Wine Tasting 第 七 章 葡萄酒的质量与风格 Chap


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Presentation transcript:

Wine Tasting 第 七 章 葡萄酒的质量与风格 Chap Wine Tasting 第 七 章 葡萄酒的质量与风格 Chap. 7 Quality and Style of Wine 主讲:刘延琳 By Prof. Yanlin Liu

葡萄酒质量与风格 Quality and Style of Wine 一、葡萄酒的质量 Quality of wine 二、葡萄酒的风格 Style of wine 三、影响葡萄酒质量与风格的因素 Influence factors

How to define quality Much has been written about quality. "Quality is something perceived more than defined" (Pisani); "The quality of a wine is easier to experience than to demonstrate" (Poupon); “The quality of a wine is difficult to define in an entirely unequivocal(不含糊的) way."

How to define quality A very simple, obvious and very clear definition is this: "The quality of a wine is the totality of its properties, that is to say the properties which render it acceptable or desirable." In effect it is the totally subjective pleasure provided by drinking the wine which conditions judgment.

Quality depends on wine drinker’s judgment Behind each definition lies hidden the person who, in the final analysis, actually judges the quality, the wine drinker. Quality only exists in relation to this individual and then only in as far as he has the ability to perceive it and approve it. Quality will depend on his judgment, that is on his taste, his preferences and the pleasure he derives from the wine. It is easy to understand the relativity of the notion of quality, something which is often stressed:

How to define quality "Quality is not an object, by itself it does not exist....It is a mental concept which tries to establish a hierarchy and a classification." (Roubert) "Quality is a concept which simply indicates the consumer's preference regarding a product, preferences created by fashion or advertising." (Larrea)

How to define quality The quality of a food is defined by its power to satisfy an organism … Quality is a notion that is both positive and relative; positive because the food satisfies the body's needs, relative because this satisfaction depends on the organism in question and its particular requirements." (Debry)

How to define quality In a way it is the quality of the consumer which determines the quality of the wine he drinks. Without well-informed consumers there would be no great wines.

How to define quality Perhaps, but there is a quality potential in wine which is all the more real because recognized by more connoisseurs; it is they who make reputations. Certainly informing and educating consumers, by making them more demanding, are effective means of improving the quality of wines indirectly.

How to define quality Quality is also relative because in order to judge a wine, its type, class, age and place in the hierarchy have to be taken into account. All wine is regulated by a system of laws drawn up to avoid confusion between wines of different merits. The classification system also takes into account conditions of production and commercialization, and it is necessarily different from one country to another.

How to define quality It is not based solely on geographical location, and the sacrosanct appellation of origin is not the only formula for expressing quality. Other details may also serve as quality criteria. Examples include grape variety, method of harvesting, method of vinification, age, and finally the brand, and/or the winemaker's name.

How to define quality Top-quality wine can only be made in conditions where there are the benefits of a high technical level of viticulture, vinification, cellar care and distribution; and where there is a sufficiently informed clientele capable of appreciating better quality and prepared to pay for it.

How to define quality Quality criteria have often been studied. A distinction is made between the negative aspect which is the absence of faults and corresponds to a minimal quality threshold, and the positive aspect which concerns real qualities: pleasure, appeal, complexity, personality, purity.

How to define quality Defects are more readily perceptible than qualities. Consumers cannot always appreciate a wine's qualities but they are very capable of recognizing its faults. They are often happy with a wine of little quality providing it has no apparent defects.

How to define quality According to English-Chinese-Italian-French Oenological Dictionary: Quality, representing a subjective and an objective dimension could be defined as “the altogether characteristics of the wine that , directly or indirectly, satisfy the explicit and implicit demands of the consumer” 质量包括主观和客观两个方面,葡萄酒能够直接或间接满足消费者所表达和暗示的需要的所有特性的总和。

How to define quality Two categories of quality criteria have been mentioned. First the objective criteria. These are essentially statutory, subject to increasingly detailed and stringent standards and regulations. Since the beginning of last century successive steps in setting up these criteria were the official definition of wine, the control of production, and measures for protecting quality by codifying the practices of vinification, conservation and treatment as well as by various prohibitions and restrictions.

How to define quality The subjective criteria are those which are not measurable, or at least not yet. They are often the results of balances which are difficult to quantify, and they are measured principally by consumer satisfaction. They are the organoleptic characteristics of smell and taste, and can only be evaluated by tasting.

How to define quality Everyone agrees that at present there is no hope of defining the quality of a wine analytically. However detailed the analysis, it cannot distinguish between an ordinary wine and a fine wine. Besides, as we have seen, quality is not due to a certain level of this or that taste or odour constituent, but to complex balances in its constitution.

Wines with superior quality purity with no measurable faults visual appeal (color and clarity) richness of aromatics good length related to flavor (lingering) define the finish (most times looking for a clean finish) a distinctive personality harmony and balance

Remember that a quality wine comes from the following: the climate and soil conditions the grape variety ability to grow the grapes effectively and producing the wine a client that believes that the particular wine has a quality and is willing to pay for it

什么是葡萄酒质量 质量:某种产品能满足(消费者)表达和暗示的需要的特性的总和。暗示的需要为该类产品标准的要求(如产品的安全性、标签、计量等);表达的需要则因人而异,故有不同的概念。 食品质量由4个构成要素( 4S概念): 安全(SECURETE):是所有消费者都需要的; 健康(SANTE):与相关食品所带来的营养有关; 满足(SATISFACTION):对于消费者来说,这是最明确的。满足主要是就其感官舒适(口味、颜色、气味、结构等)而言,即享乐原则; 服务(SERVICE),如便于使用、贮藏等。

一、葡萄酒的质量 (一) 关于质量的定义: 1.从消费者、品尝者评价的角度反映的是葡萄酒的感观质量即主观质量。 2.从理化分析的结果上反映出的是葡萄酒的客观质量。 (二) 关于葡萄酒的质量标准 1.客观标准(理化标准): 是指那些可用仪器分析方法确定的标准。 2.主观标准(感观标准): 是指那些通过品尝员的品尝确定的标准。

葡萄酒的客观质量和主观质量 一些质量指标是完全可以量化的,即是所谓客观质量。这些指标包括物理、化学、微生物学指标,如含糖量、酒度等,它们可以用理化分析方法进行测定。 一些质量指标则是完全凭感觉的,如口感、颜色、气味等,这就是所谓主观质量,也就是感官质量,它们则只能用感官评价来进行测定。而葡萄酒的感官质量才是消费者追求的主要目标。

二、葡萄酒的风格 葡萄酒的风格是指一种葡萄酒区别于同类其它葡萄酒的令人舒适的独有特征和个性。 风格是构成葡萄酒感观质量的一个部分。所以它必须是区别于同类其他葡萄酒的使人感觉舒适、愉快的个性和特征。否则就不是风格,而是缺陷。

