Ocean on the east coast _________________ Ocean on the west cost __________________ Country to the north of USA __________________ Country to the south.


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Presentation transcript:

Ocean on the east coast _________________ Ocean on the west cost __________________ Country to the north of USA __________________ Country to the south of USA ________________ Mountains range in the west ______________________ Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Canada Mexico Rocky Mountains

Great Lakes : Longest river in the USA : Some important cities: Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario Mississippi River New York, Washington D C, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New Orleans

San Francisco Los Angeles Houston Boston New York Washington, D.C Rocky Mountains Mexico Chicago Canada Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean the Mississippi

Superior Michigan Erie Huron Ontario

Pacific ocean Gulf of Mexico Atlantic Ocean CANADA MEXICO Rocky Mountains Mississipppi River California

California (one of the 50 states of the USA)

borders nickname the third largest the largest population California, a state in the western USA, borders the Pacific Ocean. It has an official nickname “Golden State”. California is the third largest state in the USA with the largest population. Its capital Los Angeles is California’s largest and the nation’s second largest city. A brief introduction

illustrates Look at the pictures below. Each illustrates something about California. Discuss in groups what each picture means to you. A native American Indian was standing beside a camp It seemed that he felt very happy. Maybe he had a good harvest.

Native California Indians

 He was a gold miner. He was panning gold. He looked not only thin and weak, but also thirsty and tired. It was difficult for them to achieve the dream of becoming rich.

California gold miners around 1849

A building in Chinatown Many Chinese have settled in California and many of them live in Chinatown in San Francisco. By 1990,the nations being immigrated from different parts of the world had made California into the most racially and ethnically diverse state in the country.

Chinatowns in California

Fast reading What’s the topic of this text? A. the culture of California B. the history of California C. the climate of California D. the population of California

Native Americans 1.Time: years ago 2.Where did they come from: from Asia to Alaska 3.What happened in the sixteenth century? were killed by Europeans slavery were forced into slavery died from died from the diseases brought by Europeans survived survived the terrible times Native Americans

The Spanish 16 th century 18 th century in 1821 in 1846 Influence: today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language Spanish soldiers arrived and took their land California was ruled by Spain California became part of Mexico Mexico gave California to the United States

Russians & Gold Miners True or false statements: 1.In the early 1800s, Russian fur trappers began settling in California. 2.In 1848, before the American-Mexican war, gold was discovered in California. 3.A lot of adventurers achieved their dream of becoming rich. 4.California become the thirty-first state of the United states of America in after Few

StagePeopleTimeEvent arrivals Later arrivals AfricansMoved from Mexico ChineseBuild the railway JapaneseFarm DenmarkEstablished a town Jewishfilm industry Italians Fished and made wine Africans Worked in ship& aircraft industries 1860s 1800s Late 1900s By the 1920s Early 1900s 1911

StagePeopleTimeEvent Recent arrivals Indians, Pakistanis Worked in Computer industry Cambodians Koreans Vietnamese Laotians Immigrated Future Different parts Future Immigrate Recent decades 1970s

distinct adj. 清晰的;明显的;明确的 be distinct in... 在 …… 方面与 …… 不同 distinct from... 与 …… 不同(的)

完成句子 ①我们必须分清是非。 We must ______ ______ clear ______ ______ right and wrong. ②这两种观点截然不同。 Those two ideas are quite ______ ______ each other. 答案:① make a ; distinction between ② distinct from

2. means n. 手段;方法(单数和复数形式相 同) Only by this means can you do it well. 只有通过这种办法你才能做好此事。 常用结构: by means of 通过;借助 …… by all means 一定,务必;尽一切办法; by no means 决不,一点也不(位于句首 时,句子用部分 倒装) by every means 尽一切可能的办法 be any means 无论如何;以任何方式 means of transportation 交通方式

完成句子 ①这绝非是解决问题的良计。 This is ______ ______ ______ a good way to solve the problem. ②他借助一根绳子慢慢地下来了。 He let himself down slowly ______ ______ ______ a rope. ③你务必在他去新加坡之前提醒他。 You should ______ ______ ______ warn him before he leaves for Singapore . 答案:① by no means ② by means of ③ by all means

1. —May I have a look at your book? —______. A. By this means B. By all means C. By this way D. By any means B 2. Every possible means ______ been tried , and we find only ______ this means can we do it well. ( 2010·9· 山东烟台检测) A. have; in B. have; by C. has; in D. has; by D

绝对别误认知识就是就是智慧。知识助 你谋生,智慧使你不虚此生。 Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living ; the other helps you make a life. make a life, make a living

make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作 等;谋生 make/earn a living 谋生 come to life 变得活跃起来;苏醒过 来 lead/live a…life 过着 …… 的生活 bring sb/sth to life 使某人 / 某物苏醒 bring back to life 使复生

