Advanced Level Test 全民英語能力分級檢定測驗 高級說明會 — 考題重點大揭密 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Advanced Level Test 全民英語能力分級檢定測驗 高級說明會 — 考題重點大揭密 1

GEPT 特色 全民英檢 各階段 學習評量 依程度分級、含四項技能 正向鼓勵英語學習 國內最大 測驗品牌 累積 650 萬人次報考 考區遍布全台離島、 擴及海外 品質 穩定信賴 專業良心、非營利目的 服務及學術研發並進 在地研發 國際推崇 國際學術團隊研究對象 各國測驗機構高度推崇 2

近 600 所大學校系甄選入學列為審查要項,四技二專甄 選入學列為加分依據 逾 120 所大學院校參採作為「畢業門檻」、「免修大一 英文課程」指標 逾百所國外大學採認作為學位學程、交換學生、暑期 班等之英語能力證明 廣獲校園、職場採認 製造服務、航空交通、商業貿易、電子資訊等產業採認 國考、世大運、貿協等採認作為徵才標準 英語教師專長加註 資料來源: 3

國際採認 4

高級獲英國醫學總會 (GMC) 肯定 5

中 級中 級 根據國內學習歷程分級,充分展現英文實力 CEFR A2 B1 B2 C 6

高級測驗簡介 7

高級通過標準 測驗 時間 ( 分鐘 ) 滿分通過標準 初試初試 聽力 兩項測驗成績總 和達 150 分,且其 中任一項成績不 低於 64 分。 閱讀 分開計時 120 複試複試 寫作 分開計時 五級分三級分 口說 五級分三級分 8

聽力測驗 9

能力說明與測驗目標 能力說明  在日常生活情境中,能聽懂各類主題的談話、辯論、演講、報導及節目 等。  在工作情境中,參與業務會議或談判時,能聽懂報告及討論的內容。 測驗目標  評量考生對各類「連續性言談」 (extended discourse) 之理解能力,包含 下列重點: 1) 整體掌握言談之主題、大意及架構; 2) 整體掌握言談之情境,例如談話目的、地點、談話者的身分與關係等; 3) 理解言談中重要之細部資訊 (important facts and supporting details) ; 4) 根據所得資訊進行推論,例如談話者的言外之意、觀點、態度或後續動 作等。 10

題型介紹 分項測驗 內容 題數言談類別主題情境 Part I: Short Conversations and Talks 15 題日常生活、工作情 境的討論與訊息溝 通 (transactions) 、 短篇敘述 / 描述、演 講、評論、新聞報 導、廣告等。 分為三大類: 1) 日常生活:社交、家 庭、住所、交通、娛樂、 醫療保健、時事及流行 話題等。 2) 學校生活:課程、學 習狀況、課外活動、學 術性題材(人文、藝術、 自然科學、社會科學 等)。 3) 工作場合:求職、工 作指示、生意往來、職 場人際互動等。 Part II: Long Conversations 兩篇, 共 12 題 訪談、較長篇的討 論、廣播節目等。 Part III: Long Talks 兩篇, 共 13 題 演講、報告、新聞 報導、廣播節目等。 11

Q1 A. What party he supports. B. Who conducted the telephone survey. C. Why he declined the caller's request. D. Which topic he's interested in. Part I Short Conversations and Talks 例題 12

Listen to a conversation between two roommates. W: Who was that on the phone? M: Someone taking a survey. He wanted to know about my political affiliation. W: What did you tell him? M: I said I wasn’t interested in participating, even when he emphasized it was anonymous. W: What were you worried about? I always answer their questions. M: I'm just opposed to it on principle. I'll discuss my beliefs with friends but not with strangers. That’s just the way I am. Question: What is the man mainly discussing? A. What party he supports. B. Who conducted the telephone survey. C. Why he declined the caller's request. D. Which topic he's interested in. Part I Short Conversations and Talks 關鍵資訊整合 1) 主題、情境 2) 細部資訊 3) 推論 13

