He is considered by many people as a new era of index in Hong Kong pop music, He is also considered by most people as Hong Kong pop music big cheese, Jacky.


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Presentation transcript:

He is considered by many people as a new era of index in Hong Kong pop music, He is also considered by most people as Hong Kong pop music big cheese, Jacky cheung's successor[səkˈsɛsɚ] , he is also another successful Hongkong singer in Taiwan after Jacky Cheung 他被许多人认为是香港流行音乐新时代的指标人物之一,他亦被多数人认为是香港流行音乐泰山级人物张学友的接班人,他也是续张学友后另一个在台湾获得成功的香港歌手

Most of his songs are written about vicissitudes[vəˈsɪsəˌtjudz] and helpless after breaking up, or old flame meeting after many years . 他的歌大多数都是写分手后的沧桑和无奈的,或者是多年后旧情人相遇的情景

Do you konw who is he?

He is ! eason

Eason chan ,now in the Hong Kong music scene, from the voice to the bottom of the sound, is the most powerful singer,there are always a lot of rising star to imitate his style, but not popular. This years , his throne in the mainstream music beautiful sound has nerver wavered.  陈奕迅是现今香港乐坛中,由声线至声底均属最有实力的歌手,一向有不少后起之秀模仿他的唱法,但都红不起来。这几年,他在主流乐坛里的靓声宝座都没有动摇过。

Some of the singer is known for its distinctive features Some of the singer is known for its distinctive features . However,eason chan is a singer who wants to try various of styles. Whatever the adagio love songs, explosive fast songs , or Hip Hop, Rap, R&B , Jazz... Eason chan has sung in the past ten years , and almost all have very good interpretation . Relative to limit album in a style , Eason chan is more like to raise a "concept" leading the album, either in the subject or music . 某些歌手是以鲜明的特点而著称的。然而陈奕迅属于那种什么风格都想尝试的歌手。无论慢板情歌,劲爆快歌,抑或Hip-Hop、Rap、R&B、Jazz……陈奕迅在十余年间都有献唱,而且几乎都有非常出色的演绎。相对于将专辑限制于一种风格中,陈奕迅更喜欢以一种“概念”引领专辑,无论是主题上的还是音乐上的。

The biggest characteristic[ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk] of Eason chan singing is emotional expression, his singing skills is very high but not easily to show off 陈奕迅歌唱的最大特点是感情表现,他的唱歌技巧很高但并不轻易炫耀

Lin xi regard Leslie cheung and wang fei as their arms, but compare eason chan to his soul . many songs Lin xi wroten to eason chan need time and experience to spell over . 林夕把张国荣和王菲当作自己的双臂,却将陈奕迅比为自己的心灵,林夕写给陈奕迅的许多歌都需要时间和经历才能读得明白。

He is considered by many people as "song god" Jacky cheung's successor . 他被很多人认为是“歌神”张学友的接班人.

Since his debut in music in1995, Eason has won more than 150 trophies[ˈtrəufiz] .

Many people say, the person,who listen to Eason's song, all have a story. 很多人说,听陈奕迅的人,都有一段故事。

As long as you have emotion, he can help you sing it out As long as you have emotion, he can help you sing it out. Write each person's story, sing a person's song, to everyone who have love. 只要你能有的情绪,他就可以帮你唱出来。写每个人的故事,唱一个人的歌,送给每个有爱的人。

As long as a loving person, you have been loved, or love anyone else, Families, friends, lovers. Our body have too much emotion. But having all these feelings, then you must understand why we have a passion for the curly hair old man. 只要是有爱的人,你被人爱过,或者爱过别人,家人,朋友,爱人。我们身上拥有太多的情感。但凡是有这些情感,那你一定明白我们为什么如此钟爱这个卷发的老男人。

Looks like a big kid, eason chan can integrate into them with the fastest speed as long as he meet with music. No matter what themes is, He is dedicated to deduce songs in the near future . Eason chan’s love of singing is a kind of pure love . 看起来陈奕迅像个大小孩,可只要一碰到音乐他就可以以最快的速度融入其中。无论什么主题,他都全心去演绎出歌曲的神采。陈奕迅对歌唱的挚爱是一种纯真的爱。

The studio, eason chan always strive for songs emotional expression service. While in concert, we often see some of his bold, exaggerated[ɪɡˈzædʒəˌret] stage performance. He knew that one is give a person with long-lasting taste, and the other one is to pay attention to field interaction. 录音室中,陈奕迅总是力求为歌曲的情感表现服务。而在演唱会上,我们常会看到他的一些大胆、夸张的舞台表现。他清楚,一个是给人以持久的品味的,另一个则是注重现场互动。

May 2, 2008, Eason chan was elected in 2008 the 29th Beijing Olympic male celebrity torchbearers in the Hong Kong special administrative region 2008 年5月2日,陈奕迅当选为2008年第29届中国北京奥运香港特别行政区男明星火炬手 2008 年5月2日,陈奕迅当选为2008年第29届中国北京奥运香港特别行政区男明星火炬手

Eason chan was Described as Hongkong music style character by time magazine. 陈奕迅被《时代杂志》形容为影响香港乐坛风格的人物


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