三、影响葡萄酒质量与风格的因素 葡萄酒是人和自然关系的产物,是人在一定的气候、土壤等生态条件下,采用相应的栽培技术,种植一定的葡萄品种,收获其果实,通过相应的工艺进行酿造的结果。 因此,原产地的生态条件、葡萄品种以及人所采用的栽培、采收、酿造方式等,决定了葡萄酒的质量和风格。因此,影响葡萄酒质量和风格的因素可分为自然因素和人为因素两大类。

影响葡萄酒质量和风格的因素  自然因素 包括气候、地质、土壤等生态条件和与之相适应的品种; 自然因素 包括气候、地质、土壤等生态条件和与之相适应的品种; 人为因素 包括与自然因素相适应的栽培管理措施和酿造、贮藏方式等。 Climate, soil and grape variety are natural elements of quality but human skill is necessary to make the most of them. "Air, soil and the planting of vines are a vineyard's foundation.

影响葡萄酒质量的因素 生态(地理范围、气候条件、土壤条件等) 与生态条件相适应的品种 自然因素 潜在质量 影响葡萄酒 质量的因素 人为因素 生态(地理范围、气候条件、土壤条件等) 与生态条件相适应的品种 栽培管理措施 采收 原料的机械处理 发酵 陈酿 潜在质量 潜在质量的表现

影响葡萄酒质量和风格的因素 自然因素和人为因素两者之间是密切相关,互为影响的,如自然因素受到人为影响,如人对园地、品种的选择、改造等;人为因素也只能在自然因素的前提下发挥作用与影响。 

影响葡萄酒质量和风格的因素 自然因素,加上栽培管理措施等人为因素,一方面决定了葡萄酒原料的质量,进而影响到葡萄酒的质量可以说自然因素提供的是葡萄酒的潜在质量。第二方面,自然因素是决定葡萄酒风格的主要因素。 可以说人为因素就是将受自然因素决定的葡萄原料中的所有质量,在葡萄酒中完美地表现出来,最终体现在葡萄酒的质量和风格上。

第2节 葡萄酒的种类Type of wine 一、品种葡萄酒 Variety wine 品种葡萄酒即用单一的葡萄品种酿造的葡萄酒 二、产地葡萄酒(原产地命名葡萄酒)Origin wine 在经过长期实践、选择的并配置最适的品种、栽培方式以及酿造方式等的最佳的生态条件下生产的葡萄酒,称产地葡萄酒。产地葡萄酒包含了品种和年份的意义。 三、年份葡萄酒 Vintage wine 在某一产地,某一品种,用标明的年份采收的葡萄原料酿造而成的葡萄酒,称为年份葡萄酒。 四、饮料葡萄酒 Table wine 通常为不同产地,不同年份,不同品种,甚至不同国家的葡萄酒的混合物。 

葡萄酒的种类 根据人为因素,可将葡萄酒按颜色、含糖量、CO2含量等进行分类。  College of Enology, NWSUAF 葡萄酒的种类 根据人为因素,可将葡萄酒按颜色、含糖量、CO2含量等进行分类。  由于自然因素在决定葡萄酒质量与风格中的重要性,现根据自然因素将葡萄酒按产地、品种、年份等进行分类。 一、产地葡萄酒(原产地命名葡萄酒) 二、品种葡萄酒 三、年份葡萄酒 四、饮料葡萄酒

一、产地葡萄酒(原产地命名葡萄酒) 在经过长期实践、选择的并配置最适的品种、栽培管理方式以及酿造方式等的最佳的生态条件下生产的葡萄酒,称产地葡萄酒。产地葡萄酒包含了品种和年份的意义。由于各地生态条件的差异,如土壤、气候等,其适应栽培的品种以及其它的栽培管理措也有所不同。根据葡萄生产地的特点及酿成的葡萄酒的质量,可将产地分成几大类。 (一) 最优产地 (二) 中质产地 (三) 较差的地区 College of Enology, NWSUAF

一、产地葡萄酒 产地葡萄酒充分体现了葡萄酒的产地特征,具优良的质量和独特的风格(不仅质量优良,而且各具风格)。 College of Enology, NWSUAF 产地葡萄酒充分体现了葡萄酒的产地特征,具优良的质量和独特的风格(不仅质量优良,而且各具风格)。 自然因素在产地葡萄酒的质量和风格中起了极其重要的作用。就其风格来讲,主要决定于产地,其次是品种。 在世界上的一些葡萄酒的传统生产国如法国、意大利等,都以各种方式,有的国家用法律的形式对产地及其配套品种、栽培方式、单位面积产量以及酿造方 式等加以规定和保护。表明了产地对葡萄酒质量和风格的重要性。

(一) 最优产地 College of Enology, NWSUAF 该地生态条件最佳,适合贵族品种的生产,能保证使该品种能够缓慢地、充分地成熟,从而能生产优质和独特风格的葡萄酒,如法国的香滨省所生产的起泡葡萄酒是名属世界第一的,如法国干邑地区,所生产的白兰地(干邑白兰地)驰名世界。法国、意大利等国家均将这类产地以法律的形式保护起来。

College of Enology, NWSUAF (二) 中质产地 这些地区的生态条件较好,适合中档品种生产,能保证这些品种能够缓慢和充分的成熟。能生产出中档或质量偏上的葡萄酒。世界上的大多数葡萄酒生产地均属于这类地区。

College of Enology, NWSUAF (三) 较差的地区 这些地区的生态条件较差,如雨季分布不利于葡萄成熟,或年有效积温不够,从而大多数的高、中档葡萄品种在多数年份不能充分成熟,所以生产的葡萄酒不具风格,没有个性,其好坏主要决定于酿造技术。即需要通过人为因素来掩盖原料带来的缺陷。 这类地区所生产的葡萄酒属于“饮料葡萄酒”。

波尔多地区法定使用的葡萄品种 波尔多地区法定使用的葡萄品种不算很多,有6种红品种和3种白品种。红品种有: Merlot(梅乐):波尔多种植和使用最为广泛的品种,几乎在任何一瓶波尔多酒里都可以找到这个品种。肉质,柔软而富果香。 Cabernet Sauvignon(赤霞珠):在左岸地区担当主要作用的品种,高贵,筋骨强健而耐久。 Cabernet Franc(弗朗):虽然在各个地方使用的都不会很多,但是独特的香气可以赋予葡萄酒更加复合的感觉。 Petit Verdot(味儿多),Malbec(马贝克):这两个品种在波尔多酒中使用都比较少,有些地方,有些酒庄就根本都不用,他们赋予波尔多红葡萄酒更加完美的结构,所以在知名的酒庄内,依然会让他们发挥微妙的作用。 Carmenere(佳美娜):虽然法律规定可以使用,但是在波尔多几乎已经绝迹了。不过最近有些酒庄重新开始种植此品种,但是数量微乎其微。

