Section Ⅲ Using Language. 课时解读 —— 课标考纲解读 —— 1 . Reading 部分主要介绍了当今世界各国、各地所说的英语都有自己 的特色,即便是在美国东西部、南北部,说话也均有所不同。学生读 完文章后可讨论中国的方言,使他们感受到本国语言文化的差异,有 助于培养跨文化意识。


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Presentation transcript:

Section Ⅲ Using Language


—— 课标考纲解读 —— 1 . Reading 部分主要介绍了当今世界各国、各地所说的英语都有自己 的特色,即便是在美国东西部、南北部,说话也均有所不同。学生读 完文章后可讨论中国的方言,使他们感受到本国语言文化的差异,有 助于培养跨文化意识。 2 . Listening 部分取材于一个美国男孩的独白录音,他来自美国南部得 克萨斯州的休斯敦市,因此带有浓重的南方口音。

3 . Reading and speaking 部分主要是让学生通过对话练习再次感悟和 体验英国英语和美国英语的差异,然后还要求学生进行角色表演,以 灵活生动的对话形式帮助学生熟练掌握如何运用直接引语和间接引语 表达请求。 4 . Writing 部分要求学生根据所给的示范写一份海报,说明 “ 我们为什 么应该学习英语 ” 。 5 .重要词汇: play a part (in), recognize, straight 。

—— 状元学习方案 —— 1 .本部分的读和听在主题内容上有一定的联系,因此应将阅读作为完 成听的任务的基础。 2 .在理解文章大意时应注意几个关键词汇的含义,如 dialect, standard, geography, recognize, play a part 等。 3 .听力课文的内容不难,难点在于对听力的语音理解。注意比较语音、 语调及表达方式。 4 .注意学会海报的写作格式。


1 . ________ n. 词语;表示;表达 →________ v t. 2 . ________ adj. 中西部的;有中西部特性的 3 . ________ adj. 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语言的 →________ n. 4 . ________ adj. 西班牙 ( 人 ) 的;西班牙语的 n. 西班牙人;西班牙语 5 . ________ adj. 东方的;东部的 →________ adj. 东南方的;来自东南 的 →________ adj. 西北方的;来自西北的 6 . ________ v t. 辨认出;承认;公认 7 . ________ n. 〈英〉卡车 →________ n .〈美〉卡车 8 . ________ n .口音;腔调;重音 9 . ________ n. 闪电

10 . ________ ad v. 直接;挺直 adj. 直的;笔直的;正直的 11 . ________ n. 街区;块;木块;石块 12 . ________ n. 出租车 13 . ________ 扮演一个角色;参与 答案 1 . expression, express 2.midwestern 3.African, Africa 4.Spanish 5.eastern, southeastern, northwestern 6.recognize 7.lorry, truck 8.accent 9.lightning 10.straight 11.block a part (in)


1 . Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.(P13) 信 不信由你, ( 世界上 ) 没有什么标准英语。 注解:形容词 such 常用于 “ such a(n)( +形容词 ) +单数名词 ” 或 “ such( + 形容词 ) +复数 / 不可数名词 ” 结构。 such 前面可加表示数量的词语,如 many, no 等。由于 no 作形容词时, 相当于 not a 或 not any, 所以当它置于单数名词前时,名词前无需加冠 词。 There is no such person in this office. 本办公室没有这个人。 Did you have to buy such an expensive coat? 你非要买这么贵的大衣吗? Such behavior is not acceptable in our school. 此类行为在我们学校是不可接受的。

2 . Geography also plays a part in making dialects. (P13) 地域对方言的 产生也有一定的影响。 play a part (in) 扮演一个角色;参与 Can't you see she is eager to play a part in the new film? 难道你看不出她渴望在这部新电影中扮演一个角色吗? She plays an active part in local politics. 她积极参与地方政治活动。 [ 发散思维 ]play a role in 在 …… 中扮演角色;在 …… 中起作用

3 . Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize and understand each other's dialects. (P13) 虽然许多美国人经常搬迁,但是 他们仍然能辨别和理解彼此的方言。 recognize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认 I recognized him as soon as he came in the room. 他一进屋我就认出了他。 The book is now recognized as a classic. 这本书现在是一部公认的经典著作。 The US has not recognized the Cuban government since 1961 。 自从 1961 年以来,美国一直不承认古巴政府。

[ 常用搭配 ]recognize... by/from 通过 …… 认出 / 辨别出 …… recognize... as... 把 …… 当做 …… ;承认 …… 为 …… It is recognized that... 人们意识到 ……

