台灣音樂文化概述 Introduction to the Culture of Taiwanese Music


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Presentation transcript:

台灣音樂文化概述 Introduction to the Culture of Taiwanese Music 台灣音樂的傳統與現代 Tradition and Modernity of Taiwanese Music 台灣音樂文化概述 Introduction to the Culture of Taiwanese Music 顏綠芬教授 主講 柏林自由大學音樂學博士 台北藝術大學音樂系教授 Prof. Dr. Yen Lu-Fen Professor, Taipei National University of the Arts Ph.D., Freie Universität Berlin The “Work” under the Creative Commons Taiwan 3.0 License of “BY-NC-SA”.

台灣音樂可分為二大類(2 categories) Taiwanese music are divided into two categories 根據音樂的歷史、傳承、本質、文化特性分為 The division is based on history, inheritance, nature, and cultural features of music. 1. 傳統音樂:口耳相傳的民間音樂 Traditional music: word-of-mouth folk music

2. 當代音樂:指的是20世紀以來的新創作, 涵蓋(1)通俗音樂和(2)藝術音樂 Contemporary music:refers to innovative creations in the 20th century, including (1) popular music and (2) art music.

1. 傳統音樂 1. Traditional music 根據族群、語言,主要分為: According to tribes and languages, it is chiefly divided into : (1) 原住民的音樂:已居住6000年以上,主要是口傳,並以歌樂為主 (1) Aboriginal music: It has existed for more than 6000 years, and is passed down mostly in the oral tradition. Its major form is songs.

(2) 移民的音樂 (2) Immigrant music *從大陸原鄉帶來的傳統音樂 (例如南管和北管) * Traditional music from hometowns of China (such as Nanguan music and Beiguan music)

*民謠與山歌:古老的以及在台灣產生的 * Ballads and mountain songs: They are ancient and composed in Taiwan *新興戲曲─揉合傳統與民間音樂歌仔戲 * Newly-emerging drama—a combination of tradition and folk musical Taiwanese opera

2.當代音樂 2. Contemporary music (1)通俗音樂 (1) Popular music 1930年代,還是日本時代,因唱片業興起而誕生了流行歌。符合年輕世代、反映社會、愛情的時代歌曲。 The 1930s is still part of the Japanese Colonial Period. Popular songs, thriving due to the recording industry, cater to the young generation and reflect the society and the values of love.

欣賞:30年代的老歌 唱法、配樂都和現在很不一樣 Appreciation: Old songs of the 1930s. Techniques of singing and scores are all very different from they are now.

2.當代音樂 2. Contemporary music (2)藝術音樂(精緻的) (2) Art music (refined) 是屬於學院派的、知識份子的。受西方古典音樂深刻影 響的。如鋼琴曲、合唱曲、交響曲等。 It belongs to academism and intellectuals. It is influenced profoundly by western classic music, such as piano music, choruses, and symphonies.

先有演奏家、歌唱家、樂團的產生,約在1930 年代才 開始有真正的作曲家 Music instrumentalists performers, singers and philharmonic orchestras came into existence prior to real composers, who appeared in around the 1930s.

<郭芝苑>,台灣大百科全書 < Kuo Chin-Yuan >, Encyclopedia of Taiwan

簡介原住民的音樂 Brief introduction to aboriginal music 目前將近500,000人,約佔台灣總人口2% Now, the population is about 500,000, taking up 2% of Taiwan’s total population. 他們的語言屬於南島語族(Austronesian language family ) Their language belongs to Austronesian language family.

從前用「蕃」「高山族」等稱呼,現在已改稱 They were called “Fan (Barbarians)” or “Gao-shan-zu (High mountain tribes),” but their nickname are not the same now. 過去是九大族,目前被正式承認的有14族 There were nine tribes in the past. Yet 14 tribes are officially recognized now.

2011的史詩電影「賽德克. 巴萊」,賽德克族Sedig之前被列入泰雅族。 Epic movie “Seediq Bale” was released in 2011.Sedig tribe was recognized as part of Atayal in the past.

<族群分佈圖>, < 行政院原住民族委員會> < Population distribution >, < Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan.>

文化以口傳(oral tradition)為主,也因此有許多珍貴的傳統失傳了,音樂就是其中的一項 Cultures are mainly passed down orally (oral tradition); therefore, many valuable types of traditions have been lost, inclusive of music.