波尔多地区法定使用的葡萄品种 波尔多地区法定使用的白品种有3个: Semillon(赛美蓉):波尔多白酒的精髓所在,虽然在甜酒里面占的比重更大,但是不论甜酒还是干酒,Semillon带来的圆润优雅的风格才代表波尔多白酒的面貌。 Sauvignon Blanc(长相思):在波尔多干白酒中占有较大的比例。 Muscadelle(慕斯卡玳勒):使用较少,主要是麝香类葡萄特有的芳香特性,作为为波尔多白葡萄酒补充。

产地葡萄酒 质量优良,各具风格 取决于产地、品种

College of Enology, NWSUAF 二、品种葡萄酒 品种葡萄酒即用单一的葡萄品种酿造的葡萄酒称之。这类葡萄酒具葡萄品种的鲜明个性,但产地特征不突出。酒的质量与风格主要决定于品种和酿造技术。 葡萄品种有近万个。葡萄酒的感官特征、风格之所以能千变万化,首先是有与气候、土壤相适应的众多的葡萄品种,在不同的气候、土壤条件下栽培的结果。 与气候、土壤相适应的葡萄品种,确定了某种葡萄酒的感官特征。包括外观、口感、香气等。 浆果的颜色决定了外观; 由于浆果中糖、酸、丹宁等含量的变化,决定了葡萄酒的口感; 由于浆果中芳香物质的种类及其香气的浓度以及优雅度等,决定了葡萄酒的香气(一类香气)。 按其遗传特性及其酿成的葡萄酒的质量分成三大类:贵族品种、中档品种以及低档品种。

Noble varieties Some of these have become so well-adapted to their original production zones that, transplanted elsewhere, they become virtually unrecognizable. Such is the case with Pinot and Merlot There are noble varieties which are the only ones capable of producing wines of refinement and longevity, recognizable for their fine flavour, and the power and individuality of their aromas.

(一) 贵族品种 贵族品种指的是那些所具有的由遗传特性决定的品质和特性,使其具有生产优质高档葡萄酒的潜力的品种。代表性的品种有: College of Enology, NWSUAF (一) 贵族品种 贵族品种指的是那些所具有的由遗传特性决定的品质和特性,使其具有生产优质高档葡萄酒的潜力的品种。代表性的品种有: 用于生产白葡萄酒的:雷司令系列,霞多丽,比诺。上述这些品种起源于生产白葡萄酒的北部极限地区。 用于生产红葡萄酒的:解百纳(赤霞珠,品丽珠),梅尔诺,佳美。上述品种起源于生产红葡萄酒的北部极限地区。

GRAPE VARIETY There are also semi-noble varieties which can produce an excellent wine in a particular area, but which yield something very ordinary elsewhere. Examples of these are the Tempranillo in Rioja, the Palomino in Jerez, the Nebbiolo in Piedmont, the Sangiovese in Chianti, the Grenache in Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Navarre or Sardinia, and many others.

中档品种指的是那些具有的由遗传特性决定的品质和特性,使其具有生产质量中等或偏上的葡萄酒潜能的品种。 (二) 中档品种 College of Enology, NWSUAF 中档品种指的是那些具有的由遗传特性决定的品质和特性,使其具有生产质量中等或偏上的葡萄酒潜能的品种。 生产白葡萄酒的代表品种:白羽为典型代表。 生产红葡萄酒的代表品种:真芳德(Zinfandel),哥海娜。 上述这些品种,主要起源于气候炎热地区。

GRAPE VARIETY Finally, there are the common grape varieties which produce neutral table wines of little quality, either because the grapes are poor in flavour and aroma elements, or because they have a pronounced unattractive taste. They are grown purely for their high yield which makes an indifferent product profitable.

由品种遗传性决定的品质及特性,使其在任何条件下都不可能生产出优质的葡萄酒。 白色品种主要是一些种间杂种形成的品种; College of Enology, NWSUAF (三) 低档品种 由品种遗传性决定的品质及特性,使其在任何条件下都不可能生产出优质的葡萄酒。 白色品种主要是一些种间杂种形成的品种; 红色品种如佳里酿、北醇等。

品种葡萄酒 质量优良,具品种鲜明个性 取决于品种和酿造技术

三、年份葡萄酒 在某一产地,某一品种,用标明的年份采收的葡萄原料酿造而成的葡萄酒,称为年份葡萄酒。 College of Enology, NWSUAF 三、年份葡萄酒 在某一产地,某一品种,用标明的年份采收的葡萄原料酿造而成的葡萄酒,称为年份葡萄酒。 所以年份葡萄酒的标签上所印有的年份,即葡萄酒的年份是指该葡萄酒诞生的年份,确切地讲,是该酒的葡萄原料采收的年份。

College of Enology, NWSUAF 三、年份葡萄酒 我们知道,在某一特定地点种植的多年生葡萄,必然要受当地气候条件的影响。对于大多数地区,每一年的气候条件,特别是日照、温度、降 水量会发生一定范围内的变化,而且在有的年份还会出现灾害性天气,甚至由此带来某些病虫害的流行,这种随年份不同而发生的气候条件的变化,即年份特征必然会影响到葡萄原料的质量,最终在所酿造的葡萄酒的质量上反映出来。

College of Enology, NWSUAF 三、年份葡萄酒 “年份”一方面决定了葡萄各构成成份的含量以及它们相互之间的平衡关系;另一方面决定了葡萄酒在酿成以后的发展变化的趋势及其速度,和可能达到的最大潜在质量。 可以说,在某一特定产区(特定品种、栽培方式、酿造方式等),“年份”决定了其葡萄酒的潜在质量及风格。所以根据原料及最后酒的表现,年份也有“好年份”或“坏年份”(即葡萄酒好的年份和葡萄酒坏的年份)之分。 而且不存在葡萄酒质量是完全相同的两个年份,每个年份的葡萄酒都具有其特有的质量、风格及发展变化规律和价值。

三、年份葡萄酒 正因为如此,在国际上,一般优质葡萄酒均标有年份。而且欧共体规定,只有原产地葡萄酒(即是地理标志的葡萄酒)才能标明年份。 College of Enology, NWSUAF 三、年份葡萄酒 正因为如此,在国际上,一般优质葡萄酒均标有年份。而且欧共体规定,只有原产地葡萄酒(即是地理标志的葡萄酒)才能标明年份。 但我国目前还没有有关年份标志和地理标志的规定。另外,“年份”也是葡萄酒年龄的标志,因为葡萄酒是有生命的,从酿成(诞生)那一天起,也就开始了它从幼年到成熟、到衰老的一生的发展变化过程。所以“年份”可以帮助消费者根据其爱好、口味和需要选择不同年龄的葡萄酒。

College of Enology, NWSUAF 四、饮料葡萄酒 饮料葡萄酒通常为不同产地,不同年份,不同品种,甚至不同国家的葡萄酒的混合物。它们没有特征和个性,其质量的好坏主要决定于酿造技术。但其中也不乏一些质量上乘的葡萄酒,如用质量特征相互补充的葡萄酒的混合物。 这类葡萄酒未标有年份、产地。

饮料葡萄酒 不具风格,无个性 取决于酿造技术

GRAPE VARIETY The grape variety puts its mark on a wine and gives it an identity. If the taste of wine is infinitely variable, this is primarily because there are so many varieties of vine grown in an infinite number of locations and climates.