4 . Well, go round the corner on your left ­ hand side, straight on and cross two streets. (P15) 嗯,经过你左边的那个路口,一直朝前走,穿 过两条街道。 straight adv. 直接;挺直 adj. 直的;笔直的;正直的 Come straight home after school. 放学后直接回家。 Keep straight on for two miles. 一直向前走两英里。 Anne loved Rome with its open spaces and long straight avenues. 安妮喜欢罗马开阔的空地和笔直的长街。

注解: straight 本身就可以作副词, straightly 不是它的副词形式。 [ 常用搭配 ]straight away 立刻地;毫不犹豫地 straight out 坦率地;露骨地

5 .在我们的日常交流中,经常会碰到听不懂或听不清别人所说的话的 情况,做出该类反应时常用的句子有: Pardon? 请再说一遍好吗? I beg your pardon? 请再说一遍好吗? I don't understand. 我不明白。 Sorry, I can't follow you. 对不起,我没听明白。 Can you say that again? 你能再说一遍吗? What do you mean by...?

你说 …… 是什么意思? Could you speak more slowly please? 你能说得再慢一些吗? Could you repeat that please? 你能再重复一遍吗?


如果直接引语是表示命令、请求、劝告的祈使句,其间接引语的变化如 下表: 规则说明例句 若直接引语是表示命令、请求、劝告 的祈使句,变为间接引语须用复合宾 语形式,即 “ 动词+宾语+不定式 ” 结 构。引述动词可根据语气强弱选用 beg , request , advise , ask , tell , order 等。 若祈使句是否定句,则须在不定式符 号 to 前加 not 。 “Listen carefully , children , ”he said.→He asked the children to listen carefully. 他让孩子们认真听。 She said , “Don't smoke in the office.”→She told me not to smoke in the office. 她告诉我不要在办公室吸烟。 若直接引语是表示建议的祈使句或疑 问句,变间接引语时通常变为 “suggest +宾语从句 / 动名词 ” 。 Tom said , “Let's go to the theatre tonight.”→Tom suggested that we should go to the theatre that night( = Tom suggested our going to the theatre that night) .那天晚上汤姆建 议我们去剧院。

规则说明例句 以下几点要注意: a) 引述动词不能用 say 。 b) 祈使句中的 please 在间接引语 中必须去掉。 c) 人称代词、指示代词、时间 和地点状语等也要相应改变。 The old man said to me , “Please lock the door for me.”→ 〔误〕 The old man asked me to please lock the door for him. 〔正〕 The old man asked me to lock the door for him. 老人让我为他 锁上门。


详解 本单元的写作重点是海报。海报和通知同属于应用文范畴。 书面通知和海报 1 .格式要求 1) 要有标题: NOTICE , ANNOUNCEMENT 或 POSTER 。 2) 单位名称:写在最上方或正文下方右侧。 3) 通知日期:写在左下角或省略。 注意美国习惯为 May 15(th),2007 ;英国习惯为 15(th) May,2007 。

4) 通知人称:发受双方多用第三人称或依据题目要求。 5) 语言文体:多用书面语。 也可用一些常见符号 ( 特别是海报中 ) ,如: &(and) , $(dollar) 等。 2 .基本要点 力求简明扼要,抓住五个要点: 1) 什么时间 2) 什么地点 3) 有何事情 4) 谁来参加 5) 注意事项

口头通知 其常用套式如下: 1 . Salutation( 称呼 ) 如: Ladies and gentlemen , Boys and girls , Comrades 等。

注意: 1) 称呼语一律顶格写。 2) 美国人在称呼后用冒号,英国人则用逗号。 2 . Getting silence ( 提醒注意 ) May I have your attention , please? Attention please , everyone! Be quiet , please! Please stop talking. 3 . Beginning an announcement ( 开头 ) I have an announcement to make. I have good news for you all. I have something important to tell you. There's been a change in our time schedule ( 表 ) this week.

4 . Body( 正文 ) 1) 发通知单位可在正文中提及,也可不说; 2) 发通知时间不必说; 3) 可用口语体或缩略式; 4) 多用将来时态或表示将来的时态或形式。 5 . Ending an announcement ( 结尾 ) That's all.Thank you. Thank you (for your attention) . Don't forget , will you? Everyone is welcome. Don't be late , please. Please be there on time.


教材练习答案及听力原文 COMPREHENDING Answer key for Exercise 1 : 2 . T 5.T 6.T 1 . F (because after the 17th century , more people began to speak English as a result of England conquering other parts of the world) 3 . F (because languages don't change often but only when peoples come into close contact) 4 . F (because the government has to use the language of the country that rules it)

Answer key for Exercise 2 : ● During the 5th century AD : English was based more on German. ● Between about AD 800 and 1150 : English was influenced by Danish and French invaders. ● By the 1600s : Shakespeare used a wider vocabulary than ever before. ● 1620 : British settlers moved to America in the “ Mayflower ” . ● From the 18th century : British colonized Australia. ● 1765 — 1947 : English spoken in India. ● By the 19th century : dictionaries standardized the spelling of English.

