H XY. H XY Union of Myanmar  Area: 676,552 sq  Dimension: North to south stretches about 2,085 km; East to west 930 km  The coastal region is known.


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Union of Myanmar  Area: 676,552 sq  Dimension: North to south stretches about 2,085 km; East to west 930 km  The coastal region is known as Lower Myanmar, while the interior region is known as Upper Myanmar.  Irrawaddy River Valley  The Shan Plateau, lies along the boundary between southwestern Thailand and southeastern Lower Myanmar. H XY

Population  The population of Myanmar (2002 estimate) is 52,238,224;  2/3 are Burman, ethnically akin to the Tibetans and the Chinese 70%  Karen and the Shan, each of which comprises less than 10 percent of the population. 8.5%  Arakanese (Rakhine) 1%  Mon 2%  Chin 2%  Kachin 2%  Large Chinese and Indian minorities 3% H XY

 缅甸有约五千两百万的国民,为缅族。主要 的法定少数民族为掸族( 8.5% )、克伦族( 7% )、孟族( 2% )、克钦族、克伦尼族( 1% )、钦族( 2% )、若开族以及印度人、孟加 拉人、华人( 3% ),但是缅甸官方目前不承 认印度人、孟加拉人、华人为法定少数民族。 H XY

Continental Southeast Asia: Burma ■ Overview Ethnic diversity (52 million people): Burmese (Tibetan and Chinese origin); 70%. Chin (India), Shan (Thais) and Mon (Cambodia) minorities. 70% of the population in agriculture. Once the richest country in Southeast Asia. Brief historical overview: Became a British colony (1885). Political unity. Supported the Japanese invasion of Independence granted (1948). Burma was one of the few country refusing to become a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Promoted exclusion.

Continental Southeast Asia: Burma ■ Burmese path to socialism Economic collapse: Declared one of the poorest country in the world by the United Nations. Foreign trade, mainly rice, handled by the government. Impose quotas (15-20%) on farmers, purchased at low price. Sold by the government at world price (institutionalized theft). Millions of farmers put into bankruptcy. 1 million Burmese working in Thailand. 50% of the budget taken by the military. The State Law and Order Restoration Council (1988): Official name of the military governing body. Burma was officially renamed Myanmar (1989). Civil wars by ethnic minorities; control a third of the country.

Continental Southeast Asia: Burma ■ Narcotic economy Informal economy oriented along drug production: Backed by the junta (military government) % of the global opium production. 80% of the heroin arriving in New York is coming from northern Thailand or Myanmar. Parts of the country controlled by warlords: Notably the Shan state, formally part of Thailand. Constant struggles to control the lucrative drug market.

Continental Southeast Asia: Burma ■ Conditions for drug production and trade Poor rural population living on marginal land: Limited productivity of rural land. Difficult to access. Often an ethnic minority. Limited political control and rule of law: Weak / corrupted nation state. Civil unrest, especially in remote regions. Lack of central government control. Warlordism. Porous boundaries: Same ethnic groups on both sides. Artificial or contested boundaries. Difficult to enforce border control.

Continental Southeast Asia: Burma ■ The Golden Triangle Highlands of northern Indochina: Overlaps Thailand, Laos and Burma, with parts of Vietnam and China (Yunnan province). Lawless segment of the region: Eastern Burma controlled by the United Wa State Army. Opium production by mountain tribes (19 th century): Chased from southern China. Fast growth in the 1990s: Tripling production. 98% of the production takes place in Burma % of the world’s opium: 70% of the heroin in the US comes from the Golden Triangle. Burma Vietnam Drug Hub Bangkok Thailand Yunnan Hong Kong Hanoi Laos Phnom Penh

Continental Southeast Asia: Burma Methamphetamine (“Ice”) is a more recent production: Increase the amount of dopamine in the brain. Instant addiction. Severe withdrawal effect. Known as Yaa Baa, “the drug that turns you mad”. $35,000 to $50,000 per kilogram. Shift in role: Thailand now produces little opium. Subject to intense drug trafficking along its border. 2-3 million drug users in Thailand. More lucrative than regular crops: Poppy farmer earns $300 for 7 kg of raw opium. Raw opium converted to 700 grams heroin brick in a factory worth $4,000. Brick worth $80,000 in New York. Turned into 28,000 doses of “cut” heroin earning $280,000.

Opium Cultivation (in hectares),

Political Division The nation comprises Myanmar proper and the seven states of Chin, Kachin, Karen, Kayah, Mon, Rakhine, and Shan. Myanmar proper consists of seven divisions: Irrawaddy, Magwe, Mandalay, Pegu, Rangoon, Sagaing, and Tenasserim H XY

最大城市  仰光( Yangon ),位于伊洛瓦底江入海分支仰 光河左岸,是缅甸政治、经济和文化中心。仰光自然 风光秀丽,景色迷人。世界闻名的仰光大金塔,始建 于 2500 多年前,高达百米,塔顶镶着 4300 多颗宝石 。整个高塔用 张金片贴住,形成了昼夜金碧辉 煌的外观。 1852 年建成的仰光港,是缅甸最大的港口 ,也是世界主要的稻米输出港之一。

历史简况 缅甸是一个历史悠久的文明古国, 1044 年形成统一国家后,经历了蒲甘、 东坞和贡榜三个封建王朝。英国于 1824 - 1885 年间先后发动了 3 次侵缅战 争并占领了缅甸, 1886 年英国将缅甸划为英属印度的一个省。 1937 年缅脱 离英属印度,直接受英国总督统治。 1942 年日军占领缅甸。 1945 年全国总 起义,缅甸光复。后英国重新控制缅甸。 1947 年 10 月英国被迫公布缅独立 法案。 1948 年 1 月 4 日缅甸脱离英联邦宣布独立,建立缅甸联邦。 1974 年 1 月改称缅甸联邦社会主义共和国, 1988 年 9 月 23 日改称 “ 缅甸联邦 ” 。 H XY

