活化經典,豐富人生 革卦 變革管理,順天應人


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Presentation transcript:

活化經典,豐富人生 革卦 變革管理,順天應人 minderchen@gmail.com Minder Chen, Ph.D. Professor of Management Information Systems Martin V. Smith School of Business and Economics California State University Channel Islands Camarillo, CA 93012 minderchen@gmail.com http://faculty.csuci.edu/minder.chen/china/

變革 變動不居,周流六虛,上下無常, 剛柔相易,不可以為典要,唯變所適。 〈繫辭傳〉 念念遷謝。新新不住。…變化密移。我誠不覺。 寒暑遷流。漸至於此。 《楞嚴經》波斯匿王 之語 煢煢白兔,東走西顧;衣不如新,人不如故。-漢古艷歌 (註: 煢音窮 ). There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Those who by valorous ways become princes, like these men, acquire a principality with difficulty, but they keep it with ease. The difficulties they have in acquiring it arise in part from the new rules and methods which they are forced to introduce to establish their government and its security. And it ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them. Thus it happens that whenever those who are hostile have the opportunity to attack they do it like partisans, whilst the others defend lukewarmly, in such wise that the prince is endangered along with them. A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promise. Niccolo Machiavelli A return to first principles in a republic is sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example. Niccolo Machiavelli A son can bear with equanimity the loss of his father, but the loss of his inheritance may drive him to despair. Niccolo Machiavelli A wise ruler ought never to keep faith when by doing so it would be against his interests. Niccolo Machiavelli Before all else, be armed. Niccolo Machiavelli Benefits should be conferred gradually; and in that way they will taste better. Niccolo Machiavelli Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage. Niccolo Machiavelli For among other evils caused by being disarmed, it renders you contemptible; which is one of those disgraceful things which a prince must guard against. Niccolo Machiavelli God is not willing to do everything, and thus take away our free will and that share of glory which belongs to us. Niccolo Machiavelli Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil. Niccolo Machiavelli He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command. Niccolo Machiavelli Hence it comes about that all armed Prophets have been victorious, and all unarmed Prophets have been destroyed. Niccolo Machiavelli I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. Niccolo Machiavelli If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared. Niccolo Machiavelli It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. Niccolo Machiavelli It is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver. Niccolo Machiavelli It is much more secure to be feared than to be loved. Niccolo Machiavelli It is necessary for him who lays out a state and arranges laws for it to presuppose that all men are evil and that they are always going to act according to the wickedness of their spirits whenever they have free scope. Niccolo Machiavelli It is not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles. Niccolo Machiavelli Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions. Niccolo Machiavelli Men are so simple and yield so readily to the desires of the moment that he who will trick will always find another who will suffer to be tricked. Niccolo Machiavelli Men ought either to be indulged or utterly destroyed, for if you merely offend them they take vengeance, but if you injure them greatly they are unable to retaliate, so that the injury done to a man ought to be such that vengeance cannot be feared. Niccolo Machiavelli Men rise from one ambition to another: first, they seek to secure themselves against attack, and then they attack others. Niccolo Machiavelli Men should be either treated generously or destroyed, because they take revenge for slight injuries - for heavy ones they cannot. Niccolo Machiavelli Men shrink less from offending one who inspires love than one who inspires fear. Niccolo Machiavelli Nature that framed us of four elements, warring within our breasts for regiment, doth teach us all to have aspiring minds. Niccolo Machiavelli Never was anything great achieved without danger. Niccolo Machiavelli No enterprise is more likely to succeed than one concealed from the enemy until it is ripe for execution. Niccolo Machiavelli Of mankind we may say in general they are fickle, hypocritical, and greedy of gain. Niccolo Machiavelli One change always leaves the way open for the establishment of others. Niccolo Machiavelli One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived. Niccolo Machiavelli Politics have no relation to morals. Niccolo Machiavelli Princes and governments are far more dangerous than other elements within society. Niccolo Machiavelli Severities should be dealt out all at once, so that their suddenness may give less offense; benefits ought to be handed ought drop by drop, so that they may be relished the more. Niccolo Machiavelli Since it is difficult to join them together, it is safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking. Niccolo Machiavelli Tardiness often robs us opportunity, and the dispatch of our forces. Niccolo Machiavelli The distinction between children and adults, while probably useful for some purposes, is at bottom a specious one, I feel. There are only individual egos, crazy for love. Niccolo Machiavelli The fact is that a man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among so many who are not virtuous. Niccolo Machiavelli The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. Niccolo Machiavelli The main foundations of every state, new states as well as ancient or composite ones, are good laws and good arms you cannot have good laws without good arms, and where there are good arms, good laws inevitably follow. Niccolo Machiavelli The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it. Niccolo Machiavelli The new ruler must determine all the injuries that he will need to inflict. He must inflict them once and for all. Niccolo Machiavelli The one who adapts his policy to the times prospers, and likewise that the one whose policy clashes with the demands of the times does not. Niccolo Machiavelli The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present. Niccolo Machiavelli The question is, then, do we try to make things easy on ourselves or do we try to make things easy on our customers, whoever they may be? Niccolo Machiavelli The wise man does at once what the fool does finally. Niccolo Machiavelli The wish to acquire more is admittedly a very natural and common thing; and when men succeed in this they are always praised rather than condemned. But when they lack the ability to do so and yet want to acquire more at all costs, they deserve condemnation for their mistakes. Niccolo Machiavelli There are three kinds of intelligence: one kind understands things for itself, the other appreciates what others can understand, the third understands neither for itself nor through others. This first kind is excellent, the second good, and the third kind useless. Niccolo Machiavelli There is no avoiding war; it can only be postponed to the advantage of others. Niccolo Machiavelli There is no surer sign of decay in a country than to see the rites of religion held in contempt. Niccolo Machiavelli There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Niccolo Machiavelli To understand the nature of the people one must be a prince, and to understand the nature of the prince, one must be of the people. Niccolo Machiavelli War is just when it is necessary; arms are permissible when there is no hope except in arms. Niccolo Machiavelli War should be the only study of a prince. He should consider peace only as a breathing-time, which gives him leisure to contrive, and furnishes as ability to execute, military plans. Niccolo Machiavelli We cannot attribute to fortune or virtue that which is achieved without either. Niccolo Machiavelli When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred. Niccolo Machiavelli Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great. Niccolo Machiavelli Whoever conquers a free town and does not demolish it commits a great error and may expect to be ruined himself. Niccolo Machiavelli Whosoever desires constant success must change his conduct with the times. Niccolo Machiavelli - Machiavelli on Change

