大学英语中的主题教学法 复旦大学 吴晓真.


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Presentation transcript:

大学英语中的主题教学法 复旦大学 吴晓真

内容提要 全新版《大学英语》中体现的主题教学法 在教材基础上进一步拓展主题教学法(案例)

全新版《大学英语》系列教材 编写前言 全新版主干教程--《综合教程》--采用每一单元设一主题的形式。主题选自当代生活中的重大题材。这样可以将语言学习贯穿在了解、思考、探讨现实生活中的各种问题的过程中,充分体现交际法的教学原则。其它教程的相应单元与该主题亦有一定的呼应。

关于《综合教程》的编写和使用 全教程共分6册。 每册分设8个单元。 每单元设一主题(theme),含同一主题的课文两篇。 每单元由4部分组成: Part I Pre-reading task Part II Text A Part III Text B Part IV Theme-related language learning tasks

试以第五册主题举例 Love of Reading Diet Lying Unforgettable Teachers The American Civil War Marriage Machine Translation Gambling Addiction



文字资料自不用说, 更有丰富的视频资料!

Unforgettable Teachers -- Dead Poets Society 1989 -- Mr. Holland’s Opus 1996 -- Good Will Hunting 1997 -- A Beautiful Mind 2001 -- Mona Lisa Smile 2004 -- TV series: Boston Public 2000-2004 -- All Things Fair -- Some episodes from Friends

Marriage Love Actually Bridges of Madison County When Harry Meets Sally Sleepless in Seattle Closer Match Point A Good Woman Seven Years’ Itch Sideways Some episodes from Friends, Sex and the City Kramer vs. Kramer

现实问题一 英美影视节目是学生喜闻乐见的娱乐方式,但课堂上播放影视往往流于“放羊”。必须改变这种缺乏师生之间或学生之间互动的授课方式。

现实问题二 教师关注社会上有关大学英语是“聋子英语”、“哑巴英语”的舆论,考虑设计怎样的大学英语课程才能向学生提供机会,综合提高他们的英语听、说、读、写和批判性思维能力。 考虑到学生将来在工作或科研中都有可能同外籍人士交流,有必要教会他们一些制作英语Powerpoint投影片、并用英语讲演陈述的能力。

主题教学法提供解决方案 案例: Unit 6 Marriage

Introduction Anyone here who is not going to get married? According to the new 《普通高等学校学生管理规定》which came out on Sept 1 ,2005, now college students are allowed to get married.

WEDDING VOW I, (Bride/Groom), take you (Groom/Bride), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.

Marriage Under Threat All in all, fear of commitment! A growing single population Co-habitation yes, marriage no DINK families High divorce rate All in all, fear of commitment!

Case 2:婚姻调查机构的兴盛—忠诚度与信任感的缺失  首 页 | 简 介 | 公司规模 | 打假维权部 | 商业调查部 | 证据调查部 | 清欠债务部 | 婚姻调查部 | 工商企业市场委托调查现代私家侦探 | 委托调查业务| 客户委托调查注意事项 | 法律部 | 安保部 | 信息策划部 | 加盟合作   欢迎有志投身到调查行业的优秀人士参加北京东方亨特商务调查中心,加盟者可享受总部在百度、搜狐、新浪、GOOGLE、3721等大型网站近10万元的广告支持,提高加盟者的知名度,总部网址注明特许加盟经营单位电话号码、地址、邮箱等,商机无限......      亨特的婚姻调查部具有一批高素质的专业调查人士,有着丰富的调查实战经验,本着为客户严格保密,尽全力捍卫客户的合法权益。本部专业从事接受当事人委托针对婚姻不忠的证据调查,维护一夫一妻制,根据新的婚姻法中的"过错方赔偿的原则",我部为委托当事人提供有利的证据证明对方有非法婚姻的现实。 婚姻调查项目:   一、 跟踪调查被调查人的行踪规律和与人来往情况   二、 调查取证被调查人的非法同居现实资料   三、 调查取证被调查方隐瞒财产情况资料   四、 代理委托法律诉讼和法院判决后的申请强制执行 本所还提供婚前调查和通讯调查   通讯调查:电话、手机记录调查   婚前调查:调查未来伴侣的背景和私人生活

Video Clips --Friends: Episode 410 Episode 515 Episode 723 --Kramer Vs. Kramer

Trial Alternative

Temptation Island is a reality series in which four unmarried couples travel to an exotic location to test the strength of their relationship. Once on the island, they are separated from each other. 26 singles have been presented to them whose sole task is to seduce them. When the whole story finishes they all get back together at bonfire where they decide about the future of their relationships. Guess what, all four couples betrayed each other to some extent.

Project Questions (1) Why was Chandler bad at relationships? Why did he develop such a fear that he disappeared before wedding? Why do marriages fail? What explains the commitment-phobia? Will relationship at college last long/forever?

Project Questions (2) What are the consequences resulting from lack of commitment? Is commitment a big issue in China? How do you know? Will you sign a prenuptial agreement?