GRAPE VARIETY The grape variety gives a wine firstly its taste and secondly its aromatic properties. The first depends on the grape's richness in sugars, acids and tannins; the second on the intensity and finesse of the fruit's aroma-yielding substances.

GRAPE VARIETY In addition to their aromatic characteristics, quality in black grapes depends on parameters such as colour, acid balance and tannin without which there would be no long-maturing wines. Certain wines are made from just one variety: red burgundy is made solely from the Pinot Noir, beaujolais solely from the Camay grape; but many others are produced from a blend of several grape varieties - Médoc, Côtes-du-Rhône and Rioja wines are examples.

GRAPE VARIETY Vine varieties are grouped into families, originally from the same regions. The Bordeaux region is home to the Cabernet family. The archetypes of this numerous family are the Sauvignon Blanc and the Cabernet Sauvignon, but it also includes the Semillon, Cabernet Franc, Bouchet, Verdot and Merlot, all of which have a common morphological parentage and an obvious family affinity of aroma.

GRAPE VARIETY The odour palette of the Cabernet Sauvignon is exceptionally rich and becomes richer still as the wines age. These odours vary between the fine smell of crushed blackcurrants, or better still, a refined blackcurrant liqueur, and impressions of smoke, spice and resin reminiscent of cedar wood; sometimes a metallic-mineral character and a bouquet which becomes more truffle-like with age, qualities which one finds in the Grand Cru Médocs. In Cabemet Sauvignon wines from soils that are too fertile, or from grapes grown in climates that are too hot, the aromatic character tends to be rather crude and vegetal, evoking more the bruised leaf than the fruit.

GRAPE VARIETY Today's most fashionable grape variety is Cabernet Sauvignon. Wines made from it are now encountered worldwide. They smell of resin树酯 in Porto Carras, of cloves丁香 in the Guadeloupe valley in southern California, of liquorice甘草 in Rioja, of seaweed海草 in wines from the Golfe du Lion sand flats, of grape stems in the Languedoc, of industrial fumes near Santiago in Chile and of soot from Eger in Hungary.

GRAPE VARIETY North-eastern France is planted with a different family of quality grapes , comprising Pinot Noir, Meunier, Chardon- nay and Gamay. The first three are the grapes used to make champagne, while the Gamay gives the beaujolais its rustic scent of cherry and small red fruits and its smoothness.

陈年与葡萄品种和产地 葡萄的品种对于葡萄酒陈年来说具有较大的影响。单宁是红葡萄酒成年能力比较重要的指标,葡萄品种不同,皮有厚有薄,酿成的酒单宁多少不同,相应也就影响了葡萄酒的陈年能力。    红葡萄品种能够陈年的都是那些皮厚的品种,当然依然是越好的酒越能陈年。 葡萄的品种对于葡萄酒陈年来说具有较大的影响。单宁是红葡萄酒成年能力比较重要的指标,葡萄品种不同,皮有厚有薄,酿成的酒单宁多少不同,相应也就影响了葡萄酒的陈年能力。 一般来说旧世界的酒,尤其是好的红葡萄酒上市以后需要在瓶中继续发展一段时间达到适饮期,但是新世界的葡萄酒普遍不需要这样做。

陈年与葡萄品种和产地 赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon):作为广泛种植的葡萄品种,赤霞珠有着很好的陈年能力。法国波尔多地区,上等酒需要较长的时间成熟,达到适饮期,象Chateau Latour这样的酒可能需要长达15~20年,Chateau Montrose可能更长。在新世界,即便是顶级酒,刚上市时也基本上不需要陈年就可以饮用,但是还是依然可以陈年较长的时间。 色拉(Syrah/Shiraz):也是可以陈年的品种,不论来自北隆河的Hermitage,Cote Rotie还是来自南澳顶级的Shiraz。

陈年与葡萄品种和产地 坦普兰尼约(Tempranillo):是Rioja葡萄酒的主力,能陈年的品种,一些Rioja Gran Reserva上市以前已经经过将近10年的陈年,而上市后,依然可以继续陈年10年以上。 内比奥罗(Nebbiolo):意大利北部Piemonte的贵族品种,用此品种酿造的Barbaresco和Barolo都可以陈年10~15年。 黑比诺(Pinot Noir):是勃艮第的主力品种,但是世界各地都有种植,这是一个薄皮的品种,成熟的速度也比较快。只有勃艮第的Grand Cru才能够有超长的陈年能力。 佳美(Gamay):几乎是最不能陈年的葡萄品种,薄若莱新酒需要3个月内喝掉。只有少数几个Beaujolais Cru能够陈年较长时间,如Moulin a Vent, Morgon等。

陈年与葡萄品种和产地 对于白葡萄品种,多数的白葡萄酒是不能陈年的,对于某些特定产地的特定品种,有的有不错的陈年能力。 对于白葡萄品种,多数的白葡萄酒是不能陈年的,对于某些特定产地的特定品种,有的有不错的陈年能力。    雷司令(Riesling):德国QmP等级以上都有不错的陈年能力,一些BA,TBA等级的Riesling能够陈年相当长的时间。法国的Alsace出的Riesling干白也可以陈年10年以上的时间。Alsace除了Riesling外,另外几个贵族品种Muscat, Pinot Gris, Gerwuztraminer也可以陈年较长时间,有时可以超过10年。    长相思(Sauvignon blanc):多数的Sauvignon是要尽快喝掉的,不管是来自法国Loire河谷还是新西兰,加州等等。只有波尔多的干白酒,是Sauvignon与Semillon混合的,能够陈年一定的时间。    霞多丽(Chardonnay):霞多丽能够陈年的时间相对于Sauvignon要长一些,勃艮第的Grand Cru和Chablis的Grand Cru能够陈年10年以上。   

THE CLASSIFICATION OF WINES Human and natural factors play a decisive role in giving the wine its own qualities; change one of them and the wine changes too. Today in every major wine-producing country, quality classes have been established and minimum requirements for each class said down.