《易經》思維動動腦 討論「窮則變,變則通,通則久。」的道理。一定要到「窮」了才求變革嗎?試探討變革成功的要素? 為何人們在很多事物的變革中會有抗拒的心理?但是為什麼又對某些事物(如新車、新衣服)喜新厭舊?其或喜或厭之間的原因究竟何在? 歷代變法或企業再造甚少有成功者,原因何在?試舉例說明。 管理變革的過程可分那幾個階段?各階段的管理重點為何? 試論在變革之際,溝通的重要性。如何溝通?向誰溝通?

變革管理的三個階段 傳統變革管理的三個階段是: 解凍 (unfreezing):先將現狀加以的準備和啟動階段,了解推動和抗拒改革的各方勢力; 改革階段(changing):從各方面進行改革,以改變組織的現狀態; 鞏固凍結階段(refreezing):改變既成,應將其成果制度化以求穩定,使其能維持能長久。 Kurt Lewin, Field Theory in Social Sciences, New York: Harper and Row, 1951.


革卦:變革管理,順天應人 卦辭:己日乃孚,元亨利貞,悔亡。 革 [澤火] — 第49卦 卦辭:己日乃孚,元亨利貞,悔亡。 彖曰:革:水火相息,二女同居,其志不相得,曰革。巳日乃孚,革而信也。文明以說,大亨以正,革而當,其悔乃亡。天地革而四時成,湯武革命,順乎天而應乎人,革之時大矣哉! 象曰:澤中有火,革;君子以治歷明時。 序卦傳:井道不可不革,故受之以革。 雜卦傳:革,去故也;鼎,取新也。 孔子觀於東流之水,子貢問曰:「君子所見大水必觀焉,何也?」孔子對曰:「以其不息,且徧與諸生而不為也。夫水有似乎德,其流也,則卑下倨拘必循其理,此似義;浩浩乎無屈盡之期,此似道;流行赴百仞之谿而不懼,此似勇;至量必平之,此似法;盛而不求概,此似正;綽約微達,此似察;發源必東,此似志;以出以入,萬物就此化絜,此似善化也。水之德有若此,是故君子見必觀焉。」

革卦:變革管理,順天應人 爻題 爻辭 小象辭 初九 鞏用黃牛之革。 「鞏用黃牛」,不可以有為也。 六二 己日乃革之,征吉,无咎。 「己日革之」,行有嘉也。 九三 征凶,貞厲,革言三就,有孚。 「革言三就」,又何之矣? 九四 悔亡,有孚;改命,吉。 「改命」之吉,信志也。 九五 大人虎變,未占有孚。 「大人虎變」,其文炳也。 上六 君子豹變,小人革面,征凶,居貞吉。 「君子豹變」,其文蔚也。小人革面,順以從君也。

序卦傳 序卦傳:井道不可不革,故受之以革。 《易程傳》 革,〈序卦〉:「井道不可不革,故受之以革。」井之為物,存之則穢敗,易之則清潔,不可不革者也,故井之後,受之以革也。為卦,兌上離下,澤中有火也。革,變革也。水火,相息之物,水滅火,火涸水,相變革者也。火之性上,水之性下,若相違行,則睽而已。乃火在下,水在上,相就而相尅,相滅息者也,所以為革也。又二女同居,而其歸各異,其志不同,為不相得也,故為革也。

治革 金文 魯實先曰:張革待乾之形。《文字析義注》p. 54. 甲骨文 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5958fe3a0102dyvp.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leather_production_processes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leather_production_processes#/media/File:Ledertrocknung_in_Suai.jpg

說文解「革」 「 革,獸皮治去其毛,革更之。象古文革之形。凡革之屬皆从革。」革,更也。二字雙聲。治去其毛。是更改之義。故引伸爲凡更新之用。 - 段玉裁《說文解字注》 《詩·召南》羔羊之革。《傳》革,猶皮也。《疏》獸皮治去其毛曰革。《玉篇》改也。 http://www.pdfclassicbooks.com/crafts-hobbies/leatherworking-leathercraft/home-tanning-and-leather-making-guide-how-to-tan-hides-and-make-leather-at-home/prod_653.html 《說文》古文革 从三十。三十年爲一世,而道更也。 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5958fe3a0102dyvp.html http://www.vividict.com/WordInfo.aspx?id=3641