Part II Long Conversations & Part III Long Talks 14

Compare the Louvre's policy toward copyists now and in the past. Past: (16) _____ ; Now: (17) _____  (The woman is back from Paris, and the man asks her about Louvre.) M: You said there were often many copyists at work around the paintings. Doesn’t that make it pretty crowded for the regular visitors? W: Well, yes. The Louvre's original policy was that anyone should be free to set up painting equipment and start copying. But eventually it got so crowded that the museum had to start issuing special permits and limiting the hours for copyists. These days, the copyists can only work from 9 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. most days of the week. 15

Compare the Louvre's policy toward copyists now and in the past. Past: (16) _____ ; Now: (17) _____ W: Well, yes. The Louvre's original policy was that anyone should be free to set up painting equipment and start copying. But eventually it got so crowded that the museum had to start issuing special permits and limiting the hours for copyists. These days, the copyists can only work from 9 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. most days of the week. Q16  1 分 : 含有錯誤訊息 They have free access. Free to get into the museum any time.  0 分 : Copyists are free to sell their copies. ( 不切題 ) 16

Compare the Louvre's policy toward copyists now and in the past. Past: (16) _____ ; Now: (17) _____ W: Well, yes. The Louvre's original policy was that anyone should be free to set up painting equipment and start copying. But eventually it got so crowded that the museum had to start issuing special permits and limiting the hours for copyists. These days, the copyists can only work from 9 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. most days of the week. Q17  1 分 : Museum limits the number of copyists and gives limited time.  0 分 : Because there is too crowded. They are not welcomed as before. 17

應試要訣  避免錯誤連結 例:聽到 “The Louvre's original policy was that anyone should be free to set up painting equipment and start copying.” 就以為 Louvre 免費入場  善用準備時間閱讀指示與問題 留意談話種類: talk, conversation, interview, news report… 這個題組問了什麼? Wh-Q (who, to whom, what happened, where, when, why, how)  聽談話內容找答案 短期記憶訓練 抄筆記技巧  試題順序是照訊息出現在音檔裡的順序  注意 sign posts (連接詞、副詞、語意轉折) 事件的先後順序 因果關係 例子 18

閱讀測驗 19

能力說明、題型介紹、與測驗目標 分項測驗內容題數時間文章字數測驗目標 Part I 略讀 Skimming & Scanning 2020min 共約 2,500 字 評量考生能否運用閱讀策略瀏覽 文章,以便能迅速的掌握文章主 旨,理解段落大意,並快速查閱 特定的資訊。 Part II 精 讀 Careful reading 2050min 共約 3,000 字 評量考生能否掌握各類文章的主 旨、大意及重要的細部資訊,理 解文章的脈絡與架構,並能推測 作者的言外之意、觀點及態度。 能力說明: 能閱讀各種不同主題、體裁的文章,包括報章雜誌、文學作品、 專業期刊、學術著作及文獻等。 20

全民英檢高級閱讀的特色  將精讀 (careful reading) 與略讀 (Skimming & Scanning) 兩個部分獨立,設定不同的測驗目標及 閱讀速度要求,使用不同的題型組合,並分別限 定作答時間。  日常生活經驗,如看報紙: 1. 快速掃過 (expeditious reading) 2. 遇到有興趣的標題、關鍵字,才仔細閱讀該段落 (careful reading) 21

Expeditious reading 的重要性  在大學或研究所,學生與學者每周需處理數百頁 的報告、文章、書籍,但在數百頁中,多數的內 容與當下的工作無關  學生與學者常需將多份資料中的訊息加以整合、 比較、與提出自己的見解  Search reading :專注在相關的資訊上,使人可以 更有效率的達到學習目標。 22

Part 1A 與 1B 段落標題配對  ( 文章圖 ) 23

Part 1A 與 1B 段落標題配對 例題  先花點時間讀各個 headline.  搭配 Headline H 的段落,可能包含哪些關鍵字? imperial : decree : monopoly : be created : royal, king, prince royal charter, grant company newly formed 24