葡萄酒的质量分级 一、中国葡萄酒的质量标准 二、法国葡萄酒的分级规定 三、意大利葡萄酒的分极规定 四、德国葡萄酒的分极规定

一、中国葡萄酒的质量标准 (一) 感官要求 感官要求应符合表6-1的规定 (二) 理化要求 理化要求应符合表6-2规定。 (三) 检验规则 1.不合格分类:A类不合格;B类不合格 ; 2. 组批 (四) 标志要求 1.标签标志 (中国葡萄酒国家标准) 2. 包装标志 (中国葡萄酒国家标准)

一、中国葡萄酒的质量标准 (一) 感官要求 感官要求应符合表6-1的规定。 (二) 理化要求 理化要求应符合表6-2规定。 (三) 检验规则 College of Enology, NWSUAF 一、中国葡萄酒的质量标准 (一) 感官要求 感官要求应符合表6-1的规定。 (二) 理化要求 理化要求应符合表6-2规定。 (三) 检验规则 (四) 标志要求 

College of Enology, NWSUAF 表6-1 感官要求 (中国葡萄酒国家标准)

College of Enology, NWSUAF 表7-2 理化要求 (中国葡萄酒国家标准)

College of Enology, NWSUAF 表7-2 理化要求 (中国葡萄酒国家标准)

(三) 检验规则 1.不合格分类 样品的卫生、感官和理化指标如不符合技术要求应记作不合格。不合格分类如下: College of Enology, NWSUAF (三) 检验规则 1.不合格分类 样品的卫生、感官和理化指标如不符合技术要求应记作不合格。不合格分类如下: A类不合格:卫生要求、感官要求、挥发酸、干浸出物、总二氧化硫、二氧化碳、标签标南。 B类不合格:酒精度、总糖、滴定酸、游离二氧化硫、铁、净容量偏差。 2. 组批 同一生产期内所生产的、同一类别、且经包装出厂的、具有同一批号的产品为同一批次产品。

(四) 标志要求 1.标签标志 (中国葡萄酒国家标准) College of Enology, NWSUAF (四) 标志要求 1.标签标志 (中国葡萄酒国家标准) 葡萄酒的标签应注明:酒名、类别(或糖度)、酒精度、原汁含量、净容量、厂名、厂址、批号、商标、封装年月 标准代号及编号,符合本标准的产品可不标保质期(上述各项具体标注方法按BG 10344执行)。 2.包装标志 (中国葡萄酒国家标准) 瓦楞纸板箱应注有厂名、酒名、规格、批号、瓶数、日期,并标有“小心轻放”、“请勿倒置”字样及标志(其使用方法按BG 191的规定执行)。

二、 EEC葡萄酒的分级规定 区限优质酒 VQPRD 日常餐酒VDT Under Common Marker (EEC) regulations, wines are grouped in two classes: Vins de table and VQPRD Vins de Qualite Produits dans une Region Determinee, quality wines produced in specific regions. 欧洲经济共同体(EEC)规定,葡萄酒以质量分为两类酒: 区限优质酒 VQPRD 日常餐酒VDT

THE CLASSIFICATION OF WINES Under Common Market (EEC) regulations, wines are grouped in two classes: Vins de table and VQPRD Vins de Qualite Produits dans une Region Determinee, quality wines produced in specific regions. Here we analyse the quality classes and requirements of three European countries: France, Italy and Germany

THE CLASSIFICATION OF FRENCH WINE In France each of the EEC categories is subdivided into two further categories, so that there are four classes of French wines. (1) VINS DE TABLE —日常佐餐葡萄酒 (2) VINS DE PAYS —地区特色葡萄酒(Vins de Pays) (3) AO VDQS —优良地区葡萄酒(简称VDQS或AO VDQS) (4) AOC—法定产区葡萄酒

二、法国葡萄酒的分级规定 法国葡萄酒按其质量层次从高到低分为四级: —法定产区葡萄酒(,简称AOC) —优良地区葡萄酒(简称VDQS或AO VDQS) —地区特色葡萄酒(Vins de Pays) —日常佐餐葡萄酒:又称为混合葡萄酒 前二类属于区限优质葡萄酒,后二类属于日常佐餐酒

图6-2 法国葡萄酒的质量分级和产量百分比* *不包括用来酿造干邑和雅文邑的葡萄酒(约占总产量的14.5%) College of Enology, NWSUAF 图6-2 法国葡萄酒的质量分级和产量百分比* *不包括用来酿造干邑和雅文邑的葡萄酒(约占总产量的14.5%) 在法国,对这两大类葡萄酒又按质量层次各再分为两小类:

(1) VINS DE TABLE These wines must have an alcohol content of not less than 8.5% or 9% by volume, according to the area of production, and not more than 15%. If they are of French origin, whether from a single region or a blend of wines from several regions, they are entitled to be called Vin de table francais. If made from wines originating within the Common Market, they are classified as Melange de vins de differents pays de la Communaute europeenne, blend of wines from various EEC Countries.

(1) VINS DE TABLE If they contain must originating from within the EEC and are vinified in France the label will read Vin obtenu en France a partir de raisins recoltes en(Wine made in France with grapes fromª­¡­)followed by the name of the country or countries of origin of the must. Blending ( coupage ) with wines imported from countries outside the EEC is not allowed.

日常佐餐葡萄酒 (Vins de Table) 日常佐餐葡萄酒为多品种或不同地区的葡萄原料混合酿制,或是不同产地、甚至不同国家生产的原酒调配而成的。法国的日常佐餐葡萄酒有下面几类:

佐餐葡萄酒 1.法国日常佐餐葡萄酒 (Vin de Table francais): 即以产于法国范围内的酒,可以是单一产区的酒或是数个产区的酒调配而成的。 2.来自EEC不同国家的葡萄酒 (Melange de vins de differents pays de la Communaute ueropeenee): 即以来源于欧洲经济共同体成员国家的葡萄酒调配而成 3.采用EEC某国葡萄在法国酿制的葡萄酒(Vin obtenu en France a partir de raisins):即以欧共体成员国生产的葡萄汁在法国酿出的酒。要注意的是欧共体成员国以外的酒是禁止用来调配的。

佐餐葡萄酒 日常佐餐葡萄酒的最低酒精含量不得低于8.5%或9%;最高则不超过15% (酒精含量必须在8.5~15度之间)。其它感官特性因厂家、公司不同而各不相同,但各厂家都努力调配出具稳定酒质的酒以满足顾客们的口味。 日常佐餐葡萄酒通常被冠上商标名称推广;而各商标酒的特性和品质并不一样,透过调配的技术,各酒厂希望生产出品质每年都一致,能迎合市场的酒。

(2) VINS DE PAYS Wines classified as Vins de Pays are the elite of Vins de Table with the right to show their origin on the label. In order to be classified as Vins de Pays a wine must meet the following quality standards:

(2) VINS DE PAYS - it must be made only from approved grapes and must originate from a delimited area whose name it carries ( departement, separate area within a departement or a region covering several departements); - it must have a natural minimum alcohol content of 10% by volume in Mediterranean regions and 9% to 9.5% by volume in other regions; -under analysis, it must have the appropriate characteristics for its type, and it must also have satisfactory taste and aroma. These wines are tested by tasting committees approved by the Office National Interprofessionnel des Vins (ONIVINS).


