Module 9. Famous brands of Sports wear Nike, adidas, Lining, Puma logo looks good Chocolate: Dove, Meiji They taste good. Perfume: Channel No.5 The fifth.


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Presentation transcript:

Module 9

Famous brands of Sports wear Nike, adidas, Lining, Puma logo looks good Chocolate: Dove, Meiji They taste good. Perfume: Channel No.5 The fifth Avenue It smells good.

Famous brands Handbags LV Louis Vuitton Gucci, Channel, Burberry, Prada, Couch

9.1 Branding Reading: What’s that smell? Speaking: Discussing branding Grammar: Relative clauses Reading: Chinese luxury obsession

 Brand vt. 塑造品牌  Aroma n. 香味  fragrance n. 芳香,花香  odour n. 气味 smelly odor  waffle-cone 圆锥形华夫卷筒  paper strip 小纸条  brand identity 品牌识别特征  marketing tool 营销工具  logo n. 标识 ( 用于文具、包装等上做广告的符号、设计或字母 )  slogan n. 广告语,口号  jingle n.( 简明易记的 ) 广告歌  vanilla n. 香草 云尼娜  mandarin n. 柑橘, 普通话  whiff n.( 风、空气、气味、烟雾等 ) 一阵,一吹 a whiff of  chocolate chip cookies 巧克力碎饼  custom adj. 定制的 custom mobile phone  typically adv. 典型地,一般地  quadruple vi. 成为四倍 double triple  liquid aroma 芳香剂  marketer n. 商家,专营特定商品的公司  cartridge n. 芯式容器,套筒 ink cartridge 墨盒  dial n. 调节控制器 dial a number  refill n. 重新装满,重新注满 ; 替换装,替换笔芯,置换物 with…  out-of-the-way 偏僻的,不为人所知的 mainstream  lavender n. 薰衣草

 billboard n. 广告牌  jumble vt. 打乱,使混乱 mess …up  controlling share 占主要股份  stake n.( 商业、财产、思想上的 ) 股份,利害关系,经济利益  subsidiary n. 子公司 parent company 母公司  incidentally adv. 偶然地,顺便提一句  multinational n. 跨国公司 international company  euro n. 欧元 Europe 欧洲  biggest seller 卖得最多的产品 best seller  in-tray( 办公室存放待处理的来函及来文等的 ) 收文篮  luxury brand 高档品牌,奢侈品  top brand 顶级品牌  boutique n. 专卖店 outlet 门店, 直营店 factory store  something n. 具有某种特点的人 ( 或物 ) ,重要的人或事  somebody 重要的人  collections n. 收藏品,收集的东西 collect 收集  refit n. 重修,改装 fit in  fashion 时装;时髦的

 Doubletree Hotels 两棵树连锁酒店 ( 美国国际酒店集团 )  Westin Hotels and Resorts 威斯汀酒店及度假村 ( 美 国国际酒店集团 )  LG Electronics LG 电子产品公司 ( 韩国电子、电器制造 商 )  Louis Vuitton 路易威登公司 ( 法国著名时尚产品制造商 )  Gucci 古奇皮草饰品公司 ( 意大利著名服装、化妆品和时尚 产品制造商 )  Burberry 巴宝莉公司 ( 英国服装公司, 1856 年创建,专 门制作风雨衣 )

Reading: What’s that smell? 1. What is your favorite brand of …? coffee? soap? clothes? Tell your partner and explain why you choose that particular brand. Is your choice product or service because of its smell?