卦辭和彖辭 【卦辭】己日乃孚,元亨利貞,悔亡。 【彖辭】革,水火相息;二女同居,其志不相得,曰「革」。「己日乃孚」,革而信之。文明以說,大「亨」以正,革而當,其「悔」乃「亡」。天地革而四時成,湯武革命,順乎天而應乎人,革之時大矣哉! 《易程傳》 革者,變其故也。變其故,則人未能遽信,故必己日,然後人心信從。元亨利貞,悔亡,弊壞而後革之,革之所以致其通也,故革之而可以大亨;革之而利於正,道則可久而得去故之義;无變動之悔,乃悔亡也。革而无甚益,猶可悔也,況反害乎?古人所以重改作也。

己日乃孚 己日的「己」字,不同版本用不同的字而做不同之解釋: 「己日」:「己」是十個天干「甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸。」是天干中的第六位。若以天干來記時日的一個循環則己日是剛好前半段的五日已過,而後半段的五日剛開始,是「交變」之時,表示變革的時機已成熟,此時才進行變革,比較容易得到眾人的信服。「己日乃孚」另一解釋是表示變革過程中已進行過半,而有一些成果出來了,所以得到多數人的信服。蠱卦卦辭曰:「蠱:元亨,利涉大川。先甲三日,後甲三日。」以天干記日,故筆者採用此解。「己」之後是「庚」,庚有更改之義。根據《康熙字典》對「庚」字的解釋:《玉篇》:「庚猶更也。」《易·巽卦》「先庚三日,後庚三日吉。」《周易本義》:「庚,更也;事之變也。先庚三日,丁也;後庚三日,癸也。丁所以丁寧於其變之前,癸所以揆度於其變之後。」 「已日」:做已經解,即已經有成果之時。王弼注作此解。「完成之日眾人才會相信。已日,「已經的已」,已日意指變革已經完成的那一天。革命成功的那一天。*」 「巳日」: 「巳」是地支的第六位。十二地支為「子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥。」 *http://www.eee-learning.com/book/neweee49

巳字說文 魯實先先生曰:「象腹中之胎。」《文字析義注》 巳,《説文解字》:巳,巳也。四月,陽氣巳出,陰氣巳藏,萬物見,成文章,故巳爲蛇,象形。凡巳之屬皆從巳。  魯實先先生曰:「象腹中之胎。」《文字析義注》

大「亨」以正,革而當,其「悔」乃「亡」。 革卦的元亨利貞 【卦辭】己日乃孚,元亨利貞,悔亡。 【彖辭】革,水火相息;二女同居,其志不相得,曰「革」。 「己日乃孚」,革而信之。 文明以說, 大「亨」以正,革而當,其「悔」乃「亡」。 天地革而四時成,湯武革命順乎天而應乎人,革之時大矣哉! 〈乾文言〉元者善之長也,亨者嘉之會也,利者義之和也,貞者事之幹也。君子體仁足以長人,嘉會足以合禮,利物足以和義,貞固足以幹事。君子行此四德者,故曰:乾,元、亨、利、貞。

朱熹《周易正義》 【卦辭】己日乃孚,元亨利貞,悔亡。 彖曰:革,水火相息,二女同居,其志不相得,曰革。 以卦象釋卦名義,大略與睽相似,然以相違而為睽,相息而為革也。息,滅息也,又為生息之義,滅息而後生息也。 已日乃孚,革而信之。文明以說,大亨以正,革而當,其悔乃亡。 說,音悅,當去聲。以卦德釋卦辭。 天地革而四時成,湯武革命,順乎天而應乎人。革之時大矣哉。 極言而贊其大也。 自然之象 人倫之象 元亨利貞

破與立 有破才有立,破易立不易。 能立方去破,隨破隨即立。 破立不對立,不破亦能立。

象曰:澤中有火,革;君子以治歷明時。 【大象】澤中有火,革;君子以治歷明時。 《禮記·大傳》:「立權度量,考文章,改正朔,易服色,殊徽號,異器械,別衣服,此其所得與民變革者也。」孔穎達疏:「改正朔者,正謂年始,朔謂月初,言王者得政,示從我始,改故用新,隨寅、丑、子所建也。周子,殷丑,夏寅,是改正也;周夜半、殷雞鳴、夏平旦,是易朔也。」 歷,通曆。 http://livingoutofasuitcase.blogspot.com/2007/05/waiting-for-monsoon.html https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/正朔

〈雜卦傳〉 雜卦傳:革,去故也;鼎,取新也。 《周易集解》革更,故去。鼎烹飪,故取新也。

治國無法則亂,守法而弗變則悖 荊人欲襲宋,使人先表(立下標誌)澭水。澭水暴益,荊人弗知,循表而夜涉,溺死者千有餘人,軍驚而壞都舍。嚮其先表之時可導也,今水已變而益多矣,荊人尚猶循表而導之,此其所以敗也。今世之主,法先王之法也,有似於此。其時已與先王之法虧矣,而曰「此先王之法也」而法之以為治,豈不悲哉?故治國無法則亂,守法而弗變則悖,悖亂不可以持國。世易時移,變法宜矣。譬之若良醫,病萬變,藥亦萬變。病變而藥不變,嚮之壽民,今為殤子矣。故凡舉事必循法以動,變法者因時而化。若此論則無過務矣。 - 《呂氏春秋‧慎大覽‧察今》