Answer key for Exercise 3 : For question 1 : Students' answer may vary.They may include any of these reasons : to use computers and the internet , to trade , to learn in Western universities , to read academic journals etc. For question 2 : Students' answers may vary.They may include any of these reasons : as a result of China's growing economic power , as a result of China's growing influence in the UN , to trade with China , to move some branches of Western companies into China.

LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE Discovering useful words and expressions Answer key for Exercise 1 : 1 . B 2.G 3.C 4.F 5.A 6.E 7.D 8.H Answer key for Exercise 2 : fluently , native , vocabulary , apartment , elevator Answer key for Exercise 3 : come up , At present , Because of , such as , make use of

Answer key for Exercise 4 : AnswerBritishAmerican 3.past/afterpastafter 5.from/thanfromthan

Discovering useful structures Answer key for Exercise 2 : CommandsRequests Correct your spelling mistakes Go and... ! Do that now! Go and buy some more petrol! Say that again! Hold that elevator! Take the dog for a walk ! How do you spell that please? Would you do that more slowly? Please... Would you please...? Could you repeat that sentence? Would you please speak more slowly? Can I sit here and wait for the doctor ?

Answer key for Exercise 3 : 1 . The children asked their teacher to sing a song for them.(request) 2 . The mother told her child to turn off the radio.(command) 3 . The dentist asked his/her patient to open his/her mouth so that he/she could see the bad tooth clearly.(request) 4 . The secretary asked the woman on the phone to hold on for a minute or two.(request) 5 . John asked his classmate if he could borrow his pen.(request) 6 . The teacher told his/her student to come up to his/her office.(command)

USING LANGUAGE Listening LISTENING TEXT Part 1 Hey , y'all , this here is Buford.I come from a big oil town in Texas.Now , y'all need to understand that we ain't really a state , but a whole ‘ nother country.Now let me tell ya a story ‘ bout when I was just a pup.One hot summer's day I was swimmin'with my cousins Little Lester and Big Billy Bob.We was jumpin'in the water and feelin'good.Then along comes this catfish ‘ bout the size of a house.Well , alright , maybe a little smaller than that.

Little Lester starts to thinkin' it's goin' to eat him sure ‘ nough.Man , you shoulda seen him ! He got outta the water fast as lightning and climbed up a tree.Big Billy Bob and I just laughed and laughed.To this day , Lester won't go near that place.

Part 2 Hello , everyone , I am Buford's teacher , Jane , from Britain.Perhaps you didn't quite understand everything Buford said.He said that he lives in Houston , a city in Texas.He wants everyone to know that he doesn't believe Texas is a state in the USA but a different country.Buford says that he would like to tell you a story about him when he was a small child.One hot summer's day he was swimming with Big Billy Bob and Lester.They were jumping into the water , which felt good.Then he says that they saw a catfish almost the size of a house but , he adds , that the catfish was really smaller.

Buford says that Lester thought he was going to be eaten by the catfish.He says , goodness , you should have seen Lester ! He says that Lester got out of the water faster than lightning and climbed up a tree.Buford and Big Billy Bob just laughed a lot.To this day , he says , Lester won't visit that place.

Answer key for Exercise 3 : The right sequence for the story is : 1 . Buford , Billy Bob and Lester went swimming. 2 . Lester saw a catfish. 3 . Lester thought the catfish would eat him. 4 . Lester climbed a tree. 5 . Buford and Billy Bob laughed. 6 . Now Lester is too afraid to visit the place.

Suggested answers for Exercise 4 : 1 . He believes it's almost a different country from the USA.The listening text tells us. 2 . The boys thought that the catfish was almost the size of a house. 3 . He thought the catfish would eat him. 4 . They laughed because Lester believed the catfish would hurt him. Reading and speaking

Answer key for Exercise 1 : Amy(American) Lady(British) subway underground left left ­ hand side keep going straight go straight on two blocks two streets right right ­ hand side Writing Sample poster : WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT TO LEARN ENGLISH?

Reason for learning English : ※ World trade is done in English ; ※ International organizations (such as the UN) use English ; ※ We need contact with the developed Western world to build our country ; ※ Many developing countries also use English in their dealings. ※ Most businessmen do not have time to learn new languages every time they enter a new international market. So China's future lies in learning English to a certain extent.

练习册答案及听力原文 LISTENING LISTENING TEXT S 1 : I live in South Asia.My country is thousands of years old and now has more than a billion people.Unlike many other countries , our people speak a lot of languages.So we use English , which we got from British rulers hundreds of years ago.Of course , we have our own way of using English.