2. Read the following article and write in the correct letter, A-G, for the missing phrases.

What’s that smell? 闻香而动 David Van Epps opens his briefcase and touches several of the 72 bottles inside. ‘Here’s one you’ll like,’ he says, taking the top off one. He dips a paper strip inside and waves it under his nose, breathing in deeply. It smell of sugar and butter like the ‘sugar cookies’ (1)___B__. It also makes him think of money: sugar cookies is only one of 1,480 fragrances sold by Van Epps’ company ScentAir Technologies and used to improve brand identity. Fragrance is as much a marketing tool these days as a logo, a slogan or a jingle. Sony puts its customers ‘in the mood’ for buying in its stores with the smell of vanilla and mandarin. At some Doubletree Hotels guests (2)__G___. And Proctor and Gamble has experimented with ScentAir scents to attract shoppers to displays in stores, says Van Epps. ‘What’s better than having a brand people want to use because of fragrance?’ A. where the odour of waffle-cones were released into the air to encourage visitors to an out-of-the-way ice cream shop (attributive clause, to modify nouns) B. that his grandmother used to make C. which typically includes more than six smells D. whose recently-introduced cell phone keypad was lavender-scented E. when it began twelve years ago F. why so many companies are now associating brands with a scent G. who walk around reception will get a whiff of a chocolate chip cookie

ScentAir first started putting that attitude into bottles (3)____E_______. ScentAir will charge as much as $25,000 to create a custom blend, (4)__C____. This year turnover 营业额 has quadrupled as more marketers use scents to distinguish their brands. Once a client selects a scent, ScentAir puts the liquid aroma 香味 in a cartridge 套筒 that fits inside a device with a fan which pushes the smell into the air. You control the strength with a dial. Monthly refills are $100 per device. Some companies want to make shoppers wait around longer in the hope they will spot something to buy. It seems to have worked at the Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando, (5)____A____. Sales jumped 45% in the first six months after a ScentAir device was installed. Westin Hotels and Resorts contacted ScentAir for a white tea fragrance to put in its 127 properties. Added to this, the hotels have just started selling white tea- scented items, including $36 candles. A. where the odour of waffle-cones were released into the air to encourage visitors to an out-of-the-way ice cream shop B. that his grandmother used to make C. which typically includes more than six smells D. whose recently-introduced cell phone keypad was lavender-scented E. when it began twelve years ago F. why so many companies are now associating brands with a scent G. who walk around reception will get a whiff of a chocolate chip cookie

Alan Hirsch of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago explains the reason (6)___F________. ‘Smell has a greater impact on purchasing than everything else combined. If something smells good, the product is perceived as good.’ There’s LG Electronics (7)____D_____, or the cherry smell from billboards advertising a new shampoo from L’Oreal. All we need now is a PC that can pick up aromas from websites. A 在那里,锥形华夫卷筒的香气弥漫在空气中,使游客的脚步不由自主地走向一 家地点偏僻的冰激凌店 B 祖母过去常做的 C 一般一套组合中含有 6 种以上的香味 D 它最近推出的手机键盘散发出薰衣草香味 E12 年前创办之际 F 为什么现在有如此多的公司热衷于将品牌与某种香气联系 G 走在前台四周的人会闻到芬芳空气公司生产的巧克力碎饼香味 Answers 1 B 2 G 3 E 4 C 5 A 6 F 7 D

 ScentAir Technologies 芬芳空气技术公司  范艾普打开手提箱, 72 个玻璃瓶赫然出现在眼前。他轻轻地抚摸着它们,边说  边打开了其中一个瓶盖 :“ 这个你一定喜欢。 ” 他把一张小纸条探入玻璃瓶内,然后  拿出来放到鼻子下面轻轻晃动,深深地嗅了一下。是带有黄油味道的香甜气息,这  个气味让他想起祖母过去常做的 “ 甜饼 ” ,还让他想到随此香气而来的滚滚财源。  范艾普领军的芬芳空气技术公司销售的香氛产品多达 1, 480 种, “ 甜饼 ” 只是其中  一种。这些香气在提升品牌识别特征方面正发挥着作用。  如今,香味同商品的标识以及广告歌和广告语一样,也是一种营销工具。索尼  公司设法在自己的专卖店里使用了芬芳空气公司生产的香草 — 柑橘味,为顾客营  造一种消费的 “ 氛围 ”; 而在一些两棵树酒店,客人们走在前台四周,会闻到芬芳  空气公司生产的巧克力碎饼香味 ; 宝洁公司也曾尝试使用芬芳空气公司提供的香  氛,以便把顾客吸引到产品陈列处。 “ 还有什么比用香味增加品牌吸引力更为巧妙  的方法呢 ?” 范艾普说。  芬芳空气公司从 12 年前创办之际,一开始就把这一理念置入芳香瓶中。公司按  客户要求调配的香氛组合售价高达 2. 5 万美元,一般一套组合中含有 6 种以上的香  味。随着越来越多的商家纷纷采用香味来突出其品牌形象,今年公司的营业额开始  大幅攀升,达到原来的 4 倍。  客户选择某种香气类别之后,芬芳空气公司便把该芳香剂放进芯式容器,置入