商鞅變法 孝公平畫,公孫鞅、甘龍、杜摯三大夫御於君,慮世事之變,討正法之本,求使民之道。 君曰:「代立不忘社稷,君之道也;錯法務明主長,臣之行也。今吾欲變法以治,更禮以教百姓,恐天下之議我也。」 公孫鞅曰:「臣聞之,『疑行無成,疑事無功,』君亟定變法之慮,殆無顧天下之議之也。且夫有高人之行者,固見負於世;有獨知之慮者,必見訾於民。語曰:『愚者闇於成事,知者見於未萌。民不可與慮始,而可與樂成。』郭偃之法曰:『論至德者,不和於俗;成大功者,不謀於眾。』法者,所以愛民也;禮者,所以便事也。是以聖人苟可以強國,不法其故;苟可以利民,不循其禮。」 孝公曰:「善。」 甘龍曰:「不然。臣聞之,聖人不易民而教,知者不變法而治。因民而教者,不勞而功成;據法而治者,吏習而民安。今若變法,不循秦國之故,更禮以教民,臣恐天下之議君,願孰察之。」

商鞅變法 公孫鞅曰:「子之所言,世俗之言也。夫常人安於故習,學者溺於所聞。此兩者所以居官守法,非所與論於法之外也。三代不同禮而王,五霸不同法而霸,故知者作法,而愚者制焉;賢者更禮,而不肖者拘焉。拘禮之人,不足與言事;制法之人,不足與論變。君無疑矣。」 杜摯曰:「臣聞之,利不百,不變法;功不十,不易器。臣聞法古無過,循禮無邪。君其圖之。」 公孫鞅曰:「前世不同教,何古之法?帝王不相復,何禮之循?伏羲神農教而不誅,黃帝堯舜誅而不怒,及至文武,各當時而立法,因事而制禮。禮法以時而定,制令各順其宜,兵甲器備各便其用。臣故曰:『治世不一道,便國不必法古。』湯武之王也,不循古而興;殷夏之滅也,不易禮而亡。然則反古者未可必非,循禮者未足多是也。君無疑矣。」 孝公曰:「善。吾聞窮巷多怪,曲學多辨。愚者之笑,智者哀焉;狂夫之樂,賢者喪焉。拘世以議,寡人不之疑矣。」 於是遂出墾草令。

《莊子‧人間世》 郭象注:「與人群者,不得離人。 然人間之變故,世世異宜。 唯無心而不自用者,為能隨變所適而不荷其累也。」

革卦象數圖 【卦辭】己日乃孚,元亨利貞,悔亡。 革卦象數圖 【卦辭】己日乃孚,元亨利貞,悔亡。 爻題 爻辭 上六 君子豹變,小人革面,征凶,居貞吉。 九五 大人虎變,未占有孚。 九四 悔亡,有孚;改命,吉。 九三 征凶,貞厲,革言三就,有孚。 六二 己日乃革之,征吉,无咎。 初九 鞏用黃牛之革。 《尚書‧洪範》:「初一曰五行… 一、五行:一曰水,二曰火,三曰木,四曰金,五曰土。水曰潤下,火曰炎上,木曰曲直,金曰從革,土爰稼穡。潤下作鹹,炎上作苦,曲直作酸,從革作辛,稼穡作甘。」

【爻辭】初九,鞏用黃牛之革。 【小象】「鞏用黃牛」,不可以有為也。 《易》曰:「鞏用黃牛之革,革初九辭。王弼曰:『鞏,固也。』按此與卦名之革相反而相成。」 段玉裁《說文解字注》 了解抵抗變革之既得利益勢力何在之前,不輕舉妄動。 *

抗拒變革的原因 抗拒變革的原因歸納如下: 各自為政,維護既得利益,而不願改變。 過分重視傳統,而缺乏創新的精神。 沈迷於過去成功的光環,而輕忽了潛在的競爭對手。 對經營環境的變化,缺乏敏鋭感,不能防患於未然。 對局勢的評估有誤,錯失良機。 對倡議、主導改革的主管缺乏信認感,因而懷疑其推動變革的動機。 不了解變革的前因和可能的後果,因而不予以誠心的支持。 懼怕變革帶來的不確定性和風險,故寧可守成不變,不願冒險求新。

Force-Field Analysis

【爻辭】六二,己日乃革之,征吉,无咎。 【小象】「己日」「革之」,行有嘉也。 * 乃:於是、然後、而、則。《經傳釋詞》

九三,征凶,貞厲。革言三就,有孚。 【爻辭】九三,征凶,貞厲。 革言三就,有孚。 【小象】「革言三就」,又何之矣? 就:屈尊就教,以對方角度看問題。 變革之論述需經再三之傳播、修正才能達到推動改革之目的。 師卦:六五,田有禽,利執言,无咎,長子帥師,弟子輿尸,貞凶。 *

【爻辭】九四,悔亡,有孚;改命,吉。 【小象】「改命」之「吉」,信志也。 九四,悔亡。有孚,改命吉。 【爻辭】九四,悔亡,有孚;改命,吉。 【小象】「改命」之「吉」,信志也。 * 乾道變化, 各正性命。 —《易•乾》 信,通伸。 

【爻辭】九五,大人虎變,未占有孚。 【小象】「大人虎變」,其文炳也。 彖曰: 「天地革而四時成,湯武革命,順乎天而應乎人,革之時大矣哉!」 虎變:綱舉,令人一目瞭然。 占:預測。 〈繫辭傳〉:「 君子居則觀其象,而玩其辭; 動則觀其變,而玩其占。」 富有之謂大業,日新之謂盛德。生生之謂易,成象之謂乾,效法之為坤,極數知來之謂占,通變之謂事,陰陽不測之謂神。… 易有聖人之道四焉;以言者尚其辭,以動者尚其變,以制器者尚其象,以卜筮者尚其占。… 象事知器,占事知來。 *

