巧妙遣词造句 完美衔接过渡 实现升级策略 佳作欣赏 ( 2012 江西高考) 某英文报社举办以 “I Like Reading ” 为主题的征文活动,你打算投稿。 请根据以下要点写一篇短文: 你为什么喜欢读书 你喜欢读哪一类书?请给出至少两个理由 注意:词数 120 个左右.


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Presentation transcript:

巧妙遣词造句 完美衔接过渡 实现升级策略

佳作欣赏 ( 2012 江西高考) 某英文报社举办以 “I Like Reading ” 为主题的征文活动,你打算投稿。 请根据以下要点写一篇短文: 你为什么喜欢读书 你喜欢读哪一类书?请给出至少两个理由 注意:词数 120 个左右

I Like Reading I like reading.Reading is my favorite hobby. I can never stop the love for reading because books are like wise teachers as well as good friends (良师益友) in my life. As we know, books are the source of knowledge (知识的源泉) I benefit a great deal (受益 匪浅) from reading. 佳作欣赏

There are a variety of books for us to choose from, like history books, science books, library books and so on. But what interests me most is literary books, especially those by famous writers. For one thing, they help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons 拓宽视野). For another, they can enrich my life (丰富生活) and provide me with great fun. Isn't it a pleasure to have great calm in mind while you are reading? 佳作欣赏

亮点之处: 巧用词汇 my favorite hobby the source of knowledge benefit a great deal broaden my horizons enrich my life

亮点之处 妙用短语 a variety of as well as for one thing for another have great calm in mind provide sb with sth

亮点之处 复杂句式 because 原因状语从句 for us to choose from 不定式复合结构 what 名词性从句 while 引导的状语从句 Isn’t it a pleasure… 反问句

核心技巧点拨 高考作文第五档次(很好):( 分) 完全完成了试题规定的任务。 覆盖所有内容要点。 应用较多的语法结构和词汇,语法结构或 词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复 杂结构或较高级词汇所致, 采取了宽容的态 度。 具备较强的语言运用能力。 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文 结构紧凑,完全达到了预期的写作目的。

因此,要想在高考作文中取的高 分,就必须使用一定的高级词汇,复 杂句式及起到承上启下的过渡性词语, 为文章增加闪光点,使文章前后连贯, 过渡自然,从而提高文章的档次。

如何打造一篇高质量的作文? 遣词方面:措辞要贴切具体 比较下面的句子: 一个人正在街上溜达 A man is walking on the street. (common) A man is wandering down the street. (advanced)

要善于运用短语:短语用的好,可以使文 章看起来很流畅 比较下面两个句子:他小的时候很好学 When he was a child, he wanted to learn everything. (common) When he was a child,he had a strong appetite for knowledge. (advanced) 如何打造一篇高质量的作文?

造句方面:运用非谓语,使文句看起来更 简洁,使语言更加丰富多彩,重点更加突 出,增加文采。 比较下列两个句子 I covered my ears and tried to keep the noise out,but failed. ( 句型转换,使用分词) I covered my ears,trying to keep the noise out,but failed. (advanced) 如何打造一篇高质量的作文?

巧用 with 复合结构 : 可以增加被描述了内容 的生动性和情感化,使文章更加简洁明了 He slept all the night and the window was open. (句型转换,使用 with 复合结构) He slept all the night with the window open. (advanced) 如何打造一篇高质量的作文?

巧用复合句:评分标准中强调使用语法结构 的数量和复杂性,鼓励考生尽量使用较复杂 的结构,并且由此产生的错误采取了宽容的 态度 Soon I became one of the top students in my class and it greatly increased my confidence and got me motivated. (句型转 换,使用非限定) Soon I became one of the top students in my class,which greatly increased my confidence and got me motivated.( 非限定) 如何打造一篇高质量的作文?

巧用倒装句,感叹句,强调句,虚拟语气等: 使用这些句式可以使文章化平淡为生动,加强 语气,使评卷老师感受作者的强烈情感,起到 升级文章的作用。 Although I felt disappointed at the shabby campus and the poorly equipped classroom, I found the teachers patient and considerate.( 句型转换,使用倒装句) Disappointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly equipped classroom,I found the teachers patient and considerate.( 倒装句 ) 如何打造一篇高质量的作文?

巧用排比等句式:如能运用排比句,对偶 句,不定式或短语,可以使文章增色不少。 The purpose of the program is to make our school more beautiful,to make the air cleaner and fresher,and to turn out our school into a better place for us to study and live in. 如何打造一篇高质量的作文?

常用的过渡性词语有: 表平行,对等或选择关系: both…and, as well as,either…or,not only…but also 表转折关系: however,on the contrary,on the other hand,while 表因果关系: so,therefore,as a result 表对称关系: on the one hand,on the other hand;for one thing,for another thing 如何打造一篇高质量的作文?

表递进,强调关系: besides, what’s more,furthermore,in addition,moreover,to make matters worse,above all 表特定的顺序关系的词: first,firstly,second,seondly,third,thirdly,first of all,then,next,finally,in the end,at last,eventually 表换一种方式表达的词: in other words,that is to say,to put it another way 表结论的词: in short,in brief,in a word,in conclusion 如何打造一篇高质量的作文?

遣词造句的关键 用词要准确,词义要恰当 采用 “ 曲线救国 ” 克服生僻要点表达 防止拼写错误,用自己最有把握的,最贴 切的词汇句式来表达 避免受汉语干扰,尽量使用较为复杂的句 式来增加文章的亮点 在表达时采用多种手法,句式多样化 熟练运用基本句式,适当运用复合句式

请找出下面作文中的亮点 How can we build up a harmonious family A harmonious family is essential to our personal development and our physical and mental health. A harmonious family is always full of warmth, love and laughter. Parents and children love and show concern for each other. They also respect and understand each other. If a child grows up in a harmonious family, he is more likely to be cheerful and optimistic. Otherwise, he may be miserable and depressed. Meanwhile, parents in a harmonious family are sure to live more happily and healthily.

请找出下面作文中的亮点 Since a harmonious family plays a very important role in our life, it is up to every family member to contribute to the building of such a family. First of all, parents should be a role model for their children and pay more attention to their own words and behavior. Besides, they must trust their children and often communicate with them. As children of the family, we should also respect and understand our parents, and try to share their burdens. If we do so, our home will always be harmonious.

下划线红体部分为本作文的亮点之处 How can we build up a harmonious family A harmonious family is essential to our personal development and our physical and mental health. A harmonious family is always full of warmth, love and laughter. Parents and children love and show concern for each other. They also respect and understand each other. If a child grows up in a harmonious family, he is more likely to be cheerful and optimistic. Otherwise, he may be miserable and depressed. Meanwhile, parents in a harmonious family are sure to live more happily and healthily.

下划线红体部分为本作文的亮点之处 Since a harmonious family plays a very important role in our life, it is up to every family member to contribute to the building of such a family. First of all, parents should be a role model for their children and pay more attention to their own words and behavior. Besides, they must trust their children and often communicate with them. As children of the family, we should also respect and understand our parents, and try to share their burdens. If we do so, our home will always be harmonious.

Homework Find out three compositions that you wrote in the past and underline the words,fixed phrases and sentences which you think were used properly Underline the fixed phrases,special patterns and complex sentences when practising writing compositions in the following days