 一个内有风扇的芳香器,靠风扇把香味送入空气中,香气散发的强度大小靠调节控  制器来调节。每月重新续满的价格为每个芳香器 100 美元。  一些公司想用香气让顾客在店里逗留长久一些,希望他们能在流连张望中看中  某件商品购买下来。这种作法在奥兰多的硬石酒店似乎还真起作用。在那里,锥形  华夫冰淇淋卷筒的香气弥漫在空气中,使游客的脚步不由自主地走向一家地点偏僻  的冰激凌店。自从安装了空气芳香器后,这家店前 6 个月的销售额猛增了 45 % 。威  斯汀酒店及度假村向芬芳空气公司订购了白茶香气,用于其 127 个酒店场所。除此  之外,这些酒店开始出售散发白茶香气的小商品,包括售价达 36 美元的蜡烛。  针对为什么现在有如此多的公司热衷于将品牌与某种香气联系,美国芝加哥  “ 气味和口味治疗研究基金会 ” 的艾伦 · 赫斯做出如下解释 :“ 气味对购买欲望的影  响比所有其他因素加起来的影响都大。一个产品如果闻起来舒服,人们就会认为它  是好产品。 " LG 电子产品公司最近推出的手机键盘散发出薰衣草香味 ; 欧莱雅也在  一种新款洗发水的广告牌上放入樱桃香。看来,下一步人们要做的就是生产出能够  在不同网站采撷香气的个人电脑了。

 For more vocabulary and reading practice, can you underline:  1 any smells (they may need bilingual dictionaries  to check understanding of these smells);  2 examples of how companies have used these  smells;  3 synonyms for the word smell.  Suggested answer  1 Sugar and butter, vanilla and mandarin, white  tea, lavender, cherry.  2 In stores to put customers in the mood for  buying, attract customers to displays, make  shoppers wait longer, visit a hotel ice cream  shop, to create the perception that the product  is good, on mobile phone keypads and on  billboards  3 odour, scent, fragrance, aroma

Speaking: Discussing branding 1. Try to complete the sentences below about what you have read. Tell your partner what you think. One thing that interests me about this is … One thing that surprises me is… One thing that I find hard to believe is… One thing that interests me about this is that smell can have such an effect on humans. One thing that surprises me is that ScentAir’s turnover has quadrupled as a result. that the sales of Hard Rock Hotel jumped 45% in the first six months after a ScentAir device was installed.

2. What smell could you use to brand the following? You can use suggestions in the pictures. * your company’s product or service * your school or college * a new range of clothing * bicycles * a language course

Grammar: Relative clauses We often add information or more detail to the main clause of the sentence. For example, the speaker may want to say what type of company he works for. ScentAir is a company which sells scents. Main clauseRelative clause Complete the defining relative clauses in these sentences with a word from the box. 时间 when 地点 where 原因 why 事物 which 人 who 人, 物 whose 1) The new product ________ goes on sale next month isn’t ready yet. 2) The turnover was just under half a million ________ it was first founded in Now it’s hundred million. 3) The people _______ work for us are all highly qualified. 4) We like to think we’re a supportive company ________ staff are loyal. 5) Let me explain some of the reasons _________ we’re making these changes. 6) The company __________ I used to work is closing down, apparently. which when who whose where why

Reading: Chinese luxury obsession Read about luxury brands in China. Each line contains one mistake (including punctuation). Correct it.