上六,君子豹變,小人革面。征凶,居貞吉。 【爻辭】上六,君子豹變,小人革面。征凶,居貞吉。 【小象】「君子豹變」,其文蔚也。 「小人革面」,順以從君也。 豹變:目張,制度詳明。 大人虎變,大綱先舉,其文炳也。 君子豹變,細目後張,其文蔚也。 征凶,天天鬧革命是凶險的。 居貞吉,守住正道,將已變之事制度化,使其可大可久。 *


小人是變革完成後才改變態度的追隨者,後知後覺。 大人、君子、與小人 大人是變革的先驅者,先知先覺。 君子是變革的擁護者,與時俱進。 小人是變革完成後才改變態度的追隨者,後知後覺。 - 閔建蜀,《易經解析》 上六爻辭「征凶」,指上六處革卦窮極之時位,再進將遇險。「居貞吉」寓意變革完成後,宜將所變之事制度化,使眾人有所遵循,故與民能休養生息,切忌一直搞革命。

Five Levels of Behavior in Response to Change 行為 結構 程序 心態 意志 小人革面 鞏用黃牛之革 革言三就 己日乃革之 君子豹變,革心 有孚改命,信(申)志也。 大人虎變 http://www.management.com.ua/strategy/str068.html http://www.ottoscharmer.com/sites/default/files/2000_Presencing.pdf

有志竟成 有志者、事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦關終屬楚; 苦心人、天不負,臥薪嘗膽,三千越甲可吞吳。 —自勉聯.蒲松齡撰 有志者事竟成! There is a will, there is a way. (諺語)語出《後漢書˙耿弇傳》:「將軍前在南陽建此大策,常以為落落難合,有志者事竟成也!」 只要立定志向去做,事情終究會成功。 《論語‧述而》子曰:「志於道,據於德,依於仁,游於藝。」志,朱子注:「心之所之之謂」,毓老師偏好王夫之「心之所主」的解釋。 ※有志者事竟成 (諺語)語出後漢書˙卷十九˙耿弇傳:「將軍前在南陽建此大策,常以為落落難合,有志者事竟成也!」只要立定志向去做,事情終究會成功。 ※破釜沉舟:秦末項羽與秦軍戰於鉅鹿,項羽為使士卒拚死戰鬥,渡河之後,即將渡船弄沉,釜甑打破,以斷絕士兵後退的念頭。典出《史記˙卷七.項羽本紀》:「項羽乃悉引兵渡河,皆沉船,破釜甑,燒廬舍,持三日糧,以示士卒必死,無一還心。」引申為做事果決、義無反顧。=破釜沉船、沉舟破釜、船沉鉅鹿、孤注一擲、義無反顧←→急流勇退。 ※百二秦關:形容形勢險要,防事牢固,兵力強盛。=百二山河、百二關山。秦關:函谷關的別名。=函谷關。 ※百二山河:語本史記˙卷八˙高祖本紀:「秦,形勝之國,帶河山之險,縣隔千里,持戟百萬,秦得百二焉。」裴駰˙集解引蘇林曰:「得百中之二焉。秦地險固,二萬人足當諸侯百萬人也。」形容形勢險要,防事牢固,兵力壯盛。=百二關山、百二秦關。 ※苦心人、天不負:即「皇天不負苦心人」。(諺語)形容老天有眼,絕不會辜負意志堅強與刻苦耐勞的人。「苦心人」,就是指臥薪嚐膽,雪恥復仇的越王勾踐 。◎真是皇天不負苦心人,如今他總算熬出頭了! ※臥薪嘗膽:越王句踐戰敗後以柴草臥鋪,並經常舔嘗苦膽,以時時警惕自己不忘所受苦難的故事。見《史記˙卷四十一˙越王句踐世家》:「吳既赦越,越王勾踐返國,乃苦身焦思,置膽於坐,坐臥即仰膽,飲食亦嘗膽也。」。後用以比喻刻苦自勵。=懸膽、嘗膽、嘗膽臥薪、忍辱負重。 ※三千越甲可吞吳:越王勾踐被吳國軍隊打敗,忍受奇恥大辱,給吳王夫差當奴僕.三年後,他被釋放回國,立志洗雪國恥。他臥薪嚐膽,發憤圖強,終於打敗了吳國。甲,古代軍人穿的護身衣物。以皮革或金屬片製成。此指軍人、兵士。  

革卦的六爻將變革劃分為下面六個階段 按兵不動,了解狀況,穩住基本盤面。 掌握變革的時機,爭取高階主管的認同,對變革做詳實的規劃。 開誠佈公,與利害相關的人與組織再三的溝通,以爭取多數人的支持,然後才發動變革,勇往直前。 變革已經得到一些成效,而得到眾人的信服,此時可以更進一步從組織文化和制度上做更進一步的改造,以深化變革的效果。 重大的變革一定要有組織中最高領導人的決心和支持才可能成功。沒有在上位者的支持,許多在下位者便會採取觀望的態度,不會充份的配合。然而更重要的是改革要從管理者自身做起。 變革已成,一則要將其制度化以求穩定,一則要不斷的改進不致於停滯不前。一段時間之後,當漸進式的革新己無法適應時代的需要,則另一波的變革又將啟動。

