Shiqi Middle School Li Guojun


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Presentation transcript:

Shiqi Middle School Li Guojun 2011年中考 英语复习课件 八年级(上)Unit 1 –Unit 6 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 Shiqi Middle School Li Guojun

do exercise surf the Internet play chess play soccer go to the beach have pizza 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 go for a school trip skateboarding do chores

--Do you watch TV on weekends? --Yes, sometimes./ No, I never do that. --What do you usually do on weekends? --I usually go skateboarding on weekends. --Do you watch TV on weekends? --Yes, sometimes./ No, I never do that. surf the Internet watch TV play sports=do exercise read books go shopping go to the movies play with computer play computer games do homework sleep 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

green peppers onions tomatoes mushroom cheese pepperoni eggplant 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 pepperoni eggplant

head eye nose mouth ear neck hand arm stomach leg feet foot 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 leg feet foot

What’s the matter with you? I have …. have a cold have a sore throat have a stomachache What’s the matter with you? I have …. have a toothache have a headache have a fever 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

What are you doing for vacation? I’m … going bike riding babysitting going camping 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 going hiking going fishing

spending time with friends visiting our teacher watching TV playing baskerball 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

How do you get to school? I get to school by …? taxi tricycle subway electric bike taxi 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 tricycle subway truck train

A: Can you come to the party? B: Sure, I’d love to. Sorry , I can’t. I have to… go to a movie go to see the doctor Study for a test visit my aunt 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 help my parents babysit my sister have a piano lesson

I’m more outgoing than my sister. Personalities serious easygoing generous selfish funny interesting moody sad smart bright brave timid shy outgoing confident diffident friendly unfriendly 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

Appearance short hair long hair straight hair curly hair tall short medium height thin heavy a medium build fat light weak strong beautiful pretty good- looking handsome 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

er/ier or more ier er funny outgoing smart athletic quiet serious tall popular thin easygoing early important quiet healthy er ner ier more 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

Key Words exercise 运动,锻炼 medicine 药 hardly 几乎不 Postcard 明信片 Internet Program Chocolate Different Although Stomachache Dentist traditional 运动,锻炼 几乎不 互联网 节目,项目 巧克力 不同的 即使,虽然 胃痛 牙医 传统的 medicine Postcard Sightseeing Famous Europe Countryside Nature Tourist Subway minute 药 明信片 观光 著名的 欧洲 乡村 大自然 游客 地铁 分钟 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

Kilometer Concert Tomorrow Invitation Chemistry American Project outgoing 公里,千米 音乐会 明天 邀请 化学 美国的 课题,方案 外向的 Serious Physics Interest Necessary Friendship Information passenger 严肃的 物理 兴趣 必需的 友谊 信息 乘客 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

Key Phrases How often Hardly ever As for Eating habits Of course The same as Keep in good health Stressed out At the moment Lie down 多久一次 几乎不曾 至于 饮食习惯 当然 和…一样 保持健康 紧张的 此时 躺下 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

Host family For example Get back Go sightseeing Take a vacation 寄宿家庭 例如 回来 观光 去度假 在山里 走开 考虑 不同的东西 租影碟 Host family For example Get back Go sightseeing Take a vacation In the mountains Go away Think about/of Something different Rent videos 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

In other parts of the world The day after tomorrow Come over to Take the subway How far Depend on Not all In other parts of the world The day after tomorrow Come over to Have a piano lesson Next time Study for Join us 乘地铁 多远 取决于 不是所有的 在世界其它地方 后天 顺便来访 上钢琴课 下次 为..而学习 加入我们 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

在工作日 整天 超出 共有的 小学 在某些方面 看起来一样 看起来不同 …的大多数 在意 矮一点 On weekdays All day/the whole day More than In common Primary school In some ways Look the same Look different Most of Care about A little shorter 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

Sentence Structures 1. How often do you exercise? 你多少锻炼一次? 例如:---Jack多久去看望他的祖父母一次? How often does Jack visit his grandparents? ---每个月一次。 Once a month. 2. And I can’t stand to drink milk. 而且我受不了了喝牛奶。 句型:can’t stand to do sth 表示“无法忍受做某事”。 3. Is her lifestyle the same as yours? 她的生活方式和你的一样吗? 句型: the same as 和…一样 另外:as+形容词/副词+as … …和…一样。 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

