cervical cancer screening is the most effective way of preventing the cervical cancer. Judging from the fact that the lower rate of cervical cancer screening among women in Taiwan is one of the critical reasons for the higher incidence and mortality of the cervical cancer, how to increase the rate of screening is a key issue. Therefore, this study aims to find out preferences for screening in order to provide screening programs catering to the preferences, hoping that the incidence rate of cervical cancer among women in Taiwan can be reduced by doing so. This study employed the method of questionnaire, purposefully sampling 212 of the outpatient women aged in the waiting room of a regional hospital in Taipei. The statistical analysis used both conjoint analysis and cluster analysis, exploring women’s emphasis on and preferences for the attributes of cervical cancer screening programs when these women were of different health-promoting lifestyles and of different ethnic groups. There were six attributes designed to elicit women’s preference for the screening, including accuracy, price, screening operators, screening locations and frequencies. The study results showed that most of the women surveyed paid greatest attention to accuracy, price, and screening locations. In other words, they had the greatest preferences for the programs of high accuracy, of low price, and of screening in hospitals and medical clinics. As far as the screening locations are concerned, they all showed no preferences for the screening at home, in the mobile screening service buses or the screening stations. As for women of three different health-promoting lifestyles, their preferences for the programs were the same: Not screening at home, high accuracy, and low price. Due to the fact that approximately 70% of the women surveyed lived in the metropolitan and urban areas, it was convenient for them to get medical resources, which might be one of the reasons why they didn’t prefer cervical cancer screening at home. The study results can be served as reference for the promotion and propaganda of cervical cancer screening policies.