地区特色葡萄酒 (Vins de Pays) 日常餐酒中最好的酒即升为地区特色葡萄酒; 地区特色葡萄酒的标签上可以标示产区。 要列级为地区特色葡萄酒,必须符合以下的品质标准: 只能使用被认可的葡萄品种,而且必须产自于标签上所标示的特定产区(县内的个别地区,或包含几个县的地区); 在地中海必须要有10%的天然最低酒精含量;其它地区则是9%或9.5%; 经过分析后必须有符合该类酒的相关特性,同时要有令人满意的口味和香味,这些酒得经过Office National Interprofessionnel des Vins (ONIVINS)核准的品酒委员去品尝。

(3) AO VDQS The production of these is strictly regulated and monitored by the National des Appellations d'Origine (INAO). The regulations provide for the issue of a seal of approval by the appropriate winegrowers' association, provided that the wine satisfies a number of conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Agriculture. These conditions concern area under production, grape varieties, minimum alcohol content, maximum yield per hectare, methods of cultivation, vinification methods, analysis of the wine and tasting by an official committee of experts which decides whether the AO VDQS classification shall be granted.

优良地区葡萄酒(VDQS) How many subjects are covered in the rules of VDQS? ·生产的地区 area under production  ·酿酒葡萄品种 grape varieties  ·最低的酒精度 minimum alcoholic content ·每公顷最高产量 maximum yield per hectare ·栽培管理措施 methods of cultivation  ·酿造工艺 vinification methods 

VDQS 优良地区葡萄酒生产也是由INAO严格地规定和查核的,必须符合上述条件; 并通过由专家所组成的正式委员会对酒的分析和品尝,才能获得适当的葡萄酒生产者协会授给等级标志。

(4) AOC (vins d'Appellation d'Origine Controlee) There wines meet conditions for production established by the INAO and officially recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture. The rules, which are stricter than those for AO VDQS, cover the following subjects : area under production, grape variety, minimum alcohol content, maximum yield, methods of cultivation, pruning and vinification, and sometimes even conditions for ageing. All wines seeking an Appellation d'Origine Controlee are analysed and officially tasted.

AOC After the official tasting, any wines considered worthy receive a certificate of approval. this certificate, issued by the INAO, entitles them to be marketed under the name of the appellation for which they applied. Wines which are not approved cannot be sold under the name of the appellation.



法定产区葡萄酒(AOC) 法定产区葡萄酒(AOC)的有关监管法例条文最为严格,这些条例涵盖下列因素:How many subjects are covered in the rules of AOC(VDQS)? ·法定葡萄园范围(原产地区) area under production  ·酿酒葡萄品种 grape varieties  ·最低的酒精度 minimum alcoholic content ·每公顷最高产量 maximum yield per hectare ·葡萄栽培方式(株行距、架式) methods of cultivation  ·酿造工艺 vinification methods  ·修剪方法和管理措施pruning  ·陈酿工艺、陈酿贮藏条件conditions for ageing ·

法定产区葡萄酒(AOC) 法定产区葡萄酒必须符合由INAO*订定且经法国农业部认可的上述生产条件,所有法定产区餐酒都必须经过分析及正式的品尝。 经过正式品尝通过的酒可获INAO授给的证书,才可以用所申请的法定产区名称推广。上述严格的规定确保了法国AOC酒始终如一的高品质。

THE CLASSIFICATION OF ITALIAN WINE (1) DOS ( Denominazione de origin semplice ) Wine made from grapes considered typical of a defined area, vinified according to local traditional methods. (2) DOC (Denominazione de origin controllata) Area of production; grape variety cultivation and vinification controllata methods; yield. (3)DOCG (Denominazione de origin controllata e garantita) This grade has been introduced only recently and very few wines requirements are the same as for the French AOC grade.

意大利葡萄酒的分极规定 意大利根据欧共体的规定,将本国葡萄酒按其质量层次由高到低分三个等级。 —保证及控制来源命名的高级葡萄酒DOCG —意大利佐餐葡萄酒Vino Da Tavola或 DOS

意大利的甜酒,有很多使用特殊的方法制成的。这种方法是在葡萄完全成熟以后采摘下了,放到草席上或用线绳吊挂起来,在阳光下晒干或在屋内阴干。在意大利语中这叫做Passite。 经过晒干或阴干的葡萄失去水分,使得葡萄汁液更加浓缩,糖分更高,就如同用葡萄干酿酒。这样可以酿造更为浓郁的葡萄酒如Amarone或者天然甜酒Passito。

THE CLASSIFICATION OF GERMAN WINE (1) Deutscher Tafelwein Wine made from one of the four areas designated for table wine; minimum alcoholic content. (2) QbA (Qualitatswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete The wines must have the distinctive taste of their locality;minimum alcoholic content; certification number required. (3) QmP(Qualitatswein mit Pradikat)

QmP(Qualitatswein mit Pradikat) Five specially graded wines with requirements according to each grade. Chaptalisation (adding of sugar) not allowed for any of these graded wines. Certification number sensory examination.

QmP - Kabinet Wine made from grapes harvested at the normal time, usually October. Official analysis and sensory examination. - Spatlese Rich wines made from fully ripe grapes harvested after the normal time. - Auslese Wine made from selected fully ripe grapes separately pressed. - Beerenauslese Wine made from ripe and over-ripe berries separately by hand. - Trokenbeerenauslese Noble wine made from grapes shrivelled like raisins affected with botrytis. - Eiswein A rarity in all classes of Pradikatswein. Made from grapes frozen by the first frost. Similar to the previous two grades.