外來者對原住民音樂的興趣雖然很早,但是有錄音保存、有研究,最早而重要的是日本人黑澤隆朝(Kurosawa Takatomo, 1895-1987)1943年做的調查。 Outsiders have long been interested in aboriginal music. Among them, Japanese Kurosawa Takatomo’s (1895-1987) investigation conducted in 1943 was the earliest and most significant. His investigation was preserved with sound-recording.

1970年代才得以發表、出版唱片。 However, it was not until the 1970s could his investigation be published and released in the form of records.

台灣原住民音樂的特色 The features of Taiwanese aboriginal music 台灣原住民音樂主要為歌唱:歌曲豐富而複雜 The major form of Taiwanese aboriginal music is singing: songs full of variety and complexity. 歌唱形式多元-有獨唱/合唱/領唱等 Diverse forms of singing—solo, chorus, sing lead, etc.

歌詞內容多半和生活息息相關—工作、娛樂或是祭典、儀式/結婚等 Contents of lyrics are mostly related to ordinary life—work, recreation, sacrificial rites, ceremonies, weddings, etc.

樂器較少而且器樂曲並不發達,有弓琴、口簧琴、鼻笛、臀鈴等 Musical instruments are less frequently used and instrumental pieces are not commonly composed. Musical instruments contain bow-shaped string musical instruments, jew’s harps, nose flutes and buttocks bells. 常常和舞蹈結合 The music is usually accompanied by dance.

音樂型態 Music types 有的族群歌唱旋律比較單純、簡單,有的只是幾個音吟誦,即使眾人合唱,也是單音音樂為主,例如達悟族、泰雅族。但是歌曲的歌詞內容常常涵義很深,令人感動。 Some tribes’ singing melodies are simpler and easier. Monophony is widely applied, even in group singing, such as Tau tribe singing and Atayal tribe singing. Lyrics to the songs are often profoundly meaningful and deeply touching.

布農族和鄒族有許多合唱,多聲部形成複音音樂,非常精采。 There are lots of choruses in Bunun and Tsou music. It is quite marvelous that multi-phonic music has gradually developed into polyphonic music.

口簧琴樂器簡單,卻有其文化意義,除了外島的達悟族沒有以外,島內各族都有此樂器。 Although a jew’s harp / Tau is simple, it has got much cultural meaning. Except Tai tribe living on the off-island, every other tribes on the main island has this kind of musical instrument.

泰雅族、賽德克族 Atayal tribe and Sedig 泰雅族人口8萬 The population of Atayal tribe is 80 thousand. 賽德克族8千多 The population of Sedig tribe is more than 8 thousand. 台灣北部及中央山脈兩側 They live in the northern Taiwan and two sides of the Central Range. 台北縣烏來鄉、桃園復興鄉、新竹尖石鄉、苗栗縣泰安鄉、台中縣和平鄉、南投仁愛鄉、宜蘭縣南澳鄉、花蓮縣萬榮鄉等。 鄒族約7,000多人 南投、嘉義(阿里山一帶)、 高雄三縣四鄉

分布最廣(八縣十二鄉) They broadly inhabit the island. (including 8 counties and 12 townships. 北、桃、竹、苗、中、投、宜、花。 Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taichung, Nantou, Ilan, and Hualien. 紋面文化 The culture of Partisan (facial tattooing)

紋面婦女 A woman with facial tattoos <黥面女A woman with facial tattoos>,Flickr : Fat Joe's

泰雅等族紋面的意義 The meaning of Partisan in Atayal and other tribes 男性-代表勇士與成熟 For men—It stands for bravery and maturity. 女性-代表美麗 具手藝技巧 可以結婚的成熟女性 For women—It stands for beauty and shows that the women have an admirable workmanship. Women with facial tattoos are qualified for getting married.

有紋面死後才能抵達祖先的聖地 Only those who have facial tattoos can reach ancestors’ holy place after their death.

口簧琴 Jew’s harps 口簧琴,flickr factory9

口簧琴 Jew’s harp 除蘭嶼的達悟(雅美)族外,是原住民最普遍的樂器,舌片 有單簧及雙簧,泰雅族有四簧。簧片有竹、銅或鐵片。 It is the most common musical instrument among aboriginal tribes, except Tau (Yami) tribe of Orchid Island. A tongue plate has either single reed or double reeds. Jew’s Harps in Atayal tribe even have four reeds. Reed plates are made of bamboo, copper or iron.

