专业发展, 评估与晋升:实例研究 Evaluation , Professional Development, and Promotion : A Case Study 陈 琦 Argosy University Chicago 美国阿格西芝加哥大学 中国 长春 2007 年 7 月
概况 Introduction 馆员 Staffing 馆员工作总结 Performance Review 总结程序 Review Procedures 工作表现评估 Performance Appraisal 工作表现测评 Performance assessment 专业发展与培训 Professional development & training 晋升和加薪 Promotion and Raise
专业馆员 Professional Staffing (MLS) 咨询,编目, 教育,系统, 外展, 网络设计等等 Reference, cataloger, library instruction, systems, web design or librarians with supervision responsibilities 行政管理职位 - 馆长,副馆长, 助理馆长, 部门主任等 Administrative status – director, associate/assistant dir. or department heads, etc. 大学教师职称 Faculty status 终身职位 Tenure status
非专业 馆员 ( non-professional) 一般工作人员(没有图情硕士学位 ) Supporting staff – Non MLIS ) 外借部,馆际互借,咨询,编目, 教育,系统, 外展, 网络设计等部门作助理 Circulation, ILL, etc. 一般技术员级别 / 职称
工作总结 Performance Review 一般 / 传统工作表现评估 Traditional Performance Review 注意力在问题和怎样介决问题 Focus on problems and how to solve them 指出不足之处 Negative human behaviors 纠正弱点 Identify and correct weaknesses
工作总结 Performance Review 工作表现评估新动向:肯定心理学 Positive Psychology: New Trend in Performance Review 注重强项和潜力 Focus on strength and potentials 建立提倡肯定的份围 Foster a positive culture 扶植肯定情绪状况 Build positive emotional status
工作总结 Performance Review 肯定心理学注重培养方面: New traits 自我管理能力强 Self-efficacy 心怀希望 Hope 乐观 Optimism 主观心情好 Subjective well-being 情商高 Emotional intelligence 达观 Resilience
工作总结 Performance Review 肯定心理学关注基本需要 Pay attention to basic needs 表彰贡献 Recognize contribution 肯定地反馈 Receive positive feedback 及时的反馈 Receive immediate feedback 对工作的明确要求 Clear explanation of requirements 记住和关心 / 有意义的日子 Remember significant dates, b-day, anniv. etc.
工作总结 Performance Review 肯定心理学结果 results: 对工作表现出更高的兴趣, 关心和热情 Demonstrate higher amount of interest , caring and joy in work 会全力注重工作 Devote maximum attention and cognition to work 更注重成就 accomplishment 更忠诚 more loyalty 达到组织定的目标 Achieve goals for organization 顾客的高度满意 level of customer’s satisfaction 职工稳定,减小辞职率 high retention and less turnover
工作表现总结类型 Performance Review 新员工试用期间 New hire – probation 三个月小结一次 Three months review 六个月时小结一次 Six months review 特殊情况下的总结 Special review 提升 Promotion 免职 Termination 年度总结 Annual performance review
总结程序 : 自我总结 Review Procedures: Self review 回顾一年所有的工作和内容 review all activities of the year 工作责任范围 Review Job components 主要责任 Key elements of responsibilities 鉴定标准 Measurement 工作表现 Job performance 专业发展 Professional development 新责任 New responsibilities 建立新计划,方向和需要 Development plan, trend and needs
总结程序 : 主管审阅与评分 Review Procedures: Supervisor reviewing 上级审阅个人的自我总结 Supervisor reviews self study 基于 5 个标准范围 Review by 5 criteria Rate 用 5 分计量表打分 performance by 5 scale 5 级量表打分结果 Results of 5 criteria 5 计量表打分结果 Results of 5 scale 强项 Strengths 需要改进的方面 Areas for improvement 改进计划 (行动计划) Improvement plan (action plan)
工作表现评估 (5 个标准 ) Performance appraisal (5 Criteria) 工作需要的实用知识 Functional job knowledge 行政管理技能 Administrative and managerial skills 人际关系 : 与人共事的能力 Human relations 分析能力 Analytical skills 对上级的指导要求 Requirements from supervisor
工作表现评估 (5 个标准 ) Performance appraisal (5 Criteria) 工作需要的实用知识 Functional job knowledge 关于操作程序的知识 knowledge of procedures, 关于特定技术的知识 specialized techniques, 工作所需的自身修养 Disciplines possessed to perform duties 行政管理技能 Administrative and managerial skills 计划能力 Skills in planning 组织能力 Organizational skills 管理能力和分配工作的能力 Managerial skills and delegating tasks
工作表现评估 (5 个 标准, 续 ) Performance appraisal (5 Criteria, cont.) 人际关系 : 与人共事的能力 Human relations 有礼貌,讲策略 Courtesy and tact 理解能力与影响力 Understanding and influencing 倾听与鼓励人的能力 Listening and motivating 领导和培养人的能力 Leading and developing 分析能力 Analytical skills 分析与评估情况的技能 Skills of analyzing and evaluating situations 良好的应用 / 解决问题和作决定技能 Capability of applying sound problem solving and decision-making skills
工作表现评估 ( 5 个 标准, 续 ) Performance appraisal (5 Criteria, cont.) 对上级的指导要求 Requirements from supervisor 要求上级指导的程度 Levels of control of guidance required 依靠和信任上级的程度 Degree of confidence and reliance 独立工作 Working independently 需要上级跟进的程度 Level of requiring for follow-ups
工作表现评估 ( 续 ) Performance appraisal (cont.) 评估的五分级量表 Five-scale of assessment (根据个人表现,用五分级量表对五个不同的标准打分) 5 卓越的表现 5 outstanding performance 4 高度有效,突出的表现 4 highly effective, superior performance 3 良好,达到期待的工作要求 3 good competent performance, meets standard performance expectations for this job 2 略欠合格,有需少量的改进 2 needs slight improvement to meet the job expectations 1 表现不合格 1 unsatisfactory performance
工作表现测评 : 与馆员面谈 Performance assessment: meeting 回顾工作职责摘要 Review summary of job elements 回顾主要方面的工作表现结果 Results in each key area 与年初制定的目标相符合 Relating directly to original objectives 额外贡献 Addition contributions 总结 Summary 成绩 Accomplishments 须改进的地方 Areas of improvement 统一打分结果 Agreeing results (5 scales)
工作表现测评 : 今后的行动计划 Performance assessment: Future Action Plan 员工今后的行动计划 Agreed by the supervisor and supervisee 下年详细计划 Detailed plan 具体方向和目标 Concrete goals and objectives 专业发展方向 Professional development 完成时间 Dates of accomplishing 测评标准 Measurements
专业发展 Professional Development 计划和预算 Planning and budgeting 年度计划 Annually planning 专业发展内容, 形式, 次数 专业会议和工作坊 Professional conferences and workshops 在职馆内培训 Professional in house training 行政培训 Administrative training 校部或更高级 University or higher 院内各类培训 In house or general training
培训 Training 非专业馆员 Non-professional staff 工作组 Workshops 院内培训 In house training 综合训练 General training 校宗旨训练 University mission and vision 其它训练 Other social issues and programs
晋升和加薪 Promotion and Raise 晋升 Promotion 获得新学位或更高学位 New or additional degree is earned 委认更多责任 Additional responsibilities 提升新职位 New position 加薪 Raise 晋升 Promotion 年度 Annually
问题与解答 Questions and Answers 谢谢! Thank you! 陈琦 美国阿格西芝加哥大学 2007 年 7 月 中国长春