S 2 : Well , I live on a huge green island in western Europe.Hundreds of years ago , my people spoke a very different language from English.Then the British rulers came.Now the old language is spoken in only a few villages in the western part of my country. S 3 : My country has more than islands.Some of them are very large but most of them are quite small.Hundreds of years ago , the Spanish rulers changed the way we live.Much later , the American rulers taught their own kind of English in our schools.Nowadays , we speak a kind of English that borrows words from American English but is mostly our own.

S 4 : My country is very small.In fact , it's really a city.It is in southeast Asia and is very rich.People come from all over Asia to do business here.Today , you can hear our kind of English spoken everywhere in the city and on many ships that come here.

USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS Answer key for Exercise 1 :

Answer key for Exercise 2 : 1 . elevator (the only word that does not refer to a person) 2 . modern (the others are all points of the compass) 3 . lorry (the only one in which “ y ” is not a real suffix ; the only noun while the others are adjectives) 4 . impolite (the only one in which the prefix “ im ” gives the root word a negative meaning) 5 . July (the only one where “ ly ” is not a real suffix) 6 . unless (the only one in which “ un ” does not make the root word negative)

7 . afraid (the only one in which “ a ” is not a real prefix) 8 . capital (the only one in which “ al ” is not a real suffix) Answer key for Exercise 3 : 1 . Visitors are requested not to take photos in the museum. 2 . Deng Xiaoping played an important part in developing the economy in China. 3 . The reporter asked the writer who he based his characters on.

4 . “ I'll be wearing a long red coat so you'll be sure to recognize me , ” she said. 5 . Go along the road for three blocks and then turn right.You'll see the hospital on your left. 6 . We have a lot of work to do , so we have to make good use of time. 7 . He went straight to New York , without stopping in Hong Kong. 8 . Rains are frequent in this city in early summer. USING STRUCTURES

Suggested answers to Exercise 2 : 1 . R 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.R 6.R

READING TASK Suggested answer : Notes on James Murray's life Country born in Scotland Education no formal education ; taught himself while working Job worked in a bank before beginning to compile the OED Most important task compiling the first edition of the OED

Its difficulties : 1.worked in a shed in his garden and behind his house 2.very cold as it was one metre underground heating ; he had to wear a coat and put his feet in a box to keep warm electric light : he worked at night with candles Qualities needed : 1.commitment 2.perseverance 3.accuracy

Who worked on it at first just James Murray ; later his two daughters ; finished by other editors after his death Date of completion 1928 Other information first edition took forty ­ four years to compile

LISTENING TASK LISTENING TEXT CP = Chen Peng (male) WT = Wang Ting CP : What are you doing this weekend , Wang Ting? WT : I'm going to buy some CDs to improve my English. CP : What ? Are you kidding? WT : No.I often listen to English songs and learn them.It's an easy way to learn some idiomatic English expressions.Sometimes I watch films too.

CP : No , not me ! I used to watch English films but I can't understand them without the Chinese subtitles.I think English is too hard. WT : You give up too easily.Why not watch CCTV 9 or listen to songs like me? CP : I sometimes do that.I like watching the news and the interviews on CCTV 9.They often have Chinese people talking and they give subtitles in English to explain what they are saying.I find that very useful. WT : Yes , that's a good way to practise your understanding of English.Why don't you also listen to the native speakers and improve your listening skills?

CP : Yes , I think I'll do that more regularly.My teacher always says that “ little and often ” is the way to learn.She'll be proud of me! WT : I'm sure she will. Answer key for Exercise 2 : Wang Ting and Chen Peng are discussing how they improve their English listening outside class.

Answer key for Exercise 3 : 1 . Wang Ting is going to buy some CDs to improve her English. 2 . She likes to listen to English songs to learn idiomatic English expressions. 3 . No , he used to watch English films.He doesn't watch them now as he thinks they are too hard without Chinese subtitles. 4 . He likes listening to Chinese people and reading the English subtitles. 5 . She asks him to listen to native speakers more often.

6 . The teacher asks him to learn “ little and often ” . She means that he should do a little extra listening every day to make the best improvement. Answer key for Exercise 4 : 1 . Listening to English songs is an easy way to learn some idiomatic expressions. 2 . Watching the news and the interviews on CCTV 9 is a good way to practise your understanding of English. 3 . Listening to the native speakers can improve your listening skills.

PROJECT Answer key for Exercise 1 : 1 . A code is useful for people to communicate secrets.It was used in the Second World War when the Germans and the Americans tried to send messages to their soldiers. 2 . It can help you to organize your army better so that everybody in the army knows what is happening.You can send your plans to your army using a code. 3 . If your enemy break your code , they will know what your plans are.This will hlep them prepare in the fight against you.It can make you lose a war.