汉译英之段落的翻译 翻译练习以及语篇翻译. 翻译作业六 中国人民银行上海分行的统计数据表明, 到 2001 年底,上海的海外金融机构达到 65 家,其中 54 家是外国银行。上海的外 国银行的总资产,储蓄存款和贷款平衡差 额占中国所有外国银行的一半以上。到目 前为止,世界排名前 50 位的银行中有八家.


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Presentation transcript:

汉译英之段落的翻译 翻译练习以及语篇翻译

翻译作业六 中国人民银行上海分行的统计数据表明, 到 2001 年底,上海的海外金融机构达到 65 家,其中 54 家是外国银行。上海的外 国银行的总资产,储蓄存款和贷款平衡差 额占中国所有外国银行的一半以上。到目 前为止,世界排名前 50 位的银行中有八家 已经在上海建立的分行。

中国人民银行上海分行的统计数据表 明,到 2001 年底,上海的海外金融 机构达到 65 家,其中 54 家是外国银 行。 Statistics of the People’s Bank of China Shanghai Branch showed that by the end of 2001, the number of overseas financial institutions in Shanghai had reached 65, of which 54 were foreign banks.

上海的外国银行的总资产,储蓄存款和贷 款平衡差额占中国所有外国银行的一半以 上。 The total assets, savings deposit and loan balance of foreign banks in Shanghai account for more than half the total of foreign banks in China.

到目前为止,世界排名前 50 位的银行中有 八家已经在上海建立的分行。 So far, 8 out of the world’s top 50 banks have set up branches in Shanghai.

语篇布置之尾重 英语组句中有一条重要的原则就是:尾重 ( end weight). 即把句子最笨重的部分或 语法结构最复杂的成分放在句尾。避免头 重脚轻。通常英语句子的结尾部分不宜太 短,应该有一定的长度。例如, 通常我 们不说 “give the interesting book to him, 因为 ”him 太短,很难压住脚,如果改作 “give him the interesting book”, 以长结构 结尾,则比较通顺。

例 1 : 温总理,中央以及有关部委领导同 志、在华外籍专家出席了宴会。 Present at the banquet were Premier Wen, leading figures of the central government and the relevant ministries and commissions and foreign experts working at China.

例 2 : 什么时候突出地提出和解决这个问 题,在什么基础上提出和解决这个问题, 要研究。 译文 1 : When to raise this question and how to settle it require deliberation. 译文 2 : We should study when to raise this question and how to settle it.

例 3 :从 1990 年八国联军占领北京,中华 民族蒙受巨大的屈辱,国家濒临灭亡边缘, 到 2000 年中国在社会主义基础上进入小 康,大踏步走向繁荣富强,是中国发生翻 天覆地变化的一百年。

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in China ove the past century from 1990 when the Eight-Power Allied Forces occupied Beijing, subjecting the Chinese nation to great humiliation and bringing the country to the verge of subjugation, to the year 2000 when China enjoys a fairly comfortable life on the basis of socialism and take big stride towards the goal of being prosperous and strong.

练习 创作出具有东方智慧、中国特色和北京特 征的奥运会形象与景观,展示中国悠久的 历史,灿烂的文化和北京 2008 年奥运会 的巨大魅力,体现绿色奥运、科技奥运、 人文奥运的理念,为奥运匹克运动会留下 独特的遗产,这是国际奥委会和国际社会 对我们的共同期待。

It is the IOC and international community’s expectation that we create an Olympic image that reflects orienteal wisdom and history, splendid culture and the fascination of the Beijing Games, and manifest the concepts of Green Olympic, High-tech Olympic and People’s Olympics, thus leaving a unique legacy to the Olympic Movement.

为保护文学,艺术和科学作品作者的著作权,以及与著 作权有关的权益,鼓励有益于社会主义精神文明建设的 作品的创作和传播,促进社会主义文化和科学事业的发 展与繁荣,根据宪法制定本法。 This law is formulated, in accordance with the Constitution, for the purpose of protection the copyright of authors in their literary, artistic and scientific works and the copyright-related rights and interests, of encouraging the creation and dissemination of works which would contribute to the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and of promoting the development and prosperity of the socialist culture and science.

要加强电网、通信、广播电视以及大中城 市基础设施建设。 为进一步扩大对外开放,发展对外经济技 术合作和贸易,加快上海经济技术开发区 建设,根据中华人民共和国有关法律、法 规,结合上海市实际情况,特制定本条例。

More work should be done to develop electric power grids, telecommunications, radio and TV broadcasting, and other infrastructure in big and medium-sized cities. These regulations are enacted in accordance with the relevant laws and rules of the People’s Republic of China and in the light of the actual situation in Shanghai for the purpose of further opening to the outside world and promoting exchanges with trade, thereby speeding up the construction of economic and technological development zones in Shanghai.

5. A + a1 + a2 + a3 结构 这种结构实际上就是以上几种结构的 延伸,这样的延续可能多个,而不止三个, 其实方法都是一样,就是将后三者变成并 列层次,要么是定语从句,要么是同位语, 要么是介词结构。

例 1 :奥林匹克公园占地 1215 公顷,其 中包括 760 公顷的森林绿地, 50 公顷的国 际展览体育中心以及 405 公顷的中华民族 园。

The Olympic Games Park covers an area of 1215 hectares, including 760 hectares woods and grassland, 50 hectares International Exhibition Sports Center and 405 hectares Chinese Ethnic Park. /The Olympic Park covering 1215 hectares includes 760-hectare woods and grassland, 50-hectare International Exhibition Sports Center and 405-hectare Chinese Ethnic Park.

(这句话提供了两种翻译版本,前者是将 后三者变成介词短语,第二种把后三者直 接变成了表语,总之就是要体现出 A 句和 后几句的差异和关系。)

例 2 :在奥林匹克公园主建筑区内将建成容纳 8 万人的主体育场、 2 个大型综合体育馆、运动 员村和国际展览体育中心。 In the main building area of the Olympic Games Park, a main stadium which accommodates 80 thousand people, 2 large sports complexes, the athletes’ village and the International Exhibition Sports Center are now under construction. (这句用的方法还是把后面 的四者都变成了主语,和 “ 奥林匹克公园主建筑 区 ” 这句形成结构上的差异。)

拉长句末结构或缩短前面结构 例 1 : 早在 2000 多年前,就产生了以孔孟 为代表的儒家学说和以老庄为代表的道家 学说,以及其他许多在中国思想史上有地 位的学说流派。

译文 1 : More then 2,000 years ago, there emerged in China Confucianism represented by Confucius and Mencius, Taoism represented by Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other doctrines that figured prominently in the history of Chinese thought.

译文 2 : More than 2,000 years ago, Confucianism of Confucius and Mencius. Taoism of Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi, and many other doctrines prominent in the history of Chinese thought emerged in China.

例 2 :新中国刚刚诞生,在周恩来总理的 主持下,外交工作开始起步。 译文 1: in the early period of new China, in the charge of premier Zhou Enlai, China’s diplomacy bagan. 译文 2: In the early period of new China, its diplomacy started from scratch in the charge of premier Zhou Enlai.

翻译练习 江南,秋当然也是有的;但草木凋得慢, 空气来得润,天的颜色显得淡,并且又时 常多雨而少风;一个人夹在苏州上海杭州, 或厦门香港广州的市民中间,混混沌沌地 过去,只能感到一点点清凉,秋的味,秋 的色,秋的意境与姿态,总看不饱,尝不 透,赏玩不到十足。

German Functionalist Approach in Translation