Part 1A 與 1B 段落標題配對 例題 (The heading for the previous paragraph is E.) 21. ______ At the time of Hudson's expedition, France already possessed colonies in North America. To compete for the wealth of this unexplored continent, Britain's King Charles II commissioned a further expedition, which returned to Hudson Bay in 1665 and established trading relations with Indians there. The expedition was financed by investors who included Charles' cousin, Prince Rupert. Its success led the king to sign a Royal Charter in 1670 granting Rupert and his partners unlimited rights to nearly four million square kilometers of land adjoining Hudson Bay. Named Rupert's Land, the vast territory would be controlled solely by the newly formed Hudson’s Bay Company. 25

應試要訣 1. 增加字彙量,看懂 heading 與內文關鍵字,才能 順利配對 2. 了解 expeditious reading 不需每個字都讀 3. Chunking or reading in chunks ,「組塊閱讀」 好的讀者通常不會逐詞閱讀,因為意義的形成是由多 組字詞結合而成。若要提高閱讀理解能力與效率,我 們需要將小單位轉換為較大的單位,把有相關意義的 單詞結合為一個「組塊」 (chunk) ,並且試著理解前後 組塊間的關係與連結。 26

Part 1C 27

每一題的重點字 / 詞在哪裡? 28


應試要訣  先推敲出題目關鍵字可能會以何種面貌在文件裡出現,再開 始掃描文章 30

例: 33. Which historical attraction was constructed the earliest?  掃描各段,尋找跟時間有關係的字句。 Passage A: Passage A: In Colonial Williamsburg, visitors can experience the sights and sounds of eighteenth-century America. Passage B: Passage B: In the 1880s, large numbers of immigrants from central Japan began to settle on the country's northernmost island of Hokkaido… Passage C: Passage C: The history of the festival dates back to 1631, when the town was nearly destroyed by troops in the Thirty Years' War. Answer:C 31

Part II Careful reading  閱讀三篇文章以回答選擇題與簡答題 “in your own words”  閱讀一篇文章以完成 summary 填空 32

Part II 例題  ( 文章圖 ) 33

Q6: Explain why observation of teachers in action is an unreliable form of assessment. Traditionally, schools have rated their teachers based on their professional credentials, levels of education, and teaching experience. Yet the fact is that none of these measures is very reliable: the fact that a teacher has a master's degree or many years of experience is no guarantee that he or she is effective in the classroom. Administrators have also evaluated their teachers by sitting in on their classes and watching them teach. Such classroom observations, however, are too infrequent to give administrators an accurate view of how teachers perform on a daily basis. Moreover, classroom observations are highly subjective since administrators tend to form judgments according to their own preferences for certain teaching methods and their personal interpretations of teachers' actions during class. To improve the quality of teacher evaluations, what is needed is an objective measure of each teacher's actual ability to help his or her students grow academically during the school year… 34

Q6: Explain why observation of teachers in action is an unreliable form of assessment. Traditionally, schools have rated their teachers based on their professional credentials, levels of education, and teaching experience. Yet the fact is that none of these measures is very reliable: the fact that a teacher has a master's degree or many years of experience is no guarantee that he or she is effective in the classroom. Administrators have also evaluated their teachers by sitting in on their classes and watching them teach. Such classroom observations, however, are too infrequent to give administrators an accurate view of how teachers perform on a daily basis. Moreover, classroom observations are highly subjective since administrators tend to form judgments according to their own preferences for certain teaching methods and their personal interpretations of teachers' actions during class. To improve the quality of teacher evaluations, what is needed is an objective measure of each teacher's actual ability to help his or her students grow academically during the school year… 35

Q6: Explain why observation of teachers in action is an unreliable form of assessment.  Key concepts for Q6: "infrequency" and "subjectivity“  2 分:兩點皆有提到  1 分: Classroom observations are not held regularly enough to manifest the true situation. ( 只回答一點 )  0 分: Classroom observation of teachers is not objective since it is not a regular assessing activity. ( 解讀錯誤 ) 36

應試要訣  要用自己的話回答 練習 paraphrase  回答完整 例如前面例題中,文章提到 “ infrequency ” 與 “ subjectivity ” 兩個原因,少一點就會扣分 3. 注意 sign posts (連接詞、副詞、語意轉折) 事件的先後順序 因果關係 例子 37

