嬰幼兒團體照顧 個人化照顧 During this session, we are going to focus our attention on providing Individualized/Personalized Care.


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Presentation transcript:

嬰幼兒團體照顧 個人化照顧 During this session, we are going to focus our attention on providing Individualized/Personalized Care.

學習目標: 參與者能夠: 形容為何年幼,會爬行的,和年長的嬰兒(基於他們的 發展需求和興趣)需要不同的照顧策略。 基於脾性特質,能力,興趣,以及家庭文化偏好來認識 嬰幼兒獨特的個人需要。 討論如何根據幼兒個別需求去改善照顧例行工作。 Review the Learning Objectives with the participants. Remind the participants of the 3 Ages of Infancy and the dominate issue during each age of infancy. Reminder: Young Infant , Birth to 8 months: Security Mobile Infant , 8 to18 months: Exploration Toddler, 18 to 36 months: Autonomy

甚麼令我們與眾不同? 安靜地反思以下問題: 你有些甚麼特點令你成為獨特*的個體? (*“獨特” 是一個形容詞,定義是唯一擁有某種類型,沒有相同或類似的,非常特出或不常有的) The next 3 slides engage the participants in a reflection and discussion about unique characteristics, feedback and feelings. Each slide touches on one aspect to begin to help the infant care teacher think about how we need to individualize for infants and toddlers. Step 1: Have participants close their eyes for a couple of minutes and ask them what characteristic makes them a unique individual. All of us have some characteristic that is special or different from others. Ask that the participants to only use 1 or 2 words to describe their unique quality, . Go to next slide

你有聽過些甚麼關於你獨特條件的反應或意見嗎? 這些反應或意見是: 正面的? 負面的? 矛盾的? Step 2: Have the participants reflect on the feedback they have received about their unique quality. How have others reacted to this unique quality? What was the nature of the feedback you received (remind them to share in 1 or 2 words). Some of us have had received feedback that caused us to be upset. During this step, remember to use 1-2 words to describe the feedback. We are not asking for anyone to share their experiences in any detail. All responses will be voluntary. Compare the number of responses charted in a positive and negative column.

這些反應或意見令你怎樣感覺? 安靜地反思: 當意見是支持或不支持你獨特之處時,你會有些甚麼感覺? 找一個或兩個字形容你這些感覺。 Step 3: Now we are going to look at the feelings. It is important to understand how the participants perceived the feedback that they received. Note that some participants may be very emotional about the feedback. This is why you are only asking for 1 or 2 words that describe their feelings about the feedback. If participants are hesitant to share, share one of your own unique qualities and the feedback you received. Next Slide

Share your unique quality & your feelings about the feedback… 反思: 和一位夥伴,分享你的獨特 條件,那些反應或意見,和你 對於這些反應或意見的感覺。 在大組中,(自願)簡單地分 享你們獨特之處,你們對於這 些反應或意見的感覺,和這些 意見怎樣影響我們成為甚麼人。 Step 4: Per the instructions on the slide, the participants will now share their reflection with a partner and then those interested with the larger group. The IT Specialist will make summary comments about the activity.

我們照顧的嬰兒對於他們自己獨特的條件接收到你甚麼訊息呢? 非常活躍的幼兒? 經常咬其他人的幼兒? 害羞的幼兒? 髒亂的幼兒? 非常敏感的幼兒? 沒有規律的幼兒? Just like we reacted to the feedback that we received, the infants we care for are in the critical stage of identity formation. They are looking for the feedback to help them develop their first sense of who they are, what they are good at, how they should act. As adults, we have had a lot of different feedback over the years to compare with current feedback which helps us decide whether we should do something to change our unique characteristic or not. Infants and toddlers don’t have experiences to judge the feedback.

個人化照顧 促進每名幼兒發展健康的自我 意識和良好感覺。 表揚/尊敬每一名幼兒的發展能 力,需要,脾性,興趣,母語, 和家庭文化偏好。 By treating each individual child in ways that respects, honor and appreciates their uniqueness makes that child feel special. In honoring a person’s unique qualities, it is important to try to understand the individual’s temperament traits and not just their temperamental style. We need to also recognize the child may be developing a strong interest in something that sets them apart from other children their age.

嬰幼兒照顧計劃(PITC)個人化照顧: 適應幼兒的需要而不是反過來要求 幼兒適應我們的需要 。 對於年幼的,會爬行的,和年長的 嬰幼採用不同的照顧策略。 尊重每一名幼兒獨特的節奏,脾性 和興趣。 支持幼兒自我調節的能力。 Feeding, napping and diapering are key elements in infant curriculum, depending on the age/stage of the infant their individualized care will change—younger, mobile and older. It is also important to respect the highly sensitive child who may not like his nose wiped or may react to a new food or a change in schedule. The highly active child needs opportunities to move!

每天的例行工作 到達和離開 換尿布和如廁訓練 餵食 午睡 例行工作之間的過渡期 探索和遊戲 These are the major caregiving routines of the day when individualized care is particularly important. Depending on the special or unique characteristics of individual children one or more of these routines may need you to modify how you do the routine.

嬰幼兒的獨有特質 嬰兒的年紀 (年幼的,會爬行的,年長的) 脾性 (例如: 小心的,活躍的,愛鬧脾氣的,內向的, 緊張的,容易分心的,沒有規律的,等等) 文化和語言 家庭組合 Next, we are going to do an activity where you will have an opportunity to explore the different ways that you can provide individualized care during the major routines of the day.

活動: 現在的你是怎樣提供個人化照顧的? 你可以做些其他甚麼呢? 二人一組,在你的計劃中辨認出一名擁有獨特條件,可 能在例行照顧工作中需要使用不同方法的幼兒。 辨認這名幼兒最獨特的條件並列出一些提供個人化照顧 的策略(至少包括三項例行工作來滿足這名幼兒的需要)。

報告: 請舉出一些例子關於甚麼方法是讓你能夠為你照顧的嬰幼兒提供更好的個人化照顧? Ask the dyads to describe the child they discussed unique qualities and how they would address these qualities during the routines they felt were most important for this particular child.

回顧學習目標 參與者能夠: 形容為何年幼,會爬行的,和年長的嬰兒(基於他們的 發展需求和興趣)需要不同的照顧策略。 基於脾性特質,能力,興趣,以及家庭文化偏好來認識 嬰幼兒獨特的個人需要。 討論如何根據幼兒個別需求去改善照顧例行工作。   Review the Learning Objectives. Ask anyone has any remaining questions or comments. The next session is Caregiving Routines as Curriculum.