Project Teams 学生分组 课外研究并小组讨论上述project questions 制作PPT 课堂陈述(每个小组成员都要讲)

The Commitment Phobia Concerned about the idea forever Childhood trauma like Chandler’s Fear that one could make a mistake in choosing a marriage partner Fear of the loss of freedom/autonomy Worried that one may not be a good partner/parent

梁朝伟自曝有婚姻恐惧症 在人群里没有安全感 梁朝伟自曝有婚姻恐惧症 在人群里没有安全感 在一起不一定要结婚 梁朝伟和刘嘉玲的爱情长跑了十多年,但是一直没有结婚,梁朝伟在节目中说,童年时,他父母离异,他和妹妹跟着母亲,从那个时候开始他就不讲话,害怕跟同学聊天,容易自我否定。由于有童年的阴影,因此觉得婚姻没安全感,对婚姻有一点害怕。 梁朝伟说,两个人开心就在一起,不一定要结婚。婚姻只是 离婚时分财产的一个法律保证,不喜欢要离婚的时候,就可以拿这个分一点钱,所以没有必要。

Men’s particular fears Men have the genetic urge to spread their sperms as widely as possible Men are afraid of the lovely girl today turning into nagging wife tomorrow Men may find it too hard to be the one to bring bread to the table in the family (many Italian men prefer living a single life at their parents’ house in their thirties)

Women’s particular fears The “better man “ theory Marriage isn’t as perfect as imagined He seems not totally hers, thus making her feel not vital, important It’s too hard to be buried in housework and being a good wife/mother (Many Japanese girls prefer living with parents in their thirties) Fear of relating with his family Her talents/careers may be ruined

Fear of relating with her husband’s family

Career: Especially those who have: High education High salary Marriage will restrict the development of their career Especially those who have: High education High salary High position

Why do wives have affairs? Wives have to juggle work, family, children, and husband, at night they have only the energy to push the start button of their washing machine Susan S. Barash did a survey of 120 married women, of whom 60% admitted having had affairs, but 90% didn’t feel guilty Disappointed in marriage, they have affairs for: self-acknowledgement (I’m still a charming woman), sex, rights, and love

Will College Love last outside campus?

……新东方老师说女孩出国可以挑男朋友 ……mm出国的大致经历和结果如此: 1)恋恋不舍,信誓旦旦要尽最大努力在一起。 2)mm到了国外,发现生活的残酷,寂寞无助。出国的初期,国内的gg还能帮上忙,寄东西,查资料,天天联系,安慰关怀。 3)mm这时觉得GG是支柱,也很珍惜,天天写email。 4)过了一段, 环境熟悉了,认识人也多了,开始有人对自己好起来。 5)慢慢的,也许是半年,也许就是几个月,mm发现gg的信不是那么有意思了gg说得话也不是那么有趣。 6)突然觉得生活边的某个GG对自己很好,开车带自己出去玩,去买菜。 7)MM突然觉得生活很现实。 8)可mm不会马上提出分手,因为她知道GG对她很好,她不忍心让他伤心。 9)但是, 电话少了,email也少了,聊天的时候不知道说什么。 10)当国内的GG实在成为自己心里的障碍或者实际的障碍,mm终于说:我对你没感觉了。或者说,我们没有将来等等。。。 11)国内的gg遂痛不欲生,想想自己全心全意对她,最后确是这样,可无奈,只有无奈。 12)做普通朋友还是老死不相往来,自己的选择。 ---摘自《毕业时我们一起分手》

Divorce rate in China (unit:1,000) The more developed a country is, the higher divorce rate it bears??

Why the higher divorce rate? Media impact Celebrity effect Divorce is no longer an embarrassment The “I” generation In China, one doesn’t need to go through his/her workplace before seeking divorce, more privacy E-betrayal Fast food love: blind date, singles’ club, speed date. Just like get into a shoe and take it off

Will you sign a prenuptial agreement? Supportive Help to avoid conflict in later days. Let your money always be yours(especially for the rich) A useful tool for the less rich to get trust from the more rich Useful for the elderly new couples Negative A message of distrust Harm the relation between the couple the prenuptial agreement may protect your assets, but can it protect your marriage? No need if we possess little

Additional Reading Buried Alive How do we know if our partner is truly afraid of commitment? -- available at our course website

课程网站 考虑到课堂讨论时间有限,而且部分学生尽管有想法也不愿在课堂上发言,用英语发言更让他们生畏,所以有必要建立一个课外交流的渠道。

V-campus --额外阅读材料和每次课前布置的讨论题均可在“课程资源”中下载 --一个主题上完后教师和课题小组的ppt也可以在这里找到。 --学生可以通过“答疑区”向教师提问。

最重要的是我们的“讨论区” 在这里我们就每个主题进行BBS式的讨论,每个学生都必须“灌水”,并且可以互相辩论。所有“帖子”必须用英文。 课堂上“害羞”的学生很会“灌水”! 有更多用英语思辩的机会 同学关系更为融洽