Part II Summary 填空例題 38

Decades ago, large numbers of jobs in North American, European, and Australian cities were provided by heavy industries such as machinery manufacturing and steel production. The last fifty years, however, have seen a gradual exodus of these heavy industries to less-developed parts of the world. As a result, once-prosperous cities like Detroit in the U.S. and Liverpool in the UK have lost jobs and people. The departure of heavy industries has also left behind empty lots and factories, which today still cover parts of these communities. Summary In recent decades, a visible sign of deterioration in large metropolitan areas has been growing amount of idle real estate which they contain. In many cases, this exists because the activities that took place there years ago have __15__. 39

In many cases, this exists because the activities that took place there years ago have __15__. Decades ago, large numbers of jobs in North American, European, and Australian cities were provided by heavy industries such as machinery manufacturing and steel production. The last fifty years, however, have seen a gradual exodus of these heavy industries to less-developed parts of the world. As a result, once-prosperous cities like Detroit in the U.S. and Liverpool in the UK have lost jobs and people. The departure of heavy industries has also left behind empty lots and factories, which today still cover parts of these communities.  1 分 : reduced / declined  0 分 : been changed / lost / abandoned 40

Summary 應試要訣 1. 用字精確 選字正確表達文章的意思 have moved abroad ≠ have declined 練習 paraphrase 2. 抓重點 留意主題句,關鍵字,句子結構,和答案相關之同義 字、詞。 exodus and departure 掌握代名詞、連接詞、關鍵轉折詞 (logical connectors) 以整合段落之邏輯關係。 41

口說測驗 42

能力說明、題型介紹、與測驗目標 分項測驗內容測驗目標時間 Part I 暖身面談 Warm-up Interview 考生與主考官之間的 交談。 評量考生自我介紹及回 答問題之口語能力。 共約 分鐘 Part II 訊息交換 Information Exchange 考生訊息交換、討論 及回答主考問題。 評量考生口語互動與討 論之能力。 Part III 申述 Presentation 1. 一考生依據提問思 考兩分鐘後發表。 2. 另一考生作口頭摘 要。 評量考生針對主題做較 深入之表述及在短時間 內作口頭摘要的能力。 能力說明:對於各類主題皆能流暢地表達看法、參與討論,能 在一般會議或專業研討會中報告或發表意見等。  評量重點: 1. 發音 2. 適切性 3. 組織 4. 遣詞用字 5. 文法結構 43

寫作測驗 44

能力說明、題型介紹、與測驗目標 分項測驗內容時間測驗目標評量重點 Task I 閱讀試卷上兩篇文章 (verbal input) 後,根據題 目寫一篇約 250 字的文章。 60 分鐘兩篇文章重點 摘錄及個人看 法。 1. 適切性 2. 組織 3. 遣詞用字 4. 文法結構 Task II 閱讀試題測上二個圖表 (non-verbal input) 後,根 據題目寫一篇約 250 字的 文章。 45 分鐘描述兩個圖表 所傳達的重點 訊息、臆測原 因,及提出個 人建議。 能力說明: 能寫一般及專業性摘要、報告、論文、新聞報導等,可翻譯一 般書籍及新聞等。對各類主題均能表達看法,並作深入探討。 45

應試準備與心得分享  熟悉考試題型  多聽、多讀、多說、多寫 從喜歡的主題入門 對任何的主題都要能有想法 透過大量聆聽與閱讀,熟悉單字、文法的用法 46

 聽力: 事前準備:預期會聽到什麼? 筆記技巧、換句話說、意見整合  閱讀: 練習 expeditious reading 適時的捨棄字典、練習從上下文推敲文意 提升閱讀速度的方法  增加字彙量  速讀技巧 47

 口說: 掌握答題時間: 30 秒, 45 秒、 1 分鐘、 2 分鐘有多長 與同組考生有效溝通 培養及時有條理地表達自己想法的能力  寫作: 作文:練習多方意見整合與意見表達  各式學術寫作練習資源 圖表:掌握各種趨勢的描述  股價上升、收視率下降、雞蛋價格暴漲、氣溫驟降 48

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