Chinese luxury obsession 0. When that many people visit cities in China, they are still surprised to see the luxury 00. brands who normally fill the fashion boutiques of New York and Paris. But in a 1. country which more and more young people have become big-spending consumers, 2. the world’s top brands attract twenty- and thirty-somethings what, in a recent survey, 3. say they want to ‘seize every opportunity to enjoy life.’ Take Miss Yu, who’s monthly 4. salary is 5,000 yuan working as a journalist. She regularly stops by the boutiques 5. where, you can find Louis Vuitton or Gucci. She explains the reason when: ‘I think a 6. bag worth 10,000 yuan is more suitable for me than 100 bags at 100 yuan each.’ 7. And her fashion collection, whose includes names such as Chanel, Burberry and 8. Prada, is far from unique in a country why the proportion of luxury goods purchased 9. nowadays, is 40% compared to only 4% globally. which where who whose delete comma why which where delete comma

9.2 Getting through Listening: Automated voic systems Vocabulary: Telephone words Speaking: Making phone calls Reading: marketing Writing: Correcting and rewriting

 voic 语音信箱,语音邮件,亦作 voice mail  customer care 客户服务中心 customer service center  text message 短信 send a text  lunch break 午休时间  inbox n. 收件箱 outbox 发件箱  option n. 提供的选择 choice  quality assurance 质量保证 I assure my customer the quality.  speech recognition technology 语音识别技术 recognize sb.  subject line 主题句 ; 主题词  statement n. 清单 a list from the bank 对账单  repayment n. 偿还 pay off  account number n. 账号 open an account  particle n. 小品词,语助词  marketing 邮件营销  online marketer 在线营销人员; 网络营销商  spam n. 滥发邮件,垃圾邮件,也作 spam  junk 垃圾邮件  newsletter n. 通讯

 newsletter 电子邮件通讯  entrepreneur n. 企业家  infopreneur n. 信息企业家  italics n. 斜体字,夸张的语调 Italy  shout vi. 引人注目,触目, 哗众取宠  paediatric adj. 儿科的,儿科学的 surgeon 外科医生  expertise n. 技能 special knowledge  earnings n. 收人 income revenue  testimonial advertising( 利用影星、球星等名人来推荐产品的 ) 推荐广告 endorsement 代言  folder n. 文件夹 document 文件  brand development 品牌开发  Chennai 钦奈,原名马德拉斯 (Madras ) ,印度第四大城市,面积 128 平方公里,  人口 1000 万

Listening: Automated voic systems 1. Do you agree with the views in this article? What does your partner think? Study the graph. At what stage (10-0) would you normally hang up? Text messages interrupt our lunch breaks and pointless s fill our inboxes, but a recent survey says that the majority of people rate automated voic systems and the lack of a human voice on the phone as modern communication’s worst invention. Given the option to speak to a person at the beginning. Hear the recorded message that “your call may be monitored for quality assurance”. While you’re on hold there’s a message apologizing for your being on hold. The automated system uses speech recognition technology. There’s no option at all to speak to a live person Pressing “0” still doesn’t get you to a live person HUMANE INHUMANE On a scale of 1-10, how inhumane can an automated voic system be?