單竹簧的琴,竹舌和琴身相連,比較脆弱;銅簧或鐵簧 舌片則以細籐紮緊,製作精美。 For a harp with a bamboo reed, its bamboo tongue plate is connected to its body, which makes this kind of harps more fragile. A tongue plate made of copper or iron is delicately made.

外有竹套,以細繩和琴身繫住。琴身有平片狀、弧形 狀、半管狀。有獨奏及合奏。 It comes with a bamboo case and is attached to the harp body with a string. Harp bodies have flat, arc, and half pipe shapes. People can play a solo or ensemble with a jew’s harp.

口簧琴的用途及意義 The function and meaning of Jew’s harp 優秀男青年的標記 A hallmark of outstanding male youth 演奏自娛 Playing the Jew’s harp for self-recreation

當作男女談情或禮物之用 Used for romance or as presents 欣賞:早期錄音 Appreciation: recording in the earlier times

八部合音的布農族 Pasibutbut of Bunun 布農族40,000多人 The population of Bunun tribe is more than 40,000. 台灣中部中央山脈兩側 They live in central Taiwan and two sides of the Central Range.

南投、 高雄、台東 、花蓮四縣八鄉 Including 4 counties and 8 townships in Nantou, Kaohsiung, Taitung, and Hualien. 多聲部歌唱為主 The primary form of singing is multi-phonic choruses.

欣賞:小米豐收歌 “Song of Good Millet Harvest”

祈禱小米豐收歌(pasibutbut) Song of Praying for Good Millet Harvest 西元1952年日本的音樂學者黑澤隆朝將此首歌寄至聯合國的文教組織, 當代的知名音樂學者聽了之後,驚訝於古老的部落為何會有如此繁複的和音。 In 1952, Kurosawa Takatomo, a Japanese scholar sent this song to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). After listening to the song, some well-known contemporary music scholars were surprised that an ancient tribe should have such a complicated chord.

當時西方音樂學家認為音樂的起源是由單音、雙音而發展至和音的理論也不攻自破,從此重寫了音樂起源說的論點。 The revelation of pasibutbut, refuting the western musician’s existing theory that the development of music was from monophony to duel-phony, and then to chords, rewrote the theory of music origin.

和諧嘹亮不間斷 Continuous singing with harmony and resonance 每年11~12月之間舉行小米播種祭,為了祈求小米能夠豐收,社裡被選出的男子圍成一圈,一起合唱「祈禱小米豐收歌」。 Millet-Seeding Festival is held every November and December. In order to pray for good millet harvest, the chosen men from the community form a circle, singing “Song of Praying for Good Millet Harvest” altogether.

族人相信,歌聲越好天神越高興,今年的小米就會結實累累。 Tribesmen believe that the better the singing is, the merrier the God will be. The happiness of God will bring about millets growing in clusters. 參與者不能事先練習 Participants cannot practice in advance.

歌詞只是無意義之母音O或U Lyrics are meaningless vowels such as O or U. 多聲部合唱、形成三度/四度/五度音程,各聲部依序唱出,音高漸次提升,需不斷維持和諧 A multi-phonic chorus constitutes a musical interval of the third, the fourth, and the fifth. Different voice parts sing in sequence. Pitches are gradually raised and harmony should always be maintained.

聲響要越來越高而歌聲嘹亮,不能間斷 The pitch of singing should get higher and higher; the voice of singing should be loud, clear and continuous. 歌聲持續越久、越響亮,天神越高興,將會豐收 The longer and louder the singing is, the merrier the God will be. The merrier the God is, the more they will harvest. 欣賞:音樂會現場錄影片段 Appreciation: Part of a live recording of a concert

敘述寂寞之歌 Song of Narrating Loneliness 一老人和大家聚會,唱出子女不來探望的孤寂 ,一旁聽者則以和聲相應和。 In a gathering, an old man sang out his loneliness because his children didn’t visit him. 歌詞:今天我們能聚在一起很高興也很羨慕你們。 Lyrics: I am happy to be with you today. I also envy you.

我的子女不孝順,拋棄了我 我實在很可憐!嗚---- My children are not filial. They have abandoned me. I am indeed pathetic! Boohoo ~ 希望父老你們要常來看我,照顧我… I hope you, my fellow friends, often come visit me, looking after me…

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已經很少人能記憶、唱頌傳統歌謠了 Today, few people remember and are able to sing traditional ballads. 另有作曲家將這些旋律編成合唱曲,或加入新的元素,結合popmusic Some other composers turn these melodies into choruses, or combine them with popmusic by adding new elements.