四、 德国葡萄酒的质量分级 德国白葡萄酒产区主要集结在莱茵河(Rhine)与莫舍河(Moselle)两岸: 按照德国酿酒法例,其白葡萄酒的质量等级由低到高分为: —桌酒 (Deutscher Tafelwein) —QbA 级葡萄酒 (Qualitatswein bestimmter Anbaugebiete) —QmP 级葡萄酒(Qualitatswein mit Pradikat)

QmP QmP级葡萄酒为高级白葡萄酒。这类酒酿造过程不允许加糖,而且必须通过专家品评,取得官方鉴定品质的编号,方能标上该质量等级。根据其酿造方式及质量特点又分为5个级别,即: 1. Kabinet: 为高级白葡萄酒中的最普通的一级,酿酒用葡萄采摘于正常成熟的月份,通常为10月采收。所以Kabinet级高级白葡萄酒几乎每年都有酿造。

QmP 2. Spatlese: 为丰收的年份里才能得到的佳酿。Spatlese为用“延迟采摘法”收获的葡萄酿造的酒,即葡萄必须在“法定收成期”之后至少7天才可采摘,这样可使葡萄的含糖量达到标准要求,如此酿造的主要为高级甜白葡萄酒,主要为贵族霉甜葡萄酒。

QmP 3. Auslese: Auslese也指的是高级贵族霉甜葡萄酒,该级别的酒不仅要求原料要“延迟采摘”,还要求原料须经过“特别挑选”。”即将延迟采摘下来葡萄、再细心将最成熟的挑拣出来单独酿制而成,所以这级酒成本更高,如果天气有利,果农会把收成日期尽量拖延。同Spatlese,也为丰收的年份里才能得到的佳酿。

QmP 4. BA (Beerenauslese)与Eiswein: BA与Eiswein的制造方法虽然不一样,但在质量等级上归于同一级别。这一级别及高一级的酒只有在最出色的年份里才能得到,平均每10年内有1-2次。BA级指的是用手工挑选的完熟和过熟葡萄酿的酒。 Eiswein指的是用每年第一次早霜后采摘的霜冻葡萄酿制的酒。

QmP 5. TBA(Trokenbeere nauslese): TBA为用经“贵族霉菌”(Botrytis cinerea)浸染的葡萄原料酿制的贵族霉甜白葡萄酒。 该霉菌浸染后的葡萄果实水分挥发,果实含糖量更高,但果香并不被破坏。然而贵族霉的繁殖滋生,依赖于湿度、气温,因此地理环境,年份便成为贵族霉甜白葡萄酒能否酿造的决定性因素 (对某些产地,不可能每年都会成功)。 

德国葡萄酒的质量分级 1991年德国订立了严格的酒法,只有经政府批准的葡萄园及葡萄品种,才允许酿制葡萄酒出售,且酒精的含量要受到约束。 在产品出厂前必须经专家组的抽样评核,只有达到指定标准的葡萄酒,才可在标签上印上该酒的质量等级并取得官方鉴定品质的编号(A.P.Nr)。 所有葡萄酒必须符合当地特色,至少85%的葡萄必须产自该瓶标签上列明的产区。其标签上,还会见到“Forst”或“Bernkastel”这两个字。“Forst”指的是莱茵酒区内最佳的产区。而“Bernkastel”则指莫舍酒区内最佳的酒区。

The label Wine is a beverage whose style can vary considerably according to where it is produced, how it is vinified, etc. When the labeling is carefully regulated, however, wine drinkers need not be confused about the type of wine in the bottle. Thus EEC and French government regulations stipulate that each label must carry certain information which describes the wine, and they provide sanctions to insure that this information is true and accurate

The label The laws that regulate to wine labeling have plenty of room for the artist who designs the label, but as far as details about the wine itself, the laws are very strict. Before regulations were laid down by the EEC the wine merchant had a free hand on what to state on the label.

The label In describing a quality wine, the specific origin is stated with one of the quality terms according to the country of origin. AOC and VDQS for French wines; DOC and DOCG for Italian wines; QbA and QmP for German wines. Other information such as the type of wine, whether white, rose or red, sweet or dry and the alcohol strength are not compulsory and may be omitted.

THE FRENCH AOC LABEL The AOC are the highest category of French wines. Wines with an Appellation d'Origine Controlee (these words must appear on the label ) are produced within what is often a traditional area.

Obligatory details (1)  Name of the appellation.The words "Appellation d'Origine Controlee" or "Appellation Controlee" the name of the appellation ( e. g. Appellation Bordeaux Controlee). The only wine to which this requirement does not apply is Champagne. (2)  Name and company name of the bottler and the address of his principal establishment. (3)  The nominal volume (volume of liquid which the container is presumed to hold ) in liters (1), centiliters (cl) or milliliters (ml).

Obligatory details (4) Alcohol level per unit or half-unit in percentage by volume. The figure must be followed by "% Vol." And may be preceded by the words " titre alcoometrique acquis" or "alcool acquis" or the abbreviation "Alc." This information must be given on labels of wines moved within the EEC or exported to the US. (5) The wording "France", Produits en France or "Produce of France" is compulsory for exports but is still optional within French territory.

Optional details (6)  Name and address of the owner or group of owners (Cooperative, GIE, etc.) responsible for harvesting. (7)  Name of the vineyard (Cave cooperative, Domaine, Clos, Chateau, etc.) (8)  Indication as to whether the wine is bottled by a cooperative or at the property (Domaine, Chateau ) in the region of production. These details are allowed only if the wine is actually bottled at the place where the grapes were picked and vinified or in the immediate neighborhood.

Optional details (9)  Other additional details such as vintage, qualities and special character of a wine (Vin de Primeur, etcd.), advice for drinking, etc. These details may be given on the label only if they comply with the French and European regulations.

AOC 标签上的必须内容 1. 酒名,也就是法定产酒区名称即:Appellation xxx COntrolee。(若同时标出酒庄名称、品牌名称、葡萄品种名称或葡萄园名称,此法定产酒区名称须重复)。 2. 装瓶地点、装瓶者的名字和公司名称,以及其主要设施的地址,显示装瓶质量责任由装瓶地点业主承担。 Mis en bouteille a la propriete【在(装瓶者之某)物业内装瓶】 Mis en bouteille au chateau【在酒庄内装瓶】

AOC--标签上的必须内容 3. 酒精的百分比含量(按容量计,并以%Vol表示)。 4.酒瓶净容量,并以L(升)或cl(厘升)或ml(毫升)表示,若有e字,表示装瓶过程中已经执行特别工序以确保容量准确。 5.所有出口的葡萄酒必须标明产地国家名称,如法国出品 (Produit de France)。

标签上的非必须内容: a. “名酒”(Grand Vin)不可单独使用,除非能紧接标出相关的法定产酒区名称,亦即表明该酒的生产和质量均完全符合该酒区的所有相关产酒法例要求。 b. 酒庄或品牌标志图案。 c. 该酒曾经获得的奖项,酒庄所属级别也可标出。d. 收成年份,酿酒的葡萄必须来自同一收成年份,年份可以说明葡萄酒的风格与潜质。好 年份就是丰收的年份,酿出来的酒会较浓厚丰满。 e. 酒庄名称或品牌名称。 f. 饮用或储存建议,可以独立标签置于酒瓶背面。 g. 该瓶的生产批号。

The diversity of wine types and hierarchies Wine is the product of a series of complex inter-relationships, between man and nature, between an area and its community, between ecology and society. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is infinitely varied.