總論 龔氏煥曰: 初言「鞏用黃牛」,未可有革者也。 二言「巳日乃革」,不可遽革者也。 三言「革言三就」,謹審以為革者也。 皆革道之未成也。 四言「有孚改命」,則事革矣。 五言「大人虎變」,則為聖人之神化矣。 上言「君子豹變,小人革面」,則天下為之丕變, 而革道大成矣。 --《周易折中》 通其變,使民不倦, 神而化之,使民宜之。 易窮則變,變則通,通則久。 -〈繫辭傳〉

變革的能力 變革的能力,已成為企業生存的必要條件,是故管理者應有如下的認知: 改變必然會發生,而且可能會越來越快。與其被迫改革,不如未雨綢繆。 隨時監控訊息中所透露出來的變化徵兆,有「履霜堅冰至」的警覺性。 能與時偕行,迅速地進行必要的變革與調適。 隨時接受環境的挑戰,和對自我的挑戰,塑造出不斷創新的組織文化。

聖人不期修古,不法常可,論世之事,因為之備。 Who Moved My Cheese? 聖人不期修古,不法常可,論世之事,因為之備。 《韓非子》五蠹篇 「守株待兔」 Change Happens (變動不居,周流六虛) They Keep Moving The Cheese Anticipate Change (知其白,守其黑) Get Ready for the Cheese To Move Monitor Change (履霜堅冰至) Smell the Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old Adapt To Change Quickly (唯變所適) The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese Change (與時俱進) Move with the Cheese Enjoy Change! (無入不自得) Savor the Adventure and Enjoy the Taste of New Cheese! Be Ready To Change Quickly & Enjoy It Again & Again(茍日新,又日新) They Keep Moving the Cheese. books, published in 2002, inspired by the "cheese" concept, variations and critical answers to Johnson's books include: Agitating, Alluring Cheese Can I Move Your Cheese? Chinese People Eat Cheese?--Who Took My Meat Bun? I Don't Bother to Move Your Cheese Make the Cheese by Yourself! Management Advice 52 from the Cheese No More Cheese! No One Can Move My Cheese! The New Allegory of Cheese, The New Enlightenment of Allegory A Piece of Cheese: Reading World Famous Fairy Tales with Mom Who Dares to Move My Cheese? Whose Cheese Should I Move? by Chen Tong (English translation: Augustine Quek), 2003, ISBN 981-244-505-6 Additionally, parodies have been based on the "cheese" concept: Who Cut The Cheese? - An A-Mazing Parody about Change (and How We Can Get Our Hands on Yours), Who Cut the Cheese?: A Cutting Edge Way of Surviving Change by Shifting the Blame, My Cheese?!!: An Amazing Way to Make More Money from the Poor Suckers That Cheated in Your Work and in Your Life Who Moved My Soap?: The CEO's Guide to Surviving in Prison When author Michael LaRocca moved from the USA to China, he wrote a book about adapting to change entitled WHO MOVED MY RICE? It was a 2005 EPPIE finalist. Books Unbound, 2004, ISBN 1-59201-031-8

參考資料 易經今解 http://www.eee-learning.com/book/neweee49 陳明德,〈第四章:變革管理〉,黃丙喜、范楊松、伍思賢、陳明德等合著,《領導未來的CEO:12堂EMBA名師的管理必修課》,商周出版,2011年11月,125-166頁。 易經今解 http://www.eee-learning.com/book/neweee49 John P. Kotter, Leading Change, Harvard Business School Press, 1996. http://www.kotterinternational.com/insights/landing-page/8-steps-to-accelerate-change-in-2015/ The Price Waterhouse Change Integration Team, Better Change: Best Practices for Transforming Your Organization, McGraw Hill 1995. Michael Beer and Nitin Nohria, “Cracking the Code of Change,” Harvard Business Review, Vol. 78, No. 3, May-June 2000, pp. 133-141. Peter Senge, The Dance of Change: The Challenges of Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations, Currency/Doubleday, 1999. https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.solonline.org/resource/resmgr/docs/dance_of_change_study_notes.pdf http://www.providersedge.com/docs/leadership_articles/Challenges_of_Profound_Change.pdf Presencing: Learning From the Future As It Emerges On the Tacit Dimension of Leading Revolutionary Change http://www.ottoscharmer.com/sites/default/files/2000_Presencing.pdf


五分鐘解卦守冊 五分鐘革卦簡介:「革故鼎新」「洗心革面」的成語,大家應該耳熟能詳,但是各位可知道他們的來源都是易經。而近代西方管理學中常提到的變革管理要素與過程,在易經中也被深入的討論過。是的,在四千年前,我們的老祖宗用61個字寫下了易經的革卦,清楚地告訴你如何掌握變革的時機,如何雙向溝通,如何面對變革過程的挫敗,如何落實變革的願景。在此讓我們借用西方變革管理的理論來進一步解釋易經革卦的卦爻辭,幫助你瞭解與運用四千年前古人的智慧。 如圖所示,變革的目標與願景(Purpose & Will) 是任何變革的第一步。革卦的第五爻「大人虎變」是有志改革者捫心自問的第一關,我有大人之德嗎?我有虎變之能嗎?變革大業是否順天應人?變革藍圖是否前瞻創新?古人藉著當時環境中常見的虎與豹的皮紋來象徵「變革綱舉目張」的特質與分工,這種比喻方式是古人傳遞智慧的常用手法。 再看看革卦圖示,虎紋提綱挈領,一目瞭然,是象徵變革的目標與願景;豹紋黑白分明,充實飽滿,是象徵制度訂定與願景落實。革卦提醒我們,任何變革至少有三種人的參與:大人是有理想有抱負,先知先覺者;君子是執行號令,與時俱進者;小人是老百姓,後知後覺的追隨者。順天應人的革命藍圖得倚靠强有力的執行者來充分落實制度與有效推廣,這正是革卦第六爻所說的「君子豹變」,而革卦的成敗更是決定於一般民眾行為上是否能認同虎變藍圖,這正是革卦第六爻所說的「小人革面」。 - 張憶里

