四六级快速 突破技巧讲解 太原新东方国内考试部 吴斯源


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Presentation transcript:

四六级快速 突破技巧讲解 太原新东方国内考试部 吴斯源

内容安排: 一、写作( 15% ) 二、听力( 35% ) 三、阅读( 35% ) 四、完型( 10% ) 五、翻译( 5% )

一、写作( 15% ) 1. 写作三要素 内容 ,结构,语言 1 )内容 相关即可,自圆其说,趋同最保险: 四六级考试是语言考试,不是思维考试

2 )结构 黄金结构:总 - 分 - 总(三段式的八股文) 关联词: 一: first and foremost, to begin/start with… 二: besides, furthermore, in addition… 三: to sum up, by and large, last but not least… 转: whereas, while, nevertheless, conversely, in comparison/contrast…

3 )语言 a. 基本正确 语法:时态,主谓一致 标点:顿号?书名号?省略号?惊叹号? 问号,冒号,引号,分号 逗号,句号 拼写:杜绝眼高手低

b. 丰富多彩 句型 1 :倒装 1 )地点状语提前,全部倒装 On the track fast runs an athlete. Under the sunshine happily stands a tree. 2 )否定副词提前,部分倒装 Hardly can I do it. Not only can it protect our environment, but can make our rules of society regular.

3 ) only 引导的状语提前,部分倒装 Only in these ways can we make our world a more colorful, prosperous and splendid one.

句型 2 :虚拟语气 It is high time + that + S + did The situation is so serious that it is high time that we took some constructive countermeasures.

句型 3 :强调句 It is teamwork that makes us brave enough to face all the difficulties and obstacles. It is our parents who bring us up and who we should never forget.

2. 区分正式表达和非正式表达的标志: 1 )是否有缩写 can’t I’m it’s e.g. vs. etc. 2 )是否有省略 Wish you a merry Christmas. 3 )是否有口语表达 hello, me too, OMG

3. 如何使词汇变得精彩 五大恶心词汇: think important very good thing 终极恶心句子: I think it is a very important thing. I think it is very good! Do you think so?

4. 如何使句子变长 1 )理论上,任何名词都可被形容词(包括形 容词性从句)修饰 I am a (beautiful) teacher. 2 )理论上,任何动词都可被副词(包括副词 性从句)修饰 I work (hard). 3 )理论上,任何的句子都可以加并列句 I am a beautiful teacher and I work hard.

3. 学习方法 1 )读:精读范文(积累好词好句,词群,观点) 2 )背:词、句、框架、经典范文 3 )写:有范文的题目 4 )改:好文章是改出来的 5 )译:中译英,提高实力

二、听力( 35% ) 1. 基本语音现象 连读 on your own pop art people of all ages 略读 Ask Bob to sit behind me.

2. 口音 Darling, can you possibly give me any chances to see your father and mother? tone & intonation

3. 题型 short conversation(8%) long conversation(7%) passage(10%) compound dictation(10%)

4. 学习方法 1 )听写 2 )跟读 3 )复述

三、阅读( 35% ) 1. 题型 快速阅读( 10% ) 选词填空 / 简答( 5% ) 仔细阅读( 20% )

2. 核心解题法则 1 )定位 顺序原则:出题顺序和行文顺序基本一致 关键词: a. 大写,数字 b. 一般名词 / 名词词组 c. 生词 d. 动,形,副(小概率事件)

2 )替换 a. 对应性的同义替换 People like to collect things. People tend to amass possessions.

b. 取反性的同义替换 The youth nowadays is the first generation in U.S. history that has never experienced the death of a friend or a family member. The older generation were quite familiar with the pass away of someone they know.

c. 解释性的同义替换 In 1993, New York State ordered stores to charge a deposit on beverage containers. Consumers had to pay for beverage containers and could get their money back on returning them.

d. 归纳性的同义替换 Michael has been spending the past 15 hours on memorizing facts and figures on the textbook to prepare for the examination. Michael worked very hard to pass the exam.

四、几点中肯的建议 1. 熟做最近 5 年 10 套真题 2. 永远不要停止背单词 3. 永远不要停止磨耳朵 4. 永远不要停止读文章