2. Listen to someone dealing with an automated voice system. 1) What is the name of the company? 2) What number does the caller press? 3) Which stage of the graph does the caller reach before he puts the phone down? GH Loans. The caller presses 3 because he wants to speak to an operator. The caller reaches 4 on the scale before he puts the phone down because the system uses speech recognition technology which requires him to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Listening script: C=Caller M=Machine C: Hello, I’d like to speak to… M: Hello. Thank you for calling GH Loans Customer Care. You will now hear a number of options. Please press the option you require. For a statement, press 1, for early repayment, press 2, for any other enquiry or to speak to one of our operators, press 3… Thank you. C: Hello, I’m calling about… M: Thank you for calling GH Loans. Please note that your call may be monitored for quality assurance and training purposes. M: We’re sorry but all of our operators are currently unavailable to take your call. Please hold. Your call is important to us. M: Hello. You’re through to our loans department. C: Could you put me through to someone… M: To help us deal with your call quickly and efficiently, please answer the following questions with ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Do you currently have an account with…

3. Another person speaks to an operator at GH Loans Customer Care. Complete the form below with the caller’s information. Caller’s name: (1)______________ Account No: (2)________________ Date of birth: (3)_______________ Enquiry: The caller paid part of her (4)____________________________ but it hasn’t appeared on the (5)____________________________________. It was for the amount of (6)__________________________________. Action: Call her back on (7)_________________________________________ at (8)_____________________________. GH Customer Care Abi Kaye TI st April 1981 loan early last month statement five thousand euros four

Vocabulary: Telephone words 1. Replace the words in bold in sentences 1-10 with a word or words from the box. Then listen again to the conversations from the last exercises. suit call/back bear with me So that was put/through hold unavailable take take one put/on hold 1) All of our operators are currently too busy to answer your call. ____ ____ 2) Please wait. _____________ 3) Could you connect me to someone…? _________ me __________ 4) Wait a moment, please. _______________ 5) Can I write down your name, please? _____________________ 6) Can you wait for me for a second? _______________________ 7) I’m just going to make you wait. _________________________ 8) Can I get back to you? _____________ you _______________ 9) Let me read that back to you. It’s zero one seven, two double four, three nine two nine. __________________. 10) When would be convenient for you? ____________________ unavailabletake hold putthrough One take bear with me put (you) on hold callback So that was suit

2. Write the missing particle from the box in the correct position to complete each sentence. There might be two possible answers. back on back up on out up forward back down 1) Please don’t put the phone. 2) Let me call you later. 3) Let me read that to you. 4) I’m just looking his number on the computer. 5) Do you mind if we put the meeting to Tuesday? 6) We’ll bring the schedule by a week. 7) Hold a moment. 8) Sorry, the battery on my mobile is about to run. 9) Sorry, he’s tied with something at the moment. Can I help? 10) I’m just putting you hold for a moment. down back up back forward on out up on

Speaking: Making phone calls Work in pairs and practise making some telephone calls. Try to use some of the expressions and phrasal verbs on this page. Student A Call 1 Your surname is Jingshan. You telephone customer care at your bank. Your account number is HIE You paid in $3,760 last month but it doesn’t appear on your statement. Your number is

Student B Call 1 You work in Customer Care at LSA Banking. Take the caller’s details and find out what the problem is. You are unable to solve the problem immediately so offer to call back later. Don’t forget to take the caller’s number. CALLER: MESSAGE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: CALL BACK AT: TELEPHONE MESSAGE

Call 2 Now you are Mr. Vathone’s secretary. He is unavailable. Find out what the caller wants and find a suitable time for Mr. Vathone to call back. Complete this message form. CALLER: MESSAGE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: CALL BACK AT: TELEPHONE MESSAGE

CALLER: Mr. / Ms. Jakuczik MESSAGE: He/She rang to postpone meeting with Mr. Vathone on 24 th in Hong Kong, China. ACCOUNT NUMBER: YE CALL BACK AT: 7pm (US time) TELEPHONE MESSAGE Student A’s message

Call 2 Your surname is Jakuczik. You are calling on a mobile phone and the battery is low. You want to speak to your customer care representative, Mr. Vathone. Your account number is YE You want to postpone your meeting with hi on the 24 th in Hong Kong, China. You are in at 7pm (US time).

