the hole narrowly to send the nerve root bearing


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Presentation transcript:

the hole narrowly to send the nerve root bearing ——椎间孔狭窄致神经根受压 the hole narrowly to send the nerve root bearing 由于腰或颈椎间盘突出、骨质增生,使椎间孔部位神经根受压,引起神经根水肿,由此符着于神经的肌肉亦水肿发炎,周围炎性液体渗出;久之,肌肉和神经粘连,当抬动肢体及患肢活动时牵拉疼痛,要解除粘连必须实行粘连松解术 Because the waist or the neck intervertebral disc are prominent, the ossein proliferation, causes 椎间 the hole spot nerve root bearing, causes the nerve root dropsy, from this Fu Zhuoyu the nerve muscle also dropsy inflammation, periphery the inflammation liquid seeps out Presiona click para continuar

Presiona click para continuar To contracts various spots nerve muscle, Fascia the adhesion causes the centrum dislocation, the oppression nerve root to send, the ache, dizziness trouble numbly Will use the closed loose solution technique, looks for the accurate nerve and the muscle adhesion, Illness rank will walk the good direction along with the nerve and the muscle to stick Including the spot loose solution dislocation centrum 对患有各部位神经肌肉、筋膜粘连导致椎体错位、压迫神经根致麻木、疼痛、眩晕患者,采用闭合性松解术,找准神经与肌肉粘连的病位,随神经及肌肉的走行方向将粘连的部位松解错位的椎体复位,随后注入防止粘连的药物,抗炎消肿,使水肿与炎症消失,神经与肌肉各行其道,椎体归位,达到治愈目的。 Presiona click para continuar

Presiona click para continuar 神经粘连松解术是一种较综合完善的治疗方法,它较世界各国正兴起的整脊疗法更趋于完善,具有见效快,疗效好,治愈率高,复发率低,无痛苦,无副作用等优点,有着广阔的发展前景。针法软组织松解术主要有,枕筋松解术,关节和棘突间韧带松解术,神经根粘连松解术,骨纤维管神经卡血管压松解术。 Nerve adhesion pine Xie Zhu is one more comprehensive perfect method of treatment, it compares the various countries the entire keel therapy which emerges to tend to the consummation, has effectively quick, curative effect good, curing rate high, recurring rate is low, does not have the pain, does not have merit and so on side effect, has the broad prospects for development. Presiona click para continuar

Presiona click para continuar   神经粘连松解术是一种较综合完善的治疗方法,它较世界各国正兴起的整 椎间盘复位术系统 Zhu is one more comprehensive perfect method of treatment, it compares the various countries the entire keel therapy which emerges to tend to the consummation, has effectively quick, curative effect good, curing rate high, recurring rate is low, does not have the pain, does not have merit and so on side effect, has the broad prospects for development. Presiona click para continuar

Presiona click para continuar 将病人固定后,定点定角度,定量定速度,采取屈背、斜扳、拉拨、侧弯、旋转复位等方法,使椎间隙增大,后纵韧带紧张,降低椎间盘内压力,使椎间盘外组织包括椎管,腹压增加,可起到类似吸吮作用,使膨出及突出的椎间盘回纳。临床经验我们用造影剂注入实验标本椎间盘内,然后分别对复位前、复位时 The 400B replacement machine repositions the principle by the technique replacement and the machinery. Through computer close regulation, after patient fixed, the fixed point decides the angle, the quota decides the speed, adopts Qu Bei, slanting pulls, pulls dials, the side curved, revolves method and so on replacement Presiona click para continuar

神经粘连松解术主要有:环椎俯旋移位低头压手法,环枢椎旋转位定点、定向复位手法,颈胸、腰椎体旋转移位。定向复位手法。骨盆骶髂关节错位整复手法 The surgery and the non- surgery therapy, respectively has its characteristic, patient itself should have the thorough understanding to own disease situation, the familiar symptom serious degree and the nerve, the muscle suffer injury nature, patient overall bodily condition, coordinates doctor to select the reasonable method to treat very important.