五分鐘解卦守冊 西方的變革管理非常強調變革時期的心態,程序與結構,三者都需要雙向溝通,隨時微調才能順利,而這正是革卦第三爻「革言三就」的觀念。從文字學而言「就」的造字本意是主動,多方面瞭解對方的困難與立場,「三」字象徵多數,「革言」象徵變革的宣導言論和有關變革的溝通方式。換言之,古人用「革言三就」簡單四字提醒我們變革成功的重點在於不停的宣揚變革的目標與願景,在於充分瞭解各種抗拒變革的因素。變革進行中,「征凶貞厲」的現象難以避免,「革言三就」乃是最佳對應之道,收到的各方建言即可作為革卦第四爻「改命」的參考指標。 簡單61字的革卦中,提到三種人,大人君子小人,和三種動物,黃牛虎豹。黃牛在古代是人類生活中非常貴重的動物,它的皮革象徵堅定的決心意志。變革初期,有志者要善用「黃牛之革」來鞏固變革力量,強化變革信念與決心,時機未成熟,不可輕舉妄動,守舊派也會用「黃牛之革」來抗拒變革,鞏固既有利益,這正是革卦第一爻所說的「鞏用黃牛之革」。 初步解釋了革卦的爻辭,試問商鞅變法,王安石變法,戊戌變法,孫中山革命,文化大革命,鄧小平改革開放等大事件,成功與失敗的因素能應對到以上的解釋嗎?大人是誰?虎變是象徵什麼?君子又是誰?這個功課會加深各位活化革卦61個字的內涵。大家一起來活化經典豐富人生。

憂患意識 子曰:「 危者,安其位者也; 亡者,保其存者也; 亂者,有其治者也。 是故君子安而不忘危, 存而不忘亡,治而不忘亂。 是以身安而國家可保也。 《易》曰:『其亡其亡,繋于苞桑。』」 The more you hold on to it, the more likely you are going to lose it. Source: 周易·繫辭下傳 第五章 否卦:九五,休否,大人吉。其亡其亡,繋于苞桑。

識變機先,英雄造時勢者。 隨機應變,時勢造英雄者。 受困改革,救亡而圖存者。 固執不變,至死而不悟者。 四種經理人員 窮則變,變則通,通則久  與時偕行,未窮而變 **故恆非能執一而不變,能及其未窮而變爾。窮而后變,則有變之形;及其未窮而變,則無變之名,此其所以為恆也。 - 《東坡易傳》恆卦

通變之道 知變之常而能革之(Knowing that change is a common phenomena and is willing to change) 知變之兆而能覺之 (Sense the change is coming and is alerted by some subtle signs) 知變之勢而能乘之 (Take advantages of the trends) 知變之機而能決之 (Can decide the major levers for changes – window of opportunity) 知變之劇而能化之 (Can reduce the dramatic changes with a smooth implementation plan) 知變之妙而能用之 (Master all the intricacies throughout the change process) 通變者君子之智也! (Have the wisdom to become a change master) 居變者君子之德也! (Maintain the virtue and ethical standards during changing time and crisis) 不變者惟變而已矣 !(Change is the only constant!)

The Change-Reengineering Diamond Customers & Suppliers Values and Beliefs Competitors Enlighten Foster Customers & Info. Tech. Business Processes & Functions Management & Measurement Systems Entail Demand Jobs , Skills, & Organizational Structures Culture Markets

Leadership Abilities to Manage Changes Leading 領導群倫 Visioning規劃願景 Assessing 精於評估時勢、時機 Selling/marketing 推銷高手 Participating 和光同塵,親身涉局(挺經) Communicating 善於溝通 Educating 教導部屬 Integrating 整合各方資源和勢力 Supporting 支持屬下 Transitioning 引導變革

Learning Drives Changes學而時習之、革之 “We understand that the only competitive advantage the company of the future will have is its managers’ ability to learn faster than their competitors.” Arie de Geus, “Planning as Learning,” Harvard Business Review, 1988. “Our behavior is driven by a fundamental core belief: The desire and the ability of an organization to continuously learn from any source—and to rapidly convert this learning into action—is its ultimate competitive advantage.” - Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric, 1996

Dance of Change by Peter Senge http://irc.queensu.ca/articles/change-management-engineers-perspective

Four Levels of Cognition and Social Reality Formation 履霜堅冰至 制式反應 知其白,守其黑 反思創制 飛龍在天,大人造也 感知想象 色 受 想 行 識 五蘊皆空,真空生妙有 乾知大始 全息感識 http://www.ottoscharmer.com/sites/default/files/2000_Presencing.pdf Primary knowing, https://www.presencing.com/sites/default/files/page-files/Rosch-1999.pdf