句型: What’s the matter with sb/sth?用来询问某人或某件事的情况。与其相类似的用法还有: 怎么了? 句型: What’s the matter with sb/sth?用来询问某人或某件事的情况。与其相类似的用法还有: What’s the trouble with sb/sth! What’s wrong with sb/sth? 例如:---你的自行车怎么了? What is wrong with your bike? ---它坏了。 It doesn’t work./It is broken. 5. She often has a stomachache. 她经常胃痛。 句型:have/has +不定冠词+疾病名称, 表示“患了某种疾病”。 have a fever 发烧 have a cold (catch a cold) 感冒 have a sore throat 喉咙痛 have a sore back 背痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a headache 头疼 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

I was a pupil three years ago. 2).他说他的祖父是三年前过世的。 6. About two days ago. 大概两天前。 句型: 时间段+ago 表示从现在起的若干时间以前,意思是“距今……以前”,需和过去时或过去进行时连用。而before则泛指“从过去起的若干时间以前”,意思是 “距过去某时……以前”,常和完成时连用,尤其在间接引语中。例如: 1).三年前我是一名小学生。 I was a pupil three years ago. 2).他说他的祖父是三年前过世的。 He said his grandfather had died three years before. 3).我以前从来没有去过美国。 I have never been to the USA before. 7. It’s important to eat a balanced diet. 平衡的饮食是重要的。 句型: It’s +形容词+ for sb to do sth 意思是“对某人来说做某事是…”。 其中it是形式上的主语,动词不定式to do sth是真正的主语。例如: 1). 对一些学生来说,学好数学是不容易的。 It’s not easy for some students to learn math well. 2). 对杰克来说,早上六点钟起床是不可能的。 It’s impossible for Jack to get up at six o’clock in the morning. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

8. What are you doing for vacation? 你打算假期做什么? 句型: be doing something 表示正在做某事,是现在进行时态。同时,这个句型还可以表示打算做某事的意思,是一般将来时态。例如: 1).瞧,一些学生正在操场上踢足球。 Look, some students are playing on the playground. 2).Tom的父亲打算明天前往上海去。 Tom’s father is leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.. 3).我的来自于法国的笔友计划今天晚上到达中山。 My pen pal from France is arriving in Zhongshan tonight. 9. Send me a postcard from Hong Kong! 从香港给我寄一张明信片。 句型: send sb sth=send sth to sb 意思是“送某人某物”。 10. Show me your photos when we get back to school! 当我们回校时,把你的照片给我看看。 句型: get back的意思有如下两种: A). 回来,返回 比如:你是什么时候回来的? When did you get back? B). 取回,拿回 比如:我来这儿是拿回我的字典的。 I came here to get my dictionary back. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

12. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation. 他计划过一个轻松的假期。 11. He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada. 他考虑去希腊或西班牙,但最后决定去加拿大。 句型:decide on doing sth=decide to do sth。决定做某事 12. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation. 他计划过一个轻松的假期。 句型:plan to do sth “计划做某事”,其相当于 plan on doing sth。 13. I usually take a bus to school. 我通常乘坐巴士去上学。 句型: take+交通工具的名词,表示“乘坐…”。注意和介词by +交通工具的名词的用法的区别。例如: Tom的父亲每天开车去上班。 Tom’s father takes a/his car to work every day. Tom’s father goes to work by car every day. 14. How far is it from his home to school? 从他家到学校有多远? 句型: How far is it from…to… 用来提问距离的远近。 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

I want to know when your birthday is. 15. In China, it depends on where you are. 在中国取决于你在哪里。 句型:depend on 意思是“取决于,依靠”。 where you are在这里是处于宾语的位置,不能用特殊疑问句的结构,试比较: 1).你的生日是什么时候 When is your birthday? 我想知道你的生日是什么时候。 I want to know when your birthday is. 2). 我怎么样才能到达邮局? How can I get to the post office? 你能否告诉我我怎么样才能到达邮局? Can you tell me how I can get to the post office? 16. What’s today? 今天是什么时期? 句型: What’s today? 用来提问日期,包括几月几日和星期几。 试比较:What day is it today? 今天星期几? What’s the date today? 今天几月几日? 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