原住民青年在歌壇上出名,例如胡德夫、張惠妹、紀曉君等。 Some aboriginal youth become a household name in the field of entertainment, such as Hu De-Fu, Zhang Hui-Mei, Ji Xiao-Jun, and so on.

日月潭邵族「快樂的聚會」 “Happy Gathering” of Tsou tribe in Sun Moon Lake 1937年呂泉生採集、編曲 In 1937, the song was collected and composed by Lu Quan-Sheng 錢南章管絃樂編曲 The orchestral music was composed by Qian Nan-Zhang 歌詞大意 The main idea of the lyrics

叫部落的人出來做什麼? What should tribesmen do when you ask them to come out? 一起來跳舞啦! Let’s dance together! DVD (群策會提供) DVD (presented by courtesy of Taiwan Advocates)

漢族移民的音樂 Music of the Han immigrants 台灣的居民,以閩南族群最多,他們從17世紀陸續來到台灣,帶了不少傳統音樂過來。 The Minnan people, making up the majority of the residents in Taiwan, immigrated to Taiwan one after another since the 17th century, bringing along with them quite a few types of traditional music.

由於中國千年來戰爭不斷,人民南南北北遷徙頻繁,音樂互相交融。 For thousands of years, wars had occurred along the Chinese historical continuum; consequently, people migrated frequently from north to south and vice versa. This further led to the integration of music.

所以臺灣人民組先傳進台灣的不僅是閩南的音樂,也帶了非常多元的各地文化 Therefore, the ancestors of Taiwanese people brought to Taiwan not only the Minnan music, but diverse local cultures as well.

有熱鬧的嗩吶鑼鼓樂,有抒情的絲竹樂,也有戲曲。 Types of diverse music contain bustling and exciting music of suona horns, gongs, and drums, and sentimental ensemble of traditional stringed and woodwind instruments music (also called “sizhuyue”: silk and bamboo music).

和祭祀、生命禮俗密切的北管 Beiguan music, closely related to sacrificial rites and life ceremonies 這是一種熱鬧、響亮的民間音樂 This is a busting, exciting, and loud folk music 每逢廟會、慶典,街上就有遊行,北管就會演奏 Whenever there is a temple fair or a festivity, parades will be held on the street and Beiguan music will be performed.

主要有嗩吶、各種大小鑼、鼓等等 The main instruments are suona horns, big and small gongs and drums, and so forth. 觀賞DVD(宜蘭傳藝中心2009南北管薪傳)3分鐘 Watch DVD for 3 minutes (by courtesy of Ilan Center for Traditional Arts)

優美的絲竹樂「百家春」 Exquisite silk and Bamboo music: “The Spring Sorrow” 器樂曲,屬於絲竹樂 Instrumental musical piece. Belongs to sizhuyue (silk and bamboo music / stringed and woodwind instruments)

笛簫的吹管樂器、有擦絃像殼仔弦(椰胡)等弦樂器,加上小型的打擊樂器 Wind instruments: flutes and Xiao (Chinese vertical bamboo flutes); string instruments (Yehu); small-sized percussion instruments

風格舒緩而優美 The style is soothing, slow and exquisite. 欣賞「百家春」 Appreciate “The Spring Sorrow”

台灣當代音樂中的藝術音樂,已有豐富的器樂曲,例如鋼琴曲、室內樂、交響曲等; Taiwan contemporary art of music already has abundant instrumental pieces, like piano music, indoor music, symphonies, etc.

聲樂曲則有藝術歌曲、歌劇、清唱劇等等,本系列課程中將會有3個單元介紹。 Musical compositions include art songs, operas, contatas, etc. I will introduce these music in three units. 今天的導論到此為止,謝謝各位! That’s all for today’s introduction. Thank you!

版權聲明 Copyright Declaration 作品 work 授權條件Licensing 作者/來源 Author/ Source <郭芝苑>,台灣大百科全書 < Kuo Chin-Yuan >, Encyclopedia of Taiwan 2011/10/11 Visited and used subject to the fair use doctrine of the Taiwan Copyright Act Article 50 by GET <族群分佈圖>, < 行政院原住民族委員會> < Population distribution >, < Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan.> 2011/09/23 Visited <黥面女>,Flickr : Fat Joe's < A woman with facial tattoos >Flickr : Fat Joe's 2011/10/12 <口簧琴>,flickr : factory9 < jew’s harps >,flickr factory9