【活学活用】 (1)Many farmers in China go to cities__________ ________( 谋生 ) . (2)They went to the West and _______________________( 决心去适 应新生活 ) . (3)The rescue team __________________________( 使婴 儿苏醒过来了 ) . to make a living decided to make a life there brought the baby back to life

1.the third largest state 2.have the largest population 3.the most multicultural state 4.have the distinction of 5.live on 6.it is likely that… 7.by means of… 8.a land bridge 9.in prehistoric times 10.after the arrival of … 11.in addition 12.survive the terrible times 13.take the land 14.along the northwest coast of 15.teach the Catholic religion to Useful expressions 第三个最大的州 人口最多 最具多元文化的州 有 … 的特征 继续生活 / 靠 … 生活 很有可能 …… 通过 …… 大陆桥 在史前时期 在 … 来到之后 此外, 另外 经历恐怖时期而活了下来 夺去了土地 在 … 西北沿海地区 向 … 传授天主教

16. 从 … 获得了独立 17. 向 … 宣战 18. 在 … 仍保持 … 的影响 19. 把 … 作为第一或第二语言 20. 住在 … 内和周边地区 21. 发财梦 22. 圆了 … 梦 23. 一个多元文化的社会 24. 在淘金热时期 25. 吸引了更大批量的人到 … 26. 保持着自己的文化 27. 建立一个电影行业 28. 在最近的几十年里 29. 多种国籍的混合 30. 主要的种族或文化群体 gain one’s independence from declare war on a strong…influence in as a first or second language live in and around the dream of becoming rich achieve one’s dream of a multicultural society during the Gold Rush Period bring even larger numbers to keep up one’s culture establish a film industry in more recent decades the mix of nationalities major racial or cultural groups

Using language GEORGE’S DIARY JUNE

Alcatraz Island prizon

Fisherman’s Wharf

China town

Careful reading Fill in the blanks with words in the passage. Monday ____straight to hotel and______ luggage, then went __________ Rode on __________________ Visited _____________________ went dropped exploring a cable car Fisherman’s Wharf Paragraph 1

Tuesday _________________ a couple from hotel and _______ a car. Spend all day ________________ In evening, went to ____________ Teamed up with hired driving around city Chinatown Para 2

Wednesday Took ferry to _______________ and had a good view of __________________________ Angel Island Golden Gate Bridge para3

team up with: 与 … 合作 / 一起工作 他与一个有经验的工人一起合作这个项目. He teamed up with an experienced worker in the project. Let’s team up! 我们联起手来吧!

1)He had nowhere to live in, so we took him in. 2)The dress needs to be taken in. 3)They listened to my lecture, but how much did they take in, I wonder? 4)Don’t let yourself be taken in by these politicians. 接纳 改小 理解 欺骗

翻译句子 ( 注意 take in 的意思 ) (1)I couldn't take in the professor's lecture at all. It was too difficult for me. ______________________________________ 。 (2)Don't be taken in by his charming appearance; he's completely cold. _______________________________________ ________ 。 (3)The club took in a new member last week. _______________________________________ 。 我根本理解不了这位教授的讲座,这 对我来说太难了 不要被他那副讨人喜欢的外表所迷惑,其实 他冷酷无情 俱乐部上星期又吸收了一名新会员

take in 包括;吸收;接纳;欺骗;了解 take along 随身带着 take apart 拆开 take down 取下;记下 take back 取回,带回;收回说过的话 take up 开始 ( 从事 ) ;占用 ( 时间, 空间 ) take over 继承,接收,接管 take off 脱下 ( 衣服等 ) ;起飞 take on 承担,从事;呈现

根据句意用 take 短语完成句子 (1)The salesman finds it easy ____________old ladies. (2)The small village ____________a new look since the kind­hearted photographer came into it. (3)Hurry up! The plane ____________in ten minutes. (4)I won't _________much of your time. to take in has taken on is taking off take up

There’s a great drive marked out for tourists. 有一条用线为游客画出界线的大道。 drive n. used in the names of roads 路, 大道 They live at 141 Park Drive. 他们住在公园路 141 号。 mark out 划线标出 … 界限 mark out a car-park

mark out 画线;标出 …… 的界线 mark sb out for sth 选出 / 选定某人做某事 mark out for 看中;选定

【活学活用】 (1) 他们用白漆标出了网球场的界线。 They _____________the tennis court________________. (2) 已经选出几名出色的学生进行专门训练。 Some of the best pupils _____________________________________. marked out with white paint have been marked out for special training