We two are both middle school students. 17. We both have black eyes and black hair. 我们两个都有黑色的眼睛和头发。 句型:both 用在 be 动词和情态动词之后,实义动词之前。 我们两个都是中学生。 We two are both middle school students. (Both of us are middle school students.) both和and连用,构成 both…and…,用于连接表示并列关系的名词和代词,意思是“…和…两者都或既 … 又 …”。例如: 1).他既善长英语又在数学方面学得好。 He is good at both English and math. 2).我和Jack都善长英语。 Both Jack and I are good at English.. 18. He always beats me in tennis. 他总是在打网球时击败我。 句型: beat sb in …意思是“在某方面打败某人” 试比较:beat 的宾语是人(对手),意为“击败对方”。 win 的宾语是物(竞赛,比赛),意为“赢得比赛的胜利”。 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网

Translate the sentences into Englsih 1、你多久吃一次蔬菜?我每天都吃。 How often do you eat vegetables? I eat them every day. 2、她周末干什么? 她经常在家看电视。 What does she do on weekends? She often watches TV at home. 3、至于家庭作业,大部分学生一周做3到4次作业。 As for homework , most students do homework three or four times a week. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 4、一些学生一周上一两次网。 Some students surf the Internet once or twice a week. 5、你每天晚上睡几个小时? How many hours do you sleep every night?

6、因此我可能有几分不健康,尽管我有一个健康的习惯。 So maybe I’m kind of unhealthy , although I have a healthy habit . 7、吃水果对我们的健康有好处。 Eating fruit is good for our health. 8、我尽量每天都做运动。 I try to do exercise every day. 9、我的健康的生活方式帮我取得好成绩。 My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 10、他每天晚上睡9个小时。 He sleeps for nine hours every night. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 11、她的饮食习惯和你的一样吗? Are her eating habits the same as yours?

Complete the sentences 1、I look after my and I am .(health) 2、My teacher wants me (write) a letter to you . 3、They (hard) go out of this small town . 4、The boy is trying (climb) up the tree . 5、This word is (difference) from the other . 6、We must do eye (exercise) every day . 7、My mother (have) a healthy lifestyle . She eats (little) junk food but more vegetables . 8、I practice (speak) English every day . 9、What can I do (improve) my math? 10、Jim often (play) computer games . health healthy to write hardly to climb different exercises has less 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 speaking to improve plays

Complete the sentences 1、I’m s out, I want to listen to music. 2、It’s i for us to eat a balanced diet. 3、If you are t , please have a drink. 4、Don’t be a with the boy. He is only a kid. 5、A doctor can give you some a . 6、Eating a b diet can help us to keep healthy. 7、I can’t work out the difficult math p . 8、T_______ Chinese doctors b we need a balance of yin and yang to stay healthy. 9、He is a good student, and goes to school e . 10、They didn’t finish their homework u 11 o’clock. tressed mportant hirsty ngry dvice alanced roblem elieve raditional 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 arly ntil

根据句意和首字母完成单词 1、There are about n teachers in our school. 2、Thirty m is half an hour. 3、It usually t me 20 minutes to walk to school. 4、Fifty and fifty is one h . 5、Can you wait for me at the subway s . 6、Children d on their parents for food. 7、Please help me with this math p . 8、English names are d from Chinese names. 9、Don’t w . Let me help you. 10、I think bikes are the most popular means of t in China. 11、Beijing is in the n of China. 12、Be q , or we’ll be late. 13、There are some boats on the r . ninety minutes takes hundred station depend problem different worry 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 transportation north quick river

用所给词的正确形式填空 1、I’m sure he would love (come). 2、Are the boys (listen) to the radio? 3、I’m sorry (make) you (cry). 4、Can you come to (Lucy) birthday party? 5、We’re (real) busy this week? 6、The students (visit) the Great Wall the day after tomorrow. 7、He is the (twenty) player to get there. 8、We’re discussing where (go). 9、Thanks a lot for (give) me the book. 10、Jim (begin) (learn) Chinese two years ago. 11、The old man asked the policeman (help) him. 12、Jack went home after he finished (read). to come listening to make cry Lucy’s really are visiting twentieth to go 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 giving began to learn to help reading

See you later! 本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网