生动 易学 详细 初级英语语法 (小升初英语四轮复习法之一) 育英科技 王衡英语.


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Presentation transcript:

生动 易学 详细 初级英语语法 (小升初英语四轮复习法之一) 育英科技 王衡英语

一、冠词讲解 1、什么是冠词: 冠词放在名词之前,用来说明名词所指的人或事物。 2、冠词分类: 定冠词:the 不定冠词:a 和 an 3、冠词含义: “the”相当于“this/that/these/those”,翻译成“这” “a和an”相当于“one”,翻译成“一个、一只……” 4、冠词特点: (1)它们本身都不能单独使用 ,必须和名词一起使用。 (2) a/an + 单数可数名词 the + 可数名词/不可数名词,单复数均可,表示特指。 如:a dog , an orange , the dog, the dogs, the water, the hair

一、冠词讲解 5、冠词用法——不定冠词a/an 的用法: ⑴用在单数名词前,表一类或一个事物 如:He is a girl. ⑵用于第一次提到的和泛指的“单数可数名词” 如:Do you have a ruler? ⑶用于某些固定词组中 如:a lot of ⑷an 和a 的用法相同,只是an要用于以元音音素开头的单词前,而a用于辅音音素开头的单词前。 如:a pen,an old man ,an hour ,a baby

一、冠词讲解 练习:用a和an填空 ____ useful bag ____ apple ____ umbrella ____ old man ____ European ____ big pig ____ egg ____ orange ____ hot dog ____ pencil-box ____ hour ____ nice boy There is _____ "u" in the word "hour". There is _____"h" in the word "hour".

一、冠词讲解 6、冠词用法——定冠词the 的用法: (1)句子中第一次出现名词时,用an/a,第二次出现时用the 如:There is a dog on the table, I like it very much because the dog is so cute. (2)the放在名词之前,相当于this,表示特指,可以翻译为“这”, 如:the book(=this book)这本书 (3)The+形容词 代表“一类人”, 如:the old 老年人 the young 年轻人 the poor 穷人

文章中第一次出现woman,用了“an” the的特殊用法:the+形容词,表示“一类人” 文章中第二次出现cat,用了“the” 文章第一次出现mouse,用了“a” 文章中第一次出现woman,用了“an” 文章第一次出现cat,用了“a” 文章第二次出现mouse,用了the The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I had caught a lot of mice, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young." 文章第二次出现woman,用了the “a” 的固定短语:a lot of 表示“许多的”意思 the的特殊用法:the+形容词,表示“一类人”

二、量词用法 1、什么是量词? 表示物体数量的词 2、量词种类 (1)精确数字: one, two, three, four, five, six....等表示精确数字的数词。用来修饰可数名词的数量。 例如:two apples , five dogs (2) 表示“一些”、“许多”的词或词组: 许多:much, many, a lot of…… 一些、一点:some, a little, a few…… 等表示不精确数量的词。 例:many books , much water , a lot of cats (3)用容器单位来表示数量的量词 a cup of ,a bottle of ,a piece of...等。常用来修饰不可数名词。 例如:a cup of water,a bottle of milk (4)成双成对的表达 : a pair of + glasses 、trousers、shoes……

二、量词用法 量 词 修饰可数名词 修饰不可数名词 举 例 many many students much much money a lot of a lot of apples/water a few a few dogs a little a little water some some dogs/money a cup of a cup of tea/coffee a glass of a glass of water a piece of a piece of paper

三、名词 一、名词分类: 不可数名词和可数名词 二、可数与不可数名词的区别: 1、可数名词:普通名词所表示的人或事物是可以按个数计算的,这类名词叫可数名词 如:bag-bags desk-desks 2、不可数名词:普通名词所表示的事物是不能按个数来计算的,这类名词就叫不可数名词 如:water,air,food

三、名词 三、可数与不可数名词特点: 1、可数名词特点: ①单数可数名词前必须要加冠词“a/an/the” 如:a boy, an apple, the bird ②复数可数名词,遵循单复数变化规则 如:a boy-two boys an box-four boxes 2、不可数名词特点: ①前不加冠词“a/an” ②后不加复数形式“s/es” 如:some water , two sheep

三、名词 四、不可数名词分类: 1、液体:water,tea,coffee,juice…… 2、气体:air(空气) 3、肉类:meat, beef, chicken 鸡肉 4、种类名称 :food 食品,fruit 水果,money 钱 5、抽象名词:love 爱, time 时间,

三、名词 五、如何表达不可数名词的“量” 1、不可数名词的量有以下两种表示方法: (1) some, much ,a little ,a lot of  ,a bit of , plenty of 用等表示多少 如:如there is much water in the bottle . (2)用结构:“数词 +量词 +of + 名词” 如:two cups of coffee

三、名词 六、小学中常见不可数名词: water(水) milk(牛奶) tea(茶) Juice(果汁) hair(头发) coffee(咖啡) bread(面包) rice(米饭) rain(雨) grass(草) paper(纸) money(钱) film(胶卷) chocolate(巧克力) beef(牛肉) butter(黄油) candy(糖果) chicken (鸡肉) Coke (可乐) fish(鱼肉)

baby, box, bus, butterfly , child , city , class , factory ,family ,

练习 用所给名词的适当形式填空。 1. How many________ (sheep) are there on the hill?   2. There is some________ (food) in the basket.   3. The baby has only two________ (tooth) now.   4. There is a lot of________ (water) in the bottle.   5. There are five________ (people ) in his family.   6. Let's take________ (photo), OK?   7. I have lots of________ (tomato) here.   8. The________ (leaf) on the tree turn-yellow.

练习 9. The________ (child) are playing games on the playground now.   10. Their________( dictionary) look new.   11. I see you have a few white________ (hair).   12. They are________ (woman) doctors.   13. Can you give me some bottles of ____ (orange), please?   14. There are many________ (fox) in the picture.   15. I would like some apple________ (juice). I am very thirsty.

一、可数名词单复数变化规则 规 则 举 例 1、一般情况,在名词后直接加 s bag--bags book--books 2、以“s / x / ch / sh ”结尾的名词,加 es bus--buses box--boxes watch-watches peach-peaches 3、以辅音母字加 y 结尾的名词,去 y 变 i 加 es baby-babies story-stories family-families 4、以 o 字母结尾的名词,有生命的加 es ,无生命的加 s hero-heroes negro-negroes potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes zoo-zoos

一、可数名词单复数变化规则 规 则 举 例 5、以“ f ”或 “fe”结尾的名词,去“f”或“fe” 加 “ves” wife-wives wolf-wolves knife-knives life-lives 6、单复同形,即单数复数形式一样。 sheep、 deer 、 fish 、people a sheep two sheep 7、特殊变化 man-men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth 8、表示“国家人”的词 (1)单复同形 中(Chinese)日(Japanese)瑞(Swiss) (2)把 “a” 变成 “e” 英(Englishman-Englishmen) 法(Frenchman- Franchmen) (3)直接加“s”的 德(German-Germans) 美(American-Americans)

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