CALLER: Mr. / Ms. Jingshan MESSAGE: He / She paid $3,760 into account, but it isn’t on this month’s statement. ACCOUNT NUMBER: HIE CALL BACK AT: (time) on TELEPHONE MESSAGE Student B’s message

Reading: marketing 1. Do you often receive these kinds of in your inbox? Do you open or delete them? Become an online marketer --- TEACH YOURSELF IN JUST 2 HOURS IMPORTANT! I Earn Profits … Without Doing Anything --- no training required Open themDelete them may have something I’ve been looking for may have useful information curious about what they may contain unwanted s may contain a virus They’re junk mails and I don’t want to waste my time to open them.

2. Read this article about an marketer and answer questions 1-3. Every month 7,000 people receive newsletters from Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian. In glorious italics, capitals, underlining and bold, the subject lines shout: ‘Explode Your Online Marketing Profits – in Just 14 Days!’ or ‘IMPORTANT Earn Profits… Without Doing Anything Different!’ But before you delete this spam from your inbox, Dr. Mani, as he prefers to be called, gives online help and advice about marketing as well as working as a paediatric heart surgeon in Chennai, India. He donates up to 50% of his profits from selling marketing expertise to the Children’s Heart Foundation, which he created to provide heart surgery to poor Indian children. Sivasubramanian first discovered the Internet as a surgical student in Two years later, he started selling medical information online. Later he realized he could pass on his online marketing expertise as well --- which he does now in fourteen different marketing newsletters, with tips on how to become an online marketer. Last year he took home $250,000 from his online work, while still working up to 50 hours a week at the Institute of Child Health and Hospital for Sick Children. His foundation took about $10,000, which has helped to pay for thirteen surgeries across India.

1) Why does Dr. Mani send newsletters? A. To give medical advice. B. To give marketing advice. C. To advertise his charity. 2) In 1998, Dr. Mani… A. started sending marketing newsletters. B. started selling medical information. C. set up the Children’s Heart Foundation. 3) The quarter of a million dollars from his marketing work… A. were his earnings. B. went to his foundation. C. paid for new surgeries.

Writing: Correcting and rewriting 1. Read these guidelines on using at work. Complete the text with words from the first five lines of the article about Dr. Mani on the above page. 1) Always check your ________ for correct spelling, formality, grammar and punctuation before you send it. 2) Do not use __________. People will think you are SHOUTING! 3) Do not open ________. It may contain a virus. 4) Avoid marking all s ‘Urgent’ or __________. 5) Use a meaningful ___________ line which is short and clear. 6) Don’t let your ___________ fill up. Reply quickly. Every month 7,000 people receive newsletters from Dr. Mani Sivasubramanian. In glorious italics, capitals, underlining and bold, the subject lines shout: ‘Explode Your Online Marketing Profits – in Just 14 Days!’ or ‘IMPORTANT Earn Profits… Without Doing Anything Anything Different!’ But before you delete this spam from your inbox, Dr. Mani, as he prefers to be called, capitals spam important subject inbox

2. Which of the rules in exercise 1 were broken by the person who wrote this ? IMPORTANT! Telephone me back as soon as possible as I’m going out tonight Hi Mr Kay I received you’re message on my voic this morning which was about next weeks brand development meeting. When I called back you were unavailable. I am delighted to let you know that I will be able to participate. Please find attachment the latest proposal from ScentAir. I look forward to see you then Yours faithfully J.

Answers: The person broke the following rules: 1) He / She didn’t check for things like spelling, grammar and formality (eg. received / I look forward to see you then / Hi…). 2) and 4) He / She used capitals and marked it IMPORTANT! 3) The subject line wasn’t short and clear.

3. Work in pairs and re-draft the . Dear Mr. Kay, Further to your message regarding next week’s brand development meeting, I can confirm that I will be able to attend. Please also find attached ScentAir’s latest proposal, which we can discuss in more detail next week. I look forward to seeing you. Best regards John Taylor

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