Economy Agriculture is the foundation for the Burmese economy. Major crops are: rice, wheat, corn, cotton, sugarcane and linen; Burma has rich forest resources (34 million ha) with a coverage of about 50%. It is the largest teak producer in the world. Teak is high quality wood for furniture, ship building; the country is also known for its jade and gem stone. H XY

Education  Burmese language belongs to Tibeto-Burman branch of Sino-Tibetan Language family ;  About 150 universities in the whole country ; H XY

饮食文化 缅甸盛产稻米,人民以大米为主食。早餐常吃 “ 馍亨卡 ” 、椰子 面、椰子粥、凉拌面、凉拌米粉及用糯米、椰子、白糖做的各 种各样的糕点小吃。 缅甸人有喝早茶的习惯。人们在茶馆里喝咖啡、奶茶,吃点 心。如面包夹黄油、果酱、乳酪、肉包子、油条及油饼,还喜 欢喝鱼片汤、鸭肉粥等。 缅甸人在饮食方面较为节俭。常以鱼虾酱、辣椒、煮豆、酸 菜叶汤佐饭。缅甸菜肴讲究油、辣、香、鲜、酸、咸。宏调方 法多以炸、烤、炒、凉拌为主。炸烤食物易于保存,凉 拌不 需加热,又能祛暑。缅甸濒海多河,鱼虾丰富,易捕捞。在缅 甸以鱼虾为原料制作的食品尤多。缅甸人喜欢将竹笋腌成酸笋 ,和其他蔬菜、肉类混炒,味道鲜美。 H XY

缅甸人名字 缅甸人有名无姓,通常在自己的名字前面加一冠词,以示性别、年龄、身份 和地位。青年男子自称 “ 貌 ” ( Maung ,意为弟弟),表示谦虚,对幼辈或少 年也称 “ 貌 ” ,对平辈或兄长则称 “ 郭 ” ( Ko ,意为哥哥),对长辈或有地位的 人则称 “ 吴 ” ( U ,意为叔伯)。如某男子叫 “ 昂基 ” ( Aung Gyi ),随着他的年 龄和地位的变化,被称作 “ 貌昂基 ” ( Maung Aung Gyi )、 “ 郭昂基 ” ( Ko Aung Gyi )或 “ 吴昂基 ”(U Aung Gyi) 。 此外,还有在自己名字前冠以 “ 德钦 ” ( Thakin ,意为主人)、 “ 波 ” ( Bo ,意 为军官)、 “ 耶波 ” ( YeBo ,意为同志)、 “ 塞耶 ” ( SaYar ,意为教师和医生 )的。 缅甸妇女不论已婚与否,一般在名字前加 “ 玛 ” ( Ma ),表示谦虚;对幼辈 或平辈也称 “ 玛 ” (意为姑娘),对长辈或有地位的则称 “ 杜 ” ( Daw ,意为姑、 姨、婶)。如有一位叫 “ 丹敏 ” ( Tan Min )的女子,随着她的年龄和社会地位 的不同,人们可称她为 “ 玛丹敏 ” ( Ma Tan Min )或 “ 杜丹敏 ” ( Daw Tan Min ) ,她本人自称 “ 玛丹敏 ” ( Ma Tan Min )。 H XY

Myanmar Economy  A resource-rich country with a strong agricultural base  Main Resources: timber, natural gas, and fishery reserves and is a leading source of gems and jade.  It produced 75% of the world's teak.  Tourist potential remains undeveloped because of weak infrastructure and Burma's international image.  Economic sanctions by western countries. H XY

Myanmar Economy  Growing GDP due to increasing oil and gas revenues;  Mismanagement of the economy has created a downward economic spiral for the people of Burma.  Average annual income of less than $200 per capita.  Inflation has reduced living standards. H XY

Myamar Economy  The military's commercial arms play a major role in the economy.  The limited moves to a market economy have been accompanied by a significant rise in crony capitalism.  A handful of companies loyal to the regime has benefited from policies that promote monopoly and privilege.  State-controlled activity predominates in energy, heavy industry, and the rice trade.  Agriculture, light industry, trade, and transport dominate the private sector. H XY

Myanmar Economy  Burma remains a primarily agricultural economy with 50% of GDP derived from agriculture, livestock and fisheries, and forestry.  Manufacturing/industry constitutes only 15% of recorded economic activity, and state industries continue to play a large role in that sector.  Trade and services constitute 35% of GDP. H XY

中缅经济合作  中缅友好交往的 “ 胞波 ” 情谊有着两千多年的历史。两国边界长 达 2100 多公里;  中缅经贸从边民互市开始,逐渐发展为大宗机器设备交易、投 资、承包工程和劳务合作等多种形式,并日趋繁荣和多元化;  中国对缅主要出口商品为:机电产品、纺织品和高新技术产品 等;  中国自缅进口主要商品为原木、宝石和锯材等;  中国在缅承建的主要项目包括:电站、桥梁、码头、工厂(如 糖厂、船厂、烧碱厂等)等; H XY

对缅经济援助  自 1961 年以来,中国陆续向缅提供多种形式的经济援 助。  中国帮助缅加强自身造血功能,建设农机厂、纺织厂 等;  帮助缅甸改善基础设施建设,修建桥梁,新建国家通 讯骨干网等;  帮助培训技术人员,介绍中国改革开放经验和传播中 国先进技术。  目前为止最大的投资项目为中国石油天然气集团公司 与缅甸国家石油公司共同开发油气资源的项目。  中缅输油管道; H XY