心智 心靈 心志 https://www.presencing.com/principles

https://hbr.org/2007/01/leading-change-why-transformation-efforts-fail John P. Kotter, Leading Change, Harvard Business School Press, 1996. http://www.kotterinternational.com/insights/landing-page/8-steps-to-accelerate-change-in-2015/ https://hbr.org/2007/01/leading-change-why-transformation-efforts-fail

《春秋繁露‧楚莊王》 古今通達,故先賢傳其法於後世也。《春秋》之於世事也,善復古,譏易常,欲其法先王也。然而介以一言曰:「王者必改制。」自僻者得此以為辭,曰:古苟可循先王之道,何莫相因?世迷是聞,以疑正道而信邪言,甚可患也。答之曰:人有聞諸侯之君射《狸首》之樂者,於是自斷狸首,懸而射之,曰:安在於樂也!此聞其名而不知其實者也。今所謂新王必改制者,非改其道,非變其理,受命於天,易姓更王,非繼前王而王也。若一因前制,修故業,而無有所改,是與繼前王而王者無以別。受命之君,天之所大顯也。事父者承意,事君者儀誌。事天亦然。今天大顯已,物襲所代而率與同,則不顯不明,非天誌。故必徙居處、更稱號、改正朔、易服色者,無他焉,不敢不順天誌而明白顯也。若夫大綱、人倫、道理、政治、教化、習俗、文義盡如故,亦何改哉?故王者有改制之名,無易道之實。孔子曰:「無為而治者,其舜乎!」言其主堯之道而已。此非不易之效與?

謀於眾,斷於獨 《詩經‧小雅‧小旻》有詩曰:「如彼築室于道謀,是用不潰于成。」比喻想蓋個房子而向很多人徵詢意見,由於人多口雜,難有定論,以至不能成事。《後漢書‧曹褒傳》漢肅宗引用俗諺曰:「作舍道邊,三年不成。」也是這個意思。故曰:「築室道謀,三年不成。」變革之際雖應博采眾議,但先知先覺者,有時必須獨排眾議,方能成不世之功。張居正〈陳六事疏〉曰:「天下之事,慮之貴詳,行之貴力,謀在於眾,斷在於獨。」如何平衡「謀於眾,斷於獨」二者,是經營者在管理決策時的大學問。

兢兢業業,一日二日萬幾, 無曠庶官,天工人其代之。 創新厚生之理念 - 《大學》 正德、利用、厚生、惟和。 - 《尚書‧大禹謨》 湯之盤銘曰:「茍日新,日日新,又日新。」  康誥曰:「作新民。」  詩曰:「周雖舊邦,其命維新。」  是故君子無所不用其極。 - 《大學》 尚書大禹謨:「正德、利用、厚生、惟和。 薄輕徭、輕賦稅、不奪農時,令民生計溫厚、衣食豐足,謂之厚生」   曰 . 若 稽 古 皋 陶 . 曰 . 允 迪 厥 德 . 謨 明 弼 諧 . 禹 曰 .俞 . 如 何 . 皋 陶 曰 . 都 . 慎 厥 身 修 . 思 永 . 惇 敘 九 族 . 庶 明 勵 翼 . 邇可 遠 在 茲 . 禹 拜 昌 言 曰 . 俞 . 皋 陶 曰 . 都 . 在 知 人 . 在 安 民 . 禹 曰 . 吁 . 咸 若 時 .惟 帝 其 難 之 . 知 人 則 哲 . 能 官 人 . 安 民 則 惠 . 黎 民 懷 之. 能 哲 而 惠 . 何 憂 乎 驩 兜 . 何 遷 乎 有 苗 . 何 畏 乎 巧 言 令色 孔 壬 . 皋 陶 曰 . 都 . 亦 行 有 九 德 . 亦 言 其 人 有 德 . 乃 言 曰 .載 采 采 . 禹 曰 . 何 . 皋 陶 曰 . 寬 而 栗 . 柔 而 立 . 愿 而 恭. 亂 而 敬 . 擾 而 毅 . 直 而 溫 . 簡 而 廉 . 剛 而 塞 . 彊 而 義. 彰 厥 有 常 . 吉 哉 . 日 宣 三 德 . 夙 夜 浚 明 有 家 . 日 嚴 祗敬 六 德 . 亮 采 有 邦 . 翕 受 敷 施 . 九 德 咸 事 . 俊 乂 在 官 .百 僚 師 師 . 百 工 惟 時 . 撫 于 五 辰 . 庶 績 其 凝 . 無 教 逸 欲有 邦 . 兢 兢 業 業 . 一 日 二 日 萬 幾 . 無 曠 庶 官 . 天 工 人 其代 之 . 天 敘 有 典 . 敕 我 五 典 五 惇 哉 . 天 秩 有 禮 . 自 我 五禮 有 庸 哉 . 同 寅 協 恭 和 衷 哉 . 天 命 有 德 . 五 服 五 章 哉 .天 討 有 罪 . 五 刑 五 用 哉 . 政 事 懋 哉 懋 哉 . 天 聰 明 . 自 我民 聰 明 . 天 明 畏 . 自 我 民 明 威 . 達 于 上 下 . 敬 哉 有 土 . 皋 陶 曰 . 朕 言 惠 . 可 厎 行 . 禹 曰 . 俞 . 乃 言 厎 可 績 .皋 陶 曰 . 予 未 有 知 思 . 曰 . 贊 贊 襄 哉 .   正德、利用、厚生、惟和。 - 《尚書‧大禹謨》 兢兢業業,一日二日萬幾, 無曠庶官,天工人其代之。 - 《尚書‧皋陶謨》