The diversity of wine types and hierarchies Fermented products (drink and cheese), are certainly the most varied of agricultural food products, and one can say that wines exist in limitless variety. No two wines are ever identical, wherever they are made, whatever their vintage.

The diversity of wine types In truth, these drinks are called wine simply because they are all made from grapes, for their tastes may bear little relationship to each other. The influences of different climates, numerous grape varieties and new vinification methods have all led to the creation of a large number of different types of wine, which offer a whole range of colours, odours and flavours. Their qualities cannot all be judged by the same norms, and for each type there is a hierarchy based on different criteria.

The diversity of wine types One problem for the winetaster is to know the various wine styles and the quality standards by which to judge them. Wines can only be judged within their category, that is taking into account their origin, their name or brand and their price.

The diversity of wine types This assumes that the taster is fully conversant with all classifications, but no one can have studied all the world's wines and there is no such thing as a truly universal taster. Most winetasters specialize in one wine region or a particular category of wines. To encounter expertise which covers several regions is rare, and several countries even rarer.

The diversity of wine types The problem is also compounded when judging the wines from different countries together, for one ought to take into account the particular tastes of their peoples as well as their eating and drinking habits. Outside their own wine regions tasters should make a special effort to judge from a local viewpoint.

关于对葡萄酒质量与风格的评判 一、葡萄酒的多样性与品尝 虽然葡萄酒都是葡萄经酒精发酵获得的饮料产品。但是,由于众多的葡萄品种,不同气候土壤条件(产地),各具特色的酿造方 法和陈酿方式(人为因素)等。产生了很多类型的葡萄酒(种类、风格)。 葡萄酒的各种类型及风格即葡萄酒的多样性。 每一类葡萄酒都具有其特有的颜色(外观)、香气、口感,及其质量标准。这就要求品尝员要认识被品尝的葡萄酒的类型、风格及质量。 对于众多类型的葡萄酒,因其质量标准不同,因此不能用相同的标准去鉴赏它们的质量。

二、葡萄酒的层次性与品尝 各种类型、风格的葡萄酒有其一定的质量标准。由于品种、产地、年份及酿造工艺陈酿方式的差异,使各种葡萄酒又存在质量上的差异,即各类葡萄酒存在着不同的质量层次。葡萄酒的质量差异即葡萄酒的层次性。 这就要求品尝员还要认识和掌握被品尝的葡萄酒所属的质量层次及各质量层次的质量标准。如我们在品尝同一类葡萄酒时,它们给我们感官刺激的综合表现,使我们得出好酒或差酒的结论,而在最好和最坏极端之间存在着中间水平的质量层次。

三、饮食习惯与品尝 葡萄酒是一种饮料产品,其生存和发展与各地区人民长期形成的饮食习惯密切联系的。葡萄酒存在多种类型、风格多样性,存在质量层次,也与各地的消费习惯相关的。所以,品尝员品尝时,还必须兼顾与该地区、国家人民饮食习惯相联系的特殊的口味。 总之,葡萄酒的多样性、层次性,以及饮食习惯等因素,给葡萄酒的品尝增加了一定的困难,这就要求品尝员努力了解,掌握葡萄酒的“质量、风格”。认识被品尝葡萄酒的类型、层次及有关质量标准,努力提高品尝水平。

四、关于对葡萄酒质量与风格的评判 通过品尝,品尝员评判的主要是葡萄酒的感官质量。 评判时主要依据的是感观标准(主观标准)。可以肯定地讲,只有那些使人舒适、愉快,给人享受,和谐,美感的葡萄酒,其感观质量才是优良的。

葡萄酒质量与风格的评判 综合以上各节内容,可以这样认为: 葡萄酒的感观质量包括两个方面: 一方面是它的层次性(即葡萄酒的质量差异)。这使我们在品尝后,根据葡萄酒给我们的感官刺激的综合表现得出好酒或坏酒,或者处于二者之间的各种中间类型等结论。 另一方面是葡萄酒的风格,即葡萄酒区别于同类其它葡萄酒的令人舒适的独有特征和个性,这使我们品尝后,获得该酒是否具有使人感觉舒适、愉快的个性的结论。即该酒是否具有区别于同类其它葡萄酒的令人舒适的独有特征和个性。

葡萄酒质量与风格的评判 对葡萄酒感观质量进行评判时,品尝员注意的是: 层次性是第一位的,而风格是第二位。但是真正的优质名酒必须同时具备很高的质量和独特而优雅的风格。它不仅外观、香气、口感均浓郁、精美、和谐,而且应富有个性和独有特性。给人以真正的艺术享受,让人过“口”不忘,回味无穷。

思考题 葡萄酒质量、风格(典型性)的定义 影响葡萄酒质量的风格的因素及自然因素和人为因素的关系 根据自然因素对葡萄酒质量的重要程度,如何对葡萄酒进行分类(质量分类) 根据产地特点和酿成酒的质量,将产地分为哪几类? 根据葡萄品种的遗传特性和酿成酒的质量,将品种分为哪几类?

思考题 法国葡萄酒按照质量高低分为哪几级? 法国AOC酒是限定了哪些因素生产出来的? 法国葡萄酒标签必须标明的内容 德国葡萄酒按照质量高低分为哪几级?Qmp级又分为哪几级? 意大利白葡萄酒按照质量高低分为哪几级? 葡萄酒检验中A类、B类不合格分别包括哪些项目? 葡萄酒的多样性、层次性的含义 如何才能正确评判葡萄酒的质量和风格?

??QUALITY AND STYLE OF WINE 1. Definition of quality, style, and typicity. 2.What are the factors influencing quality and style of wine and how about the relationship between the natural factors and the artificial ones? 3. How to classify the wines according to the importance of the natural factors acting on the wine? 4. How to classify the origin of wine according to the characteristics of the origin and the product quality? 5. How to classify the variety of wine according to the heritage characteristics of the variety and the product quality? 6. How about the classification of French wines? 7. What are controlled when making AOC of French wines? 8. What must be written on the label of French wines? 9. How about the classification of Germany wines? 10. How about the classification of Italian wines? 11. Which indexes are included in the A and B substandard respectively when analyzing the wine? 12. Definition of diversity and hierarchic of wine. 13. How to judge the quality and style of wine?

Thanks! Thanks!